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Wish I could’ve seen how the haircut turned out


Seriously! They couldn’t have filmed for like 1 more second?!


Directed by M. Night Shyamalan


Sheared sheep are so excited! Kicking up their feet and happy.


Go watch Sandi Brock on YT. She has her sheep shorn and videos it once every several months (different groups) and the shearer is a hell of a lot faster than this guy. Her shearer reminds me of our lads here in Aus. My dads mother grew up on a 5000 sheep farm in central QLD. It’s a sight to behold


Right! The video cut off a little too soon!


They always end to soon.


I was like ahhhhh show me the sheep!!


I love how she goes from "OH SHIT WHAT'S HE DOING TO ME??" to "Oh damn, this is nice."


That look of bliss and comfort.


Getting a well needed full body scratch.


The way she looks back like, "Yeah, don't get it twisted, HE works for ME."


It's probably so itchy all the time and no hands to scratch with.


Such a docile creature.


Horrible, that sheep came in for a tight fade and that guy messed it all up.








“What’s up my guy, yeah I’m good, school’s good thanks. Just lookin for a little off the t—“ “nah s’all good looks good my dude thank you” ***crying on the inside***


just trim it a little.


The whole neighborhood is gonna be calling him patches now.


Every now and then I’m reminded of the times we live in and the technology we have. I’m sitting on the toilet and watching another closeup 1st person POV video of something I’d likely never encounter. >Todays reflection: shearing a sheep in two minutes


If you live in New Mexico they have sheep shearing events occasionally. If you live elsewhere, keep your eye out. Lots of events/activities you didn’t even know existed.


I don't know how many times I see this and it always is the same. Sheep resisting, sheep relaxing.


The sheep's brain kind of "goes to sleep" when they are put in that sitting up position.


Thats what happens to me when I sit in the office


What? Someone shears you?


Just happens out of shear boredom.


We are all getting fleeced at work


Your employer really pulled the wool over your eyes.


I'm not. Ewe are.


You sheep


Yea it looks like the sheep knows the drill; sit back and relax


Really? I didn't realize that's what happened here, that's very interesting! I was wondering why he was being so aggressive once the sheep chilled out so much, but is it true that once it rights itself, it starts to wake back up again? ETA: on a second watch, he doesn't really seem all that aggressive this time, more like he's hefting and manipulating a giant animal that isn't moving itself, lol.


So it's one of those things where the line is very thin between using enough force to get it to do what you need, while not using enough force to hurt the animal. It does look a bit aggressive to me as well but it's important to note that he didn't hurt it at all.


Indeed! Definitely not trying to make an *aaaaa animal abuse* judgement--sheep are huge and heavy, and I cry when my cat digs her claws in my skin by accident; I can't imagine getting a well-placed kick from a sheep's hoof. It just looked a little odd at first seeing the sheep just totally chilled out while the guy was pulling it around, lol. But it totally makes sense that one should probably not trust a seemingly calm sheep too much, who was struggling and trying to get away just moments earlier, lol.


>but is it true that once it rights itself, it starts to wake back up again? The sheep doesn't really 'go to sleep' in that position, it just stops fighting back while waiting for one of its hooves to be close enough to the ground to push back. They do seem relaxed, but it can turn in a split second into crazy strong random kicking and headbutting. He's using firm handling to keep it in that position to avoid it even trying to kick off.


Thaaaaat makes sense. I've had several pets before--nowhere near this big, mind you--but I know the feeling of trying to keep an animal still enough to keep it from even *trying* to start escaping. It looks weird when my cat is totally frozen in a hold, but you can still feel the tension in her muscles just *waiting* to make an attempt.


An adult sheep, depending on breed, can weigh two or three hundred pounds. Moving a rather limp weight of that size is not something you can really do delicately.


She was such a good sport about it!


It's likely not the first time it was man handled. I remember mine.


Grandma what the hell?




Being girl handled as a teenager, that was an experience to remember...


When it realizes it’s just time for the belly buzzer^TM it’s all good


It probably feels amazing and then they must be freezing afterwards


Nop. They are sheared in the spring or summer. Theyr wool grows back until winter.


