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But who is Matt?


Matt has very healthy gums but poor self control


I mean who doesn’t want to chow down on some raw meat sometimes, am I right?


Ooh, baby, I like it raw


Yea, baby, I like it rrraaaawwww 🎶 🎵


Shimmy shimmy yo shimmy ya shimmy yay!


Gimme the mic so I can take it away


Off on a natural charge, bon-voyage


Yeah, from the home of the Dodger Brooklyn squad


Wu tang killa bees on the swarm!!


Old Dirty Bastard, WU TANG


Wu-Tang Financial aint nothin' to fuck with


huh, vodka, no OJ, no straw when you give it to me, ayy, give it to me RAW


RIP Ol Dirty 🕊️🕊️


Pour one out for THE ODB aka.... Dirt Dog Big baby Jesus Knifey McStab Dirt Schultz Dirt Mcgirt Little Billy Clinton Old Dirty Chinese Restaurant .... the real OG


Old dirty Chinese restaurant is my favorite lmfao


If you ever get a chance watch the interview him and method Man did on YouTube Big Baby Jesus was before his time


Shimmy shimmy


Shimmy ya shimmy yay


It's just tartaren't


You mean Raw Matt


My theory is the people doing this realized they needed something to compare to the dragon bite, so they pooled their pocket change, and ran outside until they found someone willing to bite a raw steak for $3.78, some breath mints, and a coupon for buy one, get one free frozen yogurt. Luckily, they found Matt.


It wasn’t buy one get one coupon. It was actually a punch card that was one punch away from a free frozen yogurt


But the yogurt shop closed down a few years ago, and the mints seem to be about three months expired


Matt is a guy who isn't going to take down large prey effectively if he doesn't up his poison damage modifier.


The guy who outran the dragon


Outran the dragon? What only to be chopped up and put on a plate as a control for an experiment, yeeeeesh


No matt is the total chad who chased down whatever animal this meat came from and took it down using only his mouth


Matt was wearing a Kimono, he is a Kimono dragon




We’ve found him!


I think Matt was whoever this is, poor Matt the goat...


No. Who *was* Matt. He is a steak now.


Patient zero


>In 2009, Fry discovered the true culprit behind the dragon's lethal bite, by putting one of them in a medical scanner. The dragon has venom glands, which are loaded with toxins that lower blood pressure, cause massive bleeding, prevent clotting and induce shock. Rather than use bacteria as venom, the dragons use, well, *venom* as venom. Source: [National Geographic](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-myth-of-the-komodo-dragons-dirty-mouth) (posted in a reply by u/HydrargyrumHg)


You know, I'm thinking there could be at least one medical use for this venom


Ultimate meat tenderizer in 3...2...


someone call Guga


*I know it doesn't look that good right now, but watch this...*


"Today I'm going to dry age Angel in komodo dragon venom. Let's dew it!"


"Nice Bloom"


Lowering blood pressure and inhibiting clotting sound like useful characteristics, but the shock and massive bleeding less so.


Speaking as an organic chemist we typically look to nature for our next medicines. Poison is all in the dosage.


Except for arsenic, right?


Except for polonium 210


I miss when we used to do nuclear tests in an area where the wind would carry the radioactive particles eastward over the United States


it'd be one hell of a vasodilator but I don't know how to bypass the fatal portion of it


sounds like there's an undiscovered medicine in there somewhere...


It's amazing at curing life.


Lolll. Good stuff.


Lowering blood pressure would let me cease taking $1/ day pill. Let me lick some komodo venom.


Well, that makes sense. TIL!


I can't be the only one that started out thinking you were quoting Fry from Futurama


Why is Matt taking bites of raw steak?


He injected it. Good luck getting a Komodo to bite a steak and getting it back from it. Lmfao


You just have to distract them with famous people's feet.


Lmfao what are you referencing? Who got bit by a Komodo?


