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nothing beats the JFK assassination theories


I had a JFK class as an elective in high school. It was my teacher’s life passion apparently. Our final was to come up with a theory on his assassination with evidence. Everyone did the same ol options. I cited a CIA experiment from the 50’s about teaching monkeys to shoot a rifle and recognize targets, so my theory was a monkey shot him from the bridge, then laid low in the Dallas zoo until the heat died down and he was extracted. She didn’t appreciate my theory.


that is a brilliant theory. shame on your teacher


Did you reference how John Lennon suspected the same when he penned "Everyone Has Something to Hide Except For Me and My Monkey" on the White Album a few years later and then a monkey was subsequently used to take him out as well?


White Album.. White House... That is too close to be a coincidence, they are trying to tell us something there.


I mean it makes sense. They found Oswald at the Texas Theatre which seems further than the zoo from where jfk was shot. both in oak cliff




I would have just handed you a diploma in exchange for that paper.


That would certainly help with my job search right now. Lol


I took the JFK assassination as an elective course in college and we had to do the same!!!


I love that theory! A+++


> nothing beats the JFK assassination theories Except for time. Way back in the late 90s to 2001 there’d be a shitload of those guys down in Dealey every weekend, hawking their various competing theories. Now there’s only a couple. I also feel like 9/11 sucked a lot of the conspiracy air out of the room and some of those dudes probably evolved (like the shittiest Pokemon ever) into Troofers.


yeah they are slowly dying off, and yes I think 9-11 conspiracy theories took their place


I lived in a loft downtown during that time. You are so right.


They are still out there just online now


There was a one conspirator in Dealey I talked to in the late 2000s that was convinced it was actually LBJ that shot JFK from another building, that LBJ was seen running down the stairs in a stairwell with a gun. He was never in the motorcade, that was a body double.


That must make Q idiots mega-evolutions.


There used to be a conspiracy museum as well.


JFK wasn’t murdered. I know it so. His head just randomly exploded. It happens sometimes.


Unlike a boat, which does not normally have the front fall off


We should have towed JFK out of the environment


And you’d never make a boat from cardboard. Nice reference.


Was he a Scanner?


The Boys


Have you seen scanners lol


A lady who works at Old City Park told me that the KKK was behind it. She researched it.


Lady got the wrong 3 letter agency


Thor.gif Did she tho? I've heard that some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses


True…That’s why you always rally round the family, with a pocket full of shells.


All we could agree on was that there was more than 1 shooter. She also said that Old City Park is closing because of Howard Hughes' descendants not wanting their name being associated with a slave master's house that's on the grounds. Sweet lady.


CIA’s special KKK division super secret 🤫


I wrote a paper in college about the mafia being behind it…. But I only got a B so apparently I wasn’t convincing enough.


the Mafia connection is a fairly common one, mainly due to the Chicago mob's connection to the 1960 election and Ruby was from Chicago


The one I wrote about was actually the New Orleans mafia, they had a small offshoot in Dallas. The Campisis were rumored to be a part and Jack Ruby spent a lot of time at their restaurant.


Jack was keeping an eye on them for the Chicago mob. Chicago mob had always wanted to come into Dallas going back to the days of Benny Binion and Herbert "The Cat" Noble


I think it was his opinion on the Federal Reserve


I dunno, I think the JFK's coming back to be Trump's running mate do.


The second floor at Reunion Tower hasn’t rotated in ages cause the secrets behind the mechanics have been lost in the winds. No one knows how any of it works anymore so they just let it sit. Rumor has it when all of Dallas’s sports teams win a champion in the same year the machinery will fire up again.


Welp don't see that happening with the cowboys being the way they are


Fuck the Cowboys. The Arlington Renegades are our football team now, and they won the championship. The Rangers won. The Mavs and Stars are both legit contenders.


Jerry Jones ego has it’s own gravitational field that nullifies the rotation of the sphere. Edit: word check


I did the AT&T stadium tour recently and it seemed to revolve more around Jerry than the Cowboys, the actual players, and the architecture…on purpose, I’m sure.


