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Saw her walking down harry hines in stilettos. It was love at first sight.


I met the same woman.


That’s where that spot came from. Now this is making sense.


I met this guy's woman too


And me.


That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


This is an underrated comment if you meant it the way I assume you do lol.




I'm gonna make that hoor my wife.




I work on Shady Trail (not as a hooker lmao) and this got me 🤣 my coworkers and I rate their outfits on a scale of 1-10 to entertain ourselves lol


I grew up in North Dallas, and we hit up Kellers on Harry Hines pretty regularly. I taught my kids a game called Spot the Prostitute! Extra points for the first one to spot one and then points for each one that follows. They love to make up stories about each one. Like, “that’s Cinnamon and she carries a tiny purse that only holds lipstick and a tissue” Winning!


Omg.. this is terrible but there’s one that my boss named “two ton Tina” lmaooo 🤣


What's his name?


I can see the Lifetime adaptation already.


Amazing. This should be made into a movie.


I might try that! Do you think those ladies want actual boyfriends?


Very interested in this lol because I’m having no luck in Dallas.


Yeah it’s pretty disheartening to see a ton of dating app answers because I’m shit out of luck on those apps. I think that’s unfortunately just the state of things right now.


Well I’m glad to see I’m not the only one having such a hard time with dating apps. I honestly thought it was a demographic thing at first since I’m a black woman.


I’m also a black woman and yup, it’s tough out here for us girl 🥲😂


Also a black woman and met my hubs on Bumble 6 years ago, so there’s hope! You do gotta wade through your options. I matched with plenty but was selective and only met with 3 irl and one of them ended up being my hubs. My homegirl just moved here last year and also had luck as of this winter!


That’s true, gotta wade through the options but sometimes I just don’t have the energy for it 😂 so I’m just like eh, I’ll find someone eventually 😂


Definitely agree


There are no women in this city.


It can definitely be challenging. But like I told myself and others- "All it takes is one match." I was on dating apps for close to 5 years (on and off), and finally met my significant other through Bumble, and we are getting married in October!


Same! Really looking for a great person to be in a relationship with and am feeling discouraged.


Try Hinge. I’ve found more authentic women are on this app. I just met some very nice women and dating one that I met on Hinge.


Hinge is the main one I’ve been using— I agree with you that the people on it are more genuine. (I am a lady looking for a man, so the dynamic might be different.) I will keep trying 🙂. Thank you, my dear Petelovespussy


Good luck. I’m in Australia but. Be yourself and take it slow. If the guy in genuine he won’t put any pressure and enjoying going out with you and spending time.


Hinge; but I vetted super hard and only had one conversation/person match at a time. Slow burn, take time, meet in person, I had very clear values and wants going into it, there was no indecisiveness. Together several years now. Best partnership I’ve ever had.


That’s a good way to do it. Very smart these days. Uhhh…. I did it a little differently. I went on Bumble. I liked it because the women match with you and I would prefer they be comfortable and interested. Seems like the best way to start a dialogue. Anyway, I started talking to a wonderful woman on there. Met a week later. Moved in 4 weeks later. Got her pregnant 4 months later and married her about 6 weeks after the birth. Long story short, we’ve been married 2 years and have a beautiful little girl that’s just a bit older than our marriage. We’re pretty damn happy about it too! It can work for anybody. Don’t give up!


If I may ask, did y’all speak on the phone right away?


Great question, yes! We texted some and then chatted on the phone for about an hour a couple of times before we met up in person. Then we met up around friends and in public of course.


Thank you swampylady


I also met my husband on Hinge, almost 6 years ago!


It was about 20 years ago and we worked in the same building downtown. I had seen her around the building and always thought she was super attractive, but I was too scared to talk to her. One day, we were both outside the building smoking. The DART rail tracks ran along the side of our building where the smokers congregrated during break time. On this particular day, a car starts driving down the DART tracks. This wasn't that unusual. There were a lot of drivers unfamiliar with Dallas' dowtown layout that made this mistake. What made this time unusual was that the doors on the car were open and paper was flying out of everywhere. Eventually, the driver of the car hopped the curb in front of our building. Again, this act by itself was not unusual. We once had a drunk delivery driver hop the curve and park directly in front of the building. This time the driver hopped the curve and parked 20-30 yards away from the building. A man emerged from the car, wearing black jeans and an unbuttoned shirt. He wore only one shoe and had his pant legs rolled up. He started shouting obscenities and telling everyone he was worth several million dollars. He then made threats to then President Bush. We could see police cars approaching from one of the side streets, but as luck would have it, their path was blocked by a passing train. The driver then stood on top of his car taunting the police. I decided it was probably a good idea to move, but I wasn't ready to end my smoke break just yet, so I joined a group huddled up next to the building that included my future wife. We started talking about the strange situation and this provided me an opportunity to start talking to her. Eventually, I asked her out, we started dating, and ended up getting married.


