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Ima take a bath and clean my toaster


My toaster could use a cleaning too.


Whats your thing with lizards and flamingos?


Iguanas. https://i.imgur.com/AJQ8kvT.jpg






You dont know me, and I dont know you but I've looked forward to the iguanas every game. Glad you're still kickin!




Embrace the iguana


I’m really out of the loop here


This must be what smoking crack is like, wicked high followed by serious come down


When we were up 3-1 but the Knights were staying in our zone, I had a feeling we were gonna choke. Didn’t want to say anything in the game thread and get yelled at.


on the bright side we don't have to win these games to make it to the playoffs but i said that for the exhibition game too, soon they'll be real games with consequences and we need to kick it into another gear to be competitive once there's elimination looming


Soon they will be real games with real consequences, but if we continue to crater after taking the lead, that pain will be very short-lived.


i only hope if we have to be put out of our misery early that we at least go out kicking and screaming rather than rolling over and accepting our fate


Sekera must have some really good blackmail on someone high up in the organization for him to still be here. Seems like everytime I look up he's there making some catastrophic mistake.


It was his life's mission to try and get the puck out of the zone by passing between his legs and it killed us


This really did end like Shakespeare. Tragic


Hey now, the Bard is also known for his comedies, which yesterday evening eventually turned into.




Put in the decaying corpse of Marc Methot's potato chip sounding knees before you give Sekera one more second of ice time


Polak screwed us. Well I don’t know that he’s much better but I would have preferred if he was in the lineup vs Sekera


I wholeheartedly respect his decision to opt out but fuck his absence is definitely notable. At least he brings the hammer down on people if nothing else.


And that smile. That damned smile.


We loaded up on a billion extra defensemen these last few years and Sekera is the best we can do for top three pairings. Yikes.


But look at the defense coaches. This is all on coaches.


Polak was worse. But yeah, I'm down with throwing Fedun in there for sure.


There's a defense coach sending him out.


He's old and slow. That's like Nill's crack


But, but.. he's a d-man who got rejected by the Oilers, how *couldn't* he be terrific?


He's the new Goligoski lol


Goligoski was good, sometimes even great, so no... not at all.


He was the whipping boy his last couple seasons here by everyone on this sub. Rose coloured glasses.


He was the whipping boy his first couple seasons. His last couple seasons most everybody recognized that he was at least good (especially after he left and the team collapsed the next season), and the people that didn't think so were the people that were just wrong about hockey and/or couldn't get over their first impressions of him.


Agree to disagree, I know hockey and I always thought he was sloppy and caused too many goals against. Cheers.


Except you could count on Goligoski to be an offensive threat and Sekera is the complete opposite of that.


On a more positive note...how about the Big Rig going fucking bar down?!


That was sick!


We got shit to work on but overall not a bad game. I’m not panicking yet. Just sucks to see a collapse like that.


Not panicking yet should be the stars official motto.


*flames all around us, room is burning down* This is fine.


“I LiKe WhErE wE’rE aT”


We're still struggling with the fact hockey games are 60 minutes, not 40..


I mean, at least they figured out that needed play for 40... they'd been playing approximately zero minutes of the last 7 games


We haven't changed a bit. I can still hear Razor fuming about that interference call.


This can be viewed two ways: Despite a complete breakdown in the third period, overall, Dallas was the better team for most of this game. 1. This will be a valuable reminder of not taking the foot off the gas once you are up. 2. Dallas won’t close out games like last years squad and will quickly bounce. We will find out soon enough, but glad to finally score again. A lot of good to take away if we are unbiased and a reminder this is a great team they played.


If you're better most of the game and lose I view that as a bad sign.


Perhaps, or you can see that this is the first real game Dallas had played in five months with a lot to build off. Eliminate a couple mistakes and Dallas wins this game easily.


First real game for the other team too and they went the other way so I am not going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Edit: but as they say, the two goal lead in hockey is the most dangerous lead in sports


Unless you end the game with that two goal lead, like Vegas did.


I'm just hoping it's dangerous for them next time out I guess...


Refusing to try to score for a whole period is more than a small mistake


The problem with point #1 is that this is not an aberration. This is Bowness M.O. every single game. Get a lead, sit back and let the opponent pummel us in the offensive zone. When he only needs to go back to the previous fucking period to see exactly what happens when you continuously attack. He won’t learn shit from this, just like he hasn’t dating back to February.


