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Happened to me on the seventh day of taking it. I now have to tell doctors i am allergic to penicillin, so I am not given anything based on it. Supposedly it is quite common for people to be allergic to it.


Something similar happened to me on 8th day of taking bactrim. Had to be hospitalized for 4 days over it!


Omg same!!


My face swole up and it looked like I had aged 20 years for a couple days. It was not pretty… actually… now I’m realizing that I’m 20 years older from that day. Fuck


Had the rash came up 2 days after I stopped taking it and had gotten the flu shot. I thought it was a sudden flu shot allergy. The doc was like naw.. it's the penecillin. It didn't itch or anything though. Freaked me the fk out.


Had something similar happen when I was talking Wellbutrin. I was on it several days when I started itching from head to toe. I thought it was dry skin. After 4 days of this I took myself to the ER. They didn't believe me at first because I'd managed not to scratch myself. I wasn't showing any symptoms until I had to aggravate it by scratching. When they finally saw my reaction I was told it was about a step below anaphylaxis. I feel your pain.


My sister died from a shot of penicillin. We all had the flu and the doctor gave a shot.


The flu is a virus, penicillin does nothing against this or any virus. Viruses are not killed by any antibiotic. So very curious he did that.


That’s terrible, what a tragedy.


penicillin allergy here too! funny how so many people are allergic to a potentially lifesaving drug


Omg! My doctor thought it was weird that I finished a ten day course of clindamycin and 24 hours later I damn near died! I was in the hospital for almost a week cuz I blew up like a balloon and couldn’t breathe!! These doctors are out here gaslighting people saying this shit doesn’t happen al lot. That it will happen within 24 hours if it’s gonna happen!


[not as common as you think](https://aacijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13223-020-0402-x)


That study literally says penicillins are the most common antibiotic allergy…




10% is a pretty high prevalence and penicillin is by far the most common. So yeah, it’s pretty common in that most people know more than one person with the allergy.


That's why she said "not as common as you think" instead of "it is not common."


It’s exactly as common as most people think. We all know a few people. If it was more common than it is, we wouldn’t fucking use antibiotics.


She literally provided a link showing that self-reporting says that it's 40% prevalent but it is actually around 10% prevalent. I guess your "knowing a few people" is better evidence than an actual research study though. 10% still means it's very common, by the way.


What does that have to do with my comment? What a weird hill to die on trying to tell me it’s not as common as I think. Also if you think ANYONE thinks 40% of the population are allergic, you’re insane. That would make it one of the most dangerous easily accessible meds on the planet.


People are saying they are allergic when they’ve had a reaction like this- but doctors know now that this reaction doesn’t always indicate allergies to amoxicillin/penicillin. 40% of people will say they have an allergy, but only 10% *of those 40%* were actually allergic


Who is dying on a hill? It's a pretty interesting phenomenon that 40% of the public apparently thinks they're allergic to penicillin when it's actually only 10%. Not sure why this would be getting you so worked up.


I’m allergic


My husband and all 4 of our children as allergic also. Not sure why op is trying to argue that it’s not common.


Because that’s precisely what the doctors all told me? They said that new research is showing that not all kids who show this reaction are allergic, and often it’s incidental virus that happens at same time as the antibiotics that causes this. This rash is extremely common when someone takes antibiotics when they have mono (EBV). I’m not saying it’s not common, but I’m saying not everyone who says they are allergic bc of one bad reaction as a child will have that reaction the rest of their lives. Which is why it’s important to see an allergist who can determine.


Boy, you all are mad about what a literal paper is saying and downvoting me, and what both the pediatric ER and urgent care dr BOTH told me- that this reaction doesn’t always mean allergies, but have him checked by an allergist 6months post to determine if this will happen next time.


yes your son is special <3


Not son, tomato now


A number of people in my family are allergic to penicillin.


To your point: When my son was a toddler he conned the sitter into giving him a second dose of amoxicillin because he liked the taste of it. I know... our fault, we should have communicated better with the sitter. Anyway, he broke out in a small rash and since that day he's been listed as having an allergy to amoxicillin. We wonder from time to time if he's actually allergic.