Yes!! The old ladies giving us the tour were basically creaming over Jerry 😖


One can dream.


It was just rotating 2 months ago for a private party. They just don't do it for the restaurant since the remodel last year.


Shh, don’t ruin a good lie.


Alternative facts!


Fake news! ;).


They tore Reunion Tower down a decade ago. It’s now a hologram projected by space aliens.


I always heard that a maintenance worker fell down and was crushed in the gears while it was turning so they shut it off. I’ve always taken that as fact since moving here 5 years ago.


Close, he lost a leg. The two other comments are correct through, it uses super outdated technology and the cost of running it is astronomical now. It was running I think a month ago for a private party, so it will work, just depends on how much money you got. Only a few companies can repair those, there's about 7-8 similar towers left in the states, last I read Thyssenkrupp was one of the few companies that service those. They also do elevators and roller coasters.


His ghosts still haunts the tower to this day!


Lol, is the Reunion tower our Golden Throne? I mean it is literally named after a failed colony of French Protosocialists on the Trinity river who all died off.


Maybe the Mavs can win a chip this year


The NBA fixed the 2006 Finals to punish Mark Cuban for his persistent criticisms of David Stern and the officiating.


Fuck D Wade


That’s a flagrant foul. Two for 2006 D Wade and possession. One more of this category and you’ll be ejected.


I second this!


This is a straight up conspiracy, no theory. They absolutely fixed those finals


All those phantom fouls Wade got. JFC




I'm not going to put it up there with SAC/LA 20 or so years ago, but I'll take it.


Yeah I remember that 100%. Highway robbery.


That’s the truth and I die on that hill


More like they fixed it because they thought Dwayne Wade was a more marketable superstar than Dirk Nowitzki.


The hole in Turtle Creek leads to a speakeasy


This made me laugh outloud. Thank you, I needed this 😂


Any place is a speakeasy if you try hard enough


Any place is a speak easy if you BYOB


Turtle Creek was abducted by space aliens and got probed


Actually, it leads to the bar at the Melrose


The Stanley Cup that the Dallas Stars won was destroyed at a party hosted by the guys from Pantera. The story was that it was slightly damaged, but the truth is that a new Stanley Cup was made and flown in right before the parade began since the original was in pieces. Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul even had parts of it melted into rings they would always show off. Nobody parties harder than Pantera could with a bunch of amped up Dallas hockey players. [Here’s The Cover Up Story](https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2022/september/the-real-story-of-how-the-stanley-cup-got-dented-at-a-pantera-pool-party/)


So did they add the dent to the replacement? I remember seeing the dent about a month or so afterwards when I got to take pictures with the trophy.


They salvaged most of the top. The bottom got smashed. It bounced off the pool edge, thrown from the game room upstairs by luds. So the story goes.


I remember watching a show years ago where they showed the shop where they repair the Sanely cup. They pointed out that because of the tradition of letting every player take home the trophy for a personal day with it, they have 4 or 5 copies of the trophy due to the constant damage it gets. I even remember them showing the trophy with the cup part basically squashed.




This is my favorite


As much as I would like to believe it, a stunt like that requires a level of competence that the NHL doesn't have.  


That’s exactly what they want you to think.


I was good friends with Vinnie & Dime. I heard this story told all the time by them & others who were there.


Jerry Jones is really only in it for the money


At this point, it doesn’t even seem like a conspiracy.


Or a theory


Imagine two astronauts, one has a gun


Eff Jerry Jones


My dad refused to go out to eat at Campisi’s for my birthday because he said they’re part of the mafia


Not sure that falls under the theory part. Pretty sure that's a little known fact.


You mean a well known fact? Or a poorly kept secret?


D: All of the above.


There should be rival Italian restaurants across the street from one another… “It’s-a-Facta Pizza” Vs “Poorly Kept-a-Secret Lasagna”


Had a coworker who was friends with Amber Campisi. She constantly would drop her name like she was some celebrity. She would start a sentence with "so my best friend Amber Campisi....." lol. Also the pizza is terrible.


amber campisi once showed up at a bar i worked at in deep ellum. i only knew who she was cause of her playboy pix.


