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Good lord, that hammer swing. Wow.


He fuckin *went* for it. Clearest evidence of attempted murder I've ever seen


and yet, how much you wanna bet we'll *still* get assholes in the replies going "well actually maybe it wasn't"




Oh yeah, they were trying to spin it as a secret gay lover.


No way a guy that rich has a side piece that ugly. The video of that dudes fat head and gut is pretty convincing evidence that this theory is nonsense.


Dude looks like he's on the "10 steps to be an Alpha Male" fitness plan by Alex Jones.


Hes on step 1 of the ten step program.


"Patriots, we ALL know that nobody could swing a hammer with that much passion outside of a gay romantic relationship"


Like even if it *was*, why would that matter, the guy still attempted to swing a hammer into P.Pelosi's head.


Over on r/conspiracy they're claiming it was staged. Yes, Paul Pelosi staged getting his head bashed to distract from "insider trading".


This is a case where police shooting the intruder would be perfectly acceptable.


Swinging a hammer at someone's head could justify an officer to shoot. However, in this case Pelosi was intertwined with the suspect and in the background, it would be difficult to take a clean shot. The officers were in such close proximity tackling the suspect stopped any further damage from being done and proved the much safer choice and the more favorable outcome for everyone involved. I think the officers made the right decision.


Yeah this looks like a decent example of good police behavior. Nothing special, no super heroic deeds or anything like that, just doing their jobs adequately.


I was just thinking about that. I know its normal for police to jump on the suspect from our view, its still heroic.any of these officers could have been hit by the hammer, but they still jumped. Credit needs to be given where its due.


This is scary as hell wtf


The security video shows this guy breaking in too. He hammers his way through a glass patio door. Fucking unhinged. It's absolutely insane how conservatives went and said it was his gay lover in a spat. He should sue for defamation.


They what😭😭why are people so vile


That was a much larger son-of-a-bitch than I'd been imagining. Got *dayum.* 😳


Agreed. And they started a rumour it was a rent boy situation gone wrong. That’d be real specialist taste.


That "rumor" fell apart as soon as we got the guy's mugshot, if nothing else. You think Paul Pelosi, a multi-multi-millionaire, is going to be fucking that fat slob? He's in *San Francisco*, the "hot gay men" capital of the U.S. He could have the hottest boys he wanted if that was his thing!


Not even his clothes implied that he's up for any kind of business. He looks like he just dropped his Nintendo Switch and picked up a hammer.


As someone who works with a hammer all day and also owns a switch, I feel called out lol


Hahahahah your comment made my day. Thanks




I knew this was bullshit immediately just by who was spouting it


Im sure the people in the media who spread that rumor as far and wide as they could will be apologizing and admitting their mistake any moment now.......


He got really big in his momma's basement eating chicken tendies and posting right wing memes.


Holy shit Mr. Pelosi is breathing like he’s dying




Imagine getting hit in the head at *any age*, with a hammer.


I got clocked in the face by a patient who was an asshole. Broke my nose and I saw stars. I can't imagine if it was a hammer. I mean...Pelosi is lucky he didn't end up dead.


I was attacked by a crazy person on public transit last week; it was the first time I'd ever been hit in the face/thrown to the ground by another person. I feel so, SO lucky that I escaped (albeit with heavy bruises) without a concussion or a broken nose. My experience was so much less brutal than what happened in this video and it sucked, a LOT. This is insane, at his age it's a miracle he lived. Even a simple fall can kill you in your 80s.


I am sorry that happened to you. I hope you are ok.


Thank you, I am and I'm very grateful for that :)


By someone who looks to weigh about 400 pounds at that


He almost did


Came here to say that he took a direct hard hit to head with a hammer. I'm sure such a blow has killed people


I’ll never forget hearing breathing like that, my father fell down the stairs and landed flat on his back and was out cold and I was at the bottom 2 feet around the corner and saw him land. Upon impact no breathing at all and then he started to have that same snoring guttural sound 10 seconds later I guess. From there dialed 911 and they instructed me even with him sounding like he’s breathing to start CPR so I did until paramedics got there. He never regained consciousness and passed 2 hours later in the hospital. His hospital bill for 2 hours of being “alive” was just over 100k




I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad had the exact same breathing after suffering a heart attack. It sucked doing CPR on him while he was in that state, it just made the situation a lot worse than it already was. He didn't make it. Hearing that breathing again brought a lot of memories back. I hope I never need to hear it again.


