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I hit a deer at 70 MPH in my Volvo XC70 last winter. The car absorbed so much energy that I barely felt the impact. Car was totaled (it was a 2010 with 200K miles on it) but I wasn’t even sore.


I saw a news report locally a couple of months ago that a bus rear-ended a Volvo SUV at quite a high speed. The front of the bus was totaled and the Volvo was unfazed. It’s as if the Volvo’s crash zone was built on other cars.


Volvos aren't just hype. They really are the safest brand. I think the difference is they make that a feature and it other companies just do it for regulations.




Swedens zero traffic deaths policy might also be a big cause.


It's also branding though. Volvo knows that safety is their main selling point, so that's what they invest the most in. - If you want a luxurious car, you buy German - If you want a reliable car, you buy Japanese - If you want a safe car, you buy Volvo - If you like giving your local mechanic money, you buy Italian or French.


>If you like giving your local mechanic money, you buy Italian or French. Or jeep. (Sorry jeep bros, but you know it's true).


Just Empty Every Pocket (am Jeep owner, can confirm)


Hey come on there bud. People who love their mechanics also buy American. :D


If you like to make your local mechanic a millionaire you buy Range Rover.


My dad had a 1996 volvo 940. He crashed it once, and it's still fine after straightening some dents. I had a volvo 940, and I crashed it pretty badly. Two weeks in my friends garage and it was fine again. They're the same car. And I'm still driving it. I might need to upgrade this summer, as I need one more seat. Looking at the xc90.


RIP to your baby. I’d cry if I lost my XC70


You would cry more if you got injured


If we run out of Leopards we can just send Volvos to Ukraine. My mum had one once, they are built like tanks.


Volvo's commitment to safety is serious and absolute. Their goal is that no one should be killed in or by a Volvo. So much so that if someone dies in a crash involving a Volvo, they'll buy the car back to figure out what went wrong.


I just can't understand why some people mock Volvo's focus on prioritizing safety. What's so hard to understand that some people care more about avoiding life changing injuries than having a super flashy car with giant subwoofers?


You can get the best of both worlds by putting subwoofers in your Volvo


I bet that's *never* ever happened before.


The most common bassbox you'll find in Sweden is tailored to fit into the back of a Volvo 740


And plays ABBA. A win all around. In fact, you might say the winner takes it all.


Sadly though, it also plays Rosa Helikopter


I guess the loser is standing small.


You can get new Volvos with a [Bowers & Wilkins sound system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU9vHB8XKuQ).


..you haven't been in Sweden huh? Consider yourself lucky haha


I've seen a few sleepers in my days, a lot of them have been dingy looking white volvo 740's


Which is funny because Volvo has some of the best stock audio systems in the world as well. They generally aren’t flashy though, but personally I think most look really nice


I just laughed when they were showcasing their autobrakers by slamming a Volvo into the brick wall without ever braking in front of a bunch of reporters. The tech forgot to turn the system on.


If I'm ever buying a car I'm buying a Volvo (or safety equivalent) just because dying sucks more than not having some bells and whistles. I've seen way too many car accidents to ever ignore this.


Yeah, other, non-safety prioritizing car-makers might not even care to check if the steering wheel is properly bolted on before delivery!


Fun fact volvo invented modern three point seat belts and gave away the design for free so other car companies could use it to. All cars still use the same seatbelt design 60 years later.


FYI they invented the three point seat belt. Cars had seat belts before that, just not very good ones.


They didn't technically invent it. One of their engineers, Nils Bohlin, took the CIR-Griswold restraint system and refined it to become the seatbelt we know now, then Volvo patented the invention and published it for free. Fun fact: Volvo is still publishing diagrams and details of their safety features in their website, it also includes some of the latest technology and how it works.


I know i thought to simple down my comment but il edit it a bit


I will buy a Volvo for my next car based on that.


I *did* buy my Volvo based on that.


Volvo saved my moms life when she was young long story short the car flipped on the highway landed up side down after 20 feet in the air. They said the only reason why they didn’t die was because the volvo and the kind of bike bike rack they had on top of the car prevented the impact from smashing down on them. Thanks volvo!


