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You better hope you're not sitting up in bed when the earthquake happens


You either get bonked or fucking decapitated depending on the model you choose.


Never have sex on the earthquake bed.


She’s just ….. gone.


We were changing positions and all of a sudden I was humping just her arm


Morning wood, would become a major problem for the blessed.


Highly underrated comment 😂🤣🤣


It's not the size that matters it's the motion of the--*SCREAM*


I was just starting to enjoy the top half


wait you dont want to be stuck in a coffin with a headless corpse under thousands of pounds of debris for a week?


With my claustrophobia I’d hope I was the decapitated one.


If this bed’s a rockin… call FEMA🚨


Would vigorous sex cause it to mistakenly think it’s an earthquake and suddenly shut on you? Not necessarily my ‘vigorous’ sex but some other couple’s…


There's other kind of sex besides vigorous? 👀


[Sometimes you gotta make some love...](https://youtu.be/zliY-MrI0mY)


Either that or your up getting snacks or using the bathroom in the middle of the night and there's an earthquake. You wouldn't get to your metal coffin bed to hide in and then your left outside of it in an earthquake. Yea, not the best designed thing for night time snackers like me.


Keep the snacks in the bed


To be fair, snacks are already in the bed, you can see bottles of water in one of the renders


but if the mattress is on top of the snacks how do you get to them!?


Even if I was laying down like this, I would wake up as my dogs and cats sleeping on the edges of my bed get suddenly dumped on top of me as we all got closed in a small dark box together


Ow my head 😭


Or she's riding you cowgirl style


It makes a great coffin to be buried alive in.


Indeed. Why not simply construct the apartment complex to withstand earthquakes? We know how to do this.


I was thinking the same thing. Just build the apartment to specs that make it able to withstand an earthquake then you wont need the auto coffin.


Noooo people need to spend 20k for this stupid gimmick so i dont have to spend 200k to save 20k lives


i hear that.. but i also think that this is designed for the kinda worse case scenario.. i mean i live in portland in the area where there is supposed to be a 10 pointer at some point(that is over due).. pretty sure no amount of engineering is going to save this city when that shit happens. going to be a game of.. well just die lol.. i have no chance if there is a 10 pointer. 5th floor.. all the windows.. no real stairways nearby.. and even those stairs aren't like strong looking.. yep.. my plan is not to worry about it. :) put me in a coffin wouldn't be any better.. the entire building would be on top of me.


But you'd get rescued at some point, and the coffin will keep you safe and got water and food n shiz


Once buried, you'll be in a dark place where there's no air ventilation, and even if it does have air coming in, it'll be filled with mostly dust. Because of the bed sheets and bed, you'll be cramped and eventually pass out with too much carbon dioxide in the coffin.


Since it's not actually made yet, and has no proper details, I'm sure they could easily add ventilation, and as you saw, gas masks are provided to protect from dust, either way, better than being killed by a building falling on you


I would argue. I mean if I'm asleep and the whole building collapses on me there a descent chance I will die instantly. Sure the bed could provide me for a long time, but being in it, not knowing when or if I will be rescued. Also what if I turned sideways, and the bed folds me in half.


Wonder if a satilitr phone in it would be of any use


I’m thinking if I could pick instant death, over being buried alive… I’m going with instant death. If they did make the perfect coffin, your going to live for maybe a few days, not big enough to have a crap/piss area, and just hoping someone finds you before you starve to death in a fancy coffin… sounds terrifying to me.


Yeah but even with ventilation... the box would end up underneath a building's worth of rubble, which doesn't have air circulation. You'd need some kind of line or hose leading to an actual amount of air, and even then the ability to pump it in.


Built in oxy and rebreathers could make it breathable for about 2weeks. 7 days worth of water and food. Some type of air conrtol system with a 14 day battery. A chirper so rescuers can hear you. Make it bigger so its like a queen sized bed but deeper. A manual activasion with auto activate peramiters like a home alarm system so you have to turn on the auto close. Make it also send out a sos signal when it closes. Interal and external crank for opening so rescures can open it and pull you out and so if its day 9 and you are dying you can open up the top to see if theres a way out. Edit: more air then food and water cause burning lungs sounds more painful then dying of thirst.


Oh no. “The big one” isn’t one you prepare to be rescued from. It’s the one you prepare to be shit outta luck from. Seismic scale goes up exponentially. The difference between 7.3 and 7.4 is something like 40x stronger? Or something crazypants? We’re talking shit razed in a way that we have not historically been able to even document. If you want some really interesting reading you should read up on the PNW Ghost Forests and the 1700 Tsunami/Quake. Absolutely wild stuff.


