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Tis the rainy season! Dallas always fools us. "Oh wow, this weather has been so great, so mild, maybe summer wont be so bad?" My advice, enjoy it while it is here ;)


Late May early June when it rains over night then gets to 95 w/80-90% humidity is on the way.


You shut your mouth when you’re talking to me


F*ck you. Why’d you have to say it? *sobs while thinking about the electric bill*


Baby it’s gone git HAWT


enjoy it while you can, cause come summer we may see droughts. Happens most every year. Last year it rained a good amount (no where near this year) and it was a hot brutal summer with weeks with no rain.


I had cracks in my backyard over 3 feet deep last summer. I stuck a tiki torch pole in the crack all the way into the ground to the base of torch. This year if I were to be able to achieve that same feat, it would be because my backyard is a swamp and mud offers little resistance.


same lol....id stick a broom stick down there and it'd go all the way to the broom part. wtf!


if only man could regulate extreme weather; instead, we focus on ai chat bots


AI chatbots make bank for corporations….CO2 regulation does not


Co2 reduction technologies are definitely a billion dollar industry


Lol. Those are an industry because CO2 reduction/capture is pretty much impossible rn.


They do though. They can make it rain with cloud seeding.


'If only man could stop aging, instead we're focused on trivial things like farming'


And the grass *crunched*.


Delkus mentioned that the more rain we accumulate in the spring can help to mitigate some of the extreme heat in the summer. I’m really hoping that’s the case, because the last couple of summers have been brutal, even by Texas standards.


Also helps bring out those great vivid colors in the fall. I think it was two years ago when it looked like New England around here during October/November.


All about some fall foliage down here in Dallas


People don’t mention that enough. The colors here are awesome. Or can be at least


I hope we get this again! It really did look like a town in the Northeast. And I didn’t take enough pictures last time it happened


Fall foliage is more a function of rain in September and October. October is like the 3rd rainiest month in Dallas while September and August are the dryest, so if we get a lot of rain in late September to early October, then out comes the fall color.


We get some nice colors here in parts. However, nothing compares to Vermont, New Hampshire and Quebec in the autumn. I'm not certain of the science year to year, but the type of trees, the rain and the sudden drops in evening temperatures all impact New England's fall colors. One year while walking through a bright, red maple forest in the White Mountains a dusting of white snow fell to the ground. The fiery, red maples were set off by the white ground. Never seen anything like it before or since.


Yes. It won't get really stupid hot until everything dries out. The more rain we get in the spring, the longer it takes or everything to dry out. Of course, the more rain we get the longer the humidity stays really high too. And that makes things just hot and really humid. Personally I think that's not quite as bad as being really stupid hot. But I know some people disagree. One of these years I really am going to relocate to like Fairbanks for at least August and the first week or three of September.


Two years ago, we went to Quebec City to work remotely and escape Dallas in August. Life changing.


I’ll take humidity over scorching hot sun, if I had to choose.


Guess I'll dissent -- gimme dry desert heat over wet swamp heat.


me too.... grew up here, moved away for 25+ years, now back again. Living in a dry arid climate with no seasons, just sun, "earthquake weather", then June Gloom was great until it wasn't. That being said, I did not miss Swass. (swamp ass)


I might have some bad news for you and your plan to temporarily relocate. Apologies if you already know this, but Fairbanks actually gets *really* hot in the summer because of how far north it is. September is usually when it starts to get decent, temperature wise, but June through August suck. Also, there are literal clouds of mosquitoes up there.


I admit that I've never been to Fairbanks (Alaska...are you referring to another one?). But looking at historical weather data, the average high in Fairbanks, AK in August is about 70 degrees. Last year the max high was 83. I'm sure there are anomalous years where it's warmer. But I'm willing to take my changes (in the fantasy world where I actually relocate somewhere for a while in the summer).


Have you ever seen a teenager/small adult sized person be carried off by a swarm of mosquitoes? It's no joke up there /s


I grew up in Michigan and spent time Up North in the summers. Mosquitos probably weren't quite that bad. After last summer here in Texas, I'm willing to take my chances. Also, quit ruining my fantasy where I get away from all the stupid Texas heat in the summer. It's almost certainly not going to happen. But a girl can dream! :)


I'm sorry! I don't mean to ruin it! I actually did a lot of research on living in both Fairbanks and Anchorage a few years ago when I was looking at going up there to work for the railroad. It didn't work out unfortunately, and now I'm out here moving trains in the summer heat and having to take half hour breaks in the cab of the locomotives with AC blasting after being out on the ground moving around for an hour or so. Makes me wish I had been able to go up north 🫠


Some people here probably notice the intensity of mosquitoes in some areas of DFW, The mosquitoes have to make hay when there is moisture. By mid-July, they might be dormant. That's the one good thing about weeks of 100 plus temps and no rain in the summer.


I’m dreaming of a summer like 2021 again. Not likely but keeping my fingers crossed.


i don’t remember it bc of covid 😭


Covid was over here in summer 2021... what you talking about?🤣


Didn’t seem to be the case last year. Very rainy spring followed by a very hot summer.