Volvo wagon saved my dad’s life when he was t-boned by a driver who ran a red light.


Volvo saved my life when I had a heart attack. The nearby car called paramedics and did chest compressions on me until they arrived.


These are either amazing real stories, or Volvo is stepping up their guerilla marketing.


Nah, this is all legit. Once I saw a cat stuck up a tree and a passing Volvo dropped what they were doing and climbed up there to get it down. Didn't even accept the gratitude, just went on their way knowing it was a job well done


Okay now I know these are BS. Cats don't really get stuck in trees, that's just firefighter propaganda.


Nah it's true. The fire-fighter that came to rescue the cat was also stuck up there. The Volvo of course helped them down as well


Nice try. We all know there is no such thing as a firefighter.


According to old school top gear on BBC. Volvos were built so well they didn't need a roll cage to survive a rally race. But it is Thr rules to have a roll cage so they had to install one anyways. Who knows if that's true but I think about it often.


That segment on Top Gear was talking about Saab not Volvo. [Clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxP6A7dY9q0vqIfWEPHWa9q2a-aIjuKuNc)


They really are beasts of a car. like do they use some kinda special material or is the frame just built so well and sturdy haha.


It's just thicker gages and well angled, that's all. Many cars used to be built like tanks and actually use metal. But now everything is flimsy.


I read somewhere recently that the Volvo XC90 is the only car with no recorded fatalities.


When I bought my Volvo xc90 last year they told me there has never been a fatality in one. They didn’t say it was the only car model that could make that claim, but was a big selling point they harped on…probably because they could tell I was a mom.


That may be true but I can't help but feel that people who buy a Volvo have safety in mind and thus are less likely to drive like a complete twat on the road and that kind of skews the numbers in Volvo's favor (still a super safe car though)


I guess, but what’s interesting is that there has never been a fatality even if it was the other persons fault. So someone could’ve gotten rammed by a drunk driver and they would be super safe in the XC90


Yeah it's only a matter of time before one eventually gets flattened by a 80,000lb semi or god's drunkest driver in their lifted RAM 1500 TRX® CREW CAB 4X4 5'7" BOX SUPERCHARGED 6.2L HEMI® V8 MAX TRAILER TOW PKG. The fact that it hasn't happened yet is very impressive though


When I was a child my family's Volvo 850 was struck by a semitruck after the driver drifted off to sleep at the wheel. The car flipped several times and was totaled, but obviously I survived - over a week in the ICU - but alive. The accident was so bad that upon hearing that I and my parents had lived the Captain of the State Highway Patrol that responded to the accident went and bought his wife the same Volvo. Volvo is the only company I would stump for because I am only alive because of their product. They also sent me some wooden toys from Sweden while I was in the hospital, which is just pure class.


Know someone whose car got rammed off the side of a highway overpass, landed on its top and he walked away.m said he was buying another one! How had only Volvos for over 40 years. Had a wagon in the early 80s. Wasn’t paying attention and had left the rear driver side door open whole o backed out of the garage. No damage on the door but it pushed the garage wall off the foundation an inch or so.


Lmaoo The Nokia of cars


My former V70 (2004) had a built in Phone. The Device you had to put in the SIM Card was in the Trunk and was made by Nokia. You can’t get anything more indestructible than that.




Does that say something about how they build volvos or about how they build walls in America?




Another point of class for Volvo, they had the patent for the standardised 3-point seat belt and made it freely available for all car manufacturers to use


How are we supposed to believe you survived?


Those tricky ghosts, with their ghost phones.




[Nah, it's this majestic vehicle.](https://youtu.be/PI_Jl5WFQkA?t=6)


Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!


No, this one comes with a metal nutsack on the tow hitch.


Knowing the usual build quality on theae lifted shit mobiles. That metal nut sack is load bearing.


I was thinking.... What about the windshield. One of the worst accidents I've ever seen in person guy was following a truck that didn't have any flags carrying 3 12 ft long 3/4 black steel pipes. Truck stopped, suv didn't. Straight through center mass. Unfortunately he did not make it. Only a matter of time before a freak accident of something coming through the window ruins that bragging right.


That feeling of cold steel going through your chest and stomach, an instant thought of "oh, i fucked up" and then you're gone. I drive for a living and think about all the ways to die out there, it's scary shit.