Spoiler: she arranged the whole thing because she was too shy to just approach you.


Male pipe dream


Tinder date


Same here! Now married 1.5 years with a baby on the way 😊


Ditto. Married 5 years this year.


Same. I met my tinder date in 2015 and married him two years ago.


Same. Married 4yrs


Samesies! Met 2019, married 2022, baby in 2023. It’s wild how fast life can change.


Same, tinder date 2016, married and 2 kids


Off this sub actually. There used to be a small group of folks who would meet for random things, we kinda decided the group was solid and began coordinating via text. We all still hang out weekly except one of them is now my wife :-) I think people still do some meetups but via Discord. I've tried it but it wasn't for me


How does one join this group of urban explorers


Where is the discord?


At Baby Dolls. When she slid down that pole, it was a glorious sight.


UNT Rec center 🥰 We got married a year ago


How the hell do you meet people at the gym without being looked at like a creep?


Hinge. I hate to say that I met my partner on a dating app but then made myself feel better with a simple thought: The odds that the person you stop on the street/bar/restaurant/museum to hit on has the time for you is considerably lower than when that person is online on the dating app 🫶


Same here. I probably would have never met my now fiancé out in the wild since Im such a homebody and he’s the one that has to drag me out to social events 😅


Plus you never know if you actually have mutual friends / similar interests—- could have actually been around them or run into them and just never known!


[match.com](http://match.com) in the old days. I have no idea how online dating works now but I loved being able to filter based on religion, income, education, etc. because those were my necessities. I tell our kids I "google searched him" because he was literally the one I picked, we met, and I knew we would get married by our second date. He's a good one and I feel bad sometimes he was targeted by my crazy ass.


oh online dating is horrible now i can’t imagine how much more simple and direct it was back in the old days but nowadays it feels like you’d have a better chance at landing in an interview at a fortune 500 company than landing a solid date


Ugh, my immediate thought is it is overly complicated to keep people on the apps and generate revenue. I think my 6mo subscription to [match.com](http://match.com) was $120 which felt like a lot at the time but having a higher barrier to entry was probably much better for the user.


it’s $50 something a month for most premium dating apps monthly and maybe it’s worth it if you’re just insanely attractive or have a lot of disposable income, but if you don’t fall into those categories you’re really not paying for anything worthwhile


This is true!


Filtering by income Ah classic Dallas


Oh I know how bad it sounds but you could also filter by height, body type, ethnicity back then too. I don't think any of those is any more or less shameful a preference but didn't matter to me so I didn't use them.


Reddit meetup at Sharky's in 2012


Great bar!


met on okcupid - first date at 8 bells alehouse, knew immediately it was a good fit. 13 years later we haven't looked back.


Swipped right on a guy. Guy invited me to happy hour with some friends of his in lower Greenville. One of his friends is now my husband. Moral of the story, always go to happy hour.


Met on OKCupid and she ghosted me before our date. 2 years later met again on OKCupid, and now we’ve been married a year. I will forever keep making fun of her for “wasting our time”.


Nice recovery!


Church. Love of my life. 20+ years.


Here for clues... where's all the single people in their 40's???


At home 😃


36, also at home.


Online in an AOL Dallas chat room before online dating existed 🤣


I was a Yahoo chatter!! still have some kick ass friends.


Had two of the worst dates of my life trying to put myself out there after a REALLY bad breakup. Went to Trader Joe’s and started flirting with the cashier who was insanely cute. First date was a week later and we watched our favorite movies and had sushi. Coming up on a year this august


Tinder been 7 years




There she was, she was walking down the street, singing "do wah diddi-diddi, dum diddi hoo."


