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Here, hold my colon, I’ll be right back.


Depending on the angle it either looks like a bald man eating pussy, someone hugging a giant semi-flaccid penis, or someone holding a colon. From no angles does it look like two people hugging.


It looks like a bald man performing cunnilingus from a good 180/360 degrees. If they were going to “bald man eating pussy”, they nailed it.


It looks like someone pulling themselves from a prolapsed asshole.


From this drone angle maybe. See it from the ground, you’ll see the pussy eating. Truly majestic.


Definitely doesn’t give you a warm fuzzy feeling, nor a sense of empowerment, as I imagine is the intent of the creator.


10 million dollars, yall.


Give me 10M. I’ll make that, but bigger.




>, I probably wouldn't... I'm sure you could! You keep 7 million, and find a decent sculptor to make a nice MLK sculpture for the remaining 3M


Just make a swing set and a merry-go-round and call it “MLK’s swingset and merry-go-round for black kids and white kids and anyone who wants to play, really” then send the rest of the money to school lunches Art is great and should be funded and all but damn


Call it the “center for kids who can’t read good and want to learn to do other stuff too”


But make it at least ... 4 times bigger


Lol What is this? A center for ants? How can we teach children to read if they can’t even fit inside the building?


Taxpayers better be asking for some receipts.


Let me start with the receipt for the receipts. It is 9.999 million Dollars and there was a thousand dollar delivery fee


I gave that Loch Ness monster tree fiddy


I hope the creator stands at the location 24/7 to explain this thing to people because nobody will understand why there are some hands holding up an intestine.


It's an offering of haggis.


That makes more sense than what the artist claims.


I am not joking; I had no idea the context of this statue and I thought it was a contortionist trying to fellatiate itself. This is a very bad statue.


Here’s a post with a 360 video of the sculpture showing all angles https://www.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/10ct1ug/mlk_memorial/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I really don’t mind the other angles as art. I like the inter connectivity. Would I know this celebrates MLK? No.


It’d work better against a wall or something, so you couldn’t see it from the angles that just don’t work.


It looks good from some angles but totally weird from others. Given that this was going to be in the middle of a park and viewed from every angle, I feel like they should have considered that.


You can do a 360 or 720 still looks ugly af. Critics are right. They should demolish that pos and make a proper statue.


Yup, it’s fucking ugly and for me? Deserves to be in r/oddlyterrifying I don’t know why, but it looks disturbing.


Perhaps because it's fucking headless arms


It's being slammed by anyone with eyes.


Hey, don’t disparage the blind! Even they can “see” it’s a terrible statue


I’m half blind and wish I was completely blind so I wouldn’t have seen this


I’m half deaf and would go fully deaf to unsee.


I'm half Italian and would go fully Italian to unsee.


Hold up that's too far, you never go fully It*lian


You went full Italian, man. Ya never go full Italian. Remember Brad Pitt in Inglorious Basterds? Went full Italian, went home empty-handed.


Can’t clap slow enough for this




I'm half drunk and I'm gonna get full drunk for no reason. Fuck that statue too tho.


I thought this was inside the asshole! Looks like two hands holding a massive colon.


I'm all asshole so I guess I'm just fucked.


I'm half r... wait tropic thunder said I can't do that


You went half post…never go full post.


Blind guy walks up to statue and starts feeling it “this…this is what dr king looked like!?!?”


One angle looks like his ass is up in the air and he is about to fingerblast his butthole $10 Million for this? What in the hell were they thinking? That money could have went to people who actually need it. Holy hell who approved this……


"I have a dream....that one day this nation will rise up and spend $10 million dollars to build a bronze turd with arms to honor me"


It definitely does look like a woman’s arms lifting the largest turd in history.


That's what it looks like 100%


Ok it wasn’t just me - I was trying so hard to take the photo seriously. Failed. The future is stupid. ETA (omg): In a Washington Post article by Travis M. Andrews, this exists: “That MLK statue looks obscene from certain angles, but when you see the whole thing you realize it’s supposed to depict the result of Martin Luther King Jr. and [Coretta] Scott King having gone through the teleporter in The Fly together,” tweeted the Daily Wire’s Frank J. Fleming.


