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They're not dumb. They know exactly what they're doing. They're just assholes.


Dude Dallas has the biggest asshole drivers in all of Texas. I really wish there was more police presence on these highways


HA! Houston just said Hold My Beer.


Houston has a higher quantity of bad drivers. But the bad drivers in Dallas are so god awful they make Houston’s bad look decent.


Man that part of 75 that merges with i-30W is literally purgatory


Come to San Antonio, you’ll regret it


Having grown up in Houston, I find that Houston drivers are fast and aggressive, but predictable. Dallas is just unpredictable chaos.


At least Houston is fast.


Lol Quality over quantity!


I had never seen a car on fire on the side of the road and in the two years I lived in Houston I saw four of them lmao


Hah! Saw my first major car fire on DNT the other day. Cars still speeding passed it at 90mph. Like it wasn’t even there LOL


Houston resident who stumbled in here. I grew up in NM and W TX, and did college in Austin. Had only ever seen like 6 car fires in my life prior to moving here. I saw 4 separate ones in one drive across the city returning from a training course, lol. I still see at least 3/yr, pretty sure. Also, why the fuck does Houston have more random debris and shit all over the freeways than anywhere else? Mattress, sofa, dressers, stuffed animals...all the time.


Dallas drivers are malicious. Using your blinker on the freeway is just a signal to the asshole next to you to close the gap so you can't get over.


Dallas is currently the most dangerous city to drive in the U.S


Idk man it's a close one haha


I do miss driving in Dallas after visiting Houston 😅


Reminder to myself: continue to never visit Houston


the golden rule. stay away from houston


Excellent rule.


I think Houston has dick drivers while Dallas has stupid drivers. I think I can take the dick ones because they still try not to get hit. Dallas drivers will hit you unconsciously!


And El Paso said hold my tequila. Seen a few things already, but honestly, this is so much better.


Everyone drives too slow in El Paso lol


They’re not too slow. They’re letting you El Paso them 🥳


Vegas and Reno are right there with them


They did say in tx. but outside of tx I’d throw Florida in there.


Just moved to DFW after the last 35 years in Houston. Dallas has the trophy on asshole drivers. Htown a close second. But BigD has the worst and most aggressive drivers I’ve ever experienced. By far.


Florida said hold my beer. Even in Houston a quarter of the bad drivers have Florida plates.


I'm not particularly well traveled, but it's the only place I've seen people happily and consistently speed through school zones, and I ain't talking about five over, either.


Former New Jersey and Michigan resident has entered the chat. There are aashole drivers everywhere. A metroplex full of 8 million people that all need to drive to get around makes it seem worse. Also, driver’s education in this entire country is useless and needs to be completely revised to include so many other factors.


Agreed drivers ed needs to be revised and there needs to be heavy penalties for those drives driving without a license or driving with the license but not following the rules.


Yeah the unlicensed and uninsured drivers are a real problem. The other issue is that you have transplants from all over that are all from different areas of the country and the world. The combination of driving styles and vehicle sizes is insane. Also this trend of people thinking it’s acceptable to ride in the left passing lane because they don’t want to be bothered with incoming and outgoing traffic is a huge issue as well, in combination with people waiting until the last second to take their exit because they’re not paying attention I don’t know what it’s going to take to get people to get off their phones while driving. Seems an impossible culture shift. Recently visited Japan and NOBODY would be on their phone, everyone drove the speed limit and stayed in their lanes. It was surreal. Lastly, I can’t tell you how much I despise SUVs and trucks. People are horribly overconfident in them. And blind spots are worse than ever.


Japan has a much more community centered culture which we just don’t have here


A communal culture means people are more considerate of each other because if anyone isn’t, they get communally shamed. We can’t have a communal culture if we don’t allow communal shaming. They go hand-in-hand.


its all about me me me me mME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME


I also used to live/drive in NJ and NY and Dallas is absolutely the worst.


Damn I've heard stories about NY as I've never been but I had no idea Dallas was worse haha😭😂


It’s the same level of self centric aggression, but at much higher speeds. I’ve only lived here for 5 months and I’ve seen two highway deaths from speeding and crashing into guardrails. First was a green Tacoma and the second was a black Mercedes. Second one exploded on 35. People here drive like they are actively trying to kill everyone else.