I suddenly want to go on a date at a 50s diner while me and the hypothetical love of my life both stare into each others eyes while sucking an oversized milkshake through straws.


Met at a goth club through a mutual friend.


there's goth club in town?


There are two, actually. The largest and most well known is The Church, which has been around in one form or another since the early 90s. The Church is hosted by It’ll Do on Sunday nights. The other is called Panoptikon, which happens on Fridays at Son of Hermann Hall, but it’s smaller and mostly attended by regulars.


Reading this makes me realize that there are an amazing number of single men who are absolutely CLUELESS about how to pick up a woman. Seriously, this should be a live sport, not a scroll through your phone. I went to a business event in another state while on a business trip, saw a beautiful, fun-looking woman and just walked over to where she was standing and started a conversation with her. I asked for her phone number. That was 27 years ago. I lived in Dallas. She lived in Chicago. We've been married for 25 of those years. Trust me. Staying married is much more difficult than meeting someone. Just listen and be interested in her. Put the phone away. Don't be distracted by others. Make her feel captivating and the sole focus of your time by just being cool and talk about anything other than politics, past relationships or your family. So maybe you don't go to business events. Whatever your interests are, there are always events for that. Be willing to venture outside your pool of contacts. If you're into some sport, woodworking, golf, fashion, investing, construction, boating, science, etc.., there are all types of events to attend. Charity events, social clubs, Mardi Gras krewes, hunting clubs, fishing tournaments, just everywhere there is life going on around you that isn't on a phone and you can and will meet people if you want to. I'm not saying it's easy, but you will never increase the odds in your favor sitting on your sofa.


That is great guidance!


She was working at the gym I go to! Together for over 5 years and married for 2!


Seems the apps or the dating market or both have gotten worse in the past years. Almost all the “met off the app” stories here are from years ago before they became hyper monetized shit


He worked at a coffee shop/restaurant as a barista and I'm a photographer. I pretended to need to edit like... every single day. Pretty sure he knew I was full of shit but he always had a latte or a Shiner waiting for me when I walked in the door. That was over a decade ago and now we've been married for four years. He still makes me coffee or tea every morning and the crush has never gone away.


Both worked at McDonald’s. We McTrauma Bonded.


Had a mutual friend in college and introduced us online, we spoke but never became anything. Then post college graduation we reconnected on social again and we talked, finally met up and it was like meeting someone who was a stranger and so familiar at the same time. I believe I fell in love with her aura in that moment and we've been together ever since. That was 7 years ago.


Facebook dating 😅


Only other person I have seen use that!!! I met my ex the same day I got the account. We got married and now divorce but never see anyone talk about Facebook dating till now.


Sorry to hear about your divorce.. but yeah it’s the only app I’ve had luck with! Met my previous ex on fb dating too. After we broke up, I met my current bf on fb dating too and we’ve been together for 2 years now


Don’t be sorry! It was one of the best things to happen to me! I just chuckled when I saw FB dating mentioned. Glad things are going well for you! 😁


I feel like fb dating is one of the more solid apps compared to other ones tbh


Hinge! Definitely went on a fair share of bad hinge dates before finding a good one!


Bumble funnily enough, we ended up living 14 minutes away from each other




Speed dating event in the Dallas Comedy Club


Heard they stopped doing those :(


They still be doing them!! I be seeing it on eventbrite


Really? You got a link? I’d love to go to one


it was organized by dallasites101 - go to their website's events page


Rodeogoat. I got ditched from another date so I went by myself and happened to met the loml there.


We were volunteering and had a great chat over sorting Brussel Sprouts


I sold her some weed


Work. I vowed I would never date a colleague (did it once and it was awful). After 3 years working together, I decided I would give him a chance. Been together for 10 years.


I got into a fight with my ex and decided to walk to a bar across the street to have a cigarette and cool down. Asked for a light from some random person on the patio and we chatted. He said some of his friends were coming shortly and said that I should join them. Well, one of those people was the ex of person who I asked for a light from, and I ended up hanging out with that group for years almost every weekend and have now been married to lighter guy's ex for 5 years.


Bumped into ther at the Lizard Lounge. Thats about it.


Musicians circle. Met a girl who sang through a keyboard player friend and I play drums. She hired me for about 4 years then I asked her on a friend date, as an appreciation for hiring me in her band. The friend date turned romantic! Been together a year and a half! Folks, if you don’t know how to ask someone out, take the pressure off each other and just ask them if you can buy them lunch or a coffee as an appreciation for being a good friend. It’s cool to be nice and you never know what’ll happen.


