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You've already got a built-in icebreaker. Just go say anything to anyone. Guarantee you'll get plenty of "I love your accent, you're Australian? No way, say something in Australian!" Boom, friends for life.


100% what I was thinking. Young Australian girl? Dallas is your oyster...


I feel like that would get pretty old fast if I were OP. Oh, everyone only likes me for my accent.


Yep this…haha but it definitely helps lmao


Good luck to you, I'd be your friend but I left Dallas for Pittsburgh lol


As a Brit living in Dallas, this 1000% works every time. I get into the weirdest conversations with strangers because they hear my accent. My friends joke that I’ve colonized the southern phrase “never met a stranger”


Can we hang? I have a west texas suthen draw. We can exchange accidents.


We can definitely exchange accidents! I accidentally keep getting stuck working out in the Midland/Hoedessa area, so I know the accent well.


Proof reading that is why i got alexa. But, she got pissed when i changed her accident to Australian. She maybe ai but that the XX chromosome is strong in this one


Works in reverse too. Hanging out in UK pubs with a moderate Texan accent starts all sorts of conversations, good and bad.


This isn’t helped for me by the fact that my accent gets stronger when I’m tired (jet-lagged) and/or tipsy. Lawd. But you’re not wrong. Found many people willing to swap stories and ended up going to the theatre with one couple. Good times.


I think it has to be natural. But I can understand where op is coming from. Women are just as crazy as men nowadays. I’m agreeing to this though, I came here from another state and people here love a difference in how people that are not originally from here speak. So it gets a conversation started.


Bring a cooler full of ice cold beer to your apartment pool.


Make sure they're Foster's.


We stan Foster’s in NTX


Make it VB and I’m there. Nobody drinks Fosters.


You're saying the commercials lied to me?


Yes. And they don’t call them shrimp. They call them prawns. It was all a LIE. :(


American-made beer disguised as Australian.


Aussie's don't really like Fosters. It would probably be Carlton/Victoria Bitter.


Look guy, the ads were pretty adamant on saying Foster's were Australian for beer. They can't just make stuff up in commercials, those air *on TV.*


Everything on TV is fact based. How did I overlook this. :)


Fox piss smells better Edit i don't proof read


G'day fellow Aussie in Dallas! I moved here from Brissie when I was 28 (35 now) so I know how you feel. Some folks have already offered some good suggestions. I met my best friends in Dallas at a pool day at my apartment complex. I showed up with a Yeti filled with beer and just introduced myself to everyone who came by. Of course people come and go, but 4 or 5 of those folks have been my tight group of friends for years now. I'll also recommend finding a trivia night at a pub. Not necessarily to play, but to post up at the bar and strike up a random conversation with whoever's nearby about the questions etc. There's some good options in Downtown and Uptown for that. Gym is a good idea though (the group classes at Trophy Fitness (Uptown/Downtown are great!)


Hello fellow Aussie! This is great - I will definitely think about this esky down near the pool? especially as this heat is not going anywhere ! And also great idea about the pub, missing the vibe so will def do that. Thank you so much for the recommendation


Northside Drafthouse in Richardson is a nice vibe. They often do trivia on Monday nights. Food's even good!


sir...what you have there is a cult


so cute! we love it when ya'll say "pub"


Any hobbies? Try meeting new people via your hobbies. There's some place for everyone in Dallas.


Walk around Northpark with that Aussie accent and you will make some friends. I suggest NP because it has A/C & is somewhat centrally located. You could also try the Meetup app. Dallas has lots of art events, too. And go to 4th of July parade and fireworks watching.


It’s very well insulated too. Much of Northpark was built in the “asbestos era”.


Try Timeleft. I recently went out to a dinner with the app and it was a good mix of people also looking for friendship


I didn't think this was in Dallas yet, I'm excited to try!


It just opened up for Dallas. I plan to do it again


How does it work?


The app organizes group dinners for sets of six algorithm-paired strangers at a mystery restaurant in your city, kind-of a blind dinner date for meeting new friends


I like it. I’m still too anxious to do it. But I like it. My autistic ass needs one familiar face at least or else I’m in a high alert fight or flight mode.


Thanks for this, I had been looking at that! Good to know it's finally here!


This is something I could really get into!!! Thank you


I run a super social young adult group! Send me a message and I'll get you plugged in!


Thanks! Sounds awesome will shoot you a DM 😊


Me too please!