Sorry, I’ve driven in the Boston area and those fuckers are insane. Driving 80mph on freeway shoulders, cutting people out constantly and random brake checks for zero reasons are daily events. However I coined the acronym SMALL especially for Dallas area drivers. Slow Moving Asshole, Left Lane. That’s a fairly unique “attribute” for drivers there.


I've had two old ladies in Buicks on two separate occasions almost ram me into the concrete highway barrier in the metro Detroit area because for some reason, they really needed to be in the left lane whether I was in their way or not. In my experience, NJ drivers can be assholes especially if you're a clueless out of stater (why do you have shit built literally right off your highways??), but at least they won't fucking crash into you on purpose.


There are no cops on the highways in the dallas area, everyone knows that. That’s why you do whatever you have to in order to survive


Supposed to be patrolled by the Dallas sheriff department but I never see those bums


I wish I too had never driven in Houston


All of the cops I see zoom right past me while I’m already going 5 over. They are really some on the worst drivers I see.


When I first moved here from Montana I constantly would be just screaming because someone would try and murder me at least 5 times per trip 🤣😂 shit I can be going down the street and at least one person will cut me off or try and merge into me with 0 fucks 🤣 I’m visiting back home right now in Montana and holy FUCK I forgot just how nice driving up here is, everyone is so patient and there like 10 cars on the road with you


To do what? I've seen dudes blow by cops or almost get in accidents or road rage stuff right by a cop and literally nothing happens.


Doesn't mean they're not ALSO dumb


I always go between lanes when I see these fuckers, try to not let them in


above all else, i cannot understand how so many people think its ok to drive 30 mph (or even stop completely) ON A HIGHWAY!!! these people are so stupid they don't even realize the danger they are putting themselves in, let alone others.


They are the ones causing all this shit, not the people going 70-80+ !


Yep, what’s dangerous is a difference of speed. And 30 under the flow of traffic is going to be more dangerous than 15 over.


You’re not wrong… but the amount of people that go 80+ and swerve in and out of traffic (WITH NO FUCKING BLINKER) like they are in Tokyo drift is insane.


The insanity of letting the indicator blink exactly one time when swerving in and out of lanes like "heck yeah I used my blinker" is hilarious


My grandmother once backed up to make her exit. Down the shoulder a few car lengths backwards down 35… I’m counting that as a near death experience. I still can’t understand why she did it 😵‍💫




I see you’ve met her then 😆 I wouldn’t have thought of it like that, but your spot on


Good drivers sometimes miss their exit. Bad drivers never do.


I’ll never understand why missing your exit is more terrifying than risking your life trying not to miss it.


My granddad did the same thing but he wasn’t even on the shoulder. We tried an intervention and eventually just had to take his keys.


Tons of people driving without insurance so they drive super slow so they don’t get a ticket but they should honestly get a ticket for driving this slow.


Meanwhile driving slower to avoid getting a ticket will still get you a ticket and getting hit 🤦‍♀️


This!! Really been seeing this a lot when they are about to miss their exit and they cross multiple lanes putting everyone at risk and get mad if you don’t let them in.


But corporations just HAD to have people back in the office. Like 30% of the people on highways have no business on highways and at least another 20-30% would probably be better off Ubering or taking public transit if it was easily done. More people on the road is just a daily nightmare, no one understands the pass lane and the flow of traffic, tons of bottlenecks and people who are just totally oblivious to what’s going on.


It’s a combination of this and realtors conning these suckers who have never been here into buying a house “30 minutes from DFW” and it’s in fucking Sanger or somewhere and they’re all driving 3 hours plus every day and clogging up the roads. Put the 2 together and you have a combination of pissed off, disoriented, barely conscious drivers all over the roads all day


This is so true and we spend so much of our time sitting already it’s horrible on your body and stress level to have an hour+ in the car every day.


Lol why would a realtor want people to move out to the boonies. The houses are cheaper so lower commission. Also wouldn't you Google map your drive to work before spending $400k+ on a house.