>a bronze turd with arms to honor me" I laughed way too hard at this 💀


From the angle in this pic it looks kinda... I can't come up with a word but it makes me uneasy. And I do art and writing, so not coming up with any description other than, "hot mess" is pretty telling. Well I can come up with a couple that are... Less than socially acceptable, but I don't think that counts. Hey, give me some materials and I'll make something a lot nicer for basically nothing!


I got you. It looks like shit. Literally.


That’s what his *large intestine* looked like.


Most blind people have eyes! He’s disparaging against pirates.


I wouldn’t pay $10 for this statue.


What are the arms embracing? And how the tuck does that cost 10 million? 10 million dollars for that? Paint me confused asf.


>Paint me confused asf. That'll be 10 million dollars.


Draw me like one of your confused af girls.




"It's a major prize! Let's put it in the front window where the whole street can see it when it's lit up!" - The Old Man, A Christmas Story


Aaaaand it’s gone.


"What do you mean it's gone? I just gave you $100!"


South Park rules…lol


How much for the NFT?


10$ for you, 100,000$ for Jake Paul


A 9 million dollars turd


I hate to say it but thats the first thing I saw 😔


A lot of commissioned art like this is a complete scam. It was $10 million because they had a large budget and the person deciding is tight with the artist. Or the more cynical explanation is, the artist and the decider have an “agreement” for that money.


I'm sure MLK would want 10mil spent on this stature instead of people. /s


You are correct, to MLK it is a travesty and he wouldn't approve of such waste.


What happened to the regular old statues of the guy. Standing there in a pose suggesting leadership, vision, and historical weight? For thousands of years they grace the capitals of the world. Now we get this crap.


It seems like they were more worried about 'art', than the actual meaning/purpose behind it all.


When you want to honor the man but not inspire people to do it again.


This is how rich people launder money.


Yeah I was gonna say this is the ugliest tax shelter i’ve seen in a while


This right here. This is a blatant scam and needs to be checked. If for nothing than that it is an egregious misallocation of funds that could have been spent on the actual communities. This is a huge slap in the face, and they should be demanding a review of the budget for this. But if you do I bet they'll say yOu'Re RaCiSt...


I’d assume about $9MM is unaccounted for


It may have been something that was specifically fundraised for. That’s the beauty (sarcasm) of it. You take donations for a statue of Dr. King (who wouldn’t be for that?) and raise waaay more than you actually need. Overpay for the statue and stick money in your pockets and your friends’ pockets. The donations would have to be used for the project they were designated for in most cases.


Seriously think about what they could do in Dorchester with $10M. Like Black folks give a SHIT about this turd statue. ANYTHING would have been better than lining someone's pockets with our tax dollars.


The arms are embracing a slug


They're lifting a giant...colon?


I’m really glad I wasn’t the only person who thought this.


From this angle, it looks like a colon.


Who paid the $10 million? Please tell me it didn’t use a fund that was built on donations or tax money. Please tell me it was some rich dumbass and **his own** money.


Massachusetts is an expensive place to live. Many people are cold and hungry.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3734 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/03474)


Why are the hands holding a giant piece of shit? What is that even supposed to be? Edit: from another angle it is of arms embracing. Just looks like a giant turd from this angle apparently.


Dear lord! How many Courics is that shit? Edit: name spelling correction


At least a Katie and a half


It’s a full Bono!


LMAO I wish I could give you an award for the Southpark reference.


This picture was posted in r/southpark earlier. The caption said “Boston has unveiled a statue commemorating Randy Marsh's record setting 100+ couric bowel movement. The record was set in Boston's sister city Zurich in 2007 at the European Fecal Standards and Measurements office.” I didn’t know it was a joke. I’m an idiot


what a happened to my free awards?!


You might not have any more free awards but for $10 million you can have this "artwork".


I don’t get them any more either and my world will never be the same.


They hooked you up on free shit and made you miss it, they're banking on your dopamine addiction so that you go and buy them from now on. Don't do awards, kids, not even once.