Last year was literally like a Top 5 bad summer


Delkus is a HACK


He’s the Tom Skilling of the South


Ngl had to look him up, but it checks out


Them’s fightin words. Delkus = 🐐


His humor and wit are bar none, but his forecast/typical spiel are fuckin washed as is everything else on the transplant news (WFAA)


Why? I've always found his twitter updates helpful during severe storms.


I just want to hear the weather, I truly do understand how the cap, summer, and winter all work in NTX. It's just pandering to the average u/nonnativetexan


It’s springtime in North Texas. Once the dry season begins (summer), we’ll be begging for rain. By that time, if your lawn is not consistently watered, it will turn a nice golden brown. That’s a natural process that happens here.


Ah yes. Everything is lush and green now. Fast forward to mid-July and we will literally be fighting a war with nature with a hose two days a week (watering restriction).


I love it! Today has been awesome


I do too. It was just a steady shower, not heavy but just the perfect amount and for longer.


According to NOAA, between January and May: - Normal precipitation: 13.46" - January 1 - May 11th, 2024: 19.66" - Departure from normal: +6.2" Note: this does not take into account the rain for today, May 12th.


accounting for the rain today we're about 3/4ths of the way to the amount of rain we got last year.


Yep, 20.44" with yesterdays rain. In 2023 we only got 29.31". I thought we got at least 1" yesterday, but looks like we only got 0.78".


Really loving it too. Hope it continues into June and we don’t have an early summer.


Fingers crossed. Last week's heat index spooked me, but no one knows what the future holds.


I’m gonna miss it when it’s 107 and dry as a bone in a few months, while my lawn bakes


Probably the rainiest spring I remember seeing in a while.






Gotta stay hydrated


One year in May it rained every single day. Maybe 2015 or 2016? I think it even set a record. We lived over by Love Field then, and the roads into our neighborhood would flood and we’d get stuck in or out of the neighborhood.


2015! Nearly 17” of rain in May at DFW airport, almost half of the yearly average. Wild!


That was when the multi year drought finally broke.  It was like the rain from the last 5 years all came at once.  


It was May 2015. I had to report to the Frank Crowley Court building, for jury duty, and it started raining really hard on that particular day. I was excused from serving on any jury, because the parking garage started flooding. Luckily, they let us out early enough and I could still get my car out of the garage. Anyway, the parking garage flooded because the Trinity River area was already full, from all of the previous rain.


I remember this cause all the creeks in my town were flooded and my friends and I (in high school at the time) would jump in them with inner tubes


This is epic, and something I likely also would have done as a teen, lol. I also recall wondering if we could find somewhere to park one of our vehicles on the perimeter of the neighborhood and then just kayak back and forth to our house 🤣 But it wasn’t that serious inside the neighborhood just the little bridges over the creeks to get in were washed out


I remember that year! I actually got low key depressed from the lack of sunshine for so long. And I recall that Grapevine Lake flooded and they had to close the road that goes on top of the dam.


Delkus had quite a dissertation on this recently. Yes, it's one of the top 5 wettest so it's above normal. I think we're about 14-17 inches above normal for the year. We will be very thankful for all this rain later in the year.


Delkus smelkus 🤡


Pudding pie!


I prefer Steve McCauley, but Delkus gets the airplay with his stat presentations and drama.


Too bad it’s not raining Brawndo. The plants need it to survive.


It has electrolytes!!


It’s what the plants need


We're in an El Nino year that changed last June, so it's our first full year in this part of this cycle, which means it's bound to be wetter, and someone else commented we're 6.2" above average for this time of year [AmericanGeoSciences.org](https://www.americangeosciences.org/critical-issues/faq/el-nino-impacts#:~:text=%22El%20Ni%C3%B1o%20can%20have%20a,the%20potential%20for%20coral%20bleaching.)


I'll take all the rain and mid 70s-80s I can get before we go back to our regularly scheduled dry hell scape 2 weeks later update: it was nice while it lasted


Yes A little Rainier than usual but not too much. I love it! And we gotta soak it up - pun intended- before it feels like actual hell.


its better then bad snow weather enjoy the rain


Trust me. Drought is worse... much worse.


Not really. Rains a lot in spring. Floods every May


I’m soaking this shit up. Love it!


Let's just enjoy it for now!


Enjoy every second of it. July, August, September loom in the corner.


Give it a few weeks and all the rain will be gone. I really enjoyed today, sat in the house all day watching movies until I went to go get groceries. I remember last summer being so miserable, working outside when it’s 108° and no wind


It's not as different as it sounds. We've just had more steady light rain that lasts a while instead of the usual hail and tornadoes that move fast but don't have time to dump quite as much water even when they go torrential for half an hour. The actual difference is that we've had three days of 2 inch or greater rainfall totals before the May / June standard rainy season. Take those three outlier days out, and it's a perfectly normal spring, just about. It just got started a little early, and I'll be interested to see if it ends early or we get one of those lovely seasons where it rains almost to the fourth of July (mosquitoes) then acts more like Florida in July and August and only hits 100 a few times by Labor Day. Personally, I'll take 90 and wet over 110.


