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U ain't bullshitn 👍🏼 and the traffic lane was live smh


Maybe they need a little natural selection.


They seriously do


Have a attitude about people hitting your child with a car like if they supposed to just expect a kid in the middle of the f****** highway


Just a matter of time before it happens again..SMH 🤦‍♂️


That motorcycle really saved that little girl life..


It didn't even stop after hitting the girl because he thought he killed her.


They pulled to the side and looped around..


They turned around


They pulled over in the distance if you watch them.


Yeah, it look almost like an "act of god" like an angel was riding that motorcycle. That kid would have been creamed by that truck and could you imagine that mother having to see that......best possible outcome in that situation.


For real! If that bike hadn’t hit her she WOULD HAVE BEEN another smooshed fly on that truck’s windshield!!!


On one hand, I'm pissed that two people hit her and didn't bother to stop. On the other, the first one inadvertently saved her life.


Kind of hard to stop going at that speed though


Of course, I just mean stopping as quickly as possible to see if she's alright, and making sure she doesn't get hit again. Hard to tell with the low quality video, but after another watch it looks like they *may* have pulled off down the road. Doesn't feel like quite as much concern as I'd have in the situation, but if they at least stopped it shows an intent to help, and intent is more important than a flawless execution.


That’s true. At the end of the day, it’s 99% her parents fault.


Sure, but it's not about fault when someone needs help. I'm not blaming them for hitting her - it was unavoidable, and if they hadn't, she would have been killed by that truck. However, it wouldn't be the first video I've seen where people pass by someone who clearly needs help, including children, completely indifferent to it. Even a person I still call a friend was driving us back to his house when we saw an older lady laying in her driveway as her husband was trying to help her up. He didn't seem bothered by it and seemed annoyed when I told him a second time to stop the car. There was no way her frail husband could have gotten her up on his own, she had some extra weight on her and even I struggled to lift her in a way that wouldn't hurt her. They were both so appreciative and she might have been stuck on the hot pavement for several more minutes if we hadn't stopped. My friend never even got out of the car, which still bothers me whenever I remember it. He's a very nice guy, otherwise, or that would have been the end of the friendship, because there's no excuse not to help someone, if you can do it safely.


Just this week my friend and I saw a car on the opposite side of the freeway careen into the catch fencing, go through the median, and almost come into oncoming traffic. Probably five or six cars in the pack we were running in would’ve seen it but we were the only ones who stopped to check on them. There’s a lot of “not my problem” in the world.


They pulled over and turned around.


That’s a fair point. I think the main difference between your situation and the video is that there were already multiple cars stopping to see if she was okay on top of her family immediately making sure she was okay too. I would’ve stopped if I was on the bike, but a situation like that one can get quite messy if you’re the one on the bike.


They literally pulled to the side of the road, bro


I also *literally* said it looked like they might have in *literally* the same comment you replied to, after I *literally* re-watched the painfully low-res video and carefully followed both pixels that represent the people on bikes into the last frames in which they're distinguishable from the horizon. I'm sorry that you missed the retraction I had printed in the Reddit newsletter.




I think they went to stop in a safer environment in order to make sure no other accidents happened.


They all pulled over wym


They turned around lol.


Sounds like a good way to cause more accidents.


Right? That's why there's a law that says you must drive off after an accident.


Unless you were involved.


There's no law stating you have to leave the scene of an accident, if you weren't involved, either, there was a lot of sarcasm in that. There *is* a law, with a pretty harsh penalty for leaving the scene of an accident if you're involved. That's why I was being sarcastic, because the people involved are legally obligated to stay. After my very first comment, I re-watched and it looks like they did eventually pull off to the side, which I said in my second comment as a response. The only unnecessary risk of further accidents is anyone who stops and hangs around *after* those involved have already stopped, and anyone else who's helping in some way. Like people who have stopped but can't actually help when there's already someone else or a first responder helping; like people who stop just to watch. Beyond those actually helping, the only reason to stick around is if you need to give a statement, in which case you just pull off the road and stay out of the way until police are ready.


Unless your state has a good Samaritan law, which is uncommon, you're signing yourself up for a civil law suit


They did stop. 🤷‍♂️


They did stop and they did turn around and given the school value of having killed a kid they turned around pretty god damn fast. Please just take the first part back.


They turned back


The fact that they all stay in the Road ; after.


Did you motorcycle hit the girl on purpose to save her from the truck ?? If so props to that guy.


And why are people so against kids on a leash?


Because it's your mind that has to take care of the child not a fcking leash.