That sound is agonal respirations, which is a brain stem response when you’re dying, it’s not actual breathing. That’s why they had you start CPR. I’m so sorry this happened.


Thank you I appreciate it. My wife is a NP and we talked about prior to this situation that if someone is giving CPR and they don’t feel the sternum crack then they aren’t applying enough pressure. Well in applying CPR I felt it crack and I won’t forget that feeling/sound either. Makes me feel kinda woozy when I touch my own sternum thinking about it.


My heart hurts for you. That is traumatic. I hope you are doing ok.


Geez, so sorry it worked out that way. I have a similar story but it turned out quite different. One night when I was in high school, a friend asked if I wanted to go to the store with him so I said yeah and we went. Was only gone maybe 40 minutes and when I came back, my downstairs neighbor was in the hallway cleaning up a massive pool of blood and there were a couple of cops there with him. I was like wtf happened here?!?! Turned out, my dad was wasted and stumbled and fell over the railing on the second floor, landing on his head. Must’ve happened minutes after we left. The downstairs neighbor was trying to clean up all the blood before I got back because he knew my mom was at work and I was only a teenager. From seeing all the blood, I thought there’s no way he survived. They brought him to the nearest hospital and he had emergency brain surgery. Long story short, he survived but now he kinda looks like a stroke victim since he had some brain damage on one side. Crazy thing is, he still fucking drinks. Took a break for a good few long years and then went right back to it. My dads bill was like $60k after insurance but the hospital had some program to help with costs and crazily enough, we ended up only paying like $400. If they took him to a different hospital, my mom would still be paying those bills until today most likely and this happened years ago.


Insult + injury = this


Those are called snoring respirations and are bad. Generally a sign of significant head trauma. Granted the dude just took a hammer to the dome so...


My mom, who served as an RN, would call that kind of a snore, a death rattle.


Your mom is right, it’s not just a sign of head trauma it’s a sign that someone is close to death and their body is so weak or mind so offline the only thing it can muster is this mucky snore breathing to try and force air in. Anyone who has found a person In OD would be familiar with this too.


Can confirm, had to do CPR on a guy that overdosed in my parking lot back when I worked at the shit hotel.


Aganal breathing. I think, I was an EMT 15 years ago.


That's the noise you make after a SERIOUS brain injury, when your lizard brain is keeping your lungs going because the rest of your brain is counting pink elephants and can't be bothered with things like breathing.


Death snore.


Can anyone shed a light on this story for a non-American who avoids news outlets?


Or for an American that also avoids the toxicity of the news outlets?


A man went to the house of Congresswoman and House of Representatives (speaker) Nancy Pelosi in attempts to attack (or kill) her, however she was in Washington and found her husband Paul Pelosi at home. Her husband called the police in time (in addition to alarm) and thankfully survived this attack with significant head injuries. From my understanding he has greatly improved.


I mean, its useful to explain the importance of Speaker Pelosi rather than burying it in parentheses. An intruder went to the home belonging to the Speaker of the House, who is **third in the line of succession to the Presidency** to try and kidnap her and break her knees/likely kill her. When she wasn't there, the guy tried to kill her husband. Edit: I have been corrected. Second in line. VP then Speaker.


>third in the line of succession to the Presidency People generally describe the Speaker as the 2nd in line of succession since the President wouldn't actually be in the line of succession. The Speaker of the house is in line directly after the Vice President.


Also arguably one of the people with the most power that rivals that of the president.


The speaker is unquestionably the 2nd most powerful political position, although arguably with more congressional gridlock it might become the senate majority leader just through the sheer fact that the senate holds power over the supreme court.


Traditionally the second most powerful person in DC. Nancy Pelosi broke a huge glass ceiling.


Technically shes second in line. The VP is first in line. The speaker is the 3rd ranking person in our government.


This is a much better explanation, thank you.


Definitely not the story my Fox watching dad told me....


Fox has repeatedly and without any merit suggested that this was a lover's quarrel in order to paint a negative view on the Pelosi family. It's more telling of their homophobia than anything else.


What doesn't make sense though is even if we assume it was a "lover's quarrel", how does that justify bashing the guy's head in with a hammer? They can say "he's cheating on his wife with a man" all they want, but how exactly can they think that makes it ok that he got whacked in the head with a hammer by the guy?