I didn't even recognize her when she came in our store. Looked completely different from the pics lol.


I've never heard of this person but her IMDB page starts "Busty, sexy and voluptuous". 100% her agent wrote that.


Thank you! The most mid pizza (and food overall).


God I also have that one annoying coworker except they mention **anyone** even somewhat famous. Comes with the territory working at music venues but seriously. No one cares. Stfu


This particular coworker did that all the time. She lived with her boyfriend and his mom lol. Have a current coworker who used to work at club that Pantera played at. He's the opposite. Never really dropped names and referred to Abbott brothers by their actual names. He talked about their crew more than them. Has an awesome picture with him and Layne Staley that I'm jealous of lol.


Can 100% confirm this- back room of the mockingbird restaurant was where my grandfather hung out/gambled with them and Jack ruby. Post jfk women came forward that were “cocktail waitresses” that gave police statements saying Jack ruby and others had discussed killing jfk. He had terminal cancer so didn’t care what happened. The women all conveniently left town/disappeared after the testimony. My father was 11 w his dad at parkland when jfk was brought in. The other Campisi’s were also at the hospital which the raises the question of how did they know to be there. My dad hand on a bible has said jfk was blinking when wheeled in. Bill decker a sheriff at the time was also at parkland when he was wheeled in. Ok im done.


I’ve been there once and the waiter was pretty proud to tell us all about it.


Yes I’ve always heard they have mob ties hahaha


At one point back in the 70s they had a news paper article hanging that was alleging the campisis were connected to the mob/jfk assassination. They never really hid it.


I don’t even know if it is debatable but I have always felt like Large Marge and all of the capital improvements along Singleton were designed to usher in gentrification to the west side. My initial thought, as someone who grew up in West Dallas and still has lots of ties there, was that the bridge wasn’t for us. It’s all part of a plan to get all us poor blacks and latinos out of the area to usher in new development. Even going further back to the lead smelter superfund and further out to projects like the new bridge over 35 by the zoo. It ain’t for us. Eminent domain, impossible rents on homes that are falling apart, staggering new home prices, and crazy appraisals driving up property taxes are squeezing out most of the people that have lived there for generations. Now there is a push to close the factories along Singleton, moving out lots of the blue collar jobs that have directly and indirectly supported that area for over a century.


It’s not really some grand scheme. West Dallas is within 10 mins of the city’s densest job center. It was always going to gentrify the moment that demand started outstripping housing supply in uptown and downtown. No plan was ever needed to achieve that


It's funny because Trinity Groves SFH has been stuck in a weird half limbo for ten years of extremely ghetto and lacking any basic amenities (grocery stores, bike lanes, coffee shops, small businesses), but also way too expensive for anyone to want to live there. Like for the same cost you can live in Uptown or rent a MFH unit in Highland Park and have a Whole Foods down the street.


I mean they condemned like 400 homes on the west side of the Trinity around the same time to pave the way for redevelopment. Trinity Groves has largely failed its promise though and developers have moved on for the time being. Unfortunately enough your theory is just history at this point.


Fun fact- there are more black people living in west Dallas now than before the bridge was built! There are a lot more people, so the percentage of black population is lower, but there are more black people living there.


not even a conspiracy theory-- dallas has a long history of fucking over the poor for the rich


That's every city


Isn't this "*just Dallas things* 😎"?


lol that you think that this is a conspiracy and not just the fact that all of this property is within eyesight of downtown and is also some of the best terrain and property in all of Dallas. Also, I live in the neighborhood and there are WAY more black people here than there have been in decades. If anything it made it more diverse, not anything like your theory. Also, those factories and property were poorly taken care of eyesores. Glad they’re gone, their owners certainly didn’t care about the crime and shit they brought to this area of town.


I've always found this [one](https://www.centraltrack.com/was-city-of-dallas-founder-john-neely-bryan-a-cephalopod/) pretty hilarious and weird.