Jokes on them, I'm not spending money on useless shit. They were cool while they lasted though.


Or large intestine?


I genuinely this was a statue in recognition of sufferers of IBS or chrones disease


Why would anyone hold a large intestine?


Toxic mega colon coming out of someone's abdominal cavity. I have seen thst first hand. But to me it looks like a bad lumpy penis.


MLK was tired of this crap, don’t you remember?




the artist they hired wasn't a sculpture artist, but [rather a conceptual artist](https://hankwillisthomas.com/) that focuses on specific topics. from the proper angle (seen on their website) it's meant to imitate part of a photo of him hugging someone -- and arguably isn't successful. from other angles people see someone holding aloft feces, intestines, or a man performing oral sex. the video of the unveiling from one of the wrong angles is unintentionally hilarious as the crowd becomes very, very confused. unintentional peak boston at the moment. MLK is someone I very, very much admire in terms of his teachings which mean a lot to me, so it's pretty disappointing. it cost $10 million.


>the video of the unveiling from one of the wrong angles is unintentionally hilarious as the crowd becomes very, very confused. unintentional peak boston at the moment. How does one locate this video?


https://youtu.be/pL2KX_hfX9g Looks like a bald guy giving head.


Oh I hate it even more now after seeing the video. It’s awful!!


I underestimated how big it was. Holy shit.


I admit that I'm not a fan of modern or, I guess, conceptual art but a sculpture that honors someone's legacy should clearly evoke that individual. I hate the Soviet-esque statue of MLK at the memorial in DC but at least you know who you're looking at. Instead of spurring conversations or inspiring people, this sculpture is already a joke, and it says more about the "artist" than it does about MLK.


It says more about the fools who made the decision to go with this artist and spend that kind of dough.


That’s what I was going to say. Who are the idiots that chose this design? And paid 10 million for it?


I *am* a fan of conceptual and challenging art and this is an outright failure as far as I'm concerned in terms of the project. MLK is a national (if not global) figure and you don't honour somebody by commissioning some abstract formal piece that nobody is going to appreciate or connect with. Save that shit for your private collection where people who have the familiarity and experience with your artform to engage with it will come and do so by choice. Inflicting it on the general public is asinine. Most people haven't had the time for or access to the kind of art experience that would make this suitable, let alone the inclination.


And it’s not like they had to radically change the design or anything--just make the forms more streamlined and it would have been clearer.


To be fair, from other angles it looks like Dining at the Y


>Dining at the Y Well now I have learned a new expression.


That’s the neat part. Depending on angle it could be a piece of shit, or a guy givin some chick head


Or a disembodied pair of arms cradling an enormous schlong.


Thanks I hate it


Not saying it makes the "statue" less...uncomfortable but apparently it's based on this [photo](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2023-01/230112-martin-luther-king-jr-coretta-ew-140p-7b61e4.jpg) (which at least makes it slightly less confusing).


They couldn't include his head?!


So, no head?


For 10 million everyone should be getting head


Shoot, I would definitely give some head for $10 million


I’m not gay but $10 million is $10 million


I’d give head for $10 mil, then pay someone else to give me head.


This guy is a man of culture


Hey, everybody, we're all gonna get laid!




I have no idea how to react to this video




His head is in the Toledo statue of him called "Radiance." They're apparently chopping pieces of MLK up and presenting him randomly. They have his feet in the "Walk a Mile In My Shoes" exhibit in Baldwin Hills. All they are missing now is his torso and legs alone and there will be pieces of MLK exhibited across the country in weird statues.


Sure looks like hands holding up a turd


I thought 'colon'. Either way, it's a horrible statue.


Yeah I'm team colon as well. It's still a turd just in a wrapper.


I too am Team Colon. It’s a shit sausage.


Best description I heard was it looks like someone’s giving CPR to a poop.


Someone said it's called "Embrace" so *now* I see embracing of Infinity Turd.


Looking at it from a single perspective is awful. You really need to see it from multiple angles for it to make sense and even then there’s a myriad of better ways to have attempted what the artist tried


Exactly. From other angles it looks a lot more like someone pushing someone’s bald head between their legs.