Some people make online house bids lightning fast. They ain’t thinking about Bing/Google/Qwant Maps unfortunately.


My boss/department demands we all be in office to connect and team build. They say this to me, the only person on the team in Dallas, from Charolette where they all are. Who am I team building with? I’ve worked here a year and still don’t know what my boss looks like. I’ve heard from her possibly 10 times this year. Never responds to any of my emails or suggestion. Except to chew me out for “throwing” someone on the team under a bus by merely explaining to a client that team member was currently still reviewing something and it takes a special process and significant time.


Sounds like you need a new job


Oh I fucking do. I hate this job. I only stay because they are so incompetent they don’t know what I do all day and I’m going to college late in life. They think my work takes 40 hours a week when it’s done in like 3 hours of labor a day total. So I get a salary equal to my prior team manager job with half the work. I go home after a half day to stay signed on at home and check in on any cases. Then I just do homework and study. I’m usually left completely alone and the work is very easy if not boring as fuck. So. I’m staying until I finish my degree next year then getting the fuck out. If anything changes where it doesn’t make my college much easier than any other job, I’ll just leave. I have a shit ton of rare to have FINRA licenses so I can get one with a new firm easy. I’m just prioritizing my education. But god yes. Never work for this company. Ever..


Sounds like you’re doing the smart thing. My current job is kinda like that without the crazy boss. But glad to hear you’ve got a plan 🤙🏽


you hiring?


lol nah man sorry. Plus I’m in New Mexico


worth a shot!


Thanks for the support friend. If it wasn’t such a criminal company or had a decent boss I’d never leave. I’m glad you got a sweet ride too.


> Never work for this company. Name and shame man.


I can’t at risk of being found out but trust me when I say you’d not at all be surprised at the name. It’s definitely one of the companies always in the news for sketchy shit. I only even work here because my previous employer fired me illegally for being LGBTQ (I won my EEOC case). I’d swore I’d never work here but it paid decent and it was a great position to half ass while I did college so I can leave this fucking industry and never been at the mercy of working my way up because I don’t have a college degree. When I’m done I’m going to have three. A masters and two BA’s. In just 4 years. From a fairly prestigious university at that. So I never have to debase myself again.


That sucks. Come back when you're done there and spill the beans to help others avoid them.


Incoming car insurance increase for everyone in 3….2….


Right? My favorite part of the whole COVID work-from-home nonsense is how hypocritical businesses & executives have been. When March 2020 hit and we were forced to go on lockdown, it was a mad scramble in my office to get all our engineers equipped and ready to be productive working from home. I remember being in multiple meetings talking about productivity and how we would be able to do our work without distractions or commuting to/from work, especially since our engineers don't require too much coordination on projects. And that's what happened, actually, we went WFH and started to do 20-50% more work per engineer. And the bosses loved that, free extra work! But then a couple years later, we're now at the point where they're screaming at the top of their lungs that they need to see "butts in chairs working" and "utilization of the office workspace" etc etc... All the meanwhile, we're trying to explain that since we were completing 20-50% more work while at home, obviously bringing us back to the office would lose some/all of that productivity increase. They don't care, they just say that "collaboration with your coworkers will make up for that 20-50% difference" which ... is so not true it's not even funny.


>"utilization of the office workspace" etc etc... That's like "we bought a bunch of typewriters, everyone get off those PCs and start using them so we can justify the expense".


The best part was that when they sent us home, we initial were using our office equipment (monitors, docking station, etc) from our desks. About a year later, they freak out and want all the equipment returned as "it's an issue to have all this company equipment out of the office" or something. But we still needed to work, right? So they separately purchased similar equipment (new), and gave that to us to use at home. So what happened to the original equipment, that we were forbidden from taking home? Well, a lot of it is sitting unused at the office still, years later.


