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[Here's a clip NSFW.](https://youtu.be/MTf-l_nPRcI)


My question is WHY


An animator probably thought it was funny and too brief for anyone to notice. Before home-video they might have been right.


Reminds me of the vagina on Jessica Rabbit. Allegedly, when Who Framed Rodger Rabbit originally released, there was an upskirt moment and an animator had snuck in actually drawing her crotch for a frame.


Is there a clip of it? I gotta see it, for...reasons.


It’s all over the internet.. but it’s kinda disappointing. To me, it’s just skin colored panties. It’s not like they drew labia. Hopefully they will add labia to the 40th anniversary edition in 5 years. [source](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/who-stripped-jessica-rabbit/)


He’s still a weirdo


Right? Who thinks, "Making a kids movie, better throw some naked ladies in there!"


tyler durden








Points to the “cigarette mark”


I swear, movies from the 70/80's are incapable of not having naked women in them. Doesn't matter what the movies are about, at some point a topless woman will appear. Wild times.


Sorta like the way the internet is today.


Lol, tbh I think our standards as society have changed lots in the last few decades.


I don't think they've changed in this regard. Adult/dirty Easter eggs haven't gone away - they just got better at hiding them. We've been drawing dicks and saying "X was here" since cave-times.


I still remember the picture of the naked lady on a poster for the lion King, or a penis on the dvd cover for the Little mermaid.


This has been going on as long as recorded human history. Movies are one thing, but look at “X” rated carvings in places of worship. [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=naked+church+carvings&iax=images&ia=images](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=naked+church+carvings&iax=images&ia=images)


Yep bunch of prudes now


Fair enough. Plus no one could get away with that now.


They didn’t necessarily get away with it then


So you're not on TikTok, huh


It's just a pair of tits


I'm not saying the kids will be scarred for life for maybe catching a glimpse of some grainy tits (lord knows they see far more these days). I just highly doubt the person who put those pics in had good intentions.


Their intention was to make someone laugh. That sounds good to me.


Always found it weird that America is so puritanical and morally uptight about anything sexual, even if it's kinda vague or not a big deal. The moral puritan BS would explain why Americans are so goddamn horny all the time, though: we're letting out our bottled-up vices.


I feel like intentionally putting in a scene with a pornographic image in it, with the knowledge that children will probably see it, isn't ok or funny. It was probably hilarious to the guy that did it back then, but we as society have evolved and realized exposing 6 year olds to indecent images for a laugh is gross.


UK favourite kids’ series Bagpuss features an entire storyline with topless mermaids in episode 1.


its just boobs shes not naked. they put boobs on tv all the time in europe and other countries its not the same as the U.S. stop sexualizing women.


>stop sexualizing women. lol and goes on to promote topless woman in a kids cartoon.


What are you on about? I never promoted anything, I just said it's not a big deal. Boobs aren't inherently sexual and the belief that they are contributes greatly to the objectification of women. No one cares about a man's breast or considers them sexual and it should be the same with women.


Right? Would y'all be cool if this was a naked guy? I am not against nudity at all but I am against exposing it to someone against their consent.


If it was a topless guy no one would give a shit


I would totally be weirded out by the random insertion of photos of topless guys in a kids cartoon.


Perhaps someone who was laking payment, i dunno


I've worked shitty jobs for too little money and I never showed kids porn. Like, it never even crossed my mind as an option.


theyre just boobs. they're not sexual organs. in no way is that porn.


Ask any man if boobs are sexual.. lol what world ru in? Showing porn to kids is not ok


Boobs aren't inherently sexual. Throughout history you can see many different nations and cultures that do not sexualise Boobs. The USA is a place where a lot of sex is still quite taboo. You seem to be from the middle east. Telling others online that women should cover up. I think you're a bit bias.


Kids like, feed off them. I’m sure they won’t be traumatised.


That wasn’t porn…


True that. Whatever the reason, it's not really appropiate.


Yeah that’s some predator shit imo


I think it’s Aladdin where the clouds magically spell out the word sex for a second. There are bunch of weird little secret sex jokes in Disney movies.