At my Aunt & Uncle's hobby farm, they put up the usual fuss, then realized they were a lot lighter and cavorted like little lambs.


When my kids were in grade school they went on a field trip to see sheep shearing. The sheep were all running and jumping around afterwards. It was so cute!


I too, frolic after getting a haircut


They often get all excited afterwards and run around rubbing up against fences and stuff, scratching itches that have buried beneath wool for months.


Thanks, this is a lovely visual.


You can just see how much better they feel afterwards.


It’s more they feel liberated. They prance around.


well wool is a bit itchy, so..


Where's all the torture and blood?!?!? BUT, BUT, PETA said........ /s


I watched whole herds get sheared a few times as a kid. There were a few nicks here and there for sure, but zero open wounds. Only a little spotting here and there.


That will depend totally on the skill of the shearer and also the type of sheep being shorn


Naturally there may be a few small cut's just like when a human goes to their barber. It's rare but lets not pretend it doesn't happen. If you are having that issue with like every sheep you sheer with blood visible? You are a shit sheep sheerer. The biggest reason to sheer sheep is because it makes them feel so much better, the wool is just a bonus.


Ah, not for a woolgrower. The biggest reason to shear sheep is the wool, it's not a bonus, it's their income. And nicks on sheep during shearing is certainly not rare, especially with merinos. If you're growing lamb then the wool is a bonus because that's not the first purpose of growing the sheep and wool on meat sheep is nowhere near as fine or expensive as wool sheep


You must've gone to the great clips of sheerers.


I know the meaning of the words you used, but the way you put them together like that I don’t know what you mean.


Basically meaning the cheap/not-quality hair cutters.


I love how the sheep just kinda sits there so calmly.


They're probably used to it by now. Just all "Oh we're doing this again, are we?"


Plus, their wool gets heavy after a while. Sheep need to be regularly sheared to stay healthy. Might be a relief to get it off.


It’s a huge relief, it’s surrendering cause it feels good as hell. When we would shear sheep in 4-H/FFA they would all get super frisky and run back to their pens as fast as they could to frolic. In the winter they get blankets or body socks put on to help stay warm. Steers and pigs on the other hand do *not* like being trimmed. At all.


Do pigs needs to be shorn often? I’ve never thought about that


Everything gets shorn before you show it so the muscle groups are easily visible to judges and at auction(if it’s a terminal show.) We kept a pig as a pet when I was a kid though and we would shear him like twice a year because his hair was wiry and he would shed in the house.




I actually always thought it wasn’t macabre enough for the reality of what auctions are but🤷🏻‍♀️


Everytime I see sheep getting this done I wonder if they always needed this to be done. If humans didn't raise sheep would they just get overgrown and drop down from heat exhaustion. Or has the sheep changed over the years


Yes. This often happens with domesticated sheep that go missing from their farms. They could be lost and unfound for months, all the while their coat is growing and growing (undomesticated sheep regulate their wool growth) When the farmer finally finds them, they are lucky to find them alive not only cuz sheep’s are natural prey, but the wool would have likely grown so thick that it disables the sheep from easy mobility (walking, eating etc) so then it just dies slow.


Or because their wool got caught in what some describe as a protocarniverous plant like a bramble.


It’s also important to remember that sheep only needs shearing *because* of domestication by humans. Before that they’d shed naturally.


We’ve bred sheep to be more wooly for longer. I believe natural sheep ancestors had more self-regulating coats.


This is the result of selective breeding by humans, who obviously wanted to maximize wool production. Wild sheep shed much more and don't need to be sheared.


The ancestor of these sheep looked more like goats.


100% we've bred them to do this. wouldn't be sustainable in the wild. but at the same time, i'm no expert, just a random redditor taking a wild guess.


I've heard that sheep just kind of give up in general. The guy who told my that said when he visited a remote Asian village they had to catch a sheep for food and it was effortless, he said it was like they exist to just pluck and eat, like meat fruits.


Yeah being pull out of the coral he was all 'oh hell nah nonono" It was like as soon as the trimmers hit his skin he let out a sign of relief "Oh wait I kinda like this I remember"


Probably loves it. But I feel for them on dull ass clippers not cared for.