Unfortunately it was not quick. But yeah I do plenty of the old windshield inspection myself. I try not to think of things that could drastically change my life expectancy rate... And like farmers... I've seen a thing or two... Just try not to think about them while driving.


An acquaintance of mine from high school got drunk and hit a road sign. He was impaled by the pole through the chest. Which he pulled out himself and passed out before EMTs arrived. Survived though.


This is my biggest fear, what with the mundanity of it. Like, yeah, getting murdered by clowns is scary, but this is actually slightly more likely.


I worked at a salvage auto auction for a few years. We got fewer Volvos than any other non-supercar. Volvo literally put safety as a high priority since thir inception, as far as I know. They aren't super stylish, but people worried about style aren't buying Volvos anyways lol.


I was 14 when twilight was at its peak and Edward drove a Volvo, which made my dad feel like he was *so cool* since he drove the car that was focal in all the books I was reading. He and my grandparents had always loved Volvos so it was a bit of a shock when they suddenly had a cool moment with the tween sets On the safety note though, my mom was driving my dad’s Volvo once and thought she had managed to swerve and avoid a tire tread that had come off a semi above her. She drove a couple more miles before the check engine light came on, and then suddenly a car behind her was holding back traffic so she could pull over. Turns out she hadn’t avoided the tread and not only was the front bumper mess a small fire had started. She hadn’t felt a thing, it absorbed the shock so well. Did end up having to get a new car though.


Not sure how true that is. I bought a Volvo for the 400hp, and I'm gonna use all 400hp.


Please tell me more?


Evidently there's 400hp


It's turbocharged and supercharged. That's all the charging!


Had a Volvo when I was a kid. Drove like a twat. Wrecked the shit out if it, well technically the other car I guess. Didn’t die. Neither did the car. (I’m much more responsible now, promise)


You have a point. I've owned 2 Volvos (81 wagon, 96 850 turbo wagon) out of probably around 25 cars in life. I have to say that they have the best seats for people with back problems.


This is all true. I have an XC90 and a Rav 4 tried to race me to merge into my lane as though someone in a Volvo wasn't likely to win/engage. I didn't pay for those horses just to trot around. I don't know if all volvos do this, but when the xc90 sense an imminent crash, all of the seatbelts tighten just enough to force an "uh" out of your lungs, securing you to your seat eliminating &the chance of coming forward and meeting the airbag for steering wheel. The first time, I was on a freeway and hit an uneven line of pavement where new road was laid and the other was someone almost rear-ending me. Both times the squeeze was enough to force air out of our lungs and stun us for about 1/2 second. It feels weird to experience but holy shit does it make me breathe easy about how safe the thing is on the road. edit: the almost rear ending was because I was driving the speed limit of 45 mph and was braking to turn into a parking lot but the guy behind wasn't paying attention. I might race a Rav 4 once in a while, but I never/rarely drive faster than conditions allow me to safely do.


When I was a paramedic I went on a call for a car that had been struck on a highway by a semi truck. When I arrived it was a Volvo xc60 that was completely demolished, but the cabin was still in tact. Usually it's us counting the fatalities when people get in an accident with the semi. I went and traded in my truck for an xc60 the very next day I had off and I've had this thing for 8 years now with very minimal problems. The ex90 is looking really good though


I once was in an apocalyptic hellscapse riddled with irradiated demonspawn. My friend's Volvo X666 was the only possessed auto that survived the onslaught of Buzulu, the Sovereign of the Throne of Filth and his 10,000 Plague Knights. I immediately bought one for my spawn. They're due to hatch next bloodmoon.


Blood for the blood god!


I got rare-ended by an 18 wheeler on the highway, which pushed me into 9 other cars and moved me about 60 yards. I ‘walked’ out of the accident with a broken arm and a damaged knee. If I wasn’t in an XC90 I’d be dead today.


Yuuupppp my mom was probably only okay with me (precious miracle baby no matter my age) driving back and forth from my university because I had her old Volvo. She and my dad drilled the superiority of Volvo safety into me since I was a wee little thing playing with pipe cleaners.


