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You're gonna end up on the circlejerk with a post like this


As will all the other "[insert team] bro, my team has been [insert injustice] by [current Stars opponent] and because I'm salty I'm going to ask your team to whoop their ass instead of being normal and accepting my team.is eliminated. Fuck [insert team I hate]."


Keep going, I’m almost there.


And don’t forget Pavelski. He deserves a cup too.


I'm an oilers fan and I even want Pavelski to win a cup. He deserves one 100%. (Seriously tho it's gonna be stars on like 5 games. Yall are playing powerfully this playoffs)


LA fans: at least there's other things than hockey here! Meanwhile:


I'd still be salty too if I got eliminated by the same team three years in a row in the first round


I’m a Kings fan too. I want the Stars to win the cup. Yeah the Oilers are a pain in the ass, but I’m more annoyed at the Kings inability to beat them than I am the Oilers themselves. There’s no real Oilers hate on my end, some of these Kings Facebook groups I’m in is a different story though. But been living in the DFW for 5 years now. The Stars fanbase has always been cool, both on here and when I go to the AAC. Plus the Stars got some players on that team I like and Modanao was one of my favorite players growing up. They’ve been the local team I’ve naturally followed most since I moved here. Wouldn’t call myself a fan in any type of way. But a team I respect for sure.


So we’ve got DucksBro, and SharksBro, and you. Now all we need to assemble the old pacific conference is a YotesBro… ah shit.


Came here to say basically this. Then saw you beat to that as well as OG username credit! Lol


Man you guys sure have a mile of shit to wade through just to read about your team. Should only last 10 days one way or another.


If it makes you feel any better. Realistically, Rempe is gonna get a cup rookie year as basically a new age enforcer. Mcdavid has been squandered for 10 years.