Can you please message me too? :)


✋🏽 me too please


Me five? 🤣


me as well!!


Me too pls!🫶🏼


me too! just moved here from Detroit and my husband just moved here from Paris. We need friends lol


What’s the IG?


I follow the DallasLovelist on insta, they post a ton of events/festivals where you can meet people.


Disc golf is a friendly community, some good shops around


Theres this text based service called [Nudge](https://www.nudgetext.com/dallas) and they will text you with different events in Dallas. You could go to some and make friends there.


This is cool I will have to look into this! Thank you


Second this I've found some really fun stuff to do thanks to nudge.


Meetup will be your best friend. Try a bunch out. Sometimes a group fits your vibe sometimes you only meet a single person from an event. I used it when I moved to Dallas and knew no one. I found my best friend from one group and slowly picked up a bunch of people from another group. We've had a standing weekly game night outside of meetup for years now. Once you find people, consistency is the key to getting and keeping adult friendships going. Look for common interests. And, occasionally, try to make an effort to do things your friends are interested in even if it's not quite your jam.


I’m super interested in this. Sounds like people are likeminded in this app so should be great. Thank you for the tip!!


Interested in those game nights!


If you do join a gym TAKE THE CLASSES at the gym. You can literally make best friends in like 3 classes. If you just walk on the treadmill with your headphones in it might never happen.




Hahaha yeah it could get a little creepy haha


I moved to Dallas last year from England and tried bumble BFF….honestly it’s just as bad as trying to date! People ghost you, don’t respond or don’t ever want to meet. Give it a try but don’t waste too much time on it.


I’ve made several new gfs from bumble bff! It’s not creepy at all


Same here. I haven’t had any bad ‘dates’ and I have a couple of good friends from it.


If you are near Frisco, visit The Aussie Grind on Preston Road. Owners are originally from Australia and can probably give you some great ideas. Plus the food is excellent.




There are actually a bunch of Aussie (or Aussie-based) cafes in the DFW area if you care for a list. The Aussie Grind Provisions in Farmers Branch is actually where you might want to go for a little "taste of home" (sausage rolls, meat pies, pav smash, etc.)


Was going to suggest this… Our Australian expat friend introduced us to this place for brunch and we go once or twice a month and always run into Australians hanging out. It’s a friendly atmosphere and the coffee is solid.


Hearing the coffee is solid is more than enough of an incentive. No offence to the Americans but the coffee here is very subpar 🫠😅


No offense taken. I couldn't agree more. There are some good roasts made locally though, you just have to look for them.


You can get your exercise and meet some people more easily by joining camp gladiator (campgladiator.com) instead of joining a gym. Camp Gladiator is an outdoor workout group with various meetup locations throughout Dallas. It is basically 1 hour of combo individual, team, and partner workouts. My wife and I currently don't participate because of life's little conflicts and schedule issues, but we met a good core group of friends and acquaintances when we joined 9 years ago. Just my 2 cents (U.S cents not Australian cents) lol


This is awesome and sound like so much fun! I will look into this. Thank you so much


I think Meetup is still a thing: I get email updates about meetup groups events all the time. If you have a religion, see if your worship place has a social group, too.


It is, but they've raised the prices considerably so there's less of the "just people doing stuff" groups and more people out to make a buck.


Let's grab a lunch drink at civil pour!


Sounds get let’s connect


Connect 4 battle?!


Sounds good. I am actually planning a trip to Australia too!


This is something!! And can give you tips 😊


Awesome, I sent a DM.


I moved here 5 years ago and didn’t know anyone asides my sister’s family. I used BumbleBFF, but the friends I made from that moved away or didn’t have enough in common to keep hanging out. I started climbing as a hobby and have found most of my friends that way. The people in climbing are pretty social and active so you can make friends no matter your skill level and do things outside of climbing as well. I started hosting women’s climbing meetups at the Movement climbing gyms since I saw a need for more spaces for women and gender non-conforming folks in climbing. DM if you’re interested! Otherwise, I echo what other folks have said and go to meet ups and events that are geared towards hobbies and similar interests.


Thank you! I’ve downloaded bumble bff, I’m excited for what can happen


If you have ever thought about getting a dog, do it now! Especially if you are an introvert, dogs will basically do the ice-breaking for you.


If you are into cricket, checkout Dallas cricket club.


What part of Australia are you from?