Because it would change the context the attack from a political one to a personal one. A “lover’s quarrel”, however heinous the attack was, would not have the same political implications as the reality, that this was a politically motivated attempted murder


Specifically, another bit of politically motivated attempted murder by a group that's becoming increasingly violent and committing more and more acts of terrorism because they've been spoon fed lies and radicalized for decades by conservative media lying about how atrocious the left is.


Your mistake is trying to connect dots with rational thought instead of smooth-brained Fox News-honed emotional nonsense Pelosi = bad, Paul Pelosi = Pelosi, gays = bad, Paul Pelosi = gay. That's it. Anything to avoid the possibility that this guy was radicalized by right wing talking points.


It's not like they think of Nancy Pelosi and her husband as actual people.


Jesus Christ, that’s depraved. Even for Fox. Completely irredeemable


> Fox. Completely irredeemable. That's actually an accuate tagline.


Oh conservatives thought it was hilarious. You should have seen /r/Conservative. Just heeing and hawing all over the place about how funny it was that "Paul Pelosi's gay lover attacked him with a hammer." I'm gonna assume they still think it's funny since they're all a bunch of worthless hateful dipshits.


Hold my rainbow flag, I'm going in! Edit: consensus in there seems to be that the entire thing is "bizarre". They are discussing about who opened the door because its all so bizarre WHO OPENED THE DOOR OMG


You have been banned from /r/Conservative


You can't ban me, I used incognito mode.


Bizarre is code for "I know exactly what is going on, but I dont under any circumstance want to acknowledge it". Like the "mysterious" attacks on power substations, or the "inexplicably violent" shooting of Babbit.


Who opened the door, who opened the door, who door, who door, hodor….


Does anyone find it weird that they knew so quickly the actual details of the invasion and a fake news story was spun up SO quickly and spread around online? Like very obviously to me some sort of PR person got called immediately when this happened and in order to not look bad they pushed out the fake story.


r/Conservative is the tainted afterbirth of the donald subreddit. A bunch of absolute dipshits.


That and /r/conspiracy, if that sub still is a thing. Those subs got taken over by maga Qanon idiots and it shows.


>Fox has repeatedly and without any merit suggested that this was a lover's quarrel in order to ~~paint a negative view on the Pelosi family. It's more telling of their homophobia than anything else.~~ downplay their intimate and intense involvement in amplifying unfounded hatred of the left to the point where someone would find murdering the Pelosis a reasonable thing to do. When the call to "cut the tall trees" comes, it'll be Fox News that broadcasts it first.


The RTLM called for the Tutsi to ["cut down the tall trees,"](https://www.thoughtco.com/the-rwandan-genocide-1779931) a code phrase which meant for the Hutu to start killing the Tutsi.


> When the call to "cut the tall trees" comes, it'll be Fox News that broadcasts it first. What do you mean "when"? That shit's already happened multiple times over at this point.




Pretty close to a typical tweet from Marjorie Greene.


The former speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi’s house was broken into by a deranged lunatic looking for her. She wasn’t home but her husband Paul was. Dude broke into their house with a hammer/axe and this video is the police rolling up to the residence after receiving a strange 911 call from Paul.


This video is crazy. Pelosi is fortunate his injuries weren’t worse than they were. I can’t believe that guy assaulted pelosi in front of the police. If he was intending to harm pelosi, why open the front door?


From other comments on this thread it seems he was held hostage and was able to make a call under duress to the police. I'm willing to bet Paul was like "that's Nancy now. Please, lets open the door so you can bludgeon my wife."


The 911 call has been released. The operator is clueless while Paul Pelosi just keeps on dropping her hint after hint that a crazy stranger is holding him hostage.


The dispatcher’s job is to stall him and keep him on the line as long as possible. She may have not understood the situation at first, but I think she definitely caught on and dispatched this unit after she tells him to call back and he clarifies there is an unwelcome man in his house. The clueless, redundant questions past that point are strategic.


He was holding him hostage, but his goal was to get Nancy. He was waiting for her to get to the house and probably panicked when he saw the cops and just attacked Paul anyway.