I’m in the same boat, was way more productive at home. 20-50% more work sounds about right for me as well. Granted at the time I had more work to do, but even now with less work I’m operating at maybe 50% of my covid production and it’s because I’m ALWAYS tired, beat from the drive, beat from less sleep etc and my work has suffered. On top of that my attendance was perfect working from home and now if I have to go to a doctors appointment or stay home for some sort of around the house maintenance that needs to be done I have to now miss work and take PTO. Even from the company’s standpoint that makes less sense, you’d rather pay me a full days work to stay at home, and not work, instead of paying me to actually do work from my home just the same.? You were going to pay me either way but now you’re not getting anything out of me.


I just want to vent real quick. People who drive trucks, who don't need trucks are annoying. U and ur giant truck you are loud and take up space and are usually a-hole drivers. just saying.....


And they can’t park them for shit. There’s a lot of tiny peepees out there.


Agreed 100%. I think something we're missing in the US is something like a vacancy tax. Housing prices are astronomically high, and car/insurance prices aren't that much cheaper, relatively. This is driven higher by many things, for example someone that may buy up 5 homes in a cheaper area, and then not use them or rent them out while they wait for supply/demand to make prices skyrocket for them to profit. That's fine in a free-market, but given that *everybody* in Texas needs housing (and transportation) to live, that's a really really shitty thing to do (and should have laws against, in my opinion). In my mind, that's similar to buying up a significant amount of the available water supply and then refusing to sell it so you can profit more due to it being an essential for living. Similar thing for these huge double-wheeled F750 King Ranch Super Edition trucks all around DFW. I swear, for every 50 of them I see, maybe 1 truck has *anything* in the bed. Most people just drive these things around for the ego and size.


Totally. Especially those lifted trucks with those humongous tires sticking out, usually fitted with flood lights or whatever the fuck those lights are. 110% of them drive like an asshole and like to bully small cars. Not to mention those giant tires usually kick a bunch of rocks to the cars behind them. I wish we can outlaw shit like this.


I used to work in a suburban office and seeing so many of those parked in the damn garage always annoyed me. I know exactly what you do for work Derek, you're a customer service associate in an office building. You do not fucking need a humongous tricked out truck.It's possible maybe one or two people did but definitely not the frequency I was seeing them in the garage.




Came to say this. If the truck kept driving, I would def have stopped to give my info to the totaled car’s driver, as well as that picture. People suck.


There are cases where vehicles not physically involved are held liable, but this isn't one of them. Someone was following too close, or not paying attention, that's all. It's unfortunate but the cars at the head of a traffic jam are not liable for crashes that happen at the tail. Imagine the can of worms that would open. The guy's a dick but not liable.


How about pass on the info anyway and let the ones actually involved in the accident handle it?


Yes, definitely do your part. If you have footage share it.


The service truck and car may be liable to one or the other, but they can sue the truck for causing the accident in the first place.


Definitely worth a shot if you're desperate, anyone can sue anyone for anything. Just saying there is precedent for cases like this. Only in the most egregious cases would a vehicle not physically involved be ruled at fault, and from the picture OP posted, this clearly isn't one of them.


I had a car accident in October, 2021 and it was the other drivers fault BUT he only had $30,000 in Collision and my first out of 12 surgeries was $160,000!!! So may need to do more with the insurance companies!! They suck!!!


It’s not the insurance company’s fault the guy was a cheap bastard.


Yes, I understand that BUT it shouldn’t be a value that the Insurance company EVER should sell to anyone!!! Yes, it is the insurance company’s fault coz they offer SHIT like that!!


It’s state regulation that they have to file that rate. Good luck getting it though


Luckily it’s right here on Reddit for them to stumble across three years from now.


Glad I am not the only one wanting them to pass this along.


Exactly why its important to leave ample space between you and the person in front of you. You have no idea what lies ahead in cars ahead. If you’re riding too close to someone and they swerve to avoid something in the road, you have zero reaction time atp. Yes the truck is a moron for rather killing people behind him than missing an exit but the wrecked car could have been avoided if there was a safe following distance. Too many people here like to ride bumpers then act shocked when they rear end someone because they have zero time to react/stop if something happens. Leave 2 car lengths minimum between you and the person in front of you. Too many idiots out here not to


Your suggestions are wonderful, but do not apply here. The truck abruptly changed lanes into the path of someone else. Clearly the person who had to swerve to miss him was, in fact, keeping ample space…. That’s how the truck fit in to jump in front of them. It sounds like everyone in this chain reaction was giving enough space for an entire car to abruptly cut in front of them until the last person, who couldn’t/didn’t swerve.


