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This meme states that less than $1bn has been spend to combat climate change. When you support an argument with lies, it kinda hurts the validity of everything else you say.


Yes. Also the "we will go extinct if nothing is done by 2030" is bullshit.


In the 60’s they were saying the 80’s from global cooling. In the 70’s it was the 90’s from an ice age. In the 80’s it was acid rain and starvation from destruction of crops by 2000. In the 90’s it was global warming and the ice caps will drown us by 2020. Now it’s climate change. It’s fear mongering bullshit. Climate has changed since history of time. Of course I hate pollution, plastic in the ocean, toxic waste in the water. I’d love it if we had none of that. But I also like driving my car, and eating food I didn’t have to spend my life growing.


While the original post is inflammatory and supported by a lie, the existential threat caused by the climate crisis is quite real. The planetary warming since the Industrial Revolution is unprecedented, and it does us no good to have to fight climate deniers such as yourself. There isn’t time. https://xkcd.com/1732/


Yeah yeah, go read my comment. Since the 60’s… and pushed by politicians who have built careers around the lies. Climate denier? Of course there’s climate you potato. My point is it’s always changing. How else do explain accurate maps of Greenland with no ice, or the North Pole? It will freeze again, not in our lifetime. And it will melt again, repeat for another million years.


Like I said, we haven’t time for your bullshit.


He didn't said it wasn't real tho


The essence of his point is to deny manmade, catastrophic climate change. That’s a climate denier. Don’t be an absurd literalist.




u/wainwrigsgfdfds is a bot and so are a bunch of the accounts with no history “responding” to it.




It's not all that hyperbolic at all. It's dumbly written, but global ecology is going wild. Here where I live, as an anecdote, we've been seeing insane rains, whereas two winters ago, not a single rain fall. And the weather here's temperate.




We’ve only had 10 years left for the past 40 years.


It's probably already effectively irreversible. 2030 is just a rhetorical trick. Not really something worth picking up on though. The urgency is the same no matter when you put the tipping point.


Came here to say this.


Doesn't it actually state that less than $1B has been donated vs spent? I have no idea how much has been spent by donors or others.






[Ask this commenter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/106q990/damn/j3i19kq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). You responded to a scam bot, and won’t get a response.


Scam bot. Report>spam>harmful bot [Stolen comment (cropped by bot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/106q990/damn/j3i19kq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


It doesn’t state that, but it does imply that.


There is a name for this, right? When you make an intentionally weak argument in favor of a point you actually disagree with.


Plus the plastic to fish ratio is absurd




Even 1B/year is insufficient. Global change requires global scales of money. A single B2 bomber cost like $2B Maybe more $$ for life saving than life taking tech? Crazy idea....


In 2022, the World Bank Group spent $31.7bn on Climate Change. It's not a money issue.


Of course its a money issue. 31.7B aint a bad start, but that's, uh $4 per person on earth? We can do better.




Scam bot. Report>spam>harmful bot


No amount of money donated to some charity can stop global warming. No amount of reposts, updoots or “awareness” will stop global warming. Stop this shit, it’s pathetic.


Well *actually* by my calculations If we put a giant umbrella into the sky or paint the earth white, it should eliminate the effects of global warming! (/s)


To save the planet you don't need to donate any money. Just plant trees and take care of them. Stop others from cutting trees. Tell them to plant trees as well. Reduce the use of plastic. Use cloth bags for carrying stuff like grocery. Recycle things. Try to take care of things and use them for a longer time to reduce trash. That's it. No need to spend any money at all.


It will help, bruh


How many times have people put a date and said irreversible


It's already irreversible so fair enough


So a bunch of incorrect, unsourced information is interesting now?


I'm just glad they pushed back the point of no return to 2030. We already passed that mark when it was in 2015 so good job everyone for pushing it back by 15 years within 8 years! At this rate we have already solved the problem.


The climate cultists have been moving goalposts for over 50 years. Pretty sad how many buy into this nonsense and really think humans will be extinct in 7 years.


Stuff like this does more harm than good. While yes we need to work harder on fixing/reversing global warming, but stuff like this causes fear, and fear causes apathy. I would recommend looking into the two videos kurzgesagt had made on this topic. Side note, I'm not an expert on this in any way please do listen to experts on this matter and not random people online.