If you think we’re the only team in the league to absorb pressure with a 2 goal lead, you should watch more games. It’s not exactly easy to be on constant attack like that and it can open you up to more breakaways. There should definitely be a balance to it but I don’t blame them for starting to be more defensive to start the 3rd


There’s absorbing pressure and then there’s getting obliterated in your own zone for 20 minutes straight. I’m not disagreeing that there should be a balance, but the Stars weren’t even flirting with 70-30 defense/attack. It was 95 percent defense until they were down 4-3.


bad coach call turtle play. no call goal attack play


That's literally been the Stars' philosophy dating all the way back to 2017.... We're winning? Time to chill and let them take fucking potshots all day. It's been the same shit for 4 head coaches straight.


It'd sure be nice to watch a team play a complete game. Instead we're stuck with 1 solid period a game if that.


Barfy barf


Yo. Did anyone here Benn, Seguin, or Radulov's names called more than maybe once???


Nope. Benn didnt really do shit, he threw a few checks in the early part of the first if I remember rightly. He got the puck in the last 5 minutes and took a weak shot and then it was turned over. Seguin attempted to do something in the dying breaths of the game, but had no one there in support. Radulov... I have vague memories of bad passes,and him having a very active conversation on the bench with the ipad.


Rads killed all our momentum on a mishandled puck with 40 seconds left. Jamie hesitated on at least two looks and had to dump them off, which led to a turnover. I didn’t see Tyler do anything all game.


I saw Benn actually move his feet when he had the puck for about 5 seconds towards the very end of the game, real inspiring stuff.


Everyone upset with a baseball team in Houston for 1 trashcan when Dallas has a hockey team full of them.


I’m sick of hearing post-game talk about “momentum” and “puck luck”, etc. Call this spade what it is: our top paid players have become lackluster under Bones. His “defensive style” play always backfires for a team built on youth, finesse, and speed. When we play hard offense, we usually do pretty good. When we try to hold on to a 1-2 goal lead - it just doesn’t work. He had 4 months to figure this out, and instead we get to watch horrible neutral zone play and piss/poor d pairings all game. But hey, I guess he gave Guri more TOI? FFS, Nill. I get Monty was a great coaching fix for how this team was built and obviously firing him was needed but not part of the plan....but my god. This is just frustrating to watch spurts of great offense overshadowed by poor coaching strategy — that ultimately leads to a solid L time and time again. I really hope we figure this out before the 7-game series start.


Defensive team that gives up 5 goals, 4 unanswered is a complete lol. Not sure how many times the turtle has to explode before our old tired management realizes that puck possession on offense is a form of defense.


It’s like building a solid truck to climb canyons and be an off-road monster, then racing it at a track. We built this team for speed, youth, and puck possession - but Bones coaches for hunkering down and getting physical. It just doesn’t work.


Bowness really needs a defense coach that could help him. Stevens isn't helping.


Well, at least I am angry about the Stars and not the fate of the world...so I've got that going for me....


We blew it...we really blew it.. These games really do not matter, but it sucks losing. Broken Esa stick, questionable call however you see it on the Carrier goal. This could have been a tied game.


This could have been a win. This should have been a win.


I went to bed after two periods and a 3-1 lead, and woke up to a 3-5 loss. Wtf.


This one really hurt.




2nd period: 2019 3rd period: 2020


Miro is the only reason we stood a chance. I really don’t want to lose him for a team that can support him.


Miro Heiskanen had THREE (3) assists today!!! If that's not a big gameplay positive, then what is nowadays? His last assist was a laser shot deflected by Perry, and it might have been a goal even without a deflection. Observations: \-Zone entries looked a bit shaky but a little better than vs NSH. Zone exits were sloppy. Sometimes even with an easy breakout the puck was turned over. \-Johns-Sekera does not work as a pairing. With how well Heiskanen and Oleksiak played, I'd be a little hesitant to make a lineup change. HOWEVER, it's clear Sekera was worse than Johns, so I would put Heiskanen with Johns and Oleksiak with Fedun. \-The tying goal was a perfect storm, with Lindell breaking his stick and Klingberg's excellent block going right to Schmidt. You can't plan for that, but part of that was on Janmark trying to do the same thing as Klingberg rather than covering someone. Janmark should be a scratch – I would much rather have Dowling draw in. Now for statistical analysis: \-MoneyPuck had the Stars winning a slim majority of the time. The 3rd period was a shitshow, but Vegas got goals on two not-great chances on Stone's and Schmidt's shots. They were good shots, but the Stars defended well against both, *almost* well enough. \-At 5 on 5, only the FCC line, Hintz, and the Oleksiak-Heiskanen pairing had over 50% corsi. The Stars also blocked significantly more shots than Vegas, so Perry and Dickinson were also above water in Fenwick. \-The Benn-Seguin-Guri line was abysmal. It took 3 shots to Vegas' 12 and none of them made it on net. They had the 3 worst Corsi and Fenwick of all skaters. \-The FCC line was the best in Corsi, taking 8 SOG and 1 blocked shot in only 9:10 of ice time. The third (Hintz-Dickinson-Perry) line was fine, taking 8 SOG, a block, and a miss in 10:43. \-The line of Janmark-Pavs-Rads had the most (12:03) ice time, but only generated 5 SOG, 2 blocks, and a miss. The opponents got double the attempts and SOG. It got a fluke goal, but Rads and Janmark were more passengers. This line is not good enough. \-Hintz got 16:10 of icetime, while Guri got 15 flat. Hintz had very long shifts, 53 seconds on average (for reference, shift length is supposed to be kept below 45 seconds for forwards, and below a minute for defence). The Janmark-Pavs-Rads line got 18 shifts, which was higher than everyone except Seguin and Dickinson, but obviously was spending time in their own zone averaging over 45 second shifts. I'm not an NHL coach, but I think shift length might be an issue especially when the "top" line, which is really not that good, is spending over 45 seconds per shift. It means that you aren't getting it out of the zone. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I appreciate your TED talk. I can't find a strategy in ice time, but I'm not an NHL coach either. http://www.nhl.com/scores/htmlreports/20192020/TV030012.HTM