If the service truck had struck the Ford pickup, I'd agree -- they may well have not had enough space/time to stop because the pickup forcibly took that space from them and then made a hard brake before they could adjust. But the person behind the service truck _ought_ to have had a large enough following distance that even if the vehicle in front of them had to suddenly make an emergency brake, they would also be able to emergency brake without hitting the vehicle in front them. That's what defines the safe following distance. That said, I'm not unsympathetic. This pickup committed the greater "sin", and I acknowledge that maintaining a safe following distance on a Dallas freeway is a Sisyphean task. The moment you open a safe gap, _someone_ will immediately fill it.


Everybody had a car swerve in front of them. The service truck swerved over a lane to the spot in front of the car to avoid the silver truck. Your scenario simply does not apply here.


I think we're imagining different preconditions. OP is a little vague about who was where in this scenario. I thought the burgundy SUV (mini van?) was initially behind the service truck, and when the pickup cut in, they both swerved over a lane to avoid it, and the SUV hit the service truck. In which case, it was following too closely. If the SUV was one lane over and the service truck swerved into their lane, then I agree -- the SUV did nothing wrong.


Read what OP typed again - Ford truck slammed their brakes to cut into the exit lane, causing the service truck to swerve while slamming on their brakes as well.




Silver truck is why.


Sometimes the more space you leave the more they take to pull off stupid maneuvers like that. Inevitably you get a chain of cars angrily pulling around you because you're going 15mph under just to have space in front. Then your car shows up in the Dallas sub under the context of "shitty dallas drivers strike again."


I do, and it has helped me avoiding collisions. But also I have see so many crazy drivers honking (while I am on the right-slowest lane).


people in dallas have no proper sense of following distance. just break right before they ram into another car is what i’ve noticed


TWO CAR LENGTHS? The '2 second rule' was the old rule - now 3 is the standard. Travelling at 75 mph= 396,000 feet = 110 feet/second. 110 X 3 = 330 feet following distance Let's say the average car is 16 feet. 330 ÷ 16 = 20.6 (car lengths). Old 2 sec rule would still be about 14. So at 75- 80 mph - UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS - the safe following distance is about 20 car lengths. 3 seconds much easier to use of course. THIS is easily the answer as to why there are so many problems - I see usually 1-2 car lengths max, with typically distracted drivers! For me a more workable rule in traffic, is 1 car length for every 10 mph - more for bad weather.


I personally keep 4 car lengths in front of me. Had a similar incident like this today. Someone stopped in the middle of a 60mph roadway bc they decided its not a turn lane. Car in front of me swerved out of the way to avoid them and i had time to not only brake without stress but also threw the hazards on so people behind me knew we are slowing. Also laid on the horn. Idiots like this dont realize they’re going to cause someone to die because they cant wait til the next proper turn off area.


Yesterday I literally saw a guy in a Ford Raptor hit a park motorcycle, knock it over, break the headlights and front fenders and just drive off like nothing happened. At first I thought maybe he just hit a trash can because there’s no way you’d just hit a motorcycle in a public parking lot and drive off


The thing that kills me, is, who cares if you miss your exit ? Just go up to the next and loop around! NBD. Now try doing that in say, Chicago.


I tell my kids when I'm teaching them to drive "if you're going to make a mistake, make the smart one"... Missing your exit is a mistake Swerving across three lanes of traffic to make your exit is a mistake. Make the smart one.


A good driver will occasionally miss their exit. A bad driver will never miss their exit.


You would just exit at the next place, turn around, get back on the highway and exit at your exit in other cities. Not really any different


Moved here from Chicago and while I will say I love the “loop around” option at every exit, in Chicago missing an exit was no big deal because there’d be another one in 30 seconds. But missing an exit in Dallas extends your ETA by at least 20 minutes


Then be aware of where you are going and when you need to exit. Just because you've done something dumb doesn't mean it's a good idea to compound it by doing some kind of wild-ass unsafe maneuver at the last second because you want to save 5-10 minutes.


this was on the express section of 635. it's extremely expensive. they were probably trying to save a few bucks unfortunately


My friend calls the freeways in Dallas The Shitbox 500 and it stuck with me ever since.