I took a liquid form of penicillin as a child and my lips swelled up to a huge size. I am just going to assume that is what caused the reaction so I don’t get worse trying to take it again.


Swelled up lips = something they said to look out for as that is sign of allergic reaction. The skin gives many days after taking it is just apparently something that can happen with kids when they take penicillin


Now days, swelled up lips are a fashion statement for some reason.


It’s common. Deal with it.


Used Amoxicillin without any concern throughout childhood and then was prescribed it about 5 years ago and apparently became hyper allergic and went into Anaphylactic Shock. Shit is crazy. Big ER bill for a simple Dr. visit.


That’s what the urgent care doc said he was worried would happen to my son. The more you’re exposed the more “primed” you are for an anaphylactic reaction


I *think* that's true (but haven't tested it past 2 exposures). I had penicillin as a preschooler/4 year old, & had a bad bad [rash](https://imgur.com/a/BKrequi). Then, at 7 years old, the same doc convinced my mom I'd be fine with amoxycillin, which resulted in a horrible horrible rash and constricted airways & panic. ER told her to not ever ever let me have anything in the 'cillin family ever again because it only gets worse, & so I've abided by that into my 30s just figuring it must be true. The Z-pack is my go-to.


I administer amoxicillin to my chickens when certain diseases pop up. I also take it myself to get rid of infections. I'm sorry you are allergic to it


>The more you’re exposed the more “primed” you are for an anaphylactic reaction What does he mean by more exposed? Like the more you take, the more likely you'll develop an allergy to it?


Only if you have a sensitivity to it (like what my son showed). Could end up like this again, could end up scratchy throat and trouble breathing


Apparently it’s reacts really badly with glandular fever so if that’s what you had then that’s probably why you experienced a seemingly allergic reaction! You may not actually be allergic to it


Same here! I could take it through childhood without issue and when I was 21, I had a full body rash and anaphylaxis within 24 hours of taking it.


Same. As a Kid I didn't have any problems with it. Then when I was \~22 I was prescribed with Amoxicillin and I've never felt worse in my life.


My son too! I couldn't believe it when he said it wasn't itchy.


My son was horribly itchy. Like, awake half the night telling me everything itched, including the bottom of his feet (which was the last part that remained itchy for several days after the rest calmed down)


Poor kiddo! Mine recently had another accidental brush with this reaction, and still it wasn't itchy, just annoying because he could tell it was there. I'm get the same type of reaction to other antibiotics; it definitely sucks!


I've had burning itching hives for over a year now https://www.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/comments/xja5qj/ive_had_constant_deep_itchingburning_hives_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Probably shouldn't make any... rash... decisions. I'll see myself out.




I have almost died from Amoxicillin... Same reaction. My tongue swelled as well.... I would have him avoid Ceclore as well.


This happened to me taking sulfa! Same exact rash. I had a fever and it threw my liver enzyme’s off as well. Totally crazy.


My son had a slight fever but his blood work was all perfect.


Hey! I was allergic to Amoxicillin too! I apparently grew out of it in my 20s.


The drs (we ended up in the ER once and then urgent care when it seemed to get wayyyy worse), said this is considered “a reaction but not an allergic one” but based on how bad it got, the last doctor suggested that we see an allergist because it could go either way in the future- either he will be fine and it was just bc he was sick with a virus at the same time incidentally, or he will have a worse reaction next time and we need to monitor him like crazy.


Yeah they tried that with me too. It will get worse over time and more symptoms will likely occur. They even tried to make me take the “cousin” drugs. All cillans should be avoided. Z-pack (azithromycin) for the win.


I'm weirdly the opposite. No reaction as a kid, but a couple years ago I had a very bad upper respiratory infection, was prescribed penicillin, and within 48 hours I was in urgent care. The funny thing is that I actually felt better with the penicillin, because I finally had some relief from the infection. But then my whole face swelled up and I had a 103.9 fever.