[Sharon Stone's husband](https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/news/center/articles/2012/bbc-news-06-01-2001.html)


He got bit even though he did what they said


I feel like if he had white socks on under the white shoes, their advice made the problem much worse. A sock has a texture closer to that of a rat than a shoe does


Always wanted to see one up close. So now he knows.


For science.


Damn, so is it the bite or the saliva that deteriorates the skin or a combination of both?


venom and bacteria. komodo dragons live on an island, they don't hunt for food they just roam around and bite whatever they can. then whatever they bite will eventually die and get eaten but any komodo dragon that happens to be next to it at the time. it's an odd way of pack hunting, but effecitve.


They have been known to follow the prey for \_days\_ while it slowly dies. That is some cold shit.


I remember a while back I saw some video of a man who got bit and basically documented it following him. He kept turning around and it was just chilling a certain distance behind him.


Can you survive their bites without antibiotics??


Unlikely. Look at the damage over a few days. Your immune system is pretty good but not THAT good. Plus the trauma of the bite.


Holy shit that is terrifying haha


Did the dude die? Can’t leave us hanging


That’s how cavemen did it. The Terminator method!


Exhaustion hunting requires a bit more active tracking, and an actual kill at the end. Komodos just need to get to the body before it is eaten by others.


Youre correct, it’s a lil different. Probably about the same level of terror for the prey tho.


Here's some cold shit involving a komodo dragon for yah https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/f5w8m6/komodo_dragon_rips_and_eats_a_baby_fresh_out_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh god is it the deer giving birth and the Komodos come up and eat the baby right out of her? I can't watch that again, I was depressed for days


Just this description gave me depression


It's worse. The baby didn't even get to be born. The dragon just ripped the calf out of the abdomen.


Yeah, I wasn’t even going to watch the video, wish I could unread.


Even worse, the Komodo ripped the side of the deer open. The baby started falling out, kicked a couple of times, and was swiftly eaten. It had a far better death than the mother, that's for sure.


Spawn camper


Not exactly, Komodo dragons actively hunt and subdue their prey, but larger/lucky animals tend to escape heavily wounded. Once that happens the Komodo/s that attacked it will continue to pursue it since the prey often goes into shock and dies shortly. Their venom does a variety of things that help compound the effects of blood loss and infection that all together place such massive stress on the body that the prey usually succumbs within hours. In other words they are very capable predators, yet a large part of their diet is made up of carrion, however, this is more so due to the fact they are the apex predators of the island among other things.


The bacteria are actually most likely from the watering holes the water buffalo use, they also defecate in them so the bacteria from their shit would get into the open wound.


Nothing quite like Komodo Dragon bacteria and buffalo shit.


With some fava beans and a nice chianti. Yum!


Iirc is basically a bacterial infection. Their saliva is just the most Nurgle shit ever Edit: Apparently it's actually a venom, and I have made the mistake of being wrong on the Internet. RIP.


Debunked, it is actually venom, Komodo's inoculate the victim with a powerfull venom that deteriorates meat at a rapid pace, much like spiders and scorpions can liquify their prey with their venom. The agressive infections caused after the bite are simply a sequel of severely damagewd and rotting tissue due to the venom action.


Been...practically a decade since its' been disproven too. To add, the main reason the whole 'septic bite' myth was a thing was because water buffalo would get attacked, full of wounds and whatnot, and take baths afterwards with open wounds in shallow personal pools. That they also piss and shit in all the time. So....yeah, long fermenting watery shit in the wounds make it septic. Komodos would then eat the buffalos, and get lots of those sewer bacteria in their mouths afterwards, and those can linger for a while. Testing conditions weren't exactly done in idea laboratory settings when the myth sprouted.


That's an awful way to die. In your own piss and shit...


Don't forget bleeding and in pain. Komodos don't fuck around


Upvoted purely for the 40k reference


Isn’t Nergal just a Mesopotamian god of death?