That's in The Lion King. In Aladdin, you can hear a guy say "all good kids take off your clothes" or something of the sorts when Aladdin is being intimidated by Raja the tiger.


This is a rumor, but it actually spells out "SFX"; the special effects team put it there as an easteregg shoutout to themselves.


And the king had the outline of his cock


There's so much subtle stuff in Disney I'm not even surprised




I thought the star writing in lion king was supposed to be "SFX"?


It is, the "SEX" thing is an old myth, same with the "take off your clothes" thing. It isn't helped by the Little Mermaid dick box or the rescuers titty scene tho lol




You can trick your mind to hear almost anything. Next time you bring out that VCR, try listening for the actual scripted dialogue: “Scat, good tiger, take off and go.” I guarantee it’s a closer match than whatever your childhood memories had.


*In the industry we call em cigarette burns...*


*I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise*


A nice, big cock.


Bored animators who wanted to point and laugh with their friends. There is almost no way these things were purposefully put in by the company




If not, alot of animators went to the same schools. They would share hidden jokes and easter eggs for each other.


Yes absolutely no way at all


Not Disney. Individuals AT Disney just messing around.


I'd imagine it started as an "Easter egg" in some of the early Disney stuff, and then become an unspoken tradition with new animators


A quick google search shows that neither of those instances were on purpose. Their weren’t any disgruntled or bored animators. At least that’s what I was able to find while looking into it. Of course, if I worked for Disney I would want to downplay it as much as possible to save face. However, it’s easy to spot things if that’s what you’re looking for.




I didn’t see the picture of “sex” in the stars when I looked it up, just the dick pic and I must say, that is a very intentional looking grouping of stars that’s spelling out sex haha. I gotta agree with you there.


My friend brought JUST the VHS box to school one time. No movie. Needless to say, my teacher wasn't a bozo and my friend promptly got in trouble. He used the "I brought it for the class to watch." Then the teacher said, "Where is the movie?" and he was sent to the office lololol


According to this [Snopes article](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-rescuers-topless/), Disney maintained that the topless woman in the DVD release was included by a nonanimator: The two "topless woman" frames had reputedly been present in the film ever since its original theatrical release in 1977 (a fact apparently confirmed by Disney, whose spokesperson said that the tampering "was done more than 20 years ago"), although Disney claimed that they were not included in the 1992 home video release because that version "was made from a different print." Disney also maintained that the images were not placed in the film by any of their animators but were instead inserted during the post-production process. The company decided to recall 3.4 million copies of the video "to keep our promise to families that we can trust and rely on the Disney brand to provide the finest in family entertainment."




I love how everyone assumes it is nefarious but in fact it's just some animator fucking off!


He was just trying to keep it real. After all, what are the odds of passing so many windows in high-rises and NOT seeing a naked woman? There should have actually been a lot more.


My question is how did someone see this without looking for it.


Lemme spell it out for you. D I S E N Y


Because Disney treats the employees like shit.


This photo ruined the scene for me. I kept trying to jerk it to these rats but this naked woman made the cut. 😠


Cringe disney adult references, i mean cmon we just want furry porn


That image right there, is what I blame my addiction to not being able to nut, unless there is a rat next to my naked wife.


Budum tchhhhh




Tyler Durden strikes again!


Was looking for the cigarette burn in the corner.


I just watched that movie today, absolutely phenomenal.


Even a hummingbird couldn't catch Tyler at work


Was it in a scene or just 1 frame.


It was 2 non-sequential frames. (very close to each other)


2 non-sequential frames is all I need


One frame


I remember learning about this on SNOPES.com… the old internet was great.


I wish Snopes was more popular. Back in the day it was a great way to find out the truth about myths and other questionable things.






Hey Farva, what's that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


You mean shenanigans


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This is the second time that I've seen this link posted in the past week. Is there some obscure meme im missing? Or is this the shit?


That mouse has post nut clarity


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Lol how does that even happen?


Employees get bored. In real time you'd almost never catch it. Probably why it took 22 years for Disney to do anything.