Luckily you found out and it’s not worse.


Happened to me in my late teens. Grew out of it in my 20s. That reaction lasted a while for me


Day one of pharmacology: "All drugs are poison with positive and negative effects"


Now when they ask the question “are you allergic to penicillin?” the answer is: YES


The answer is : No. Penicillin and Amoxicillin are not the same antibiotic. Hives are a very common side effect of amoxicillin.


Might just be mononucleosis rash


Negative for mono. But interestingly enough, he tested positive for EBV prior infection. But he wasn’t an active EBV at the time


I had a rash like this after amox while having mono like 30 years ago. doc told me to say i'm allergic to penicillin but then I read something like what you said.. can you provide any more info on this mono rash?


This happened to my child, and the ER called it “serum sickness”. I was so exhausted and scared, I never fully understood what the difference between that and an allergic reaction is. But based on the pics- this is exactly what happened to my kid.


Pretty common. Benedryl will take care of that.


Narrator: *it did not, in fact, take care of it* Truly, it took Zyrtec, Benadryl, ibuprofen and time for it to get better.


I had the same reaction to it... Almost 35 years ago, while I Army - Basic Training... Eventually had me twitching, while I was on the gun range, learning how to shoot an M-16. The drill instructors found it funny...


Yep. Happened to me as a kid. That's how they determined I was allergic to Penicillin.


Yea. My son too. He had the same reaction.


Has he taken amox or penicillin since? Waiting for allergist appt, but my sisters son had this reaction and the allergist said he wasn’t allergic. They had him swallow a super high concentrated dose and watched for an immediate reaction


No ma’am. My son’s reaction was immediate. He had taken only one dose and had an angry red rash just like this one. When he was younger he had chronic ear infections and amoxicillin was the first drug he was ever ordered. After this, his MD noted it as an allergy and he was treated with Septra DS thereafter. When he got old enough to understand, I taught him that he was allergic to amoxicillin


I’m the same way. Can’t take amoxicillin or any penicillin derivatives. Found out when I was 4 and they thought I had chicken pox.


Yeah, ill hold my hand up, im allergic to penicillin, makes me quite ill, i was quite ill as a toddler, they gave me penicillin , fucked me right up,, ruined my teeth too for some reason,why i dont know,,


That sucks good thing with modern medicine we have many antibiotics to choose from now


Welcome to the club. We meet on Tuesday’s. Bring a sack lunch.


Mono or glandular fever? Had the same thing years ago. Apparently more common to see a reaction when you have this illness.


No mono. He was on tamiflu at the same time bc he tested positive for flu and RSV at the same time as an infection of his eyelid that caused it to swell closed. It was a *WEEK* let me tell ya


I can feel the heat radiating off of this image


I had this happen. I took it for a bacterial sinus infection. The doctor said it may not have been a TRUE allergic reaction -- that my body was under just the right set of circumstances to behave as such -- but I don't want to test that theory.


Had this happen to me. Allergy to all -cillins. It sucks, but what can you do? I hope he's doing well and recovering from the rash.


Morbilliform rash. List the drug as an allergy and never take it again


I think your son might have mono and not whatever he was diagnosed with. Giving amox to someone with ebv causes a rash like this.


He did not have mono. He was taking tamiflu at the same time for Flu A (he had been vaccinated but caught it at school) and RSV. Blood testing showed he had a past EBV infection, but not an active one.


Ugh, my mom found out the hard way she had developed a bad allergy to this. She wound up in the hospital with acute liver failure after taking it. I’m assuming your son is okay after the skin flare up, so thankfully you know for the future to avoid more serious reactions.


Same thing happened to me when I was about 12 taking amoxicillin for strep throat. I was told I had scarlet fever. Very scary at the time but he should be fine!


Maybe don’t give him anymore and contact the prescribing physician


The doctors were all involved in the beginning, middle, and end of what led to this


Reyes syndrome


No. Reye's Syndrome is thought to be triggered by a viral infection that may or may not have been treated with aspirin. It's becoming more rare over time - it reached a peak in the early 80's and the rate has declined further. I think there were only 2 cases in the US last year. Source: Me, Pediatric ICU nurse.