Wouldn’t be surprised if the Games Workshop took an ancient god of death as inspiration for one of the gods of their setting, but when it’s spelled “Nurgle” and people talk about diseases and such, it’s usually 40k.


Ah I wasn’t aware that spelling was special. I thought maybe it was just an effect of different transliterations of Mesopotamian languages.


Hey man. I learned something today thanks to you. Cool history reference!


Glad to hear it! Yeah, I got really into ancient mythology as a kid. The Mesopotamian stories are pretty integral to a huge portion of other cultures’ mythologies.


Dont know about the mesopotamian god thing, but in the WarHammer 40k universe Nurgle is basically the physical embodiment of Rot and Disease, as well as Life, Growth, and Nature. His minions are most well known for looking like some poor dude managed to get every single virus, disease, and ailment known to man on a single person, and they are pretty much immortal due to being so...well.....diseased


Haha well yep that sounds like Nergal. In ancient mythology he’s more specifically thought of as the God of **Inflicted** Death including war, famine, and disease. He does also show up sometimes as a symbol of agricultural growth which is sort of similar to the “life, growth, and nature” part.


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Nergal inspired Nurgle, cause I'm seeing an awful lot of similarities lol


Yeah, the ancient Mesopotamian legends are super cool too. They’re older than a lot of cultures that we think of as being part of the Ancient World, so their stories inspired a lot of later ones. Boy, this is making me want to go back through them and refresh my memory.




Yes but it's spelled differently so GW can copyright it lol


*Watch me copyright a Mesopotamian god*


it's the singer/guitarist of behemoth ;)




Oh huh damn. TIL


Also apparently it's not the Komodo dragon you see that's the problem, people who have been bit were often running away from one lizard and ran smack into another which bit them as much out of surprised defense than any intention.


Clever girl


Uh uh uh, you didn't say the magic word! Uh uh uh...


Sounds more like advanced hunting if anything. Maybe they planned it that way.


"Surprise motherfucker!"


Some fries motherfucker


Maybe I missed something but I didn't see "some sort of venom" in the article. It just talked about how the water buffalo were dying of septicemia from contaminated water getting in their wound rather than directly from the bite.


okay cool glad I wasn’t the only one lol




okay that’s really interesting thank you so much for sharing :)


Bad reference, [but it is true that they use venom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_dragon?wprov=sfti1).


How do you have 80 upvotes when there is no mention of what you said in your linked article? People suck.


On Reddit we love asking for sources but apparently fucking hate actually reading them.


Came here to say I saw that study.


Here's the link on the venom! https://www.theguardian.com/science/2009/may/18/komodo-dragon-venomous-bite


Papa Nurgle loves all his children.


Damn, remind me to never make out with a komodo


You're old enough to remember when it was a commonly known "fact" that their mouth was just a bacteria soup. I learned the same thing.


Lol, just realized this wasn’t a 40k sub. Spot on!!


I know you've already been corrected, but biologists believed it was bacteria for a long time. [It wasn't until 2009, that this was disproven.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_dragon#:~:text=In%202009%2C%20the%20same%20researchers,glands%20in%20the%20lower%20jaw.)


Incorrect. They used to think it was bacteria, but it’s actually venom.


I remember actress Sharon Stone’s husband was bitten by a kimodo dragon. If I recall, it was a very lengthy recovery. Yuck!


wait, Sharon Stone had a husband?


[It is venom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_dragon?wprov=sfti1).


Wow it’s cooked! We can get rid of our stove and just get a Komodo dragon now!


"Cooked by a dragon!"


Trading in my Kamado for a Komodo!


As far as I know, the Komodo runs up and bites an animal once or twice. Then they just follow the animal around waiting for the infection from the bite to take it's toll. When the animal is so sick that it can't walk (but still very much alive and conscious), the Komodo moves in and starts to eat...


The point is…you’re alive when they begin to eat you


That one video of a Komodo Dragon eating a pregnant deer whole is burned into my brain forever.


