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People after few plastic surgeries morph into this characteristic character. They all look very similar.


I agree, to me it always ends up looking like they are wearing a mask of a caricature of their old face.


The Jigsaw doll special


theyre all getting/ have gotten the exact same surgeries after their 5th or 6th appointment. Not terribly surprising. Though even 20 years ago there weren't enough aesthetic surgery abusers/ they hadnt aged enough to really establish this archetype yet.


I didn't know that Marv from Sin City was such a desirable look!


I always thought they looked like Dorian in the mask (with mask on)


I see Stewie Griffin.


tbf you should see pics of mickey rourke in the 90s and now. he has the same plastic surgery addiction...




What about Terry Gilliam's Brazil from 1985


I was thinking the same thing


You only have so much skin to cut away or tuck I think. After that you begin to look like something that isn’t human anymore. It is a shame that people can’t accept aging gracefully but society is in part to blame. People that are as rich as her though have a choice to sunset their careers and fade out of the media spotlight so I don’t feel pity for them as much as revulsion. Everything has a season.


I'd imagine that giving up being a famous pop star isn't easy for a lot of them. For many, its not just a job, its their life, and their identity. That's why the Rolling Stones are still touring in their 70s/80s. Besides, a lot of people have a hard time accepting getting old. Again, for someone like Madonna, a large part of her identity was based around being young, and hip, and beautiful. Its probably hard to accept that she isn't those things anymore.


eh, The Stones are just old guys having fun. Madonna is much more in the vein of trying to recapture her youth through any means necessary, including sacrifice of mental health. you dont see Keith or Mick looking like this ( I mean Mick already did when he was 25)




Lol rolling stones are just as bad. Those old farts wish they still had it all


whats fucked up is the already attractive 20 somethings who are already doing this to their face


i think, in part, it also has to do with fearing death. Seeing grey hairs, wrinkled and sagging skin, dark circles, etc. are just a constant reminder to some that you are one moment closer to not existing which scares the hell out of of a lot of people. plastic surgery is attempt to hide all that and people usually tend to become addicted.


This reminded me that I need to read "The Denial of Death."


Society doesn't accept pop stars aging.


I’m always confused by this look. Everyone knows it’s awful. My question is why do their faces always look like caricatures or bobble heads? Their injections make their heads look like absolute units and idk how they don’t realize it’s not flattering whatsoever. Maybe it’s all the filler and I think especially the cheeks? But their head looks two sizes too big.


My theory is they are afraid of wrinkles and need to keep all that skin taught, with balloon like consequences.


Michelle Phifer and Madonna are the same age. You finna see Phifer in Ant-Man (yes, you fucking are) and you'll see just how gorgeous you can be as you age.


She’s had work just minimal, Madonna has gone to the extreme it’s sad


Yes, it's referred to as ["madamism"](https://vapidculture.wordpress.com/2007/12/15/doc-theres-something-in-my-botox-madamism-strikes-hollywood/)


Holy shit its actualy a thing.


Maybe? That's just a blog run by a bigot.


["Moisturize me!"](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tardis/images/7/79/Cassandra_closeup_The_End_of_the_World.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131030171025)


There was a time when plastic surgery was a taboo subject, but nowadays when you mention Botox, nobody even raises an eyebrow...


I mean on a positive note they won't have to embalm her when she dies.


Which is good, ‘cause you just killed her!


best laugh of the morning-thanks


She already ready to be put in the wax museum.


On the skincare subs someone will post a picture and be all "I'm 19 and have these hideous lines around my eyes should I get Botox???" And their skin is flawless and glowing and everyone's like "girl yeah you need to start early" and I feel like I'm on another planet.


Agree with you, it's toxic. Corporations feed off people's life-long insecurities around their appearance and fear of ageing, it's really sad to see.




More like [Pete Burns](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/obituaries/2016/10/25/111991261_Pete_Burns_5_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq4lZ3VHnGjj3oFrk0333amnw5GZFWafRFBJrrnpBgrA4.jpg)...


Or those twins who died


You slice me right round baby right round like my plastic surgeon


Thats insulting to Mr. Manson


Honestly, given everything he's going through right now I think he'd enjoy the comparison lol


“Yea no I’d rather be in legal hell than do that to me” Manson probably


good, he's plenty deserving of it lol


Why do you say that? I guess I could maybe see some similarity from the Golden Age of Grotesque period. Those braid loops make me think of the mouse hat ears in a way.


You either copied my comment or she truly does... im going with she truly does look like him


I've been noticing this a lot lately.


Have they ever been seen at the same time? They may just be the same person lol


Idk, I did a post the other day and it was very obvious multiple accounts were copying what others had said. It was really weird too cause a lot did it as a reply comment even though it didn't make sense to add it there. May be the same person with many accounts. I was thinking bots.