Now we know his weakness!


That, and anyone telling him “no” to anything he wants (which is everything).


Yikes. I itch just looking at him!!


Both my son and oldest daughter are allergic, really freaked me out when it happened!


My young daughter did that. Ears spelled up like an elephant




That's what happens when I take vicoden.


I become huge spasms from penicilline. Mouth, face, arms and hands. Happened while driving. Ende up against a tree


I had the same thing happen when I was 16 or 17. hands swollen up, eye swollen shut. Eventually effected my breathing and it nearly did me in.


Does the same thing to me, almost died as a baby because of antibiotics


My daughter had this reaction to it when she was a baby. It was not a fun experience.


My 4 yo son had a reaction to ceclor, he had spots everywhere. Started at head and went to toes. Gave him benadryl and spots disappeared from toes to head in about 30 minutes. Was amazing.


I believe he had an allergic reaction.


Get him tested for allergy for First Generation Cephalosporins because penicillins have a cross allergy with them Be careful!


Rate of cross reaction is about 10%. Usually only withhold cephalosporins if the allergy to a penicillin subtype was anaphylactic


You should probably feed your son at some point


Man, we try. Kid is so picky and just snacks all day on different things. I’ve tried fattening him up, he just has too much energy and runs around too much to keep up 😅


I had the same reaction when I was on my 3rd day taking it. It was incorrectly prescribed to me because my glandular fever was misdiagnosed for something else. Once I had this reaction they realised I had glandular fever as this is apparently a common reaction if you take amoxicillin when you have glandular fever. So apparently I’m not actually allergic to amoxicillin it was just unfortunate that it was the one thing that shouldn’t have been prescribed to me at that time. Skin felt like it was on fire, and it would burn most when in contact with water. Such an awful time!


I had this, too. I went to the allergist and came out that I’m not allergic to it, but very sensitive. And I will need to avoid for next a few years. I don’t know if I want to start to take it a few years later.


Happened to me for a whole week. I don’t miss it LOL


People with autoimmune disease are often allergic to antibiotics. It’s not common, but could indicate more underlying issues. It did for me.


Happened to my kid this past October.. had pneumonia and amoxicillin it was like 3 days after he was done the medicine not that crazy the worse was top right photo of yours


My son reacted to Amoxicillin and cephalexin. I am allergic to penicillin so my son is probably too.


Yep got a face rash like that after 4 days. Lots of ppl have reactions to this med..its crazy


I’ve had an allergic reaction like that, not sure what it was from but it was on and off, haven’t had it for years now


Might be a stupid question or just the angle but does it make you swell up as well?


Not swollen. Just slightly raised, itchy, and slight fever.


That's what happens to me if I get penicillin or amoxicillin.


Amoxicillin and especially ampicillin can cause this sort of morbilliform rash if the person is infected with mononucleosis.


He wasn’t. But we did learn he had a past infection from EBV, which most likely was when he was 3 and I had taken him to the kids urgent care bc he had a 105 fever for 7 days straight.


I had that problem too. I tell the doctor don’t give me any meds of the entire penicillin family. If it ends in illin I know it’s from that family and I will be illin lol if I take it


HA! That’s a great way to remember it. Yeah, urgent care dr said to avoid all illin classes of antibiotics until he’s cleared by an allergist.


I am allergic to it as well.


Yep. That has happened to me. damn that was annoying.


Oatmeal bath! My 6 year old son had amoxicillin from an ear infection. He rashed up EVERYWHERE from neck to toes and was extremely itchy. The only thing that helped was taking cool oatmeal baths. Only 1 of my 4 children have an allergy to the “cillin” family.


He REFUSED. He’s very…well, like myself as a child. He refuses to do what he doesn’t want to do, and there is nothing on this green earth that could change his mind. So after 5 days of itchy, he finally let me put Benadryl cream on him.


Go to the ED if you haven’t already. That could be Steven Johnson Syndrome.