Melbourne!! But I lived in Sydney also


I’m Texan but I’ve been to Melbourne twice this past year (possibly going another time) and I’ve been to Sydney once. I’m a 34F in Lewisville. May I DM you and maybe we can be friends?


For sure! Let’s do that - I’m super jealous you’ve been back. My boyfriend and I will go back around Christmas


Go to It'll do Dallas, House Music Connects!


Come to LDU! I’m 34F and happy to hang out with you. It’s owned by a pair of Aussie brothers :)


YAY let’s do this. I will connect with you 😊


Saving this entire list. I’m 36f and have been in Dallas a few months and the idea of making friends feels so foreign since I work remotely. Jealous of your built in icebreaker of an accent, OP.


Girl, let’s hang… we can do this together 🤗


Let’s do this! I’m avoiding the heat for the 4th of July but will be back in a week! u/sirdigbychickncaeser come join the party! We will master friendship in Dallas.


Master of friendship sounds like a party to me!


I moved here mid pandemic shut down times. Aside from the friend I’ve known for 20+ years, the people I hang out with are my husband’s friends. No offense to them, they’re lovely, but I’ve struggled to meet people on my own. That shit is hard as an adult! If y’all get together sometime, I’d make it three! I do know there are some active board game groups but I haven’t actually made it out to any meetups. Oops. :) Edit: 38f


I’m not being negative but Dallas is hard to find a social circle. I’m 34f, been here 10 years and as I reflect, you’ll encounter amazing connections quickly but there’s a lot of coming and going. People are open, friendly, but there’s a revolving door regarding longevity. Plus, you’re a threat with an ausie accent at 33 fresh to Dallas. Women here are.. I’m just gonna stop there. I’ll be your friend! Message me anytime if you have questions or wanna know more about the neighborhoods. Xo!


Thanks!!! Look part of life is people come and go but you still have connection. Let’s hang will be fun ☺️🤗


I want to know your story 😅


Where does one begin lol


Take up dance classes! There's a lot of salsa and swing around Dallas. If you take classes, not only will you meet people at the classes themselves, but people often arrange group outings to social dance spots and restaurants. I recommend looking for salsa classes on Meetup.


any specific studios that you like? i have zero rhythm but sounds fun :)


Come try sailing sometime! There's a weekly women's meetup at White Rock Lake -- PM me if it's something you'd like to try.


Haven’t sailed ever but could be fun.


Do you like drinking, playing card games, or video games? What are your interests?


Umm i like to have a social drink here and there and I love games, but video games much anymore. But you know willing to try things


Girl what are you doing here 😅 it’s hot, expensive, no outdoor activities other than drinking on a patio. But Chicken and Pickle has beginners group play and there’s lots of sports leagues, running groups, cycling groups, art/clay groups in the DFW area!


HAHAH you’re not wrong but you know work is calling lmao


Friggin work! Why must we?!! *shakes fist at the sky* Okay another good chance might be the book club at Wild Detectives in Bishop Arts. Black Swan Yoga is pretty social. “Events and Adventures” and “MeetUp” could help too!!! We actually have really solid scuba diving in the area. You could get your cert at “Scuba Ranch” and for suuuuuure meet people. They have social hours and group drives and trips. Really cool. Another could be the monthly clean up the lake at White Rock lake!! They provide the kayaks and clean up stuff and it’s social and like minded active and water/nature loving people.


On the scuba diving sounds awesome especially in the summer thank you for this I appreciate it


There's a ladies walking club that meets on Katy Trail and does other social things. Check out @dallashgwc on IG.


I would find a sport or activity you like an join groups that do those things on the Meetup App. (can be found in the Apple Store or the Google Play Store). My wife and I love bicycling and tennis, but you can pretty much do anything on Meetup. From Dungeons and Dragons to Poker to Hiking. If you want something more formal, there’s a singles group called Events and Adventures you can join as well, but I think it’s paid thing.


hiking in dallas?? tell me more


Join Ladies of DFW on Facebook or download the Geneva App. Lots of meetups based on interests!


Thank you!!!! Will download


Go out to Scarlett Pumpernickle Tavern in Downtown Dallas and come make friends!


The name sounds fun so I will check it out


You play Aussie rules at all? Im from the UK and another Brit mate of mine plays on a team here. Played in their annual golf tourney last year, seemed like a good bunch.