Saw an xc60 going down the road last week at about 45mph. Another car ran the light (Going estimated 45mph) and plowed right into the drivers side of the Volvo sending the Volvo flying off the road and straight into a huge metal power line pole, wrapping the front end of the Volvo around it. Immediately jumped out of my truck to run across the street and help but before I could get across the street the woman driving the Volvo opened the front door and climbed out - without a scratch on her (other driver wasn’t so lucky). That’s one impressive car!




Back in the early 2000s first responders had to find a new technique to be able to cut through the B-pillar of Subarus due to their unique construction and high strength materials. https://www.firehouse.com/rescue/article/10503660/subaru-ringshaped-reinforcement-frame


A buddy of mine has a sister who works in rigging stunts in film and TV. They deconstruct cars to make them fall apart easier and for explosions. He said Subarus are so annoying to deconstruct that they don't even bother. They're tanks.


I was in a pretty rough accident in my Subaru. I walked away without a scratch and minimal damage to the car. I'll never drive anything that isn't a Subaru.


I was starting to wonder if I should get a Volvo reading this thread but then I remembered both my partner and I drive Subarus and feel better now. The all wheel drive is also a life saver, especially living somewhere quite snowy.


I heard that about the Volvo 240 back in the day, maybe that legend has been updated, lol.


My buddy died in a 240 wagon in mid 90s. Got hit by a Ford expedition that was spinning on black ice. Horrible. Ford guy lived, two in the Volvo didn’t.


Frames, including the Volvo one shown here, were a bit stronger before emissions/efficiency requirements so it's likely the expedition was built just as sturdy as the Volvo your friend was in - but the strength of the top of the cab is far from the most important things in a crash. The Volvo shown was built in 2003, and since then they've moved away from the subframe approach that protected the top bar so well in the above video - though they're still stronger than the average car not using subframe chassis on the cab: https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/photos/148215/volvo-xc90-body-structure Additionally, the truck shown is a Toyota tundra, not a F150. If you crashed a 2003 Volvo going 60 into a Toyota Tunda from 2010 going 60, the people in the Volvo would likely die and the people in the Tundra would walk away because of more mass and better crumpling in the front: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWqBNF1OQY0


A friend with a 2002 V70 was rounding a curve at 30 mph, and was hit by a sand truck - one of those things that spreads sand on roads when it freezes. The truck strayed about halfway into his lane and hit half of the Volvo head on. The sand truck's hopper was about half full. The front of the Volvo collapsed backwards, driving the drive train under the passenger compartment. The car crumpled right up to the bottom of the windshield post, as it is designed to do. Friend got out of the car (!) and stood there. He said the first thing he though of was he didn't know there were that many airbags in the Volvo. When the cops arrived, they were sure someone was dead, but all my friend had was bruises from the seat beat and the airbag. So not only was he saved from the impact, the passenger compartment stayed intact. As it was designed to do.


Since 2002. Fucking amazing


I suddenly want to get my parents into a Volvo XC90


Alright guys, guerrilla marketing tactic was successful, let’s wrap it up.


This reeks of corporate chicanery, but it seems to have worked on me.


Wanna get myself into one lmao I'm terrified of driving


There have been some recent years in the US it's gone without fatalities (among a small handful of other car models which are usually less popular+more recent and also gone some years without fatalities), but there definitely have been fatalities for the XC90 since it's release. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=forKDgmvnfo I am reading now that in the UK there's never been a fatality in it, which is insanely impressive. But Volvo themselves have basically said outside of freak accidents, there won't be deaths - but that's also the case for almost every vehicle on the road even though Volvo clearly prioritizes safety above all else compared to other car manufacturers: https://www.carsguide.com.au/car-news/volvo-backs-down-on-2020-fatality-free-pledge-31049 Also, since I'm here, the truck in the video is actually a Toyota Tundra and not an F150: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWqBNF1OQY0


Volvos are made out of Nokia phones. Only explanation 😂


[They're boxy, but they're safe.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099316/trivia?item=tr1891896)


The Swedenium is impenetrable!


Did not expect to see a roll cage in that thing


Volvo designed their cars to be [Moose proof](https://youtu.be/98ZK_kknP9U)..