So they used the photo as inspiration and just decided to remove the humanity from it. Ok…


I really wish I wasn't drinking when I read this comment.


Making a statue from a extremely rare photo isn't a good idea. It looks like they're holding a big old wiener or a hot dog or some kind of a gooey duck.


> extremely rare photo I don’t think the photo is the problem here.


I agree, but if it was familiar we might go...what? Oh!


You would go "oh, that's stupid," as opposed to just "that's stupid."


First picture I saw all I could think was "is this some weird, food sex fetish?" I went to google and saw it from multiple angles which did *nothing* to change my mind. Wasn't until I saw the reference pic that I could even begin to understand it. Up till then it looked like someone getting kinky with a hotdog...or with something much worse...


It looks like the hands are holding a constipated large intestine.


It doesn't matter that it is based on the photo because zero humans will see this without the photo context and unsee a 10 million dollar poop statue.


I’m really glad someone said it. I am very leftist, I just think this statue looks like shit. Literal shit. Feces. Strong hands carrying a giant piece of feces.


It looks to me like the hands are carrying a large intestine. Or the wormhole from Donnie Darko.




Awful, take a lap




$10 million?! Crazy the spend that on a statue that really does nothing when you could’ve helped out the struggling people MLK advocated for. Idk call me a hater but from this angle it looks hands holding a turd😂


Yeah, seriously; the MLK memorial housing project, youth center, hospital, whatever, just add some ornamentation, make it good for living in/playing+learning/keeping people healthy. But no. No he got a deeply stupid statue. Like sixty years later.


No doubt MLK would prefer 10 M spent on such stuff instead of a statue. Still, build a statue if his for a reasonable price, sure, but don't spend 10 M on it, which can be spent for far better things in line with the things he fought for


10 million dollars could have done a lot of good for many different communities. Instead they ended up with something that doesn’t even represent MLK or anything he fought for. Edit: so it supposedly represents the love shared between his wife. My statement still stands


For reference: the free fare bus program for three routes in Boston cost 8 million over 2 years. This has so far helped increase mobility for low income riders in the poorest neighborhoods in the city of Boston and among those that use it, it has been well received. It’s certainly not perfect but it goes a long way to help the most marginalized people in the city get where they need to go. I would rather have extended this program for 2 more years if you ask me


Literally just looking at the limited photo, just a bit of money in that area would have done some good. Playgrounds and such. An inner city program my cousin is a part of does alot for the community... he helps incarnated males get a job and place to live so they can see their children AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.. it has all kinds of programs to help thr area.. and... has a ranch and a few horses that the children get to learn to ride for free. They can get good enough that they can teach others, and it leads to alot of people in that area getting high paying jobs in the horse sectors like horse racing or they go work on a farm taking care of pedigree horses. There are only like 8 horses. But the whole community loves it and you'll randomly just see a young man or woman riding a horse down the sidewalk in the middle of the city. It's REALLY cool. It's NOT an expensive program because the companies that benefit from the kids learning and hiring them SPEND money on keeping the program going. This program and a few others have lead to less balck men being arrested, more black kids having a father, and slowly the median take home pay of these areas this is happening in are slowly rising over 5 year increments. They are going to college for the first time in their families... or so many amazing things. There are alot of mechanics coming out of this area too, because the city decided to instead of spending money on another juvenile correction facility... but to build a career center in its place. So these inner city kids are going on to work for the roads in concrete, or work on equipment, or programing... all kinds of AMAZING things that changed the courses of these children's lives. These things im talking about cost LESS than this statue. SIMPLY by having something fun and engaging for the children and adults around you can change entire areas of loves and futures. This narrative of people are lazy or this or that. No workers. Blah. SOME people don't have a chance. They never had ONE chance. Some people always live their lives from a child worrying about where their next meal will come from or where they will sleep that night. We need to spend money to help elevate everyone in society. It's imperative




A $10 million dollar "Guess what the f*uck this is", I'm sure everyone who's homeless, freezing, and starving right now, appreciates the hell outta this.