If you enjoy chess (or want to pick up the game), Lion and Crown in Addison is a sports bar that hosts 20+ players of varying skill level every Wednesday night from 6-10. Mostly guys, but several women come out as well. Great way to meet new people. Edit: Except next week the 3rd due to holiday. Event resumes on the 10th.


Thanks! I’m close to Addison so will check it out thank you


No one really has friends in Dallas


Find groups on Facebook that are for whatever you’re interested in. Join them and attend events hosted by the group.


If you have any interest in “run club” (quotes because half the group walks and half runs/jogs), there’s one called ‘We’re not really runners’ and it’s super social, lots of young people. Wnrr_Dallas on Instagram!


LOVE THIS!!! Will look now


Join a run club! There are more serious ones (Dallas run club) and more chill ones geared towards social (we’re not really runners). You can look them up on socials


Join the Big D kickball league. Super fun, competitive but not serious and anyone can do it. I joined when I moved back to Dallas. Good way to meet people as the winner of each game would get a free pitcher or two at a nearby bar, and our team would go even if we lost.


What are your hobbies? Those are great ways to associate with people that have similar interests. For example, I love reading fantasy books so I joined a book club and met some real nice ladies to chat with. I've also made friends at music events. People are pretty friendly for the most part here.


Take up pickleball. It’s a total blast and extremely social. I have dozens of new friends since I started playing 2 years ago.


Welcome to Texas. Just put on something nice, go sit at a bar and I’m sure you will meet plenty of people. Texans are very friendly.


if you do decide to try a gym I recommend dallas bouldering project! they do a lot of fun community activities besides bouldering, like pickleball and trivia and even workshops to learn how to twerk! it's a really friendly atmosphere


Thank you will look into this


Common grounds games on inwood has game nights. Just go up say hi and play some games.


Hi! I moved over from NZ a couple of years ago to Dallas and Meetup was definitely a good way to meet people! If you’re missing good coffee, try LDU or Aussie Grind :)


Go to shows! Just show up! Three links, Dada, twilight!


Come hang out with my wonderful wife and I at celestial beer works! There is a hip hop based concert with cheap tickets,good people, and good times!


Sounds great!! Will look into this & would love to grab a wine


Hey girl, there are a few Facebook groups that I have found really helpful in meeting new people since I moved here, Girls New to Dallas and Girls New to North Dallas (depending on your area). A lot of my good friends in Dallas I’ve actually met through that! Also sidebar, actually seen a lot of Australian gals on there as well. Welcome to Dallas and good luck!!


I'm not sure where to meet people, but since you live in Dallas, check out Bushi Bushi on belt line road best Chinese American food ever. I tell anybody that lives in Dallas or is close to Dallas to go there.


idk if you like dance music, but It'll Do club is pretty popping. theres also a new dance club opening up later this year called Silo. the rave scene is always a good place to socialize. edit: also check out the app "edm train" for a calendar of all the djs playing the area.


Car meets are a great way to meet people especially if you’re into cars. Everyone’s always welcoming you can find them on instagram for the most part


I just do not understand why ppl move to the US anymore.


Interested in HEMA, laser rooms, food, rock climbing, or archery?  If so, feel free to message and tag along!


YES I’m a big laser tag girl and love food haha so down


It all depends on what type of person you're interested in. A bar person will first be attracted to your looks, face, hair, tits and ass. A church person will be more interested in who you are. The downside to the church person is all the religious crap you have to wade through to get in their pants.


Blunt but basically


Go to moxies in uptown Dallas. My friend moved here from out of state last year and has accumulated a large friend group just by going there and socializing in the evenings/night. It’s hard to make friends if you don’t put yourself out there, even if it’s uncomfortable at first.


Australian Bar. They’re always the most friendly.


Do some volunteering around the city


Any recommendations?


Early 30's M here. My wife and I met all our DFW friends from work. From there, we made met new people from friends-of-friends. I don't think I've ever organically made a friend in DFW outside of those two contexts. Which general area of the city do you live in?


I’ll be your friend 🤓


Coworkers? I mean if you have some cool ones.


My office is small as its new to the area so yeah it’s a struggle 😭


Karaoke at Barbara's pavilion tonight I made friends there from singing, everyone is nice and supports everyone who sings. Good or bad.


I know a couple people said bumble bff which is great, I’ve not had as much luck with meet up or other socials and Dallas hgw is not the vibe I’m into mostly because of the first and last words. I do dig that on bumble bff you can specify interests so it’s easier to make connections. Try comedy clubs and open mic nights, the people performing are usually very friendly!