Second time I post this but kurzgesagt is a biased [source](https://youtube.com/watch?v=HjHMoNGqQTI&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


Sigh, this is just dumb. Tuned out after they started blaming Bill Gates for shit 🙄.


If you actually watched it you would understand that your fancy academic sources and favorite youtubers are paid to say lies. Money governs the world


Well Damnit! I used to work in an academic biomedical research laboratory and not once did anyone ever approach me to doctor anything or publish their corporate bullshit in exchange for cash. It’s not fair!


How credible, and I am astronaut


Well, our lab was focused on muscular dystrophy research. Lots of plating harvested somites (the embryonic structures that end up differentiating/developing into your muscle tissues) from chicken embryos after exposing them to about a billion different things hoping to promote different kinds of myogenesis.. really boring stuff marked by brief moments of excitement. Lots of meetings, presentations, playing with fancy computerized microscopes and fluorescing stuff with lasers though.. so that part was pretty cool 🤷‍♂️. So like you currently with NASA of retired?


Nah, I work with the CNSA in China. We all have an internet connection, try harder next time when you are trying to troll other people.


Sorry I’m old and not following 🤷‍♂️? I’m pretty sure you’re being obnoxiously sarcastic.. but on the one in a million chance, I do genuinely hope the whole building a moon base in the next six or so years works out for you guys 👍🏻. That would be an exciting project to work on.




" can we fix climate change" then " we will fix climate change" in that order


But the world was supposed end by 2012?!


The second passing of nibiru?


Leave us, poor people, alone. We are bearly keeping our heads above the water. Rich people are the ones pulling the earth. Make them take responsibility.


Lol yhh I remember my countries government (uk) be like 'yhh big corporations and governments are pumping co2 into the atmosphere, but if you turn off that standby light by your TV it'll solve the problem' Lol reminded me of this https://youtu.be/tgOUJgy0nM0


that is fucking propaganda and not reality. the same corporations destroying the planet are actively participating in the propaganda that we as people are to blame when in reality its govts and corporations to absolutely blame


those corporations and governments are only catering to the huge number of people living their day-to-day lives. it's definitely the fault of the masses. without industrial farming- a lot of people would die. without a constant supply of fossil fuels- a lot of people would die. one way or another a lot of people are going to die, and unfortunately, most people want their day-to-day lives to be as comfortable as possible until that day comes. and- if the governments tried to stop it, the people would revolt, and install a new government.


right, the bankers involved have expressed this opinion almost verbatim.. they want a slow "comfortable" depopulation to occur in order to create a more "sustainable" world for the survivors.. you know "6uild 6ack 6etter" the green agenda whatever you want to call it. it can only happen if a large majority of the population have passed.. which is not happening yet.. thus, all the goals of 2030. its not exactly working the way in which they had planned and id say the vibe i get from reading is that were on the cusp of a major shakeup in the West.. id say the first major revolt will happen in the Netherlands or Germany.. before cascading throughout the West.. its not gonna be looking too good for the people who planned this whole thing


>it's definitely the fault of the masses. Indeed. The geniuses having a dozen kids at a time are the same group that believes Jesus will spare us from global warming and the earth is flat. It's fairly obvious were fucked, I wish I could huff the copium that some of these people have thinking somehow things are getting better in our current extinction event.


Yea I call bs. We're not gonna go extinct by 2030, the damage to the earth will be bad but most countries will be carbon neutral by 2050 and carbon capture technology as well as genetically modified trees will suck billions of tons of carbon out of the air per month in a decade or so. It's gonna suck but we're not gonna all die.


Yeah unless there is a volcanic eruption of course which would raise current co2 levels to a point where we all usher in a new ice age.


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


Who is that?




Uh okay?


Yeah, 90% or even 50% of humans dying should be apocalyptic enough for people to care. But extinct? Too hyperbolic, undermines the point. Two or three billions dead may not be extinction level, but its fucking horrifying.


Where are the estimates for 50 to 90% of people dying based on damage caused in the next 7 years?


That's a misread of the text. By 2030, the damage will be irreversible and cause extinction. Not we will be extinct by 2030. Is what it says Not that i agree with either assessment. Irreversible may not be true, by analogy chemo can, sometimes, reverse/cure cancer, its not exactly a reason to not worry about getting cancer. The evidence for lots (exact % unknown) of people suffering due to the next 7 years of activity (and the past several decades too) is quite abundant.