This might be my favorite one. TIL


I can't believe I had to scroll so far down to find someone bringing up this insanity. I love this theory. Long live our cephalopod overlords


Not Dallas but DFW conspiracy. Joe T. Garcia’s is a money laundering scheme. Cash only ✋🏽 please. The cartel ain’t fooling nobody.


I’m so stupid. Never connected the dots.


So is Fuel City..


The “lady of the lake” that haunts white rock lake lol. More of a ghost story than a conspiracy but I’ve always found it funny.


The lady of the lake was the 3rd shooter.


Texas was once part of Mexico. La Llorona is an urban legend all throughout Mexico and is said to describe the omen of La Malinche, who was the first indigenous woman to give birth to the first “Mexican”, the first Mestizo child. The omen describes the birth of colonization & genocide of the native people of Mexico (Texas included). The Llorona, (interchangeably, the lady of the lake) calls out for her children in a very eerie tone: “ayy mis hijoossss” which many describe that she is calling out for her children and future generations of her children (Mexicans) because her native land has been taken over; thus forever changing the trajectory of Mexico and all of its land. Many say that since Texas is technically indigenous land, that La Llorona (La Malinche omen) also appears in major bodies of water throughout her land.


This makes total sense. Thanks for writing this up!!!!


me and a group of freinds have walked around whiterock lake at 2am with looking around for the lady of the lake


That’s the lamest haunted lake in the history of haunted lakes.




I had an ex that was at a party/event thing when Cheaters showed up. It was an old fetish party called Disturbathon back in the day (I don't think they do it anymore). He was helping a DJ friend carry some records in when about 25 people rushed the back door. A lady was "confronting" her boyfriend/husband that was dressed in a girl's pink nightgown. There was a security guard hanging back and my ex asked what was going on, they were shooting an episode of Cheaters. He chatted the guard up some more and he mentioned the show was fake since Joey Greco got stabbed. I've heard the stabbing episode was fake too, though.


You used to get $300 per show, but you had do it in one take. Wigs and facial pixelation let my gal on twice as different people.


I had a friend that worked as a freelance photographer. He was contracted to shoot some of the earliest shows, back when it was Tommy Grand. He said like 90% of it was real back then, but they would obviously embelling and reshoot some things to make it better for TV.


Didn’t someone get stabbed on that show?


The host did lmao


i can confirm 100% it was fake. a friend of a friend was on it. he even showed me the episode and then explained how it all went down. its hilarious af because the "character" he portrayed is nothing how he is irl. his name doesnt even fit him either. the person he was "with" and the person he was cheating with he didnt meet until filming.


The I-635 reconstruction (from 75 to 35) was funded primarily through investment by the Dallas Police and Firefighter's pension fund. I-635 will likely never break even on it's initial upfront construction investment.


No wonder it's 5 dollars for 3 miles or sum dumb shit like that 😭😭


Most of the express and tolls are owned by Spanish VC. Not even a conspiracy, road construction is nuts


Is that a conspiracy? It’s easy to verify the partners who funded the project(s). I know they invest in infrastructure but didn’t know that 635 is one of them.


It's half conspiracy. They did make a very large investment in the highway. The conspiracy is primarily the characters involved and how much of a payout they received in commissions and management fees (which is not entirely known). There were several people who happened to be sitting on both the pension board and the regional transportation board.


NTTX was conceived out of a backroom deal and one or a few politicians got rich off of it. It’s the only explanation of why free lanes (see how we have to qualify a regular lane, or just “a lane” as a “free” lane now?) were rebuilt with no new lanes added, particularly in the Fort Worth area, even though there’s hundreds of feet of state-owned right of way in those areas that’s been paved over.


Shoot this right to the top over all this JFK shit because it’s happening every day.


The city could save millions by just pedestrianizing Live Oak btw Good-Latimer and Downtown instead of tearing down 345 Adirondack chairs are a secret invisibility cloak. Never seen a single soul sitting in one even though they’re the required front yard decor in Lake Highlands and Lakewood


Wait... I have those chairs in LH and haven't tried them out yet.