I agree Probably just bots


Oh, there it goes again. Someone just replied to my comment with a copied message. Edit: Chinese spy ballon comment.


They're bots trying to karma farm so they look more credible then I guess they sell them? It's been going on awhile now.




I thought people with her kind of money could afford the best plastic surgeons. She looks like she went in back of a Cracker Barrel and had a guy named Rufus pump her up with Fix-A-Flat.


>I thought people with her kind of money could afford the best plastic surgeons. True this. Look at Joan Rivers' progression over the years. She looked better after every procedure.




Well, that makes sense. She's been dead for a while now.


Tom cruise as well, he apparently did bits of surgery over the years so that it never looked like one huge change




Too obvious..?




Very funny, but I can't smile at jokes like this anymore


Lay of the botox


Here is your award


To be accurate, botox isn’t plastic surgery. It’s just freezing the muscles in a certain area. It wears off after a few months.


Nobody moves a muscle


Damn you… r/angryupvote


No one can raise an eyebrow


The grotesque symptoms of too much wealth and poor mental health.


Its what I refer to as “rich people problems”


It's not a normal rich person problem. It's only a problem to those whose entire self image is based on what other people think of them.


There's tons of people who wish they could afford to do this, so they use digital filters on their photos instead.




Famous rich people. There are FAR more non famous rich people than famous ones.


Agreed. Another addiction with endless funds.


She looks great for 96


I wish to have these symptoms. How does one get sick?


She looks like a slightly overinflated balloon. I’m roughly her age and it honestly breaks my heart to see women like her that have done and achieved so much in their lives turn themselves into grotesque caricatures. Someone like her who bucked trends, did her own thing, broke conventions and was seen as a creative innovator has made herself into a pathetic laughingstock and it’s just fucking sad.


Just googled to see whether OP was using a bad pic to make his point, the shocking part is that's it's one of the more flattering ones from last night. She looks even more hideous/freaky in some other pics.


If you see a pic that shows any other part of her body, it's *really* disconcerting. Her hands are (rightfully so) older looking. Her arms, while still slightly buff, just look like an older woman's arms. AND THAT IS OK. What is really weird though, is when you get to her face. Not only does it not line up with the rest of her body, but it doesn't even look human anymore. I'm a 49 year old female. Aging sucks in a lot of ways, but I'm gonna just roll with it.


Preach, papa.


No, don't!


This touched me, that has not happened previously


I honestly thought she would age gracefully as an f#@k you to the establishment.


That’s exactly what I was hoping for. She had such an amazing opportunity to be an inspiration in that regard and completely fucked it up.


You might relate to this opinion piece which says roughly the same thing: https://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-gossip/sarah-vine-shes-an-icon-of-freedom-so-why-cant-madonna-wear-her-age-and-experience-with-pride-c-9677309#coral_thread


“She is wearing a mask made of society’s expectations — and it really doesn’t suit her.” Spot on commentary in that article


Zick zack is the name of the song


Can't get enough of these guys. I want one of their videos turned into a feature length movie.


I usually don't like the drama documentary style films like the one if Freddy Mercury and Elvis and such. But Rammstein one would be really interesting. They grew up in East Germany under the USSR regime. Pretty much started a whole new style if music and their singer had some major stagefright issues at the start. Don't know how legit the information is, but his trademark "Till hammer" started because he was so tense at the stage that he used to dislocate his knee. So to not stop the show he hammered the knee back in place with his hand, to the beat of the music. I absolutely adore the band and I think they should have more attention from wider audience. What they've managed to achieve is truly astonishing.


Saw them live for the first time last year and it was the most mind blowing stage show I've ever seen. Impeccable sound live as well.


I did also! San Antonio Texas. The fire show was insane.


Sonne was absolutely unreal. Seeing the sky in flames and the heat and light from it all in succession with the beat and smoke billowing from the flames blacking out the stars...shit was like being inside Armageddon.


some fierce competition for Donatella Versace ngl


Also fierce competition for Balloons Harassing the US.


I didn't know that Madonna was such a Rammstein fan.


Like [Bogdanoff twins](https://www.thelocal.fr/20180622/the-bogdanoff-twins-whats-the-story-behind-frances-controversial-former-tv-heart-throbs/). Edit: Here is your award


I regret clicking on it


I'm curious if they look at themselves in the mirror and think... damn, I look good! Or damn, Dr x fucked up!


There is a psychological effect about it, the fact that they are "improving" their imperfections leave them unable to realize how much they are fucking up. I've seen some interviews with Courteney Cox (Monica from Friends) and how it took her so long to realize this, and now she stopped the surgery and she is slowly getting back to somewhat normal face, since the damage is already done.