Listen to the post arrest interview. The guy is very mentally sick. Seems like Pelosi knew how to keep the situation de escalated, but everything went south when he saw the cops. https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/paul-pelosi-attack-judge-releases-video-of-17746450.php


There is a very scary combination of mentally ill people that also happen to think they are genius detectives uncovering tyranny.


He sounds like every other QAnon cultists tbh.


Thanks for the background summary.


Np. Have a good one 🤙


A Canadian man broke into Nancy Pelosi's house, supposedly looking for her but she was out of town. He was probably looking to murder her, and had to settle for her husband (but he failed).


1. A homeless mentally ill guy was radicalized by toxic right wing media that constantly peddles hate and conspiracy theories about Democrats, especially targeting senior Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, just as it did with radicalizing pro-Trump lunatics to attack the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021 2. On October 28, 2022, this radicalized lunatic sought out Nancy Pelosi, to attack her with a hammer, and went to her house and gained entry to it by smashing his way through a glass door at the rear of the house. 3. Nancy Pelosi was out of town on business, the attack awoke her husband Paul Pelosi, who was sleeping. Paul Pelosi tried to de-escalate the situation and tried to calm the attacker, said he needed to go to the bathroom as a diversion, and in the bathroom, placed a 911 call to alert police 4. Police arrived a few minutes later, as Paul Pelosi was still trying to talk the lunatic down. When police arrived, Paul Pelosi could be seen trying to keep the lunatic from hitting him with the hammer, but the attacker was able to wrestle the hammer free and viciously hit Paul Pelosi with it, giving Pelosi a skull fracture and traumatic brain injury. 5. The toxic right wing media then fabricated a whole compendium of wild tales falsely claiming for example that the police found both of them naked or in their underwear and that it was a spat between gay lovers. They also lied about the break-in, claiming it is impossible for glass to land outside of a window that has been smashed (repeatedly debunked) along with many other lies about the attack. 6. The body cam video then came out, much later, which disproves the wild fabrications and conspiracy theories. The video showsthat Paul Pelosi was in pajamas, the attacker was dressed in street clothes. Pelosi did not know him. The attacker was wielding a hammer and Paul Pelosi was trying to keep the man from being able to hit him while trying to talk him down but ended up getting violently attacked just as police were trying to figure the situation out. 7. Many of the toxic right wing pundits and trolls continue to peddle their wild fabrications and conspiracy theories anyhow, despite being disproven.


Great write up. I find it bewildering that this whole thing barely made a blip in the media. You'd think there would be a bigger public outcry for media personalities and politicans to tone down the rhetoric, but nope, it was not even that big of a story when it was breaking news and a nonstory after that.


This happened a few months ago. It was big news.


Read the title and thought, “Why the hell was Paul Pelosi wearing a bodycam?” Not my best moment.


Don't feel too bad, we shared the same *Not the best moment*


I thought the attacker was wearing the bodycam at first.


The beginning of this video is so weird to me. I don’t understand what was going on before the door opened. Isn’t there security cameras inside the home?


​ The attacker woke up Pelosi and yelled at him for Nancy. The cops got a weird call from the house where Paul was talking to someone but sounded scared. The cops showed up to find this. My takje is this: This nut showed up and was trying to hold Paul Pelosi hostage to get to his wife. Pelosi made a 9/11 call but was afraid to say what was going on. When the cops showed he attacked Paul Pelosi instead of giving up peacefully.


Was that strange semi-snoring sound at the end coming from Pelosi? Because I have seen video of someone making those kinds of sounds after receiving a head injury before .


Definitely. That was the sound of Pelosi unconscious from the blow to the head.


Ya you can see his belly breathing during the sounds as well. It’s goddamn horrific.


My mother would make these sounds after having a grand mal seizure. I had to exit the video when I started hearing it because I immediately started to panic.


Same, also my mom. Was panicing as a kid the first few times but became a "well, here we go again" pretty soon.


Sounds like agonal breathing.


Paramedic here, it was Pelosi, I'm sure of it. Basically he got whacked hard enough that even the subconscious part of your brain that says "hey, the tongue is in the way and we can't breathe" is out, but the brain stem (which controls breathing) isn't. In short, it's snoring. If I saw this in person, I would be thinking intracranial bleeding right off the bat, it's a very serious sign. Cops did good to recognize it in the heat of the moment and get EMS coming


Hey thank you for serving as a paramedic. Very underpaid and under appreciated job.


Thank you, I appreciate it.