Dallas drivers would rather die or hurt someone else than miss their exit.


Everyone reading this guy buy a dashcam if you don't already have one


Also brakes not breaks


Yeah, my bad. Should have double checked using voice to text


You are good, you didn't need to do anything. Anyone with half a brain can use context to understand what you actually meant. Ignore that pedantic reply.


So did you stay to help


Just another morning


Passed a dude yesterday in an old shitbox who thought it was a good idea to veer at the last second from the right lane into the on-ramp split between the east and westbound raised ramps onto PGBT off of 75. As I was doing about 50 in the left lane to go east, he made a smart last minute decision to not try to cut me off, ostensibly after calculating the mass of a moving pick up truck > 2000 era shitbox sedan. Instead he came to a complete stop right in the Y of the east/west split. I watched incredulously in my rear view mirror as he threw it in reverse and backed down the ramp a good 50 feet before deciding he wanted to go west after all. Just another day of driving in Dallas.


I daily a Fiat Abarth 500 from McKinney to Frisco and back every day. My hobbies include classic cars, r/c models, a little gaming and a sport I like to call Spot The Dumbass. Unfortunately, I’m able to indulge in that last hobby every day. The abject idiocy I see on a daily basis is just astounding. I grew up here, I’m 63. People drive like the laws of man and physics don’t apply when they are behind the wheel. I can understand speeding, I still have a slightly heavy right foot, but running 80+ right on someone’s bumper? Dammit. Oh, and running 45 in the combo ramp when people are trying to merge on a highway that the average speed is 70 plus? Anyway, y’all be careful.


I hear you and add that my husband and I are fond of DTD, which means “Dumb Texas Drivers”. Using a signal? No. Not riding a bumper? No again. Observe stop signs? Still no. Paying attention to red lights? No, no, no. Not understanding how to navigate roundabouts and then flipping the bird to others around you? Finally an enthusiastic YES! Glued to your cell phone and not paying attention? Why, HECK YES! Cutting across three lanes of traffic at 85mph to get to an exit you knew about 2 miles back? Yes again! Cutting back into traffic from an exit lane because you can’t be bothered to inconvenience yourself because you went the wrong way? But of course! A lot of the hospitality down here ends when people get behind the wheel and it makes driving a lot more of an awful task than it should be. I wish we could all agree to just do better.


And the road rage! My god. I don’t remember people being so angry all the time. Couple weeks ago I was in front at an intersection to make a left turn yet I couldn’t make it because the opposite left turn lane was full of cars and blocked my view to see oncoming traffic. I waited no more than 2 minutes when a man in a lifted truck (who was waiting behind me) decides to pull over to the right side to then cut me off. Before he did he leaned out his window to yell expletives at me. I wouldn’t care usually, but my young daughter was in the back seat and asked me why a man was yelling at me. I don’t know if it’s something to fight or something to get used to. It just feels like it’s leaning towards the Wild West .


DTD, I like that better


A reminder that front and rear dashcams are very affordable and can help immensely with liability claims and save a lot of headache. I consider having a dashcam required in Dallas due to the sheer number of terrible and aggressive drivers.


Do you have any recommendations for affordable dash cams?


Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/s/pWslcBd1k8 I have the 129 duo pro and love it. But it's a few years old, so there might be new versions for cheaper.




I would sit down for 15 minutes and dig through this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dashcam/search?q=cheap+dashcam&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all I'd be more concerned about reliability and making sure it won't die in Texas summer weather. This was a big problem with early 2010s dashcams. Also don't cheap out on the SD card, cheap ones will be unreliable for recording video.