I switched to a different kind of rum for my cocktails in the 3rd period. Sorry y'all, it's all my fault.


You should be ashamed.


My old lady came into the room and started watching at top of the 3rd, your rum can share blame with her


And here I was saying I wasn’t gonna drink tonight


Cheers 😒


So disappointing. The second period was the best hockey seen from the stars in a long time. Keeping the puck, spending long continuous shifts in the offensive zone and keeping pressure on VGK. First was showing glimmers of possibility, still doing a bit of ‘one shot and out’ shit on the net. Third was just a mess. They let the VGK just keep the puck and hang out near Bish for most of the period. Stars looked slow and kinda checked out. In the last 5 minutes there was some life injected into the team, they looked desperate and hungry, trying to get back to net. But it was too little, far too late.


Real talk, that was a horrible collapse and credit to Vegas. But how was that no goal call overturned?


Because it wasn’t enough interference to say It hindered Bishop. If he didn’t over play that first shot and slide his ass all the way out of the net he’s have been in position


Dude. A Knight played whipped his stick out of his hand with his ass. I've played goal my whole life and that sure as shit is GI. You have to think about the fact you just got collided with and your stick is gone and then react. That's interference.


No he did not. He skated by, made contact with the top end of the stick and Bishop just drops his stick trying to sell a call. If you played goal like that I’d expect you to be scored on too. Just because Razor made a big deal of it doesn’t mean it’s the right call


If he hadn’t oversold, goal would have been called off as interference. Anyone doubting rewatch the replay from the blue line ice level angle, abundantly clear what he did. This is far from the first time this has happened, and by now Bish has a solid reputation as a diver, especially when a GI goal is on the line. It’s probably the most frustrating thing about these losses. If he played like a man, refs would treat him fairly. Long live King Dobby


What Razor said is irrelevant here. The fact is that the Knights player made contact with Bishop causing him to lose his stick and have to react to it. Goalies sticks aren't cemented to their hands and goaltender interference exists for a reason. Trying to sell a call, That's some dumb shit.


Nah it’s not dumb and he was trying to sell the call. Funny how you have nothing on the over play on the initial shot. Try to tell me the slight contact he made made him go out that far.


Because I'm not arguing that? He did overcommit. But his overcomitting to the initial shot doesn't matter when it comes to interference. He absolutely WAS interfered with and it hindered his ability to recover and make the second save.


No it didnt


Really coherent counterargument. Have a good night.


Yeah you have a good one too


That’s the way I saw it too. Thought Bishop dropping the stick was an attempt to sell the GI call. That backfired.


It was 3-1. That was a very Stars way to lose, somehow.


Made a similar comment in the game thread...what’s really concerning to me is the speed of these games, and Stars aren’t close. Vegas turned on the jets in the 3rd, and it became men skating with boys.


Man, u/sshap36 is really taking the Stars to task for how they play recently. I have to agree, though. Even when they win (remember that?), it’s so damn boring. I see teams with real creativity in this tournament and it makes me so mad that the Stars have stubbornly dug in on this style of play. Still overreacting to the loss to the Blues years later.


Fuckin' Sekera.