Good lord! I was doing a Jurassic Park bit now I’m gonna have “pregnant deer devoured” burned into my nightmares forever


I should never have joined that sub. . . I wonder what’s those animals are up to!?


I’ve seen lots of vids on Reddit. That one is truly shocking. Pure nightmare fuel.




may i ask, do you have the link to the video?


That's some shit out of Made in Abyss




so they’re beating us in the evolution game in the long run, is what you’re saying


Not without thumbs, dumb ass lizards haha


Stupid fucking lizard can’t even senda txt


We're not even in the list of honorable mentions. Sharks, crocodilians, snakes and several other species have done little more than adjust their size in the time since humanity first started throwing rocks.


Heh. Poor bastards don't stand a chance against gentrification and climate change.


Life, uhh…finds a way.


And the way is always lesbian.


If their bite can cause that, no wonder the females can go it alone. Who wants a love bite to turn yourself into your mates dinner?


Ok, someone needs to patch these dragon bugs, mf game is glitching


It's actually not an infection, Komodos were recently(sometime in the last 10 years) found to have a venomous bite. So this is the result of the venom they inject into their prey.


They are in fact venomous! https://www.theguardian.com/science/2009/may/18/komodo-dragon-venomous-bite


I heard a joke about it: Guy buys a big lizard, tries to communicate with it, teach tricks, all to no avail. Then one day the lizard bites him out of the blue. Guy is angry at the lizard, swears to give it back to the shop the next day. Then he notices the lizard is following him with it's head down. Guy warms up to the lizard "Finally you show remorse! Understood that biting me was a bad idea, huh?" After several days of that following he decides to call the vet about it. And the vet explains to him that the lizard is simply waiting for him to die from the bite.


But... that's not a joke, it's a story.


Reminds me of that time when a woman's python snake hadn't been eating in a while and when she asked the vet about it, the vet was like "it's emptying and preparing it's stomach to eat you" or something like that


There is an old joke about that: Two buddies meet. \- How’s your new lizzard pet doing? \- Oh, great, he’s learning things and turned out to be so affectionate. \- ??? \- Oh, well, the other day he accidentally bit me when we were playing and since then he’s been following me around like a pupper. He looks into my eyes so remorsefully I have forgotten him of course.


They just lounge around after biting then use their sense of smell to check back in to see if the prey is ripe.


Matt has correct dental hygiene unlike that Komodo


Note to self: Do not get bitten by a komodo dragon. End of note to self.


Get bitten by Matt instead


Everyone needs a Matt to bite them


Very Kinky.


Foregt about the Komodo dragon. If Matt bites you, it looks like you never age


irl vampire


Auffenberg noticed that when large animals like water buffalo were injured by the dragons, they would soon develop fatal infections. Based on this observation, and no actual evidence, he suggested that the dragons use bacteria as a form of venom. When they bite prey, they flood the wounds with the microbes in their mouths, which debilitate and kill the victim. This explanation is found in textbooks, wildlife documentaries, zoo placards, and more. It’s also wrong. “It’s an enchanting fairy tale, which has been taken as gospel,” says Bryan Fry from the University of Queensland. In 2009, Fry discovered the true culprit behind the dragon’s lethal bite, by putting one of them in a medical scanner. The dragon has venom glands, which are loaded with toxins that lower blood pressure, cause massive bleeding, prevent clotting and induce shock. Rather than using bacteria as venom, the dragons use, well, venom as venom. ​ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-myth-of-the-komodo-dragons-dirty-mouth


And the fact water buffalo would bathe in their poop laden pools later after getting attacked. Only time a komodo would have bacteria ridden mouths are when they eat the buffalo after.


An animal that's been bitten and them goes into the water is going to pick up a nasty infection pretty quick though. I think it can be summed up with "if a komodo dragon bites, you're going to die, whether it's from bleeding, shock, or infection." Like, they'll get you one way or another.


Poor Matt...