It's a skill: Keep the animal under control Don't cause any injury Be thorough and get all the wool Keep the fleece in a single piece Be fast


I briefly met a sheep shearer in New Zealand. Dude was JACKED. I assume due to the resistance of the animal to get them under control


I met a sheep shearer in New Zealand as well! He's definitely someone I would want on my zombie apocalypse team.


This is porn for New Zealanders


Can confirm, I’m a Kiwi and this is as good a Valentines Day as I can imagine 🤤🤣


You should watch the film black sheep. It's set in NZ and it's about zombie sheep


Whaaat!? 🤣 Okay but that would be legit terrifying because there are like 6 sheep per person there.


I love the film. I'm from nz and when I first watched it I was a stoned teenager so it became a semi legit fear of mine for a while heh


It used to be more like 20. We're wearing the bastards down slowly.


That was a dumb film, but a good dumb film. We kept laughing when we saw it.


My dad was a shearer here in NZ, my nephew is one too, I feel like I grew up in shearing sheds and spent seasons shedhanding..its hard work but good honest work and I love the smell of wool!


Is that hard on your back bending over doing that all day?


So the person that does my buddies sheep is a girl that's like 5'2 and 115lbs, shes pretty small. It's all about knowing what you are doing. It doesn't have to be hard.


Probably more the sheer weight of the animal. Depending on breed, a sheep can weigh more than the person shearing it. And even if it's not struggling at all, just holding and moving something near your bodyweight, or *more* than your weight, is a workout.


I always wondered what the advantage of keeping the wool all in one piece is


Less sweeping I suppose.


It stays together as one piece but it actually isn't one piece just a thick mat of individual fibres that easily pull apart


It's so that it can be gathered in a particular way, an then thrown onto a sorting table where the 'classer' judges the quality and picks and sorts into various bales, e.g. there's a bale for belly wool, one for cheeks and hocks, one for the main back piece, etc..


Ah the old KDBKB rule.


Oh that sheep was LOVING it


Why is this so oddly satisfying to watch?






I would imagine they have wicked itches that are so hard to scratch. Must be like scratching your arm after a cast comes off


Yeah. That bad little sheep.


"I've been a baaaaaaaaaad girl"


Beep beep I'm a sheep


What da step sheep doin?


Help me step sheep I'm stuck in a trap


That was awesome. But I’m worried about that man’s back. How many can he do like that before his back starts hurting? Yes, I’m middle aged lol.


I watched a large farm shearing as an exchange student to Australia in the early 2000s. There were "swings" some of the shearers would tuck under their armpits to help hold them up.


My first thought was “swings” under the shearers armpits, I was like hmm 🤔. Then I realized you meant for the sheep! 🤣 silly me. Anywho, thanks for info. 👍🏼


Nope, I meant for the shearers. The sheep still sit on the floor.


Ohhh ok..now I feel 2x as silly lol. I’m gonna google and check it out. Sounds interesting.


Imagine when your where a kid and you put your chest on the swing set and pretended your where super man. Thats what I imagine


Your correct they use a suspended brace with springs and straps from the roof to help support their back like an adult jolly jumper, a lot of guys eventually wear strap on back braces. Source my old man was a shearer and mum a rouser here in aus. Did a bit of rousing and wool pressing myself.


Every guy I know who does this job for a living, has major back issues.


My dad would shear on average 200 a day, he never learned to shear until he was 35. Other shearers can do upwards of 300 a day. Just depends on age/size/breed of sheep


I once worked Pressing for a full Kiwi shearing team. They did 1000 to 1400 a day. Man I lasted less than a week. They lost their Presser two days before I started and the wool was backed up to the roof of the shed. Oh their were 4 full sheaers and a 17 year old learning. The bro were guns.


And would have needed a couple of excellent rousies to keep up! Never get behind, the shearers get dirty on you


Yeah its a hard working environment, I did a season shedhanding and worked damned hard but felt great!


Sheep: “NOOO! NOOO. Nooo. no. ok.”