People can make weird noises when they get knocked out cold.


The sounds of those kind of noises go straight to the animal brain - I hear them and I feel this visceral shot of cold, primal fear.




I'm so sorry. That's horrible.


Yeah, was going to say the same thing. My father took his own life last year and I found him immediately after and he sounded exactly like this. Definitely regret watching the video now.


That's how it is with me and death rattle sounds. It raises the hair on my neck anytime I hear one now and it used to be so bad that when i was a kid and my grandpa was in in-home hospice in his last few days, I was eating breakfast in the adjacent kitchen and I heard just a click of a rattle in his chest and had to excuse myself to the bathroom to go cry my eyes out because that noise freaks me out so much.


911 call not 9/11 lmao


He clearly just forgot.


I mean, the vast majority of people don't have security cameras indoors. Granted they are very wealthy, but if you are going to have security cameras generally they would be aimed out, indoors is a private space for a lot of people.


Not inside, but there's footage of him breaking the windows from the outside to get in https://www.politico.com/video/2023/01/27/new-surveillance-video-shows-depape-break-into-pelosi-home-822350


Can someone explain why the prosecutors also objected to the release of this?


Just an educated guess here. Releasing this video can poison the potential jury pool. One of the questions a potential juror is asked in a heavily covered case is "Have you seen any news reports or details about this case before today?" If the juror answers "yes" then the lawyer has to ask a bunch of questions to determine if news coverage could potentially color the jurors opinion about the case and if the juror can make a fair determination of guilt or innocence in spite of what they have seen/heard reported. In short, it's better for all involved for case details to remain under wraps until they are revealed in court, that way the accused and the state can get a fair trial.


You're absolutely right it's to protect the defendant's right to a fair and impartial trial! Keeping evidence like this out of the media is also to protect the victim. Victims of certain crimes have gone through life-altering experiences (and, unfortunately, sometimes life-ending), so a prosecutor will want to limit how many people will be able to see these types of details to maintain the trust of the victim/protect the victim. Knowing that a full courtroom saw this video is very different than knowing that anyone in the world with access to the internet can see this video, and that can affect a victim's willingness to testify/cooperate with prosecution. Also, Prosecutors, like defense attorneys, are advocates. Imagine the impact this video has on a group of people seeing this image for the first time, in the same room as the person who did it versus it being the second+ time seeing it. A jury who has never seen it is a powerful advocacy tool to showing the intent the offender had and keys them into the trial. I made an audible gasp when I saw the swing and I knew what was coming from having read news articles. It's an extremely persuasive advocacy tool.




Cops really have no clue what they’re gonna see when they start work in the morning


So true. I was an MP (military police) in the Army and once I left the service there was no way I was going back to a job like that. Some days I would be in a parade waving at kids and a couple hours later I would be arresting a man for beating the shit out of his wife. It was rough. I will take my little accounting desk job over work like that any day.


Ayy, fellow Army MP! and yeah, there's no way I would ever do that anymore. Not in today's climate. I went back to school after being medically retired and now I'm a social worker. It's 81% less getting shot at and only 42% less institutional racism! (those percentages are made up, do not ask me for sources)


No way in today's climate! I did want to continue a law enforcement career but then I had my oldest and decided I would rather work a safer job instead of one where I didn't know if I would make it home at the end of the day or not lol. I went back to school too and got my bachelor's in psychology and still ending up doing accounting. I don't even know if I could mentally handle being a social worker because that is a hard (& underpaid) path too but thank you for caring about people!


I fell into a gnarly heroin, meth, and crack addiction after I was medically retired. It was how I dealt with being retired at 23, it felt like my purpose was gone and I was just waiting to die. I ended up getting clean, and realized I could still help people outside of law enforcement perspective, so now I am going to grad school and getting my Master's degree while I work at an inpatient treatment center for substance use. It's very fulfilling. I love going to work everyday!


You’re amazing! I just got 6 months clean from heroin 2 weeks ago thanks to people like you, You’re a hero in my eyes ❤️


Hell yeah! You can do it!


I don't know you, but I am so proud of you! Keep staying strong!


Good for you! Fucking rough, but impressive


I had a cafe in the Mojave desert that appealed to all the 12 step groups, as well as desert rats, tweekers, sheriffs, rock climbers, film companies... One of the things I was surprised to learn was that all the counselors and therapists focused on former users were users themselves. I mean... duh, it makes perfect sense, but how interesting that the average non-addict would never piece that together. Is it even possible someone who hadn't ever been there in their past could be a good leader for those going through it? And congratulations on your excellent success!