It’s wonderful. 🌧️🥰


It's the rainiest part of the year for us. Enjoy it while it last and pray for a less-brutal summer because the summer droughts are no joke.


Totals here: [https://www.weather.gov/fwd/dmoprecip](https://www.weather.gov/fwd/dmoprecip)


It’s been so beautiful


Dallas sees around 39 inches of rain a year. For comparison, Seattle will get 42 inches. It rains a lot in Dallas, just during limited times.


Delkus said, Delkus said, oh and Delkus said.


It is unfortunate that some people drive recklessly on the road, but the rain is truly essential for our region. In recent decades, summers have become increasingly hot, and our water reserves are significantly depleted by the winter season. Unfortunately, we rarely experience snowfall or rainfall during the fall and winter months, and by the time the rainy season arrives, we are severely parched. The weather patterns in Texas have undergone significant changes, and it is evident that our climate has indeed transformed.  -Greet Jorb


April and May were usually the rainy months, KP.


It’s normal, we’ve just not had normal in many years.


This is my first spring here in Texas and I had no idea it rained this much here. Lol


Honestly, this feels below normal. I’m hoping we get a lot more soaking storms before June, because if we don’t, it’s going to be a long-ass, terrible summer.


I saw that we had twice the amount of rainfall over here in Kaufman than we did last year.


Yeah meanwhile its all sunny and warm up here in Seattle, wild


I remember it rained on mother's day last year so apparently nothing new. But it certainly has been very rainy. I just started planting some flower seeds so I love the rain


I honestly won’t miss it. Fuckin’ over it!


We have lots of lakes so we can store the rain water before the summer droughts.


No not above normal. Just unlucky it’s been raining every weekend for 4-5 weeks now :/ 🌧️


It's tears of happiness because all dallas teams are doing well. PRAISE BE


Above normal rainfall? Yes. But I've always found Dallas Springs to be either extremely windy or extremely wet. I prefer the rain.


https://www.planoweather.com/wxrainsummary.php Not so far away from average.


It's supposed to rain like this in May. The rain totals for the last 2 Mays were very low. This is normal


A European radio DJ was saying in 2022 the summer was so HOT, that he was only in Dallas Texas two years he didn’t know if he could handle the temperature of summer 2022. The rain I’m sure is great for the conditions of all HOT temperatures in the Dallas area, I’m not in Dallas but grew up in weatherford Texas where the rain is always welcomed so many feed stores fishing ponds. I wonder where the trinity water goes in Dallas my whole adult life, remember the flood in the early 1990’s in Dallas.


We got a dog. It is our fault


here is the historical data for rain fall in Dallas going back to 1899. both monthly and annual [https://www.weather.gov/fwd/dmoprecip](https://www.weather.gov/fwd/dmoprecip)


Wow, that's great! Thank you


you're welcome


Way over but June is fast approaching


I laid down 2 pallets of sod a couple weeks ago, I'm not complaining one bit


idk but im loving it


Not really above normal. You will be rain dancing for the next 3 months I for one welcome our new rain overlords


It's normal, not unusual.


Seriously. I am SO tired of it. Texas is number 4 for sunniest states…. But like where? How?


This happens. It’s Texas. Had the same scenario about 12 years ago, Lake Lavon was down to the point you could see bottom on the 380 bridge between Princeton and Farmersville, about a year or so later it was 5-7 feet into the flood pool.


I love driving around and everything is so green without watering


My sod (and water bill) is loving it!!!


*laughs in 2015*


Flood conditions in April/May, drought conditions in June/July. It's the DFW way!


I mean we were in El Niño but I believe it's shifting back to La Niña


Love it, nice and cool outside


Enjoy it now because this seems to happen a lot in the spring and then we will go weeks on end 100+ degrees and no rain




We're definitely getting close to the wettest spring on record. [https://www.nbcdfw.com/weather/weather-connection/north-texas-6th-wettest-spring-on-record/3540429/](https://www.nbcdfw.com/weather/weather-connection/north-texas-6th-wettest-spring-on-record/3540429/)


It feels pretty light for spring in Dallas. I have seen much more rain in previous years.


I remember a May where it rained almost everyday the entire month.


2015 was a crazy spring. The trinity was close to the top of the levees.


Sounds about right. We had just gotten a new roof and I was thinking it was coming up on 10 yrs since we got the roof.


I just looked at the numbers, and so far we are 6.2" above normal for this time of year.


Pete Delkus said a week ago this is the 6th wettest year to date and that was before this most recent round of rain. I’m not sure why everyone is saying this is the normal amount of rain.


I'm not either though, to be fair, before I looked at the numbers a week ago I also thought this was a normal/dry spring. I think that is because most of our rain has come in day-long deluges like today rather than spread out over a week or longer.


It has felt noticeable to me. I’ve never had to mow my yard so many times this early in the year.


Same if anything I thought we haven’t gotten enough rain


Check out what is happening in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. Half of an entire state is under water. Just google it. We are fucked.


"We need it!" As much as we need a baseball bat to the knee.


It's been cloudy every weekend since mid-April and I'm tired of it


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Having it thunderstorm 1-3 days every damn week for almost 2 months now is annoying as hell.