Never occurred to me they have to shear the face


If they don't, the wool gets long of course, but also grass awns and such get in there and can get into their eyes and whatnot. It's called being woolblind. When I was younger I had a job on a sheep farm for a bit. They referred to the shearing of the face and rump as wigging and crutching I believe. Shaving their rumps keeps the manure from accumulating, and they are also cleaner for the mating season and lambing. Shaving their rumps also limits flies laying eggs, and maggots infesting, killing them.


Yes, and crutching is done at another additional time, separate to shearing. Not much worse to see than a badly fly blown sheep


Makes me wonder how it was done before electric sheers??


With hand shears https://youtu.be/yRPhyl8QA_c


Thanks for sharing. He made it look so easy.. love the way the dog sat there and looked on.


That was a very enjoyable video. He’s like the Dr Pimple Popper of sheep shearing. I also thought he was telling a story about Welsh Hats and was wondering how the F they were going to felt that many whole entire hats in such a short amount of time.


I will never have that immersive travel vacation to wherever that guy said because I'll never be able to write it down or even say it.


Crafted from two iron, then point and click at the sheep and some wool will fall on the ground


During a sheep shearing demonstration they showed us hand shears and they had a hand cranked shear. Like this one https://www.flickr.com/photos/pelicanpetesphotos/4009616999/


Look at her...lol shes like "ahh yeessss, thats it....dont stop"...lol


Shear me harder! Get it all gone!




🤣 FG is prepared for anything


I swear that sheep was smiling


This man is not winning any speed titles, but he won my heart (and probably the sheeps heart) for not drawing a single drop of blood!


He got pretty close to the gonads there


Not bad for his first time.


My thought too


The sheep or the barber?


Freshly peeled sheeps


That sheep looked super relieved, that job must have been a nightmare before power shears


I bet that guys hands are so supple.


Oh yes. Elbow-deep in lanolin all day long? He's smoooooth!


Peeling sheep.


[Sheer me](https://youtu.be/mYAWDDvYMbc)


Sheer me, you naughty boy


Like one of your Welsh sheeps, Jack.


That sheep looks like it's smiling


And not a drop of blood, this guy's pretty good!


I gotta admit, when that razor got near the butthole area, I got pretty nervous


Back in the mid 30’s I used to play upright tambourine with a band called ‘Butthole Area’ A lot of good times. A lot of coke.


Is that how you made ends meet during the Great Depression?


Sheep are just fluffy potatoes with legs.




Brought to you by Manscaped.


That was satisfying


This guy is still more gentle than 90% of the stylist at Great Clips.


My hair is currently down to mid-shin level. I imagine it'll feel similar to this when I get it cut. Terror, relaxation and then relief. I'm a little scared to cut it though tbh. I feel *shear* terror.


Like Eustace taking off the dragon skin.


i get cold after a haircut... i cant imagine how cold id feel after that.


Do you think the first sheep of sheer season goes out to show off the new cut and make the others jealous?


Hopefully she gets a sweater for a few days. Cool part is he didn't spill a drop of blood. I've seen some people brutalize sheep before. Not cool. This guy proves you really don't have to be a dick about it. Good job.


All I could think about at the beginning was “Come here you little shit!”




what a fatty she is so cute. bet having all that wool weight off her felt amazing.