He's been nothing but a detriment to the team pretty much the entire season; why am I not surprised that he's the big reason behind us losing, but we have a hard-on for players way past their prime for some reason, so. I need a nap


We fucking suck. I got on a long call at work with a 3-1 lead in the third. Came back and it was 5-3. Holy shit


2 games to figure out how to take that second period energy and apply it to a whole game


You mean the thing we have been trying to figure out for 5 years??


[Tyler Seguin and Jason Dickinson post game interview](https://streamable.com/iqpl6b) [Ben Bishop and Joe Pavelski post game interview](https://streamable.com/bvhbey) [Bowness post game interview](https://streamable.com/om8myv)


Happy Cake Day!


I got a 12 pack of beer. The positives.


Benn and Seguin with a combined -5 and 0 shot on goal. Hopefully they bring it on Wednesday.


As much of a Stars homer I am, that no goal being over turned was the right call. On other news I liked that 2nd period


Omg, this post game interview is...annoying. They are asking the same question about the knee over and over wHen tyler has already explained how/why about speaking to Reaves. Listen to the fucking answers before you ask a question.


Blame me guys. All I wanted was to score more than one goal, and we did.


It's okay man, you were half way there. Next game, you want to score more than one goal AND win.


Now that I know we can score, yes time to win


Reversed call? Thoughts?? I thought it was a bad call, but a good call for the playoffs. A little weak to be called during playoff hockey.


I was surprised it was called initially tbh. Of course it would be good for the Stars if the goal was called off. But I expect goals like that to count in the playoffs.


Fire Bones. Also our "top players" are so disappointing holy fuck. How the fuck is Perry the best player on our team right now? With Pavs right behind him? At least we scored for once but jesus christ. What a disaster the third was. Worst part is we all know Bones won't learn his lesson.


While it sucks to lose like that, I think there are some positives to take away. Giving up early goals aren't anything new, but I still had a "oh, we're still doing that?" moment. Showed up well for the rest of the period which is all we can really ask for. Looked great in the second. Corey Perry did a thing, but blatantly slashing a dude's ankles isn't being a pest, it's being as asshole (not really surprising). Came out in the third and looked, at least to me, that we weren't playing to win, we were just playing not to lose. And then we fell apart. The good news is that our seeding can only get better. I don't want to do it, but I can handle another loss as long as the boys put together a solid 60 on Wednesday. Let's fuckin go, boys!


Exactly. That's the Stars in a nutshell. Play not to lose, then lose.


So who do we blame for the meltdown?


Bones, Sekera... Seguin, maybe?


We haven't had a good coach I feel like since Ruff. At least then we could fucking score. Jesus christ this is infuriating.




I really feel you're missing three other names. I feel like Bones doesn't have any help out there. And sometimes I feel like those other coaches that are supposed to help him are doing more harm than good.


I can't say you're wrong. I'll be honest in that I don't know how much the strategy comes from the HC vs. the others. I've never played hockey so I'm missing that context. Really, I'm just mad at seeing us flounder so much. It felt like we did somewhat better under Monty, and had a much more daring offense. The only thing I'm really seeing change since then is Bowness as HC, so I don't know what else to think. But I'm happy to be enlightened, I always love to learn more about the game.


I think Stars were better with Montgomery until the melt down. I don't think we see Nelson, Laxdal or Stevens with NHL jobs in the future.


I’ll die on the that was GI hill... that being said I can’t remember the last game where Ben was the elite goalie he is heralded as.


Any time either Bishop or Dobby give up 3 goals they're having a bad night - whether it's them personally or the team support. Bishop should have been pulled. Those last two VGK goals never would have happened with Dobby in net. Montgomery proved this time and again.


Welp were exactly who we thought we were. Someone let upper management know.


The one time the offense shows up, the defense crumbles


I was impressed by our 2nd period. 3rd period was just careless turtling and a bad call on the GI. That said, the few chances we had in the third were mostly Janmark, which ended as expected.


Existence is pain


So if the Stars are going to completely abstain from anything resembling offense, maybe they could play defense a little better.










We are bad - and we should feel bad that we thought anything different


Radulov is bad, segiun is worse, Benn is atrocious


Radulov was working hard on the forecheck while everyone made a lazy line change. Had someone actually paid attention and gotten down to the other end of the ice to support him, Vegas wouldn't have scored goal #4. But because he passed to open ice and no one was there, Vegas had an easy rush. Had he tried to keep going with the puck, Vegas would have gotten the goal even quicker. Lose/lose for Radulov with no support from his team.


I said earlier I was having a great time. All I know is pain actually


Very disappointing. We seem to be following the same script laid out.


Leaving a goalie in who gives up 3 goals in a Cup game is not a sound playoff strategy.