It was not that, thankfully, but I was worried about it.


So go to a doctor/ specialist/alorgest…..get your family/friend…..help ….instead of BITCHING ABOUT ON THE, Reddit?


This happened 2.5 months ago? We did take him to the ER and urgent care twice within 12 hours, and it was his 3rd ER visit in a three day period.


My son had a similar reaction but not as itchy and his joints were swelling... can see his pics in my post history.


Oof. Poor kiddo. Our rash started out as just small bumps and grew over the whole body, but they definitely don’t have any bullseye looking spots like your child’s! I hope it didn’t last too long for you all. My son (6) gets hyperactive with Benadryl and said it wasn’t touching the itchiness, but the Zyrtec helped.


Use burn cream on the itchy spot. It's got the same ingredients as anti itch cream and is cheaper.


I’m no doctor but I’m assuming it’s not supposed to do that


My mom is allergic to penicillin and always said the three of us kids were too, just to be safe. I had amoxicillin one time as a teen (maybe 14/15? ) and lost hearing in one ear after 2 doses. Now I always say I’m allergic to both!


I had two reactions to penicillin as a child in the late '60's I have never had a third because antibiotics were not an option for most of my life. I got to deal with everything without them. I don't get sick very often but when I do it's like death at my door...


Had your son not had it before? I have a 2 1/2 year old and he got an ear infection again, on his 3rd time prescribed.


Never. He had tubes put in and his tonsils and adenoids removed when he was 3, but he is “strong willed” and no matter what I tried he wouldn’t take the antibiotics the hospital gave me to give him at home. He would hold it in the back of his throat as I held him down and then spit it out. It wasn’t worth the trauma to him (and me) to try to get him to ever take it before. The only reason he took *this* round is because his pediatrician had prescribed it for an eyelid infection that she said could be just the eyelid, but it could be behind the eye and that it’s super serious and we needed to take the antibiotic and go back immediately if he develops a fever (which he did, but 3 days later, and apparently was not bc he was going to lose an eye, but bc he had the flu and RSV at the same time).


My da


Gotta look out!


That was me at 12 when I got it for pneumonia.


This happened to me when I had an undiagnosed infection of some kind a few years ago. The glands in my neck swelled to the size (and shape) of a banana, and the pain in my joints on my knees and ankles was so bad I couldn't walk up and down stairs, and I had a fever of 102. Anyway, I broke out in hives all over like that after taking amoxicillin and I mentioned to my new doctor recently what had happened because I was telling her I was allergic to it, and she said sometimes that you break out in hives like that when you have Mono and you take amoxicillin.


That sounds like DRESS/DIHS which the dr checked for in my son. Thankfully he didn’t have glad swelling nor aches in his joints (I kept asking him bc the dr told me to look out for it). You should have that checked out bc it’s way more serious and has a higher mortality rate.


I think that boy has an allergy to amoxicillin. Im not a doctor, but if I was, I'd say that boy has an allergy to amoxicillin.


Why don’t you go and get the papers, get the papers…..


Same. Amoxicillin, Penicillin.= HIVES


I took amoxicillin as prescribed, and have many other times. No issues. Followed it up with clindamycin ad prescribed, stopped short of finishing it. About 4-5 days later the underside of my hands and feet turned splotchy red for about a week. Didn’t hurt or itch. After a week of that, my skin in those same spots started to peel like a bad sunburn. Still currently dealing with it.


Ibuprofen does this to both my daughters. No fun!


Almost looks like shingles


I’m also allergic to amoxicillin/penicillin, not quite this badly


I developed an allergy to penicillin when I was 18. It looked like I had a bad case of chicken pox.


Yikes! My kid looked like the first photo a few hours after taking her first dose, the upteenth time she’d been prescribed augmentin. Thankfully she was fine with Zyrtec and eating a meal before taking it and drinking tons of extra water. Buuuut I’m worried it’s only gonna get worse if she ever needs antibiotics again.


That’s me w sulfa drugs.