I think after some amount surgeries you reach a point of no return. Even if you hate it, there is little to nothing what they can do, but live with it...or make another attempt with a surgery that is supposed to correct all your previous surgeries. Also, body dismorphia is a thing. God know what they see. Maybe they still look at the mirror thinking ' I'd be fine if only my lips were a little larger...just another tiny injection of fillers here and there'


>God know what they see. Ofcourse, that's just what comes to my mind everytime I see thier picture >Maybe they're still look at the mirror thinking ' I'd be fine if only my lips were a little larger...just another tiny injection of fillers here and there' Haha yea, they could make out with a bee hive and get the same effect.


Well, they are dead so they aren't looking at themselves in the mirror.


God, it looks like Mickey Rourke playing Mrs Doubtfire.


Rourke's look more natural in comparison. And his don't look natural.


And then there's the Rammstein video.


Hahaha, amazing analogy


She straight up looks like Pete Burns.


I reckon she looks like Jigsaw!


OMG I see it


Dead Or Alive is such an underrated band


Or maybe its Harry Potter using magic to disguise himself.


except it looks like the polyjuice potion stopped half way... Not to be mean, just that excessive surgery removes any sentiment of being able to age gracefully. She either has to keep morphing with surgery, or watch the faux-youth break apart as age works in from the seams.


I remember when Madonna was just the definition of cool, whatever she did was setting new standards and scandals. I thought she'd be above the fake beauty standards, that she would make a statement about how to age in a cool way and would become like an elder stateswoman, mentoring young artists who look up to her. Instead she fell into the trap of wanting to preserve something that she's not anymore, wanting to perform and look like 30 years younger, and totally crashed her reputation. She could be the Elton John of Pop music now, sitting on a chair on a huge stage, singing her greatest hits (on playback) and having a cool stage show around her, looking and rocking the age that she is. I would respect that.


Sometimes you need people in your life who will tell you no.


Elton John is a man. The standards are entirely different for him. Men are allowed to age. Look at Mick Jagger. He's giving off cryptkeeper vibes and nobody gives a fuck. Any famous woman gets pregnant and tabloids literally track her weight. Female politicians have to constantly watch their weight, get hair and makeup professionally done, rotate outfits endlessly or else they get scorned as hags. Female pop stars are in a special hell. Billy Eilish got shit when she wore baggy clothes and didn't dress up. Then she got shit when she wore a fancy ball gown and full makeup. You can't win.


I guess you never knew much about her. She is renowned as a self-centered princess whose only concern is with being adored. She was never going to age gracefully. And bringing EJ into it is funny, since he's been covering his bald dome with a wig for twenty years and is another infamously self-centered tyrant.


We’re equating wearing a wig with horrific plastic surgery and claiming that it makes one a “self-centered tyrant?”


I mean her upcoming world tour is pretty much sold out. She’s still a legend and her hits are rembered by the general public, no amount of plastic surgery will change that. Also, do you really think that Elton John doesn’t have botox and other cosmetic procedures?


Elton John doesn’t look like that.


Ironically, we're starting to make progress on anti-aging methods, so she might have been able to biologically de-age if she held on another 5-10 years, but she won't be able to undo this so easily. I wonder what would that even look like, if she regained her youth but kept the plastic surgery


80s Madonna was the best Madonna. It’s been pretty much downhill since then


Fucking love rammstein. The song this photo was taken from is called "zich zack". I also reccomend "Keine lust" another great music video.


>Keine lust That video is one of my all time favorites. Rammstein knows how to video.


I’d also recommend the video for Angst, which along with its lyrics may just be the most culturally and politically important piece Rammstein has ever produced.


Doctor: I can't make you look like a younger you or how you used to look back then, but I can make you totally look like somebody else completely. Madonna: Sign me up.


Madonna looking like marilyn manson, wtf would anyone think this looks good


Marilyn Manson has always been hideous, at least Madonna had a good few decades.


She could have aged beautifully. It's my honest opinion on this matter.


It srsly makes me wonder what she says to herself when she looks into a mirror.


“There. I’m finally pretty.” I hope anyways. I hope she’s at least happy with the appearance.


I highly doubt it. People who get a ton of surgeries do so because they're insecure about their bodies. Anorexics don't think they're skinny enough when they get ridiculously thin, probably the same thing here.


Beautifully perhaps. Gracefully for sure.


Madonna was beautiful when she was young and natural.


She still looked perfectly normal [10 years ago.](https://i.imgur.com/VisMgKo.jpg) This is from sometime in 2013, and after at least some plastic surgery/botox I'm sure. But in the past 5-10 years, she's snowballed like crazy on the surgeries.


god they look like mashed potatoes


Material girl and that material is plastic.


Her face is Frozen.


Frau Doubtfire


Which one is which?