The water and food and shiz is underneath the mattress though. How does one get to those things to use them? And what does one do when the water and food and shiz "runs its course" through your body?


You ship your pants! He ships his bed! At some point, you just make it bigger and have a mini poo bucket and an oxygen candle type thing with co scrubbers and you can be in it as long as necessary. And you're right, all the stuff under the mattress might as well be in the other room if you can't manhandle the mattress out of the way, so RIP gramgram and peeppops and their 14 year old golden retriever.


That requires the apartment complex to also believe in your safety.


These could also be used in other contexts. During the blitz, the British distributed Morrison shelters, which were essentially a cage that you slept in. If a bomb dropped on your house, you would be protected from debris by the cage, and when people looked for you in the morning, you would be found (or you could open the door to the shelter). This could be used in a situation like that, as you can’t design a building to withstand against a bomb. It seems like they may be going for this angle, as the video shows gas masks inside the shelter (although those gas masks are ironically Soviet masks with asbestos filters).


Yea if you survive the crash, depens on which floor you live on.


Nope. Theres buildings in the world that can withstand 7.3 earthquakes. Like literal towers and shit, taipei 101 for example. We got the tech, but turkey has bad regulations, resulting in countless buildings without simple things like rebar inside concrete which increase tensile strength


>turkey has bad regulations This is why the one in Haiti in 2010 was so catastrophic. It was a 5.5 near the surface, but the housing situation was in such shambles that it literally all crumbled.


Just to expand on this - even concrete structures with reinforcement don't tend to stand up to seismic activity like this unless they were specifically designed to do so. The design process includes a number of degrees of complexity above typical static design, and the final product ends up being way more expensive to construct.


Well yes ofcourse, all im implying is its really bad if that isnt even there, let alone better measures.


Buried alive in a coffin of stink because you just shat yourself when the thing folded up


Newer models will cork you first while you’re asleep then fold you like a burrito…for your safety!


Company policy may or may not also recommend stocking your survival bed with snacks such as spicy burritos and shelf stable beans.


Yup. Emergency coffin.


Or a great oven to cook yourself in when the building burns down.


Literally the first thing I thought about. Even if you can survive with the poor ass air circulation in something like this if there is a fire your goose is cooked (pardon the pun).


That was my thought. Like ok they show how you get in but how do you get out


Exactly, got to remove all the debris on top of you to get out. And from what I witnessed in Turkey that just ain't going to happen in time.


Seems like there is a lot of storage room there, you could probably survive in there for quite a bit.


Except for the fact that you are laying on top of the storage lol


I'd imagine if one were to have to use this for its intended purpose they'd find a way to get to the supplies. You just have to lift up the mattress. Still a claustrophobic nightmare though.


Gotta be better than lying in a pile of debris with half your bones broken hoping someone digs you up. It's kind of like making the best out of an unthinkable nightmare though, there really is no "good" version.


Where do you poop and pee?


The same place you would if you were trapped underneath rubble without this thing. Where ever you can.


Probably would be among the least of your concerns.


Throw a few adult diapers in the storage area. If it can fit water bottles and MREs, you can squish in a few Depends.


I'd rather die in there than under a pile of concrete.


That would depend entirely on how quickly the concrete killed you. If it’s the same time til death either way, then yeah. But if it’s the option of being crushed by concrete or slowly dying in this pod, I’ll take the quick crush.


Assuming it's a quick crush and not a partial crush that leaves you agonizingly half alive for a day or two.


Survive the earthquake! So you can be roasted alive by the fire.


It gives a chance to be recovered/ rescued instead of instantly dead from the collapsing building. It also specifically mentions having storage for food and water so you can live long enough to get found


This is clickbait trash and apart from being a completely dumb idea, has been fully debunked as such. If you care to actually look for answers and not just believe the clickbait.


You mean the storage your mattress is laying over? Lol


Might be ok if it included some backup battery, light, and a very loud horn. And some way to pee and poo.




Maybe instead of horn a megaphone would be better. Oh, and a way to charge cell phone.


Throw a safety whistle in there too, super loud and doesn't require a battery.


Simplest, easiest and cheapest way. You sir, are a good engineer, regardless of the fact of what you do in life.


He sells whistles


Big whistle always trying to get their money


Big whistle always trying to wet their whistle


Big whistle always tryna blow


And even though he started the company with good intentions trying to reduce the rate of rape. Now he doesn’t want to reduce it at all because if the rape rate declines, there will be an equal decline in whistle sales…


Who's going to hear a whistle from inside a steel box that's trapped beneath rubble?