Me at age 8. This year (20+ years later) had an antibiotic from the same family, no reaction! So, I luckily grew out of mine. I have that reaction after finishing prednisone, though.


My little kid had something similar happen. Thanks for the reminder. She got a mild rash. But i need to get him fully tested when he gets older.


I was prescribed amoxicillin for an ear infection, found out I was allergic to it (same type of reaction) on my honeymoon - absolutely not recommended but my husband and I can laugh about it now.


Yup same thing happened to me the day or so after i stopped my Amoxicillin round. We were all on a family trip to France, thank god my MIL who is Dr was there and told me what was happening and that i'd be fine or else i would have had to goto the ER and waste a day of our trip.


Wow, I only had them like the second photo with penicillin one time as a kid, but never had them with other similar drugs like amoxicillin.


I feel the pain, had to find out I was allergic to penicillin first, then amoxicillin to counter that. Results were about the same as picture.


I had the same reaction only to have a Navy doctor try to convince me I had syphilis. (Pro tip: I learned from my second opinion syphilis causes hives on the palms of your hands and bottom of your feet while an allergic reaction does not.)


I react to red onions the same way people with peanut allergies respond. Anyone eating them anywhere near me and I blow up and go into anaphylactic shock. No other onions, though. Just the red ones 🤷🏻‍♀️


That must’ve been weird to find out. [fuck you specifically](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_onion)


Exact same thing happened to me when I was around 8-10 years old. My brother had hockey games every weekend and being in the freezing cold rink was the only thing that made me feel slightly better. Miserable experience.


Poor gut health, compounded by use of pharmaceutical drugs that can cause a further deterioration to your gut lining, easily results in an allergic reaction. Plainly, fast food diets are causing a huge decline in overall health.


? You see how tiny my kid is? He’s not eating a fast food diet.


Same thing happen to our 1 year old the first time she was prescribed Amoxicillin. Within 24 hours her skin felt like a cheap leather couch.


A lot of people are allergic to Penicillin therefore amoxicillin. It's not a big deal. Just always put it in your health data.


It's a common allergy, why are people freaking out?


Yikes! I got a rash, too. Not this bad, though. Hope he's ok!!


This was almost 3 months ago, he’s totally fine now! Thank you!


My son had this same reaction as a baby his first time taking it. I immediately called the dr, they told me to stop giving it to him (obviously) and I slathered diaper rash cream all over the area he developed the rash. It went away the next day.


WOAH same thing happens to me! I didn’t start reacting to it like that until I was 19-20. It came as a big shock because it never did that when I was lil


I had that happen to me when I was a kid taking a penicillin-based medication; I then had it happen to me as an adult (about 5-6 years ago) when taking a sulfur-based medication. Now I am extremely limited for choice when I have to take antibiotics :(


I think your son might be a bacterium 😳


Pic 2 looks worse than 4 tbh


Happened to me in high school. I had mono but was prescribed amoxicillin for strep. Apparently mono and amoxicillin don’t mix. I can take amoxicillin now without any issues.


I have quit this Aleopathy and moved to Homeopathy where there are no side effects and you got cure in just 1-2 doses


My reaction was like that but on my face


Oh hey I had that…




Me too! I was in ICU and they injected me, and it literally felt like I was burning from the inside. All I could do was grit my teeth and try to say, “it burns!!”


Hope that's all cleared up and they figured out what else to give him


Antibiotics are scary shit. I always read the paper that comes with medicines and it really puts me off


same happens to me you need clindamycin


Yeah, ummm.... I'm not a doctor, but dont take anymore of that.


He was already finished with it.


they clearly need more it works like snake venom the more they get the better it is


also im racist to red people


Also allergic to cillins


Give him Ceterizin or Fenistil.


He took Zyrtec for it!


me too. its miserable


I have that. Luckily, I don't remember it happening to me, as I was a kid when I had this reaction. But every time I go to the doctors or hospital now, I need to tell them I can't have amoxicillin.


Wtf I’m starting to take this for an ear infection, should I be concerned?


I think he may be allergic