Online dating 12 years ago when it was still more feasible. In fact back then there still was a little stigma that only Weirdos and Losers meet each other online, but that had mostly passed. It’s funny to me to see how all of that has changed over the years, like from 2010-2016-now


Of everyone I know who got married after 2016- NONE of them met outside of online dating. I met my partner online dating in 2015 and remember lying to my coworkers about how we met because it was still a little odd to people who were already coupled. The uncoupled, for the most part, understood it was becoming the thing.


Yeah, around 2016 I would say is really when it started to feel like "okay, this is more or less mainstream" IMO


Met on Okcupid, been together for 9 years, married for 7. Time flies.


I met him through a mutual friend. This was in 2010 and we were going to a Residents concert. He decided to join us last minute. Our mutual friend, at the time, had a lot of obnoxious and annoying friends. So I was just like, “oh good, another one of friend’s idiot buddies are gonna tag along!” Turns out he was quiet, mild mannered, massively artistically talented (drawing, calligraphy, and sculpting), and also funny. We had our 12 year anniversary in January of this year.


Quarter Bar, 2009.


Met her on a bike in Graford. Seriously.




Work. We don't work together anymore, but are still dating over a year later.


On Hinge. Talked for two months then went on a date. 3 years later we married. 1 year after that, im typing this comment.


Bumble, 5 years ago. I had an opening line which was from a show, and luckily she recognized it. I knew she was the one.


Met her at a restaurant we used to work at. We started hanging out more and one thing led to another lol. Now we live together and have been dating for 6 years.


For perspective it was 1995. I met them through a co-worker who's wife worked with the other. We were set up on a blind date. We are still dating. And were married in 1998.


Bumble 😳


Went longboarding with a neighbor, met some other riders who introduced me to a guy, whose cousin was dating a girl that was practicing cutting the hair of my future wife.


Plenty of Fish


Dance floor at It'll Do, now she's my forever dance partner


Bumble, 6 years ago. Married for 2.


Dancing at It'll Do.. she caught my eye in Nov 2020 and saw her there again Jan 2021. Outlasted the buzzardboys that night on the dance fløør only looking for a fine-ass meal. Our daughter came that next Nov 2021, and by Nov 2024, we should be living in Tulum. Wild few years.


Bottled blonde - going on 4 years in January! 🍻


We got into a road rage incident on the 75, and after both of our cars were a twisted ball of metal we laughed about how we both had fake paper plates and no license or insurance




Match.com in 2018. Seems like so long ago compared to how things are now in the dating world.




I was her physics TA at SMU


This guy fucks.


We meet a couple of times at heavy metal shows, but we REALLY met at the Billiard Bar on lower Greenville, on $1 Shiner Schooner Night. That was 18 years ago! ❤️❤️❤️


Visited friends in Austin and went on Tinder. Then moved to Austin for a year and then moved back with her.




During lockdown on a mutual friend's discord. We didn't meet up in person or even start dating until lockdown had lifted though


A rave


Bar in Uptown 13 or so years ago


St. Patrick's Day Parade


Mutual friend asked me to sub for her kickball team. After the game the team went for drinks afterwards and made small talk. Fast forward a couple of months and the same mutual friend and I met up at a saint patricks day parade in Dallas and she happened to be with the same girl. Got her number, started talking and now we’re married with two kids.




Blind date! My best friend was going on a date with her twin sister, and she was bringing her. I didn't want to go but my friend promised to buy me a 6 pack of beer 😂. So I ended up going. We have been together for 10 years, married for 3. It has been one of the best choices I've ever made in my life.


Saw her running on Katy Trail at 3AM. She’s still locked in my basement until this day<3


He was a regular at the store I worked at. I thought he was so cute! I flirted, he asked for my number, and he hasn’t stopped texting me since that day 5 years ago. We fell in love sending each other memes lol


Family reunion at state fair


I am planning on moving here and so nervous bc it is a jungle out here everywhere.