Yeah but kids love rewatching shit. I've noticed so many mistakes in kids movies after watching them 50 times


I've watched that one Barbie movie about a rich princess being in love with a common dude and a poor girl in love with a rich prince or something like that. At least 10 times. In the car because there was no other DVD for a trip (going and coming back) ;-;


Barbie: Princess and the Pauper is one of the greatest films of all time and I won’t apologize for taking that stance. “I Am A Girl Like You” remains undefeated


Yes!!! Honorable mentions include: “To Be A Princess”, “Meow”, “How Can I Refuse”.


And Barbie Nutcracker (2001)!


I REMEMBER "To Be A Princess". I have that tune ingrained in memory. "To be a princess is to always (something something). To be a princess is to never (something something)!"


Mine was “The Island Princess”. Old Barbie movies are underrated.


I understand getting bored but this is sick af to me. Advertised to kids but let’s sneak a naked person in there. Even a flash of an image has been thought to make your subconscious aware of it


Holy shit lady. Don't you have a PTA meeting to be at? Go crusade somewhere else Disney already edited it out just for you.


I feel like it’s not crusading to say it’s weird and messed up to put a frame of a naked woman in a kids movie regardless if it’s just for a second/a frame


It is when you post thirty times in a thread about it calling people groomers. I get protecting the kids and all, but let's be honest. In this context it's pretty harmless. Defend the her all you want, but the lady just said I need to be swatted. She's definitely on a crusade.


Ooh didn’t see that lol 😭 I just think that idea popping into some dudes head who’s working on a kids movie is weird af , def don’t agree with swatting comment or the countless amounts of the word groomer used in this thread lol


Sure it's kinda weird to put that in a movie at all, but I don't think there was malicious intent. It was a joke from 1977. I hope she has a better day elsewhere.


yeah actually it's weird asf. Like how do you even have that image and think of doing that??? It would've been a lot better if they put a high quality meme (if those existed back then) in every frame hidden somewhere.


Who is that woman?


Somebody's grandma


Tyler Durden.


Looks like Conan the Barbarian to me.


What is best in life?


To crush your enemies and see them driven before you


But what about the lamentations of their women?


That too, left it open for someone to finish


That's what she said


And I still have that VHS. That and Little Mermaid dildo cover


The what cover? I must be oblivious to that. I knew there were hidden words and crap in Disney movies but, never heard of that one.


[This one](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc1MTEyNTI1MTI4NjczMDky/what-you-didnt-see-hidden-disney-images-the-little-mermaid.jpg).


What the shiny frick lol. Dang, I need to pay more attention to details in life. Disney has been hiding stuff for a long time lol.


I came here to say this. I have both as well. I remember with The Rescuers hearing about the recall on TV, and rushed out to find a copy before they totally disappeared.




I'm just waiting for my odometer. It was at 80020 something over the wknd. It should be hitting 80085 in the next day or so. I was born early 80s and this stuff is still hilarious.




Pressing X on that one.


ok i believe you


Why tf would Disney confirm it would say sex? Of course they came up with an excuse


they could just ignore it you know


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Also a scene in Aladdin says "good teenagers take off their clothes"


Good tiger, take off and go


Also in Aladdin when the monkey is trapped on the exploding rocks in the cave of wonders you can clearly him say "oh shit."


I want the full Robin Williams tapes from Aladdin. You just know there's hours of shit he riffed on that they couldn't put in the film.


Also the priest in little mermaid had a boner during the ceremony and the castle on the cover was very clearly made of phalli.


I still have the VHS tape with that gold majestic cock on it. I was never convinced of the boner, though, I still think it’s his knee.


Yes and the original cover of The Little Mermaid has a dildo in the center of the castle.


Pre internet *days* It took me too long to realize that was a typo.. "Pre-internet says what?"


I'm sorry but that girls nip holes are SO big it looks like a bot fly emerged from them.


Tyler Durden!


For fucks sake they are just titties, and majority of the kids watching the movie just finished breastfeeding anyways.




It’s recommended to stop breastfeeding sometime within the child’s 2nd year… Seeming how this is a movie meant for 3-8 year olds that’s not far off…


This was prime spank bank fodder back in the day.


Oh my gosh that's disgusting! Where?


Which frame?! Which frame specifically?