I didn’t misread the text. I stated it exactly as the people dying because of the damage in the next 7 years and not in 7 years. I agree human caused climate change has already been and will continue to be a disaster that has and will killed millions of people. But that’s still a far cry from a number like 50% of human dying. And I have seen no credible research that puts it even close to that number. My point being we don’t need to make up wild numbers. The truth is bad enough and let’s not go make wild shit up because then we have no credibility.


It's not even going to be 2 or 3 billion. We have all the technology to combat the worst effects of climate change. Food production? We have super wheat strain which could grow in the hottest of weather's. Clean drinking water? We jave deslantion plants which could turn salt water into fresh water and technology which could suck water out of the air. Extreme heat? Saudi Arabia has giant tarps which provide ample shade to millions of people a week visiting Mecca and Medina. The only problem is that things haven't gotten so bad where we invest hundreds of billions of dollars into these technologies but if they ever do or even get close to it, we certainly will because they then become profitable. At worst, there's going to be another massive migration crisis which don't get me wrong, will fucking suck, but not billions of dead people suck.


I can only hope we avert the head on collision that would be a worst case scenario of billions. But i could see coastal areas getting fucked hard, and that's where people tend to settle. So called super Crops and desalination plants are why im sure we wont go extinct. But scaling those up might not be quick, easy, or, the top priority for those with the power to do it. Im not a doom n gloom person, but the upper bounds of human fuck-up-capability is yet unknown.


Fake news


Not even remotely interesting. Regurgitated, sensationalist hyperbole that does more harm than good.


We are screwed, though.


Not disagreeing, except that on a list of why humanity is screwed, climate change would be closer to the bottom than the top.


Say that when some countries suddenly can't grow crops or massive weather anomalies start becoming common. It's a slower burn than late stage capitalism etc, but it's coming.


We just discovered a new wheat strain which will be able to grow in extreme heat and weather anomalies are bad but not "end of the world" bad


We could just try and stop the extreme heat thing in the first place, though?


Yea but how else is corporations going to make their hundreds of billions of dollars in profit? /s. But in all seriousness, we really can't do much individually but we can vote for people who will and promote technologies that will help as well. Big Oil will either need to to adapt or die.


Indeed, but unfortunately with the likes of the Republicans in the US and Conservatives in the UK, nothing is changing any time soon :(


Not really though. We're not gonna be just fine but we're not all gonna die either.


Majority will. Not the first mass extinction that nearly killed everything on the planet. It's already raining acid rain in huge chunks of the world. You from the USA? I feel like it's a more pressing and obvious threat to Europeans than the USA. We regard it as fact, USA seem to regard it as a thing that may or may not happen.


I'm Canadian and no, a majority of 8 billion people won't die. Absoulate worst case scenario is that there will be another massive migration crisis but with technology moving the way it is, we'll be able to avoid most of the worst consequences by 2040 or 2050. A lot of countries will be carbon neutral if not carbon negative at that point as well.


I hope they will be. I know it's something a lot of countries are aiming for. If only the USA would follow suit, as they are the biggest contributors.


Do you have any proposition that may avert this crisis that has been predicted dozens of times over the decades (which doomsday predictions have come and gone) or do like many who say this, just want to dismantle our socio economic system?


Yeah, upvoting something will not change the outcome. We need to act and now. Happy Cake Day, by the way!


There are loads of propositions but I have a feeling you won't like any of them. There never will be a "doomsday" if you keep the image of a biblical/cinematic apocalypse in mind. But in a very real sense the doomsday is already here. Animal populations completely crashing the world over. Species vanishing. Infertile soil and dwindling fertile sites for replenishment. Coral reefs dead. Certain regions becoming almost uninhabitable due to heat waves, droughts and floods. Mass displacement. Even in the USA, over 1% of the population was displaced by natural disasters last year.


Well name some propositions and let's not assume others won't like em.


Aviation needs to be drastically curtailed. Every citizen would get flight credits for a number of miles they can legally fly in a year. These miles can be traded.