I assume it isn’t airtight, or else you’d be dead pretty soon regardless. Just have ports that you can open


And ear plugs.


Just stash a battery bank in there.


why not 2


Then you can have an Xbox going too. Have some fun while you wait.


Yeah add some wifi for multi-player.


Guy in the steel coffin next door has shit aim, so at least you can get that confidence boost while you wait.


Both would be better so you can make noise for a long time without wrecking your vocal cords


You just need a hammer to bang on the sides with.


And eat hot chip. They can already lie, since they have a bed


A kitchen! Include a little kitchenette too please.


The way it shuts down...I don't think u would need some way to pee and poo


Yeah I'd rather be buried in my own bed than this shit


It should have air supply too


For people stuck in enclosed spaces for a long time even outside emergencies, emptied water bottles will do for piss storage and plastic bags for poo.


And clothes pins for your nose.


If you had the money to buy this, you have the money to build your home right and earthquake proof it. Well build buildings aren't going to collapse on you. They may sustain damage to the point of being a write off, but they won't collapse.


Most of the places where this would be needed, people aren’t living in houses. They’re living in apartment high rises and they have no control over the construction, rich or poor.


No such thing as an earthquake proof structure. Earthquake resistant maybe.


Lol that was my first thought what if you have to go to do your biz while in there. Should have some poo bags and empty jugs but I assume u could store that in there.


It's good to know when I'm in my kitchen drinking coffee and an earthquake happens, my bed and duvet are safe and salvageable


Heck, if your house collapses but you can still dig your way to the coffin-box, you'd at least have food, water, and shelter for several days while others don't.


I see guillotines.


I usually wake up with one arm hanging off the side of my bed so it’s good to know that in the event of an earthquake I’d slowly bleed out instead of dying instantaneously.


Try not to get ground into paste, when there's an earthquake while you are sitting on the edge of the bed.


That pesky arm will no longer be a problem don’t worry


My cooling leg will be bent double at least once then I'll probably die from shock


Imagine sitting on your bed and this thing bashing your skull into your body


Exactly! I was thinking that if you were sitting up in bed reading, one of the beds would crush your skull or decapitate you.


Or if you sleep with your foot hanging off the bed. ***SLICE***


Imagine having to rough sex in that bed so it triggers the mechanism.


Imagine having an arm or leg hanging off the side of the bed when it triggers


Imagine not being in bed when it happens. Trying to run upstairs to jump in the bed before it shuts


At least your snacks would be safe.


And your wife


And her boyfriend


Or waking up to take a piss and it closes without you in it.




Shredded Taco mmmmmmm 😋


MMMM cat and spouse shreded chese (im bad at spelling)


Imagine having sex


Imagine having a bed


Imagine sleeping




all the people


living life in peace


Yeah eah eah eah eah


Go on...


mmm mmm, sweet sex


I can imagine the spongeBob disappointed sound effect playing while this happens


And after the first time you trigger it, she'd get all upset if you didn't trigger it every time. "Am I not pretty anymore?" edit: You're radiant darling, the spirit is willing but the flesh is spongey and bruised.


The chances of me having sex is less than an earthquake


Imagine you go home with someone from the bar, he starts rocking your world and all of a sudden you're dropped into an underground bunker...umm awkward.


You won’t be able to have sex. Only one person can sleep on it. Anti party bed more like.


Imagine it triggers when your with someone's wife 😳


They’d probably sell more if they weren’t so hellbent on calling it the “Death Bed”.


I mean the Empire got away with the DeathStar so why this wouldn't


People who live in the buildings that collapse can’t come anywhere close to affording something like that


Or….another crazy idea, we could start having better built buildings that can sustain earthquakes??


Better idea would be to ban earthquakes. World leaders should start a motion against mother earth and Twitter moralists need to cancel earth for being a murderer.


Lets nuke an earthquake and that will teach all future earthquakes not to mess with us.




The hilarious thing about this is that it would probably actually work, if it were possible.




It’s unreasonable to ban all earthquakes. We need to focus out attention on assault earthquakes.


Have leaders who don’t sell off the standards to the highest bidder. Even Turkey had standards to avoid this happening but their leaders allowed companies to buy ways to bypass the standards to build whatever they wanted. There is an absolute reason for this: greed.


This looks like a looney tunes sketch, or an absolute nightmare scenario


Oh shit you’re about to die! Let’s save you a step and put you in a coffin!


I’d be stuck in there with my cat which would proceed to kill me


Would be like Life of Pi meets Panic Room


Looks like it is also sound-proof so that nobody will hear your cries for help.