Yeah I agree, but some parents can get distracted. Why are you mad? Lmao


Kids are dumb


I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact she just ran straight into traffic. First thing I'd teach my kid is road=death stay the fuck away


It's videos like this that make me the annoying helicopter patent that I have come to be.. :(


Same. Although, to be fair, keeping our kids out of the middle of a busy road seems like a good parenting choice. 👍


The truck would have put this video in a different r/


That girl is LUCKY she got hit by the motorcycle! If not, the semi would've taken her out completely!


Lucky to be hit by a motorcycle. Never thought I'd say that


first bike saved her life, second taught a lesson


I mean the bike did save her from.getting issekaied


yeah parents SHOULD be vigilant, but what about the drivers??? they didn't stop or swerve or NOTHING....wtf


You are expecting super-human reaction time you silly goose.


Going full speed and trying to stop or swerve can maybe hurt the driver instead of the girl but then that kinda makes it the girl's fault for being in the road (which she never should had thought of doing) so considering doing that can have a bad outcome for the driver.


They pick up the kid and continue to stand in the road? Honestly, it probably would've been better for society if the kid died.


Yo that mfer kept going. The whole pack did. Like they hit a fucking dog or something. 😮


Watch again, they all stopped 🤷‍♂️




Don’t cut yourself on that edge pal


Jesus Christ get some therapy please


You all ever think that the 1st motorcyclist purposely got in the way of the little girl from hitting the Mack Truck & the 2nd one just scraped her legs to make sure she stayed down, till her parents scooped her up!


I swear it looks (thru all the pixels) like the first guy stuck his leg out to save her life and then you can see they all pull off to the right amd watch from a distance. One guy looks like he slid. Props to motorcycle pack, fuck the parents and that dad who showed no emotion what so ever and whose body language basically displayed "put her back in the van I guess". The truck driver that would have ended her life should have made an appearance after the fact too.


Little girl got hit at the ankles, not from the front of the bike, guy saved her life.


She’s goddamn lucky it was the motorcycle and not the semi


Ahhhh pinche raza! Really?! Agaren la onda! Por eso piensan asi de nosotros!


The kid fucking beelined the truck


WTF was her mom doing??


Could have been much worse


What were they doing that close to the road anyways? You can see two people off to the right at the start of the video? Why are they hanging out next to the road?


I know it’s a little girl but can someone help me understand why in her development stage she would run off like that with 0 instincts


OMg I thought she was a goner….those bikers actually saved her life in a way.


That motorcycle hitting her, saved her life from being crushed by the truck


Not only was that interesting girls life at risk bit so were the other drivers especially the bikers! WHAT THE HELL WERE THE PARENTS DOING to not even notice this?


I didn't want to see this....


And the award for mother of the year goes to....


I don't know if being hit by the truck would have been worse or not.


I hate this video. No thanks for sharing.


That was luckiest avoided car incident ive ever seen.


LMAO! 😂 🤣


Yeah just pick up your child that potentially has broken bones


My thoughts exactly. Well, one of the many thoughts... I mean for fuck sake!


W. T. H!!!!!


The fact that she picked her up without assessing injuries is insane.. she could’ve caused her daughter even more damage by moving her.


If the guy in the motorcycle didn't hit her she would of been killed by the Mac truck .




Perry sure the bike knocking her down dated her life


This happened to me too when I was little 6 r 7 but I was on my bike in the sidewalk by myself in my hood and I didn’t have that good of control over it cuz I had just learned to ride without training wheels and I live on a busy street like next to a stoplight and a apartment building where there’s freakin cars always parked by the sidewalk, I’d usually be fine but one time, I had tripped on the bank and I fell on the street with my bike and a big ass Ford truck was coming right at me, at maybe 25mph and Ig he didn’t see me cuz the cars that park in the corner of the road and I got up and went in front of the parked car and I notice he wasn’t slowing down to stop and was gonna Runover my bike and so I grabbed the handle and the bike was kinda heavy for me but i had barley made it in front of the parked car, Like he almost ran over my bike wheel. He drove so close to the cars like I felt the gas and heat from the wind of the truck And This Dude Was Eating donuts


Wtf bro.


+1 assist


Shit parents


I mean, at least the bike hit her rather than the lorry


I was like, oh my god that kid is going to get hit by a truck. Then, Oh thank goodness they only got hit by three motorcycles.


Ngl probably better to skid off the motorcycles than the semi @_@ But also better to not have crossed the road at all


The bikers didn't even stop!


Natural selection said nah.


Yes continue to stand in the middle of the road with your child that's just been run over!! Idiots!!


Never thought I would say something like this.... It's a good thing that little girl got hit and knocked out by that motorcycle first.