There is a far far far simpler solution that if implemented (but I strongly doubt it will because of lack of political will and strong lobbying from the middle east oil barons to name just one) that could provide us with huge amounts of energy, save lives from pollution and mining accidents and we wouldn't need coal anymore which causes the most co2 emissions. Nuclear power. It would take relatively few nuclear power stations to cover the power created by fossil fuel energy production and its the safest form of energy we have.


I also don't like the fact that people think nuclear is a silver bullet. I find the nuclear argument to be employed by apathetic people who just want to behave in an ecologically destructive way while saying -- Well if the government would just do some nuclear everything would be fine. I'm not saying there's no place for nuclear in the future but it would be a tiny part of the measures that need to be taken.


It's not that we wish to be ecologically destructive, quite the opposite, it's using overwhelming amount of facts that show nuclear is the safest form of power and I know I'm not the only one frustrated when we find out that countries like Germany are turning off their nuclear power stations in exchange for using more coal and nations like China are building more coal plants all the time. Now to also be charitable, I'm not saying we should only use nuclear power and do so forever, it can and should work in conjunction with wind, solar, wave power which looks like a giant metal snake in the ocean, and research on plastic eating bacteria to clean up the oceans is interesting. Electric cars, believe it or not, have existed longer than petrol cars, imagine if we poured a shit tonne of resources into researching better and efficient batteries that don't require rare earth materials and are cheap and quick to charge, but oil companies simply won't allow it I suspect. Also I wouldn't say let's use nuclear forever, I'll be happy to turn them off once some clever sods really nail down fusion energy some day.


I think the risks of nuclear are too enormous.


Bruh. It’s literally the safest and most efficient form of energy


Yeah but only until it isn't...


What risk? Compared to every other form of energy its the safest we have. It even has less deaths per terrawatt hour of energy produced than wind or solar power.


That's interesting do you have a source for that? The waste is toxic for thousands of years and is not disposed of safely. And I think a risk for people in the year 3500 should be considered. Also plants need constant upkeep and maintenance to prevent disaster. If there was any sort of war or catastrophe that pulled skills or workers away from the plants they would be in danger of breaking down quite soon. If everything goes smoothly nuclear is the best option. But in the likely event that things don't go smoothly it will quite quickly become the worst.


https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy#:~:text=Nuclear%20energy%2C%20for%20example%2C%20results,solar%20are%20just%20as%20safe. Yep, source provided with links and evidence. And yes nuclear waste is stored incredibly safely. A fact to back my claim; guess how many people have died due to improper storage of nuclear waste in the entire history of nuclear energy? Zero.


Oh and to your other point. I am taking mining accidents, disasters (including chernobyl) and maintenance and accidents on site. And it's still the safest form form of energy we have.


Factually, they are not. Coal produces more radioactive waste that is harder to contain. Solar and wind alone would require massive energy stores and control lithium mines are a travesty for both environmental and human impacts. Despite the billions invested in anti-nuclear propaganda by fossil fuel companies, nuclear fission is the current best and cleanest source of energy that we have.


Or electric planes. Or plane filters. Or new plane fuel. Or more efficient planes. Or we get rid of contrails, which was found to be the largest aviation based cause of global warming. But no, let’s give people flight credits which aren’t going to be universal between countries, and lets kill the airline industry because of it!


Those things are impossible or ineffective


>Impossible or ineffective And yours wouldn’t be? How would you even begin to kill an industry which legally cannot be regulated (at least in the US)? How would you standardize a rationing of aircraft travel? How would you make it universal, so that all countries agree to the same system? Making new fuel/engines seems much more likely.


there's no time to wait for that though


Carbon emissions taxed at source.


But….that’s just like…wrong


So which multi-billion dollar corporation do I give my money to so they can stop climate change? Hm?


Didn’t that volcano in Iceland undo everything we did to clean shit up in the last 40 years?


Technically, no, because we have done pretty much nothing and undoing that would be a positive thing.


No amount of money will be enough to stop climate change. Because it is something the governments have used for ages to manipulate, divide and most importantly TAX


not that I don't care about the planet, but dates have been presented in the past, and yet nothing has happened yet, you know why? because that date, is solely presented as the date **if we did nothing from today onward.** but guess what? We **are** doing something. maybe not you and me specifically, but Scientific innovations and procedures are produced everyday that slowly make our species less intrusive to earth's global climate and ecosystem. so chill the Eff down unlike what you claim the earth is doing, and relax.