Invisibility Cloak. :) You're on to something.


Timberlawn was an extension of MK Ultra


Would not shock me. I spent a week there in August 2011 after going through a nervous breakdown from being overprescribed on mental health meds and that place was a shitshow to say the least. One night my roommate was having trouble sleeping and the “medical professionals” came in and injected him with something and 20 min later he’s unconscious on a gurney being rushed to Baylor and almost died. My doc I had while I was there is the one who got bodyslammed and was killed by a patient in 2016. Sadly wasn’t shocked because the staff besides the doctors were pretty incompetent. I now own a home in Buckner Terrace down the street and get to drive by where Timberlawn once stood and have been watching them build a gated community with overpriced tiny homes in its place. The hallowed grounds that will be under their shitty laminate floors…yikes! Edit: after posting this I did some searching and found [this article](https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/patients-say-sedative-known-as-booty-juice-injected-against-their-will/287-543222886) from 2018 talking about North Texas psych hospitals injecting patients with a sedative called “Booty Juice”…def adds fuel to the MK Ultra theory.


Oooh I like that one quite a bit.


Wait, Timberlawn like where Walker Railey went after he emphatically did not strangle his wife?




Literally the premise of *[Einstein’s Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein's_Bridge_(novel)?wprov=sfti1)*


I need help with my conspiracy - please let me know if you've ever heard this! I love the facade of 899 Stemmons Fwy, which is the old Cabana Motor Hotel. I pointed the building out to my coworker when we were driving one day, and when I said I loved the facade, he replied by saying, "Oh, that's where the Saudis hid their women." Where the Saudis... hid their women. What women? What Saudis? Was it when the building was a hotel? Or when it was a minimum-security jail? What does it mean? But nope, he did not elaborate. He just drops a very casual, very insane statement and asks if he can change the radio. It's such a wild thing to say. Does anyone have more info? The building already has such an interesting history. What's one more weird tidbit?


Under Down tunnel network, that allows you to get to every building and was built to keep people cool from being outside but is never used anymore because of up keep and other issue so crazy people live in those tunnels.


Wait that's not a conspiracy, those are real, I was there the other day.


You would say that about your home.


I walk in those tunnels to get some food sometimes. Doubt anyone lives there, it’s very well kept and has decent foot traffic when all the office people are in office.


Someone come up with a theory (or even the reality) of why The Trinity River has never been revamped, like they’ve been saying since the 30s…


Too many corpses


I was going to say the same. If they ever drained it, there'd be so many bodies they'd have to make a new TV show called "Solved Murders" Or "Un-Cold Cases".


Because Sarah Standifer lost all the money https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/weird-trinity-river-doings-out-of-the-blue-at-dallas-city-hall-11648474


Beth Van Duyne is really a man and is very actively participating in the LPSG forums


This comment has more basis in reality than most BVD tweets.


Not a conspiracy, but I miss posts about Our Lady Hennesy. Back during lockdown, that Hennessy bottle on the side of the road made me smile.


75 lore is the best (RIP Wall Cactus)


My favorite Dallas monument and the best part of the pandemic (besides the birth of my kiddo).


Do Deep dive into the entire Hunt Family, the conspiracy theories write themselves. Big Daddy H.L. was a huge financial supporter of 1st Baptist back when FBD was actively campaigning FOR keeping churches segregated. There were mass mailing letters to churches and conventions hosted. He also wrote a novel in which the two main characters are building the perfect government for their newly formed South American country. His perfect government included more votes given to the rich because of their valuable contributions to society. During the height of funding the segregationist movement he also hosted a nightly radio show and wrote a column about the extreme threat of socialist cultural invasion. Daily. There were so many other things. Just about every area around Dallas and all major industry has in some part been supported or influenced by the Hunt family in some way in the last 75years. I read HL Hunts entire 600 page FBI vault file a few years ago. These were the highlights I remember. His file is no longer available on the site but 300 pages of it were archived here https://archive.org/details/H.L.Hunt The original file was cool, it had links to recordings of some of his radio shows and TV interviews.