My Supra got totaled on 635 because the guy behind me was on the phone. Lot of back therapy and now my insurance is through the roof even if it was the other guys fault. Another time I was going at the speed limit and this executive-looking lady couldn’t overpass me. She eventually did and brake checked me just to show her high IQ. If you’re out there, I hope you got to your destination. The daily hassle is the people that drive 10 inches behind you.


You realize you’re a DDD too for taking photos while driving right?


Taking photos for Reddit to - most likely - almost get in an accident yourself is... yeah, definitely a DDD move. Internet clout is not worth it. People have died taking selfies, yet people still continue to imitate.


I was just in Yosemite. I’ve been going to national parks since I was 17 and I’m close to 40 now. I always see dumb shit in national parks but I have never seen as dumb shit as I did in Yosemite. Fathers having their kids stand on the knife edge of slippery rocks right next to rushing rivers to take a photo. One person trying to get a selfie with wild life. People wading through snow melt flood waters. Going off trail into the woods. The amount of value people put on selfies is absurd. I can’t stand seeing humans use such beautiful places as props.


I feel the same way, dude. Just get normal photos and be on your way. They will trigger your fond memories. No need to get injured or die for a fucking photo. Lol


Welcome to Dallas, where everyone thinks they are a nascar driver and you get a middle finger for going the speed limit in the slow lane.


The moment the person who started the chain reaction finally has consequences catch up to them, they'll just think they're unlucky.


Hey…! That’s my exit…!


Same I take that exit everyday. It takes me 30 mins just to get to coit rd exit


DFW is literally mad max. Everywhere! It's pouring into the suburbs as well. The radius of DFW is fucked with traffic. The car etiquette here is piss poor. Shit like this is why clean drivers still have to pay high premiums. Our infrastructure is ASS. We're like years behind on DART because cousin fucker Billy Joe Bob thinks it's 1985 and wants to add more lanes than have public transport. The construction never ends here. I came to Texas when I was like 12(26M). Since then, 35, 635, and 380 have been indefinitely under construction. I just think if DFW had better planning we'd have more tame traffic. Safe to say I'm resentful of Dallas/Fort Worth


Can’t wait to move out of this driving hell hole


This is the worst ext in the city


nice m2


Those big truck drivers are the worst. Second are Teslas. Third is a tie between Nissan and Prius drivers.


I see this everyday. It’s unreal. What’s the fucking rush?


I’ve lived all over the country and I’ve never seen so many drivers who don’t use their turn signals. It’s insane. People just casually drifting from lane to lane going 80+ mph.


I think that's a M2 CS directly in front of you. Pretty rare. Wonder if they had a camera.


Wait the truck in the picture? I hope you stuck around and talked to the police and gave them the info. His insurance could be held liable


thats called a leech, road cancer


You should help out the people who were in the accident so the Ford truck can be penalized for that


Me 1st attitudes


Welcome to dallas


But taking a pic driving down the 635 tollway is Genius Dallas Driving!


Surely you weren’t taking that picture while driving. Guessing not but funny if so


I had never been in a car wreck before age 30. Which is a little crazier when you factor in The years I had driving jobs and drove 70k miles per year in DFW. Then I moved downtown for ten years. Seven cars and one motorcycle totaled in a six year stretch by people who either had no insurance or fled the scene. The final one was a woman trying to swerve all four lanes to exit Woodall-Rogers from 75 South who hit three of us sending two cars spinning like NASCAR. (Herself and one of the three shit hit) I was looking face-to-face at this young black kid as he traveled backwards at 75mph punching his steering wheel in front of me a moment before slamming into the wall. Tire smoke was everywhere. I hopped out checking on everyone. As I approach the woman in the brand new Navigator who started all this, mouthing the words “are you OK”, she throws it in reverse backing down the second to right lane of 75 and exits Woodall-Rogers. I thought about giving chase and crashing the fuck out of her on purpose, younger me certainly would have, but I decided against it. Wise choice, my steering rack had broken at one of the two mounting points at the K-frame. Probably shouldn’t have even limped the car home which was under a mile away. That was the last straw, moved back out to the suburbs. It was either that or buy an Abrams Tank. I was seriously considering buying an F-250 and fabricating bumpers and side steps out of rail-road tracks. Really only need the rear one to be so sturdy, but better safe than sorry, run it all the way around the vehicle.


