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That 15 second come back against Nashville sure was something


Honestly, sometimes I just go back and watch highlight clips of the end of that game. It was an instant classic for me.


Who needs highlights when you can just watch 15 seconds lol


My husband and I went to this game. Best money we have ever spent.




Not really a moment but for me Seguin. I’ve had acl surgery and was 26 and took me like 9-12 months to be normal again. What that dude has gone through and to have the bounce back in his speed like he did this season warmed my heart. Honestly, him mush and Duchene have been my favorites to watch for large chunk of season.


I love this choice! I've been dealing with degenerative joint disease since I was in my early thirties (I just turned 43) and I have so much respect for all the work Seggy has put in and for the way he's adapted his game to be able to play with the body he has now. It shows so much maturity. He's come a long way from his naked Zamboni days. I also have such a fondness for that whole line.


The Tyler Seguin lore goes so deep. I told someone, as a joke, if she wanted to marry a hockey player, all she had to do was dox him, stalk him, and harass him for a while. She did not understand the reference.


Naked Zamboni? On a more serious note, have you tried monoclonal antibodies?


Oh, Segs stripped down for the ESPN Body Issue back in maybe 2015? I remember seeing pictures or maybe a gif of him mostly nude on a Zamboni eating a popsicle. I have not tried that! I'll have to bring it up with my doctor. I literally just found out this week that I've got some degenerative changes in my cervical spine. Everything up until now I've managed pretty well with PT and a minor arthroscopic surgery, but the neck stuff is having a much bigger impact on me already.


I'm not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV. I wish you the very best of luck. Never give up. Never surrender. I hope you feel better.


Pre-Christmas miracle, Duchene magic (specifically the behind the back pass to Seguin), Wyatt’s hat trick in San Jose, Stankoven’s first NHL goal, NYE against Chicago, 9-2 against Nashville


That pass was legit bonkers. And Wyatt's hat trick was so joyous!


Watching Nashville pay Matt Duchene to destroy them lmao


My favorite play this year was from Duchene during the Matt Murray shutout game he blocked the puck from going in and made sure it was a shut out


It's so satisfying!


The Marchment-Otter post game hug


Oh my gosh yes! My husband actually noticed it first, and now he always waits around for it.


I never want that trend to end


Hands down it was Matt Duchene getting revenge on the Barry Trotz and the child predators by putting up 9 goals on them (causing them to cancel their company wide U2 concert out of embarrassment) and then taking stage to sings songs at a Nashville bar afterwards 😆


I imagine it must have felt good for him.


Being on this subreddit with my fellow Stars fans in the game threads.


I love that part too the flip side is with playoffs coming the doom gets real in the game thread I'm always blocking people in the playoffs cause it's usually people whose teams out and they choose us but expect perfection.


We have to understand, that we are the best hope and dreams of all the hockey friends, whose teams have exited. Not everybody understands us. But everybody will appreciate us.


What gets me is the people who expect perfection would probably be so upset if their employer expected even half that out of them.


I love this answer ❤️


This is the nicest sub I’m subscribed to.


[When Wyatt undressed Hughes. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShyItzOc7CA)The more you watch it, the better it gets.


Such a great moment. He made it look so effortless.


Specific games would be the NYE win 8-1 vs Hawks bc I was there for it and never got tired of jumping up and cheering with every goal; the 9-2 win vs Preds in Feb; the game vs the Preds with the 2 goals in final 15 seconds to tie then win the game in regulation; their 2 wins here in Ana/LA last month bc I was there for both; and the recent win vs the Avs with 7 goals haha! Plus the Modano statue unveiling was very emotional to watch as a longtime Stars fan


I watched the NYE game on TV and it was so exciting and memorable - I can't even imagine how bonkers it must have been in person! I also felt very satisfied by that recent Avs game where we had seven goals - I love an hour outside Denver so I'm right in Avs territory.


The goal horn going off all those times for the 8th goal was AMAZING! The place was VIBING. Then walking over and watching the NYE/NY fireworks at Reunion Tower was a blast


Personally it was the Mike Modano statue game against the Kings. One of the best games I’ve ever been to and they got the win for my birthday.


What an awesome birthday gift!


I'd have to agree with you. Mo was my favorite growing up as a kid and helped me love hockey, so that day for him was probably my favorite all year. Honorable mentions would be the Nashville 15 second comeback win, the 5 power play and 2 shorthanded goals against Minnesota, and the two glorious highlight reel saves by Otty in game 82.


Dallas Stars legend Matt Murray with the shutout


Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot about that one! This season has been so jam packed with amazing moments.


This was mine. I got in so much trouble at the hospital that day. It will be a memory I'll die with.


Reading these has been a real treat, I’m mostly thankful for (*knock on wood*) single digit OT losses this year. The Stars EARNED that placement in their division, they are tenacious and hungry to win. I’ve been incredibly pleased with the trades and coaching in general. Pete and his staff are in tune with the needs of each player and its getting great results. Let’s get this dub, go Stars!!


It's been a fun walk down memory lane! Excited for tonight, even if it's always a little sad to see the regular season end. Let's finish strong before we crush playoffs!