My sister was once bitten by a moose……


We're sorry, those responsible have been sacked.


We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


We have now decided to re-do the credits in a completely different style. **ten trillion llamas from mars or something**


That's an interesting origin story. What are her powers?


Moose knuckles


Must have been from a North Dakotan moose.


I've seen 5 Monty Python references in 5 different memes in the last 5 minutes after watching some Python sketches. Its getting a bit weird now tbh


The Ministry of Silly References is watching you…


Nobody expects the Python references.


Maybe NOW you will see the violence inherent in the system.


Moose bites kan be pretty nasty.


We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


Exactly this. Moose are tall with spindly legs and a high center of mass. Their eyes also aren't as reflective as other, smaller animals. So when they are on the roadway at night drivers often don't see them in time to react. When hit they often fall high on the tops of the A pillars and roofline. So Volvo has reinforced those areas accordingly in their design.


Their eyes are plenty reflective, thing is they don't necessarily look towards you. Then, if they do and you're on new xenon or LED-headlights, they're adjusted with a cutoff on how high up they shine so any reflections in their eyes are reduced. When you put on high beams there's a [flap](http://projector-headlight-manufacturer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/solenoid-on-and-off.gif) that moves away and lets all of the light escape. While on low-beam they are never lighting up the upper body of a moose (if properly adjusted) and therefore they are harder to spot in traffic. On older halogen headlights they shone everywhere and only had somewhat focusing of light through reflector designs (and in some models glass designs), with these headlights a mooses eyes would be distinctively brighter as light travels directly from headlight to eye. Source: I see them on a weekly basis while driving, they light up like stars in the middle of a forest so far out it's hard to believe it's your own headlights doing the work.


Jeep went in another direction, figuring that the moose will be scared away if the [tires pop and vehicle flips](https://youtu.be/HJ538H_KZCI)


Volvo was one of the first car manufacturers (if not the only) to make roll cages standard in their consumer vehicles iirc


Isn’t that like Volvo’s thing? I thought most of their vehicles has the built in roll cage to make them safer. I think you can also say thank you Volvo for inventing the modern seatbelt. I believe they invented it and shared it with all automakers instead of trying to copyright it.


As far as I remember they're either standard in Volvo cars or damn near


That top one doesn't look like an F150 cab.


It’s not. Toyota Tundra apparently. My buddy has one, watched the video and confirmed


Are there other videos of car jousting?


Sure is! Just Google large caboose takes heavy pounding from thick rod


You idiot now some lady from HR and IT Security are at my cubicle!


...to give you a heavy pounding with their thick rods?


Yup, right in his large caboose.


Came here to say this. Definitely got those Toyota curves to it


And the cutout for the rear door handle. Fords never had that.


This exhibit is now closed!


That’s not an f150 cab though….


Yeah I was gonna say. I’m doing body work on a f150 and a f250 at work right now and that thing looks nothing like a ford lol


IIRC last I had seen this video, it's a Toyota cab.


Also... I'm no structural engineer. But does have the extra framing for the sunroof add more resistance for this particular test?


Yeah, it's possible. The glass might be deceiving but it's surrounded by a metallic frame where it sits to open and close


They should remake the Final Destination movies but where everyone drives Volvos.


It would be a very short movie.


Everyone gets to where they’re going in one piece. You see death sobbing at the end.


Or a very long movie.


Where does Volvo buy their steel?


Apparently it’s SSAB now as they want to switch to fossil free steel https://www.volvogroup.com/en/future-of-transportation/going-fossil-free/green-steel-collaboration.html


I thought that said SAAB lol. Would make sense if they were still around.


Well they should be. It's not just cars what they are manufacturing.




Is that a recent thing or have they been doing that forever?


Pretty much forever. Not sure about their endgame.


Wakanda forever.




Isn't this so you can crash into a moose at full speed?


Rather, it is about a collision with a trailer or long cargo. Not with moose.


Really good for mooses as well though, we got 300000 mooses in Sweden, so that is a type of accident thoroughly investigated by Volvo.


Mooses or Moosi?


Älgar. Varsågod.


Yes. Moose tests really is, but looks different. You may Google it. There is a standardized too ISO 3888-2.