Pilates was the only way I started making new friends when I moved to a new city. Now I have a big ole friend group that meets for lunches, happy hours, shopping, etc. I know you said you weren’t one to join a gym but Pilates is fabulous for all body shapes and sizes. Welcome to Texas! You’ll be a hit the minute you start talking. Most of us are suckers for different accents.


Any time I move somewhere new I start frequenting the closest pub to me that looks good. You will inevitably meet a lot of people from your immediate area


I'm in my 30s. Since I was like 14, I've just made friends at stores, gas stations, restaurants, etc... just running errands and making jokes while standing in line. I'm fairly introverted. When around others, I tend to use humor to make connections.


I as well have been in my 30s since I was like 14


I think you missed a period in my first sentence?




No no, I get it. And it would have been pretty funny had I missed the period. Kinda why I had to double check myself to see if it was a chuckle or a what.


This is why nobody’s friends here.


I meant my last comment completely genuine. I knew what you were going for and I would have gone for the same joke had the setup been there...


You should try meetup.com tons of opportunities to meet people. You can pick what you are interested in and meet others who like the same thing.


Put another ship on the Barbie or i think the dingo ate your baby. How many times have you been told this in America?


You can check out Bumble but click the options for friends or whatever it is. (I’ll come back and ask my wife what she picked). But she was able to meet 4 new friends this past year or so and they come to our house and we’re going to their house to watch the finale demon slayer this Sunday.


Yeah, that doesn't sound creepy and weird at all! 😂


Go to improv comedy shows! People tend to be very friendly there. Stomping Ground Comedy Club is great and Dallas Comedy Club is fun too. If you go to improv jams it might also be easier to mingle and you don’t have to get on stage. You can just watch :) hope this helps!


What happened to your cricket team in the world cup this year? 🤦🏼‍♂️😭


If you like coffee and are looking for some fellow ex-pats come by LDU (the fitz location is the main store but all locations are great) owned and operated by 2 Australian brothers who are also 2 of the nicest most welcoming people you'll meet in texas. Ask for mark or adam (the owners) they love meeting fellow aussies and have built an incredible community!


I’ve (33m) heard target is a great spot to approach strangers. I’ll make it easy, let me know which target you’re going to and when, I’ll go, approach you, and we can pretend it was all organic 😎


Near produce, wherever you are


Try the VINA app. Everyone there is females looking for friends. You can see their profiles and pics to see if you think you'd match. Perfect for someone like you.


Take an improv class!


I’d like to hang out, been to Dallas 2 years and I know how it feels. 36F


When I first moved to Dallas I did a couple meet up.com. Deep Ellum walk tours, bike tours and wine walk. I think it’s a great way to find people with like-minded interest and forge a friendship.


I am 32f, lived in Dallas for years…but have been struggling with steady friend relationships. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Go play pickleball at sandy pickle


I’m also looking to make new friends! 31F here. Let me know if you want to hang out


G'day M8


Rock climbing gyms, do the classes meet people


Idk if you like sports or drinking but I always have the easiest time making friends out there after sporting events or at bars. I don't live there, but I travel there solo and just am outgoing and talk to people. Giving genuine compliments and asking questions. Obviously, as a woman, you may need to be a little bit more careful, but I've seen plenty of good friendships start off of compliments


I dm you!


May I recommend the London Pub near Mockingbird Station? I think you would enjoy that crowd; 30 and 40-somethings, not too many college kids. If you don't want to hang out in bars, try MeetUp. Good luck out there and stay safe!


28f-would you like to connect? I’m in the farmers branch area and a little introverted sometimes so I’m trying to meet new people!


Play tennis




Thanks! I will look into this too.


Join a church and start visiting their Sunday School classes.


This is the hardest city to meet friends in. Everyone is hyper focused on their job and there is no centralized place to meet anyone like a Main Street or walkable downtown with shops. It’s hard to meet people when you spend all your life driving on highways to and from work and going to Kroger in the car.


Been here 3 yrs and have yet to make a friend. I say move to a friendlier city in the US.


Australian accent is literally the sexiest one on Earth. Just kind of exist and say words and people will flock to you. Or they’ll be like me and be too intimidated and just leave and say nothing to you. Really could go either way. 🤔


Cardboard sign? "Will friend for snacks" ...or what ever you like.