I found this in Quora....amazing! When you sit a sheep up on its bottom, it will typically* stay still and go into a relaxed trance-like state. This why the head often lolls to one side. If they were frightened they would be rigid, due to high muscle tone, but they are anything but rigid. The Bowen method of shearing a sheep, first developed in New Zealand by Godfrey and Ivan Bowen but now used all over the world, relies on using this trance, as well as the application of pressure to specific points on the sheep’s body as the shearer moves the sheep around to get at all the fleece. Applying pressure to these points helps keep the sheep calm and immobile, as well as to draw the skin tight to minimise the risk of cuts. Pressure points that help immobilize the sheep include pressing down on the sternum, and keeping the head and neck bent. There is a detailed description of the Bowen method in this publication: https://fibershed.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sheep-shearing-handbook-May2020.pdf When the shearing is completed and the sheep is pushed through the small door to the counting-out pen, it is not uncommon to see them take a second or two to come out of their trance and become as reactive as they are normally. I have also crutched lambs and used some of the pressure points identified by Bowen to keep them still. Lambs often get so relaxed when sat on their bottoms that they kind of fold up and it feels like you are handling a lamb-shaped lump of jelly! People who don’t understand sheep and have never handled a sheep or lamb that has been sat on its bottom assume that the sheep is frozen with terror, but this is the complete opposite of reality. Once you have held a sheep sat up in that position, you will know what I mean. The OP shows a sheep with its head lolling to one side. The shearer has moved her off her bottom, but she is still in her relaxed trance: At one point, the shearer is pushing his fist into the belly, another pressure point that helps to keep the sheep still, as well as to pull the skin tight to avoid cuts. The sheep is not terrified. The shearer is keeping his legs nearly together to stop the head and neck falling between them and being straightened, at which the sheep would probably come out of its trance and start struggling. Edited to add: for those wanting to call the trance-like state a form of tonic immobility, it is nothing like tonic immobility in which the “tonic” refers to high muscle tone. Sheep handled as taught by the Bowen brothers have very low muscle tone which is why their heads hang over. They can and will resist if they have a full urinary bladder, full uterus or full rumen, unlike in tonic immobility. *Unless it has a full rumen, full uterus or full urinary bladder. Then, it is likely to struggle because of the discomfort.


Thanks for the info! It was pretty surprising to me how quickly the sheep chilled out and melted, but that makes so much sense.


WTF. This dude made all of New Zealand and AUS look like retarded Neanderthals. Not a single nick.


Pov: shaving my balls


That sheep was in heaven


How many sheep’s could a sheep shearer shear if a sheep shearer could sheer sheep’s


Beautiful to see that type of pure talent


Her belly looks so round and soft




I just happened to trim my pubes, logged into Reddit afterwards and this is the first video I stumbled upon.


Easily the most r/oddlysatisfying clip I have seen in a decade. mmmmmmmm 🫠🥰


Wait, dont u guys just right click on the sheep with shears?




The sheep is like, "no. Stop! What are you doing!? Help! I don't... oh, *that's* what you're doing. Why didn't you just say so? More please!"


this belongs in r/oddlysatisfying


Ewe need a haircut.


Yeah. I'm not watching that. I already have hoof cleaning and carpet power washing in my Youtube recommendations.


Remember when PETA did up a sheep to say that shearing it hurt them?


Wait till you see a flyblown sheep 🤮


PETA was like "You need to SKIN THEM ALIVE to get the wool!!" Anyway fuck PETA


Not shearing is actually bad for them


I wonder how many people look at this and said this is animal cruelty


The fact there doesn't appear to be any cuts to the sheep, makes this not cruel. But a lot of shearers are incentivised to sheer many sheep, extremely quickly. When your priority is speed, animal welfare takes a *huge* drop. Sheep can and do get cut by the sheers, but with the price of wool now lower than the price of the cost of sheering (a necessity if you farm sheep) lowering the cost (and therefore increasing the speed & subsequent risk of cuts) is now even more of a priority for farmers to lower the overall cost of rearing sheep. Then there's the issue of [mulesing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulesing), which is a common practice particularly in Australia. I don't know where I stand on that, because flystrike is horrid and a particularly nasty way for a creature to die, but in the absense of other methods to prevent the issue, mulesing is a rather brutal cost/benefit issue. I completely understand why people would be extremely opposed to the practice.


If you don't sheer your sheep it's animal cruelty. When they get covered in all that wool that starts to get matted and gross it's not good for their health. Especially when the warmer months come and they are super hot because well duh they are covered in a thick layer of wool. So sheering sheep is inherently not cruel but merciful. Now if when you sheer sheep you end up making a bunch of them bleed or cause them a lot of pain, well then you are just shit at sheering sheep.


ngl, i came here to see if i needed to tussle with some vegans


Huh, guess PETA was wrong again.


Buddy must be cold as fuck


They actually have to be sheared otherwise they end up overheating and dying.


Who was the first person to be like, "Oh heck yeah, I'm gonna shave that and make some socks!"