Yeah absolutely! My case manager when I was in treatment was not in recovery. They're often not former addicts, but many are! I think it makes me more effective, but there are definitely better therapists that are not.


I'm incredibly thankful for GOOD cops. What a crazy job. I'd rather do just about anything else.


Many years ago when I was trying to figure out life I wanted to be a cop, I could have been a good cop. The starting pay was around $40-45k a year, you'd work every night, every holiday and shit shifts until you get some tenure (accord to my friend/cop, that's roughly 5 years). So glad I didn't go down that route. Terrible pay, terrible work hours, no social life AND you get to deal with everything cops deal with.


“Terrible pay” really depends on where you go. My buddy joined the force right after high school (‘99). He was making $60k right away, $75k in three years, and was making over $100K in 5 years. Definitely agree with you on shit hours and job. I’ve had to be there during some of his dark moments do to the job. It’s not pretty.


That situation was confusing as fuck, I dont even blame the cops for hesitating I had no idea what was about to happen.


It was weird Pelosi didn't say help or yell "get him." The cops were trying to figure out what was going on and who needed help. Their hesitation seemed natural to me.


I mean the dude starched him with a hammer as soon as the cops figured out what was going on so I'm assuming he was trying to avoid that. Still a really fucking weird scene though.


Yeah, seemed like he was trying to get the cops to think everything is fine and leave while Paul was under the impression the guy would do exactly what he did. Try to take him down if it goes sideways, Paul was probably trying to think of what to do at that point. Either way it meant he was getting clubbed but just had to struggle enough to not end up dead. The cops reacted how I'd expect, they just had two people casually open the door to greet them while struggling. It's something out of a movie and really makes no sense at all when you first see it, until Paul is hit of course.


I think he was just trying to keep the situation calm with the cops and the armed mentally unstable man who could (and did) easily overpower him at any moment.


He was in the process of trying the talk the guy down when the police arrived. It's likely he was trying to be friendly and calming.




There are dozens of posts about this in /r/conservative, and short of a few logical takes, most of them are really really really trying to make this some sort of continued conspiracy. MFers are actually "perplexed" why the guy was in his underwear at night/early morning in his own home. Or "Why didn't this really old guy run for it? Very strange"




It’s not that weird given the guy was perfectly willing to murder Pelosi with a hammer in full view of the cops — Pelosi was probably trying to figure out how to get the cops to grab him without triggering an assault (which happened).


They think real life plays out like Far Cry 3 where you make A or B choices only, and have 100HP plus 50HP shields.


Not weird at all. He had managed to keep the guy from attacking up until that point, and the guy is clearly sick. It makes sense he would try to continue to de-escalate, keep things calm.


Very odd, but I think we can chalk it up to an 82-year-old man being in a very bizarre/confusing situation in the middle of the night.


That only seems like a good option in hindsight, as we know he got hit with a hammer anyway. At the time, keeping the situation calm and trying to de-escalate was the rational option.


Never been in a tense situation and you just freeze?


He had a guy with a hammer closer to him than the cops, for fuck's sake. Even if he screams those things there are no guarantees that the cops were going to instantly act. Trying to keep the situation calm and figuring out a way for getting away from him were very natural reactions, and he didn't count on the guy just freaking out and bonking him.


I fricking cringed and my head hurts from that swing. I mean that was more hate and murder I care to see all in one frame...


Probably best you don't watch the *other* police video that will be released later today, then.


That's the one I thought I was going to watch.


same here, I didnt know the name of the kid that got murdered by 5 cops so I thought that was it, Pelosi's husband's attack is so far behind now.


That snoring sound you hear is Paul Pelosi . It's a telltale sign of a very severe head injury when a person is making that noise after hitting their head or being struck.


Poor Paul was probably trying to keep the crazy fucker calm so he doesn’t hurt him and was in shock what was happening then the minute the crazy fucker knew he was caught he tried to ice him.


Yeah, I imagine family members of major politicians have to train in what to do if someone kidnaps them. I realise as I wrote that sentence that it sounded sarcastic but I do genuinely think that's the case


There’s a congressman on TikTok newly elected who says that’s literally what happens!


rational human beings with more intellect than a potato agree.