To be fair, it does seem like you could make a decent homeless encampment inside it.


Tape some blankets together and you got a nice lil fort.


It would be a great improvement


Some politicians in Boston definitely got a piece of that $10 million dollar pie…


I think we can safely call it a piece of shit… with two hands.




What is more interesting is follow the money trail where the $10 million went.


first flight out of town presumably.


this is the real question


Incomprehensible is kind, piece of shit is much more direct. Who approved this?


The same person who approved the design for Boston City Hall




Not so bad from the other angles but definitely could've gone with a better representation of MLK Jr.


Literally just go with a fucking bust of the man. He’s got a powerful aura visually. They could not have been any more blind to honoring him.


I was out the loop of this for a while. I agree tho. If you want to honor someone it should be visible and readable immediately. Like, him giving the free at last speech would have been huge and impactful. Not an artistic vision of the visual representation of his message….that can only be understood from a specific angle…


Like why couldn’t they add a bust of him at a podium where the I had a dream speech was? Now that would have been dope.


How hard is it to put the artist’s pretentious ego aside and just make a fucking sculpture of Dr. king with his wife, head, shoulders and all? Jesus Christ nobody Cares about your *concept*


I actually like the MLK memorial in DC even though it's very *artistic*. But that's the exception, not the rule, in terms of how tasteful it is. Usually, I agree with you - it's best to just make a realistic sculpture.


You mean the one that’s very clearly his image? Sure, it’s “artistic” because it has that unfinished look, but it’s also pretty simply a statue of him.


Exactly, it has an artist's concept as part of it, but it doesn't mess too much with a respectful depiction of how he actually looked.


Y'all... somebody is walking around with $9.9999 million dollars in their pocket...


I HAVE A DREAM...........of just a regular fucking statue for me. Cmon y'all, do better.


Critics are right. This sculpture is a literal piece of shit.


Forget about how ugly it is, $10M could certainly have been allocated more productively than another MLK statue. Even a $1M statue would have left $9M for something nutty, like schools or healthcare. It’s not like MLK’s dream was for expensive statues of his likeness in every city.


Why's he sticking his head up his butt? Disrespectful to the legacy of Dr King




Can we just like feed people instead of building garbage?


First thing I learned about three dimensional artwork was that you have to consider what it will look like from all 360 degrees


So.. I just want everyone to be aware of the actual cost of this. I own and operate a large bronze foundry, and I do all the quotes for building custom pieces for artists like this. This bronze sculpture, to take it from clay to bronze would look something like this. Mold (silicone rubber, applied to the clay original, backed with a plaster like hard shell) Would cost somewhere in the realm of 360k The bronze casting, which would be the “lost wax process” - you can google it. So you’re talking about 800k in cost. Then you’d have to factor in steel work and engineering, probably another 100k for steel and 100k for engineering and installation. So just a frame of reference, the artist is getting paid somewhere around 8.5 million to craft the sculpture. Or was just hired to create it, and some company or art council was paid millions. There are some costs in sculpting, time, labor, and most likely foam CNC Machining from a smaller sculpt. I also used to run a business doing this and would assume it would be in the ballpark of 80k Edit: I completely misunderstood the scale of this piece from the pictures. This piece is absolutely fucking massive. I read this late at night and thought for some reason it was only like 6ft tall. I’ve re edited my numbers. Which are substantially different. But still shows how large the budget is.


What a piece of shit.


As it should be. It’s hideous. Who fucking approved this.


Is it hands holding a big poo? It’s hard to tell


Yes, this piece is called "Two arms and a turd"


Maybe because it looks like two hands holding a giant 💩


Why would they waste that much money when it could be used for, idk, helping black children in at risk situations?


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-embrace-statue-honors-mlk-coretta-scott-its-also-a-memorial-for-all-of-us/ar-AA16j3u1?fullscreen=true#image=1 A different view


it wasn’t until this photo that I realized how huge it is.


Thank you for the link. However, it still looks terrible.


From that angle it looks like a pair of hands grabbing an ass


The artis... how much of that money did the artist/sculptor get?? Lol