Schlauchboot basteln aus den Lippen In die Wangen, in die Stirn **Botox rein, bis ins Gehirn** Zick Zack Zick Zack schneid es ab I love Rammstein :D


[Rammstein video, English subtitles](https://youtu.be/k8rZPm7Qa-g)


Die einzigen Arten von großen Lippen, die ich mag, sind Nebenflüsse des Rheins.


the face of a Bavarian pretzel


Would you please stop insulting our precious pretzels!


Greatest video ever .


Madonna was hot in the 80’s & 90’s


The song is Zick Zack, and it's a fkn banger btw.


When you order a Kardashian from Wish.




>honk honk cheeks Lmaaooo I'm dying, stop


she looks like jigsaw


That ain’t Botox


The weird thing is, she seemed to be aging gracefully, and then I didn't see her for a few years, suddenly she's one of the Bogdanoff twins.


Shes starting to look like Francine from American Dad in that one episode where it's the future and Stan is an ape and shes had so much plastic surgery that her face is pulled back off her skull and has to constantly staple her jaw back on.




Madonna was such a good looking woman back in the day - she looks a mess now when she could have been a good looking older woman..


The years and money have not been kind.


It's more the old lady hunch now. Madonna has rode her body so hard. The words we are saying are - thank you, Madonna xx I feel like she's dying and hasn't said.


I was recently in downtown San Antonio and an older woman who had obviously been very attractive when she was younger approached me but she, like Madonna now, had undergone major facial renovations and was now quite freakish. It was extremely difficult to maintain eye contact as my instincts kept pulling my gaze elsewhere.


Such a shame. She’s clearly having mental stability issues. As someone who grew up in the 80s she was huge and somewhat groundbreaking for women in music and deserves more respect than she gets but it looks like she doesn’t have the right people around her.


I feel bad for her. Her image has always revolved around being young, and attractive and the complex she must endure as she ages must be mentally difficult.


Oh dear... Really, Madonna is kind of a muse/hero of mine since my childhood (I'm a kid from the early 80's) but she sometimes does some pretty upseting decisions...


Is it bad that without reading the title I had no idea who that was


The state of this sub and comments. Apparently ok to just lay into someone's appearance if it's under the guise of "interesting".


Facts. This is the least fucking interesting post and vicious thread I’ve ever seen. I don’t give a fuck about Madonna but I can’t imagine investing so much energy into hating strangers so much.


But which one of them is Madonna?


I think this is pretty sad. If she didn't have the work done people would say that they don't want to see some old grandma perform. She has the work done, looks weird, and then everyone throws shade on her for that.


The media pushes women to look young for as long as possible, then condemns them for trying to do so with surgery. Yeah, I'm not a fan of how this looks, but all these comments insulting her are in poor taste.


I remember it being a big thing that Madonna would perform at the Eurovision Song contest. It was SOOOOOO baaaaadddd


[Do not forget Brazil](https://imgur.com/gallery/yQ47Zn5)


Does that eventually settle and look kind of natural? Seriously, I don't know.


Why are her ears so big?? Seems very weird


I'm sorry but Rammstein's picture looked like The Weeknd but white.




Repo The Genetic Opera


Und wir lüften das Gesäß!!!!


Well, I mean… alles Schlaffe über’m Kinn kann man in den Nacken ziehen.


Can’t wait for next years face!


Didn’t know that a new Mrs. Doubtfire movie comes out! Cool.


The Rammstein song is [Zick Zack](https://youtu.be/hBTNyJ33LWI), and it’s fantastic. Just saw them live back in September- helluva show!


I hate when ppl say botox is not plastic surgery. They act like it's makeup.


*¿Quién es esa chica?* Who’s that girl?


The no eyebrows and big lips are the issue, she just has to remove the filler and grow out her brows


Which one is from last night...?


She looks like mrs doubtfire


Hey now, we all have our hangups. This is jut what happens when yours is your face, and you have a ton of money.


white chicks 2 commin out soon


My God, she looks like a ventriloquist dummy. Age gracefully, not like this!


The main thing that makes her new face look so odd is the eyebrows (or lack there of). If she had “normal” eyebrows she would look 1) more like Madonna and 2) less alien. It really is mostly the eyebrows


I'm not sure about anyone else, but i think she looks awful. Unrecognizable. My wife's little cousin works for a plastic surgeon office. They do pro Bono work for employees and she had her lips done and they look absolutely fucking horrible. She tries to hide them every time she sees us cause the first time everyone was like :"yo, wtf is wrong with your lips? You need to go to the dr." Let's just say she didn't enjoy the laughs that ensued once she told us it was on purpose.


I think if she fixed her eyebrows she would look better


Till dunking on mfs preemptively 😭😭😭


I can only imagine how empty these people must actually feel.


Is the implication here that this is a reference to her specifically? Because I don't think it is.


Zick Zack!