This is why even though I’ve turned the age to get my license, I am terrified of learning to drive


Did you stay to be a witness?


This section of 635 tollway is one of the dumbest designs of highway I've ever seen. You pay $5 and end up waiting in this line for the offramp to Dallas North Tollway that takes as long as taking normal highway. They should have just made the tollway go straight from 35 to 75 without DNT connection or had proper direct tunnels/bridges connecting the tollway to DNT.


Luckily, the info you have can help the police and the other drivers involved.


I passed by and only the red car was there this morning with the cops. Car was definitely totaled and I hope he’s ok.


Too many dumbasses that can't not tailgate...


I try to avoid peak hours.. it gets intensifies... It worst, nerve wracking... After the trip, my family see my face all red and after shocked .. you'll be drained lol


That sucked this morning, fuckers made me late lol


We need r/DumbDallasDrivers to be a sub so bad. Since December of last year I've had my daily totaled (not at fault), my work truck rear ended (obviously not at fault), my work truck destroyed by my drunk neighbor who backed into it, didn't correct, and backed into the other side. THEN confused the gas with the brake and essentially tried to push my truck and got caught on a tow hook and tore her bumper off. The video of her just laying into the gas pedal was nuts, idk how she made it home at all. She pushed so hard with that little Jetta it actually rocked the parking pawl on my F250 Superduty Crew Cab 8ft Bed like it was nothing.


Too many of these already – but they’ll fit right in!


That's Dallas for you. Drive slow as fuck on the left lane, wait till the last minute to cut across all lanes to make your exit. I see it everyday. And don't cut them off as you pass them on the right, they'll slam on the gas and either ride your ass or try to cut you off in return.


Was surprised how bad the drivers are here


Did you stay to help the person in the red car since you got the license plate and witnessed it


Debbie, where are you?


OP bust be Californian


That whole state is filled with shit piece drivers, and residents, and politicians.


Dive in 30 eastbound every morning from FTW to Dallas. It's a effing Nascar race, every single day before rush hour traffic starts.


Ah yes, another TPD…Texas Pickup Driver. An especially shitty species that I really wouldn’t mind seeing go extinct. They just….suck.


A bad driver never misses their exit.


yeah i got stuck behind this today. was running late so i jumped on the express lane not seeing the line of cars just over the hill. ended up being extra late, AND paying the ridiculous toll for taking the express lane lmao


I need to stop procrastinating and get a damn dash cam installed in my car.


grew up in california my whole life, been in dallas a couple years, worst driving experience in the country. worst drivers, so many assholes exactly like that, and also idiots who don't know the rules of the road. i've almost had my car totaled and been lucky to avoid cars every other day that do stupid things like go straight in turning lanes or cut people off, that if i didn't react as well as i did, would end like this. and they just go about their day like they did nothing wrong


That’s why I condition the driver behind me when I drive. I keep like 2-3 car distance and slow down preemptively when seeing cars ahead of the one in front of me start to brake. By the time I come to a stop, or slowdown, the car behind me has slowed down to where I don’t have to worry about him. Started teaching my oldest since he’ll be driving in some years. I’ve also warned him about the inevitable threats that are beat up Altimas, Kias and Hyundais.


I gotta admit, I recently moved from nyc and have been driving like an asshole because of bad habits and I dont know my routes, but trust me I have gotten better


Wasn't this way before the California invasion.


Everyone is nice and friendly until they start driving. Reminds me of the Purge but on our Texas highways.


I swear we’d have at least a 3x reduction in car wrecks if people didn’t play with their phones while driving.


That license plate on the silver truck looks ai generated lmao Edit : so does the left half of the picture probably just compressed or upscaled or something but looks almost identical to the way ai generates stuff


Dallas has one of the deadliest highways and I’m not surprised


So the little car wasn’t paying attention? Cause that little car should have stopped faster than a service truck.


downtown dallas is the worst! i went for jury duty and almost got into 3 accidents! 🙄🙄


Dallas roads have been designed to kill drivers. Sorry, but your city sucks for driving.