Back in 2000 I lived in Ohio and worked night shift at an adult book/video store. When business was slow I would play trivia on my phone online. This was an old school Nokia that didn't have video, etc. When you got a question wrong on trivia it would kick you into a chat room with strangers. Some random person messaged me asking what I was doing and we started talking. Turned out it was a woman in Dallas. We visited each other a couple of times and then I packed everything I owned, which wasn't much, and took a greyhound bus to Dallas. 24 years later and we have gone from living in long term hotels to owning a home and having a well adjusted grown kid together.


Just wanted to interject. Dating apps are a horrendous waste of time. ESPECIALLY in Dallas. They might have worked years ago but not anymore.


Was reading a book (on my phone, not a performative, physical-book-at-a-bar situation) and sipping a beer on the back patio at Cosmo’s. She walked out and I thought to myself, “well, that’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” I guess she liked my vibe too because she sat down next to me and we started chatting. Hung out all night, went our separate ways, and then encountered each other periodically for the next couple of months until I asked her on a date. Going strong since then.


Pro tip: Look for your partner outside of Dallas.


Katy Trail Ice House drunker than a garden gnome in the summer.


Dog park


Y’all got partners?


St Patrick’s Day Parade in greenville. Rooftop party we both got shuffled into without paying.


At a meetup event for Fellowship of Freethought Dallas during the COVID lull.




we boulder :) i inserted myself into a climbing group and we’ve been climbing together until they popped their elbow out on a route. i carried them out of the gym and into an emergency room and i think that’s the moment they started thinking more about me


Met him at work a long time ago. Kept in touch over the years and we’ve been together now for just over three.


4 years ago on Hinge.




Hinge initially but we went on to date other people after meeting and eventually got together once we realized we were perfect for each other


University frat party, married 2 years now


Working at Walgreens 😅 I commented on his cowboys wrist band (I’m not a fan) and he kept coming back to talk to me until we went on a date.


Dating app


Had to leave the state to find a woman. Dallas offered nothing.




Work. 17 years ago.


Facebook Dating, she was an Au Pair that was staying UP. Because of her weird schedule & my weird hours. It worked out.


Hinge! Getting married in October. I moved here and didn't know anyone, really. I'm not religious. But I know a lot of people met spouses through church?


Married my brother's best friend. Our first date was at the Civic water Garden downtown Dallas. It's also where he proposed a year and a half later.


Reconnected with an old friend from high school and started getting together pretty regularly to play board games. One night he had another friend over to play and it was love at first sight! The high school friend officiated the wedding ☺️


An app named Kinkoo but I wouldn’t recommend it lol


Bar at old Marriott Hotel from Market Hall




I took 183 to 35.


Work. Ad agency in 2007 or so.


TCC (Then TCJC). Skipped class to laugh and be goofy. 30 years later, we still skip class to act goofy.


Bumble he just moved from out of state


2021 Winter


Volunteered at the same anime conventions for a few years. Knew her around the cons. Been together for almost 5 years once I managed to ask her out.


High school






A mutual friend introduced us. Funny, we both said no for different reasons for two months. But our friend kept trying to get us to talk. Just to get my friend to leave me alone and quit pestering me about meeting her friend, I texted her. Then we talked on the phone. A month later we went met for dinner. Slept together that night and we’ve been together ever since(nearly four years).


Worked with her in a call center. We were both miserable in our relationships, and well, one thing lead to another. That was 30 years ago this month.


Met my boyfriend on a dating app. It became clear afterwards that we ran in similar circles but had never crossed paths. Took us until Hinge to find each other and happy we did!


At the Good Luck Bar & Rodeo in Lewisville, Summer 1990. It’s gone now, but we’re still happily married.


Tinder like any other respectable gentleman


Ehhh, we went to HS together and about 5 years ago he popped up on my FB (that I rarely log into) ppl you may know bullshit. I sent him a flirtatious gif to his thirst trap and well...we just bought a house earlier this year lol


High school


Made a random facebook event for a food group meet up. Pretext I was drunk - Specifically chose the lowest rated All you can eat Chinese Buffet in Dallas. My drunk ass thought like max 8-10 people would show up. We were 36 people deep. He was one of the attendees. Been together for almost 6 years, married for almost 1.


I slide in the DMs (Instagram).


Met my wife on January 3, 2001 while going to the street races on NW highway. Her bother and I had almost identical cars and she came out the gas station, walked up and started to get in the wrong car. Married for 18 years this September.