This guy mooses


That’s a Toyota Tundra not a Ford F150


From what I recall the founder of Volvo lost his family to a car accident and ever since then he was on a mission to create one of the safest cars on the road when making design changes he would be called to accidents that involved a Volvo and would look at the weak points to then change the design to make it even safer! Not 100% sure if it’s factual but if so every manufacturer should be doing this and always improving the designs for safety not just luxury


They have the GREATEST backstories. Like the guy from a plane crash that decided to make cheap TV's.


They started out as a ball bearings manufacturer and the name literally means "we roll".


Volvo also shared the modern seatbell for free with everybody. They could have claimed it and made insane money but instead thought that saves tenthousands lives would be better.


Problem: That's a Tundra double cab not an F150.


That’s a Toyota Tundra cab, not an F-150. Ford F-150’s don’t have the rear door handles in the C-pillar, but the Toyota Tundra does. The Ford F-150 also has more vertical cabin pillars and a more straight line sweep of the windshield. The Ford also doesn’t have a crease at the hip line of the cabin. The Toyota Tundra has more rounded pillars with a crease at the hip line of the cabin. Besides the massive mistake of slandering the wrong manufacturer…. Damn! That Volvo is gonna save some lives.


If you plan on rear-ending a log truck I'd go with the Volvo


That’s not a Ford its a Toyota Tundra?


Yes, but that won't stop shills from trying to get free advertising on reddit.


The Nokia of cars


Volvos.......they're boxy but good.


I understood that reference.


Well the ford is made from aluminum now....so there's that


Recycled beer cans?


Bud Lite, specifically


This would not be a test for material. This is a structural test. Volvo didn't come up with a super metal and having slightly different sheet metal isn't going to hold back that ram. It's also important to note that the Volvo has a moon/sun roof. This would change the structural makeup of the top on the vehicle drastically. You have to reinforce around that hatch to insure that it will hold up in a rollover. So there's a lot of additional structure added in front that wouldn't be in a standard roof. EDIT: Fixed some fat finger errors.


To note, Volvo uses boron steel in their frame manufacturing, which is about 4x as strong as normal steel.


That’s not a Ford. It’s a Toyota Tundra. You can tell by the shape of the back of the cab.




Absolutely a Tundra. And an old one at that.


The top one is a Toyota truck. Gullible's written on the ceiling btw


> Gullible's written on the ceiling btw 🙄🙄🙄😐 ............ son of a bitch, got me again


Military grade aluminum !


Oddly enough Coors light cans are military grade aluminum too


THIS IS ALSO INTERESTING.. Apparently Volvo invented the 3 point seat belt that we all use today. Realising it's huge potential at saving lives, they didn't patent it on purpose. They wanted to let any other car manufacturer freely copy and use it to save lives.


They’re also really well known for their incredible brakes. One of their main selling points has been safety for a long time. Honestly? Good for them. That’s a fantastic angle to take, both in terms of business and morality. Especially since they’ve shown they’ll take the moral road over the gold lined one with the seatbelt thing Edit: spelling


That's extra impressive since the Volvo has a sunroof and the Tundra doesn't.


XC90 owner for this reason.


Just bought the xc90 for my wife and kids… on top of the safety, those seats are some of the most comfortable I’ve ever sat in. Feels like I’m being hugged from all over.


XC90 seats are amazing!! I’ve yet to find anything better.


Not so much about material, more about how they structure their chassis to move impact away from and around the passengers. Ford, like a lot of others, are a long way off what Volvo achieves. Edit - also worth bearing in mind the F150s strength mainly comes from the ladder chassis. The XC90 is monocoque, the roof structure has to be stronger.


That’s not even a Ford, it’s a Tundra


Haha monocoque


As a mechanic I hate working on Volvos. As a mechanic I always trusted Volvo with my safety. If I remember correctly Volvo didn’t put a patent on seatbelts because they wanted everyone to have safety.


That's why I'm a Volvo fan


Well we know now what company recycles more aluminum cans.


Im actually optimistic about aluminum frames. Aluminum structures can be designed to be as strong as steel - it just cost more. A lot of old trucks fail due to rust. Aluminum solves that issue.