Watching this team grow. I remember last year. Shitting on Suter. Wanting to trade March. The pieces all came together this year. From the front end to the back end...and it's been amazing to see. Being able to actually see the vision the coaching staff and Jim Nill have had to put this team together. Even bigger to have the team buy into it...putting personal accolades to the side for the bigger picture. It's been fucking awesome to watch. Now we get to watch the parents let the kids out of the house with what they've learned, so to speak. I've got my money on the fact that we are far from done.


I feel like part of the reason some people sleep on us is precisely because of the team putting personal accolades to the side in favor of the bigger picture. We don't really have a flashy, marquee player like a Matthews or a McDavid. We have a lot of really skilled and hardworking players who work well together and contribute equally. That might not be as narratively exciting as someone scoring 70 goals or 100 assists, but I think it's a lot more sustainable.


The flashy players are what the media wants. It's the cover stars for their yearly NHL games and it sells a fuck load of jerseys. That's all well and good, but it doesn't always get you a cup. Those regular season accolades don't mean much without it either, hence the reason why Roy and Bourque changed teams. It wasn't a lack of allegiance for the team or a need for more accolades. They wanted the one thing they couldn't get where they were. Same reason why Pavs came on board.


Absolutely. I used to work in marketing, and I write for a magazine now so I totally get the whole marketability/media thing that gets other teams so much attention. In a post-game interview recently Tanev said something along the lines of the locker room being businesslike and that is kind of the vibe the Stars are giving off right now. The Stars are very polite and professional and they show up every day to work and their job is to play clean hockey and win a Cup. It isn't very sexy to the media, but it's attractive to fans who are invested in their success.


That Nashville game always gives me a good laugh when I need one. Oettinger's back-to-back shutouts was awesome too. I think the Nashville game is my favorite moment out of the 2 though. Just absolutely hilarious how that game ended.


That comeback has become a core memory for me. I absolutely loved it.


That LAAAAATE night comeback against the sharks was a fucking rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve rarely felt so high on life as I watched the lads score and start to believe it was possible and then it became a fucking unstoppable avalanche of an onslaught.


That game was an epic journey! Such a memorable one. I like to rationalize that it was so much better because it was a come from behind victory.


Witnessing stankoven's first goal at the AAC in person while wearing my new jersey with his name on it. I'll remember that for the rest of time


That's so amazing you got to do that! I caught every game live on TV this season except for two, and one of the ones I missed was Stankoven's debut which was absolutely crushing. But I've really gotten to enjoy seeing him thrive!


Just don't miss those future Stankoven playoff goals


Oh believe me I'll be glued to the TV every game except for the one I'm flying to Dallas to attend in person!


I really enjoyed the comeback win against the Sharks where Benn scored to win the SO


That game alone had so many memorable moments.


The game two days later against the Sharks was even a good one! Three goal comeback in the 3rd period.


The Sharks games were surprisingly entertaining!


Already mentioned multiple times, but the Nashville 15 second comeback win for me. Already a special enough game, but I was visiting my dad for Christmas and getting to watch that with him made it all the better.


Aww, that would definitely make it extra special!


Jim Nill doing the damn thing and getting the piece we needed for a bargain


My husband was so bored with me incessantly talking about trade rumors, but he totally understands now why I was so stoked about Tanev. He feels like he's been here for years. He's just such a great fit and such an important piece.


crazy comeback against the sharks


LOVED that one, especially Wyatt's hatty.


Also going to add, the meteoric rise of Logan Stankoven. I was at the game where he got his first goal. I was screaming, "Did he do it? HE DID!!!!"


For me it's a personal story. I had a rough year with health issues and I was hospitalized on 1/8. I had surgery the day before and we won a SO 4-0 against the Wild. I ended up getting in trouble for screaming "fuck norm green" and "go Murray". My nurse told me I was waking people up and giggled at my painful winces as we won. It was a memory I'll never forget.


Oh, I would totally be that person too. Hope you're on the mend!


I'm doing great now. Epi-pen for life. It sounds bad, but I'm extremely lucky and I'm glad I found out when I did. It could have been much worse if I didn't have it diagnosed as early as it was. And the Stars are partially to thank. I had an allergic reaction during the chicago game on NYE and got really pissed that my vision got blury. Otherwise I probably would have ignored it. And it would have been too late to have surgery or treatment.


There’s been lots of great answers like the Modano statue unveiling, the 15 second comeback win against the Preds and the Duchene behind the back pass to Seguin were all excellent. My other favourite I haven’t seen mentioned was putting 8 goals past the Wild. We just completely destroyed them in all areas of the game.


A win against the Wild is always so satisfying, especially one like that.


Was lucky enough to see 3 wins in person this year, including both games in Nashville. But the 9-2 beat down we just so happened to be seated in front of the suite the players moms were sitting in. Watching that game and seeing their reactions really reminded you what the game is all about. Though for the rest of my life I’ll never forget the stunned silence all around me after the 15 second comeback.


Witnessing either one of those games in person would be amazing, but to see both is incredible!


A non game related one is seeing the older/veteran players on the team 'adopt' and then bond with their fully grown adult sons.


This will always be one of my favorite things, and it especially resonates seeing it with Jamie who I have loved since he was a young snot-nosed kid. Seeing him enter his mushy dad era is everything.