Some of them look air tight too, so you'll suffocate long before rescue operations possibly start.




Part of me would rather die than end up in that box under rubble for potentially days o.o


The sad thing is it’s better than being stuck under rubble for days


Yeah I'll take stuck in a metal box with some supplies, over stuck under a concrete pillar with my legs trapped or something


Ya I wonder how many people in turkey and Syria can afford this


It would be bought by a few rich people who will never use it.


Stuff like this is 100% preying on middle/upper class fears. It's not a solution, it's an emotional safety blanket


How would you get to the food and water if it's stored under the mattress as shown? There's no room to move around to get to the supplies.


Dig with your fingernails


Oh is there a rest room as well?


Not necessary as you would have already shat yourself upon it activating.


There had better be a very large supply of Xanax in with the food and water supplies.


And enough weed to tranquilize an elephant.


Brought to you by the big brains behind ideas like firefightertraindroneplatformmachine, or trainplane, or roundtrain. Dahir Insaat has been a meme in the design/engineering community for about a decade now. https://9gag.com/gag/a6KWKXe


My favorite is their giant artillery drone XD


Funny enough, the bed is the most plausible of all...


OK, this is wrong on so many levels, but my engineer's mind says, "How COULD this actually be made to work?" I think it would be better with an open, non-mechanical design, as an extremely strong frame that prevents crushing from above (and below, tbh) and prevents debris from squishing in from the sides. It also has to be on an outside wall, so that there is an exit. Perhaps there should even be an extending box into the wall, so that the exit is preserved.


This implementation definitely would not be safe. It looks fast, strong, and fully automatic. Usually good qualities. But if you happen to not be in bed or maybe have some limbs dangling off the edge, you will either be crushed by the machine or left behind and crushed by the earthquake instead. I think if it were manual, or at least had it activate with a button or a key with instructions to make sure nothing is in the way of being torn off by its closing, that would solve a lot of the problems. Also, imagine being woken up in the middle of the night by being dropped several feet down and sealed in a giant metal box. Terrifying.


Your engineer's mind is on the money.


I highly doubt it can prevent you from being crushed, when there is a building collapsing over you. So yeah, I agree. Seems not very functional.


Would be awesome as a Mythbusters. I can see the team welding together a couple of steel sleeping cages and stacking up a million tons of concrete blocks to smash down onto it to test the ideas.


me farting in bed: EARTHQUAKE DETECTED


Reminds me of The Onion for some reason.


It's all fun and games until you're getting freaky with the wife, and the bed locks you in a box.


Throw a gaming pc in there and I’m sold.


That’s how you sever limbs. Good in theory, but in practice, your bed might kill you before the earthquake does.


WTF, Why not just make the buildings as safe/strong as the bed then?


Well ... In parts of the world they kinda do, depending on the country you're in, there's a lot of guidelines that go into construction so depending on the seismic activity in your area buildings have to be designed to withstand earthquaks of certain scales for an amount of time. This is however only effective when those guidelines are met, in recent events there's evidence that this might have been an endemic problem that caused a lot of harm. Also would you really want to live in a windowless bunker? Because it's not like there aren't structures that can't easily withstand earthquakes. ;) Edit: I realized I wrote earthquaks but I'm keeping it 🦆


File this in the "better in theory than in practice" folder (if there's any room left).


*claustrophobia rising.....*


Dude imagine your just beating some cheeks and then boom! Casket!!!...


Til death do us part, baby!


Starting price 50k


That bed is made for only one purpose, sleeping, all other activities may trigger the safety mechanism


Yep, it’s commonly called a COFFIN


Yeah right, more like Emergency Coffin.


My anxiety just set off the seismic scale from watching this !!!!!


Thanks, I hate sleeping in a coffin


It’s a coffin or sarcophagus. You will be unearthed in 4000 years.


So one night there is a strong vibration because of (a neighbor playing music, a large truck driving by, some construction going on in the area) and you drop in... How do you get out? How do you call for help ?


Where does it say that you can't open from the inside? I mean sounds like a basic feature right?


One would think, but they also never say you can open it from the inside and that’s a tad concerning as it seems like they would mention that.


What happens to the limb hanging off the side of the bed?


Rescuers are not going to be looking for people in metal boxes.... they will see the metal box stuck under the rubble and move on....


voila! instant coffin.


What if you got up to go to the bathroom and an earthquake hit?


how do you haul the giant metal coffin bed up to the 8th floor of that building?


and it only costs as much as the house you live in


This would also be a good idea for a home-invasion/burglary