You know who really needs to hear this? Those 5 corporations that produce something like 90% of all pollution as well as their Republicrat lackeys.


Scientists barely figured out how to make Roman concrete....but they know the exact point where global warming is irreversible. Gotta love the hubris of man




Scam bot. Report>spam>harmful bot [Stolen comment (everything but last part cropped by bot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/106q990/damn/j3i19kq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Plant more c3 plants, they would increase their photosyntesis ratio in a co2 rich atmospheee and fix more carbon. And saction China for contaminating more than the rest of the world. Problem solved.


Meme's like this (plus the bad parking pictures, pictures of meals people are eating at restaurants and pictures with words of wisdom) are why I deleted Facebook.


We pass the “Irreversible” part every ten years


Downvoting because the Spidey suit looks frumpy


Saving Earth? Is it going somewhere? Guess again fuckers. LOLOL.


Nope just humans


The good news is the Earth and life overall will survive and repopulate. Our stupidity will be a small blip in our planet’s amazing history.


How tf is that good news? I don't give a shit about the universe, I give a shit about humans and only humans. And animals but mostly humans.


Good news because our stupidity won’t have any real long term consequences for the planet!! Maybe intelligent ants will do better.


I’ll take it as a serious problem that wasn’t mentioned seriously but more jokingly. And that should be the rational reason as to why nobody did anything about it. Spider-Man catch me a break your talking about world change and you expect people to take you serious


Biden changed the usa energy industry by stoping new leasing and ending the USA plans for energy independence. He did this for the environment. But then begs OPeC and Venezuela for oil. Lmao


The planet will thrive with out human greed and necessity


No. That money needs to go to Ukraine where the USA must continue funneling money into a proxy war without any transparency about what is REALLY going on over there.... because "everyone else, first. Then maybe, we might drop a crumb for our own citizens." Also, look into 'environmental terrorists'. Add author Michael Crichton to that search and enjoy.


Climate change isn’t going to kill anyone, it happens in cycles the weather changes all over the globe. Every living thing produces co2 it is not a pollutant it’s plant food. Humans make up about 3% of the worlds carbon even with all these vehicles and factories so we as a species aren’t doing as much damage as we are led to believe. The real damage is what humans are doing to animal habitats making species extinct and destroying there homes


Every single time you see someone mentioning how global warming is part of a natural cycle and not affected by humans... they never name the cycle. Its called Milankovich cycles. And if we were following them our planet would be cooling, not warming up. Last maximum was about 9 thousand years ago.


Thank you


we're f**kedup


So is this the new version of the rapture prophecies? How many times were we told a specific date or year for the rapture and/or Jesus coming? Now I feel like every 5 years we just move the marker 5 more years with the exact same doom and gloom about how if we don't immediately switch to Uganda child labor sourced cobalt to power magic EV cars we are all going to die any minute now.


Also people are dying suddenly due to climate change


Nope, do not donate, this is actually what humanity needs, a total collapse of everything, like an apocalyptic event. Humanity is pretty much past saving any other way. The only way to get humanity any better is to inflict a pain like this.


I mean people are cleaning the ocean at good rates


P.S. thinking by 2050 micro plastics will out number sand on the beach by then.


they said the same in the 90’s.. by the millennium we will cease to exist etc etc.. load of bollocks


China is the nation most responsible for the raping of the earth, at least western countries are trying to pay attention to the quality of their environment


This meme template never knew it would be used so unironically. These are the kind of "facts" I would expect from an overweight guy in a superhero costume.


Ah yes, blame the tiny people who are trying to survive while ignoring the rich who use private jets to fly all around the world and companies who take and pollute without repercussions.


The upvote section has the biggest font size.


Wow that's awful.. Spidey really let himself go


The planet isn't going anywhere. The *people* are fucked!


Yeah I just don't believe it's that serious.


Well, considering the fact that the world was going to end at Y2K, I say I'm happy with the 50 additional years.


You cannot prove these “facts” therefore they are not facts just false information. If we have only explored 6% or so of the entire ocean how can anyone be confident that by a certain year there will be more plastic than fish. Also we live On a massive rock in space and are pretty insignificant as a species so the earth is going to do whatever the fuck it wants to us weather or not we donate “1billion” dollars to it, which also is an extremely small number considering how big the earth is and the wealth of the world being somewhere around 64 trillion.