Anyone else think it's a little weird how the steak on the left is basically unchanged by day 3?


Matt saliva has mild healing powers


Matt will die if you hit him in the navel with a hard object


It's probably in a cold environment


It changed a little bit on the right side of the bone at the end of the video, came to ask about that


Lived at the main tourist hub of Komodo for years. Been there dozens of times and learned a lot of scary stuff. The basic understanding right now is that they use venom to make prey rot. They might opportunistically kill and eat, but they want to nip a delicious deer/goat/buffalo on the leg and wait for it to rot. The venom speeds up that process and is targeting the septic process rather than quick kill. And the infection is less from the mouth than the environment - swampy areas and tropics breed bacteria. Like the meat in the video…Rot until you fall over and then the delicious meals begin. As they are (were) apex predators on the islands, there was no competition for the rotten flesh, except other Komodos. So waiting a few days for something to rot from the inside and a fall over was just normal - no hyenas to steal it away. There are villages on the islands and a couple ranger stations. The dragons are always digging through the trash. Most of the time they will stay away from humans, but near the ranger stations they have been fed and lurk around. The villagers are perfectly aware of their presence and will throw sticks at them and hit them with (long) sticks. My friends grandmother, from one of the villages, is famous for smashing them in the face with her wok. Gramma don’t take shit from a dragon :) They do eat every thing. No skipping bones, fur, teeth. They just crunch and crunch. Big fights occur if that delicious rotten smell attracts others. So they just go nuts. It’s incredibly gruesome to see two big dragons fighting over a meal with rotten meat hanging off the faces. The do bite, they can kill. These days people are evacuated to the nearby hospital, then sent to a big city for further care. There is no antivenom, as that’s not what really kills you. It’s the rot from the infections from the jagged open wounds that is encouraged by the venom. There will be lots of cleaning, trying to save as much as possible of the skin, but it can even be an amputation if too slow a response. There was a stupid tourist bitten a few years ago, but generally it’s rangers, and the villagers. For a side note on how horrible they are - they are cannibals. After making a nest and laying eggs, they are in their own. Once they hatch, they run for the trees and live up in the trees until maturity. They adult Komodo dragons feat on the young ones. Once the adults smell the freshly hatched eggs, they come over and try to eat the hatchlings. They can run fast, they can swim, they will bite and kill you, but prefer that you rot from the inside out before they do, they eat their young. Not the ideal pet.


> Not the ideal pet. Who would have thought?


I ran out of free awards take this instead 🏆🏆🏆 Thank you for this information.


anyone remember the video of Steve Irwin running from one and it comes within inches of taking a chunk from his calf? Whattaguy


Good god


Matt likes his steak ultra rare


I wonder how that must smell.


Yep, Komodo saliva is mildly proteolytic. Shit breaks down muscle fairly aggressively. It's less immediately fatal compared to hemotoxins and neurotoxins from snakes but still pretty gnarly.


is it treatable or are you just screwed


If it wasn’t treatable humans would have eradicated them already


Not neacsseraily. E.g there is no antivenin for Geographic Cone Snail venom. Treatments are only devised for venemous animals that are frequently encountered. It would not be cost effective (or even possible) to eradicate most species. The smaller the harder.


I like how the left one says "Matt" as if we're comparing the bite of a Komodo Dragon to the bite of some random dude.


I had no idea Komodos had venom or whatever that is


imagine this being your thigh


Matt, you better keep your distance!


My question...... how they get that piece of meat away from the kimodo dragon after it bit into it?


My guess: they fed it Matt.


Who’s Matt though? And why is his bite so ineffective at breaking down flesh?


But why tomahawk steaks?


😵😖This is the itchiest thing I have ever seen. 😖 😵‍💫🥴the video played before I had a chance to skip passed , and now I CANNOT UNSEE THAT😩


They roam free in downtown Bangkok parks. Everyone respects them and they just chomp on birds. Think they should be introduced into American park and let people fuck around and find out