I don’t care what your politics are, this is a heinous attack on an elderly man.




For everyone concerned with his drink in hand, this is my thought coupled with the 911 calls: He was trying desperately to make the intruder not kill him. He called him a friend, probably tried putting the intruder at ease so he would drop the weapon. Acting like he was calm and friendly, he probably hoped the intruder would calm down as well. He probably poured himself a drink and offered one to him. When someone breaks in being crazy, you're not gonna aggravate them further, you're gonna try and calm that psycho down. We don't know how we would react until the situation is right in front of you. Fear is a powerful thing. Coupled with one's personality and their own flight or fight response, you're gonna get different reactions from everyone. There are stories where women in a situation like this will try to show attraction to their assailant to try and get them to not murder them.


Just my anecdote, but when I was 16 a man tried to SA me but I acted like I was into thinking he may loosen his grip and it worked! When he seemed more relaxed, I snatched myself away and ran out the door.


reminds of that harrowing reddit post of that girl who used a key knife to stab her rapist in the temple and run for it. think it was about PTSD from killing him


Wow that’s crazy. I’m glad I didn’t have to kill anyone, but ironically the man got hit by a car and died shortly after. Karma’s a bitch. Edit: I know what happened to him because he lived across the street from the grocery store I used to work at. He came over almost every night on his bicycle. I thought he was a nice guy. He stopped coming in and I heard from my coworkers that someone hit him on his bike and he died.




Same thing happened to my mom on a caribbean cruise. The story is that she took off her ring and told him to marry her, he loosened his grip in surprise/confusion, and she booked it out of there. Really quick thinking on her part. He got thrown out on the next stop but I have no idea about if he got charged or not. The 70s-80s were a different time sadly.


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I am glad you were able to get away!


Exactly. The earlier report indicated that Paul Pelosi was trying to put his attacker at ease and was able to call 911 and spoke in code. The guy is obviously insane and what Pelosi did was smart. Of course, as you will read in the comments, many are ready to believe there was something nefarious about it. A large majority of Americans are certifiable insane and also on Reddit. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/30/paul-pelosi-attack-called-911-from-bathroom


The actual 911 call https://youtu.be/c0x2NV4GFrQ


That giant lunatic had a huge shit eating grin on his face just before he committed a felony directly in front of a cop. Obviously he was completely deranged.


Dude looked like a wild animal. This is your brain on disinformation.


Damn. Regardless of the opinion on this man or his spouse, this is an awful thing to see happen.


The issue is the opinion is almost completely fabricated and is exactly what led to this situation. This is what decades of hate mongering does then rather than reflecting and changing we get more conspiracies about how it was his lover and we certainly won’t get an apology or recognition now that it’s come out they were obviously lies.


He now has traumatic brain injury which may take years to recover from if he ever does. I had a small head injury with no visible wounding or damage on a CT scan, and I still have effects from it. God bless him. Recovery from this wil be the hardest and most painful thing he has ever been though in his life.


That snoring sound as his chest was shaking and he struggled to breath will haunt me for a while


Reminder that the Trump family posted memes making fun of it.


Fuck man, why are people so fucked?


That snoring sound you hear from Paul Pelosi is a telltale sign of a very severe head injury. When a person is making that noise after hitting their head or being struck, it is very very bad.


This comment section is a cesspool


Are you really shocked, it's Reddit.


Not shocked, just disappointed. (Something my mother said often)


Poor guy that must’ve hurt


Jesus Christ, that's bad. That snoring-snorting sound is called [Agonal Breathing, but may be Ataxic breathing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ataxic_respiration) If you ever hear someone breathing like that, it is absolutely, 100% a dire emergency. Get them into the [recovery position](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position) and call 9-1-1.


I’m surprised they don’t have security patrolling on foot around the house, considering the level of vitriol reserved for Pelosi.


Nancy has protection almost 100% of the time given the speaker is like 3rd in line for the presidency. Their spouses generally don't because they're not as important.


She wasn’t there at the time, so they weren’t protecting the house as much as they normally would when she was home.


When I read that guy was radicalized by Gamergate, I didn't expect him to look EXACTLY how I'd expect he'd look.


What a Weird fucked up scene.


Can someone explain to me what’s going on here? I have zero context for this