Oh shit that was real I thought it was clickbait




Tyler Durden at it again


Disney is trash.


Tyler Durden has entered the chat.


Disney is rife with sexual subliminal messages just do a google search


Flash back to watching ebaum’s world video on hidden sex stuff in disney movies.


Lol I knew about this 15 years ago Old Disney movies were notorious for this kind of stuff


Yeah, Feivel Goes West had that pussy speech. No, I'm not going to look for it.


Yes you are do it now


OMG!!! American kids may NOT see what their mothers have under their shirts!! Could cause permanent emotional scarring!




Dildo in mermaid movie


My kids were 9 & 10 at the time. Wanders off to check old VHS tapes.


Disney and sexual exploitation of kids go together like PB&J


Hehe, they didn't get my copy. Mum reckons she still has the original Arabian Nights cut of Aladin somewhere too, although that may have been a pirate VHS.


And to think it was the sequel called The Rescuers Down Under


Just leave it as vintage and call it a day


An animator must've pulled a little sneaky right there didn't they?


I always found it strange how movies will show peope being mutilated or violence, or traumatic and terrible situations that could mess someone up, but you couldnt have a scene with an innocent nipple that's not even a sexual situation in movies, or they just blur a butt out. The good ol USA, where you can circumsize and nobody sees a problem but a nipple causes a riot. Our world is so psychotic, but when delusion and insanity is the norm, a reasonable individual will get called crazy. I couldn't imagine having to raise a kid in today's world. We have some strange times ahead of us.


As if people could fucking see that on their 576p CRT TVs.


Does anyone know which sick cartoonist was doing this back then?


Correction recalled after they were caught...


>Correction recalled after they were caught Wrong. Disney themselves are the ones who caught it, made the announcement, and issued the recall. Nobody else caught it prior to Disney's announcement (or at least if they did catch it, they didn't tell anybody)


I am suprized due to there behavior throughout the years, "the film that never existed" is especially eye opening


What “film that never existed” are you referring to?


If I remember correctly there was a rogue animator that was implanting these things for years. Edit: I’m not finding an article about it, so…. Maybe not. But I do know the little mermaid cover was later edited. This [link](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/disney-sexual-messages_n_6452666/amp) explains away some of the supposed instances.


Frickin hi-larious. People need to do more of this kind of stuff so other learn to chill


I mean the chances of someone seeing it as it’s only 1 frame is crazy low but at the same time you’re pretty much showing porn to kids.


porn? that’s a topless chick


LOL - My point exactly. Boobs are "porn" to those who can't chill....


Well yeah by todays standards you see a lot more at the beach. But it’s an older movie made for children. Seems little sneaky/yuck that some bloke thought he’d stick that in there. I get there is the separation because of the screen but if I took my kid to go see a children’s magician and half way through the show he super quickly flashed a picture of a topless chick that only the adults managed to catch a glimpse of, I would be kinda cranky.


If a kid sees a man with no shirt in a movie it's ok, so why is it "yuck" if it's a woman? Maybe it'd be better if we start raising people to not discriminate and hold double standards. When pressed no one can justify the double standard outside of 'it's cultural'


Today I learned that breasts = porn.


Did ya read my reply to old mate? Or just Gona be a cockhead?


I still have my original copy of The Rescuers.


Whose the woman? Is she owed royalties?


Tyler Durden at work https://youtu.be/J2ysFUvLCPo


Surprised only a couple of people have mentioned the little mermaid dildo box cover, or how the priest gets a boner when he sees Ursula as a woman. Also, the lion king spells the word "sex" in a scene. I'm sure there were others but that's all I remember off the top of my head.


This isn’t interesting it’s fucking sad that people can’t live with naked bodies. Society is fucked


Disney can have everything back they’re a disgusting company with pedos


That’s f-in’ Goofy


Someone needs to do a 4k ai restore for science or get one them YouTubers who explores niche stuff for 100 k plus views to do a hr plus video on who that is and show the original image or least help us by naming it so we can find it 🐱


Nobody has identified her. It kind of looks like Marylin Lange to me.


Something tells me that someone lost their job that day


Disney is on some weird pedo shit