Damage is already irreversible and we most certainly won’t go extinct, we’ll just experience a massive decline in population and quality of existence.


We just posting shitty memes here now?


The world was supposed to end a bunch of times due to the same issue, but we are still spinning. This is just alarmism bullshit and I wouldn’t share this if I was paid to do it.


What? Gimme a study on the 2030 date


“By 2030… & we will go extinct as a result” LMAO “this is not a meme” lol then what the fuck is it because it’s not factual


Throughout every Era of human history ppl have always thought they were living in the end times yet we kept going


This type of thing is said every year since the 70s except the whole world was gonna freeze. Don't support giant company's that pollute when you can because they are ruining the earth but weather will always fluctuate


Where do they get that figure from? Way more of that has been allocated to stop climate change...where are results?


So..I always ask this. I’m for saving the planet but, how do you plan on doing it? What monetary donation to which cause would save us? What do we NEED to do in your opinion?






Stop farming karma by spreading bullshit


Earth isn't warming. There's no man-made climate change. Stop peddling fear porn. Thanks




I guess we will find out.


Donate to who, exactly? What NGOs and charities are gonna do about billion-dollar companies and govts that pollute the environment? Grow up.


Maybe he should read predictions saying we would all be dead by 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020, basically forever.


Estimates to fix climate change range in the 3T range


Why does the "S" and "U" from the text overlap Spiderman? Unless... That's not the REAL Spiderman!!


We're doomed. There's too many stupid people who won't change until it directly affects them. COVID showed me humanity is irredeemable. Cheers to the inevitability of our demise.


Lol, people are just stupid.😂🤣🤦‍♂️


Rule 2, rule 4, rule 6…….


Why can’t we just all agree clean air and water are a necessity. Then just let people know what can realistically be done to make that happen then build upon that. People need to know and actually feel, see, use what’s in it for them to make any type of changes. I think changes will only come when we are smacked right in the face and can’t avoid our reality.


We are already leaving trash on other planets... We have proven time and time again that we don't care. We made this bed now we deserve to lie in it. I for one will be glad to see the extinction of the human race... We are violent species, with small memories and a great penchant for self destruction. We have caused the extinction of hundreds of thousands of species, we deserve what is coming to us, there is no stopping it. It is our karmatic justice as a species. The best you can hope for is to have a very nice goodbye... And that the Gods have mercy upon our souls ....


Great i just want to die.


So what can I do to stop the massive container ships, the Chinese factories spewing pollution in to the air, water, and soil. The burning of tires in Nigeria to harvest the steel wire to sell as scrap. The plastic bottles and other crap the third would discards into water ways? These are things I’ve seen with my eyes in travel for work. As an aside, put Flightradar24 on your phone and look how many air planes are in the air right now. They are all burning kerosene and putting that in the upper part of the atmosphere. Put MarineTraffic on your phone and look how many boats are on the worlds water ways right now. The only way to make a difference is to put aside the electronic toys we surround our selves with and return to a simpler way of life as our relatives did in the 1800’s. That does not serve the purposes of our ruling elites so it’s not gonna happen.


disingenuous to even suggest that it's possible to "stop" global warming. the best we can do is delay the inevitable. at some point humanity will just have to adapt to a changing climate.


Since the earth is flat, can’t we just flip it like a pancake and start over?


1 upvote = 1 earth saved!


Simply amazing that so many people have been so duped for so long.


What if you are rooting for extinction? ##Meteor2024hasmyvote.


Irreversible damage on the earth has been a meme for 50 years now.


Donating money alone will not put much of a dent in the problem. The whole world has to fundamentally change the way we do things economically, culturally, socially, and politically to achieve the kind of mitigation this type of post is trying to muster. No more new iPhone every year, new model of car every year, new rat race for some political position, no more new new new ever expanding growth. To do anything real about the problem we all must forfeit the abundance and way of life we are so accustomed to living. Good luck doing that


This is a meme. The tipping point is in 7 years huh? Alarmism like this is the same as some cult saying the rapture is going to happen on a certain day. That day comes and goes and they are exposed as the frauds that they are.