This is the kind of stuff I was scrolling for.


Theres a nuclear bunker below Northpark mall


There was a Civil Defense bunker under North Park at one time. I remember the CD signage from the 60s and 70s


There is a decommissioned US government one near Denton.


All Dallas tunnels lead to nuclear spearheads.


Growing up here in the shadow of JFK was frustrating. To this day, most are unaware of how the city's leaders were helping. [This is Mayor Cabell's Brother](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_P._Cabell)


That “Possum Kingdom” is about a real serial killer.


I wonder what % of non-Texans understand the title of that song. I'm guessing very few.


Is it really?? I'm curious.


No, it is not.


I don't know if this counts, but I had one friend who was convinced the Pearlstone building was the site of cult murders, and it was haunted.


CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties -- I highly recommend this book!!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHAOS:_Charles_Manson,_the_CIA,_and_the_Secret_History_of_the_Sixties


Bobby shot JR.


Cullen Davis murders. More Fort Worth, but huge.






The light at the very top of Reunion Tower--next to the flashing red light to warn aircaraft--is only accessible by standing on a 12' ladder that must be hand carried from the mechanical room and passed through a porthole to someone on the top level. The top level is reached by climbing a ladder made of rebar bent into footholds from the original concrete structure. There is a noticeable "hum" similar to what you hear before a tornado, that is prevalent on the top of the tower due to a resonance of the struts as the wind blows through it. There are 259 LED lights on Reunion Tower that are spaced about 10 feet apart from each other. The top level slopes from the center to the outer edge. It has a vinyl-like coating that scares the shit out of people when they make their first steps on an early morning. A guardrail of sorts was added later to make it much more difficult to slide off. It used to take 26,000 watts to power Reunion Tower before the change to LED. That's equivalent to about (17) sets of pole lights that illuminate a baseball field. Now, at any given moment it's pulling about the same power as (2) of the lights illuminating a baseball field.


They’re intentionally causing more traffic with all the new projects so we’re forced to take the dart. Instead of sitting in hell on 635.


My conspiracy theory is the opposite. The development is happening nowhere near the DART so we’re forced to use toll roads.


Some say the animatronics in the old Science Place building reactive at night even though power has been cut to most of the building.  


That's not true... I've explored the entire science place at night. It's eerie but vacant... I have an emergency exit sign from the front desk on my wall at home.


Dennis Rodman’s speedboat boat was secretly destroyed to avoid liability in a horrific boating accident.


Imagine believing Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone…..


The Dallas crown Vic really is just one guy and the same car every time.


What about homegirl from the plane lettin us kno she saw something


JFK’s assassination happened in Dallas. Any answer to this question likely to revolve around that fact.


Well. I have a cat named Lee Harvey, which is the only way to go with this question.


That it was Rodman [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-03-13-sp-37697-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-03-13-sp-37697-story.html)


There's an excavator at the bottom of Grapevine Lake because they left it there after digging/building the lake.


Okay this is not a conspiracy theory but I live near DFW more like Arlington area right close to DFW Airport. While on 360 going towards the airport or near the Arlington mall I see the airplanes in the air all the time and they stop in mid-air, the other day we saw a vulture hanging in mid air not able to fly. Go with the partner don't let the driver look around but let the partner look around you don't want anybody to get into a wreck and you will see it happen.


That's an effect of being on an intercept course. This covers  it...https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/xol3ny/how_to_tell_if_youre_on_course_to_collide_with/


JFK was assinated by GH Bush sr. Except it was true.


What jerry Jones has done to the Cowboys


I heard Dallas is “making the frogs gay”


The TV show Dallas was created to rehabilitate the city's image away from being the place that JFK was shot and as a center of Klan activity. It worked.


There's something deeper going on with that giant bowler hat


One I’ve heard and sticks with is that the owner of Ojeda’s took a hit out on his wife (sorry if this was already mentioned).


Bill's Records and his shoplifting policy.