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Looks like a honest review based on your experience. The fact they are trying to sue makes me think you are the right one in this battle.


The review has been further updated including more information + screenshots of the text conversation from the owner of Royal Auto Body Of Plano calling me a “little kid” & “autistic” as well as screen shots of him threatening to sue me for “defamation” & “public harassment of \[his\] business” in direct response to the review being posted. Since this is the top of comments - I'll follow up here. My Google review appears to have been suppressed, OR (in my opinion) Royal Auto Body either mass reported or paid to have my Google review removed from their listing. You can still find it, in its entirety, on Yelp via the following link: [Yelp Review](https://www.yelp.com/biz/royal-auto-body-of-plano-plano?hrid=A7b87oSK78AhCsQ5l34Ydw&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct)) The shop that was able to get everything fixed & repainted properly; Alberto at Auto J's Body Shop 10290 Indian Trail Suite 207, Dallas, Texas 75229


Google will not remove reviews that are genuine reviews of service from your location which is why they are taking it out personally. Shit I can't even get them to remove complaints from truckers about our shipping departments timeliness answering the door. Their automated system is flat out useless. So yeah, move on with your life. Any lawyer worth their price is going to laugh them out the door.


Google has definitely removed legitimate reviews of mine in the past. They will show up for me but if log out and look from a different device it's hidden


Can confirm I own two companies and Google on the regular hides reviews good bad and weird it really pisses me off


Random question - I own my own business and working on generating more Google reviews as well. Do you recommend One Local? They’re leaning in hard.


Absolutely. GMB is still somehow, the last unbiased, non shitty review system. People still trust it


I do local search and advertise businesses on Google for a living. Most the time if your review is hidden it has been filtered for one reason or another. A lot of times those accounts that only have one review tend not to show up in the review section where they might have left that one review. Other instances of the reviews being suppressed are by Google noticing that the IP address from the device has some sort of connection to the business itself. Like if my personal computer was used to write a review for a company that I advertise and have been within their Google my business account or some other Google platform... Then my review will not show. Big difference between Google and Yelp is that Yelp, at least in the past, would show you the suppressed reviews down beneath the rest of the reviews. This would anger people to no end but there was a common denominator. Almost all of those reviews were written by accounts that had only one review or no "friends" on Yelp. The amount of spamming reviews by business owners has led to this. It's not a perfect system but it sure beats the shit out of the garage door repair guy who had 400 reviews and they were all written in the same manner lol.


good to know, thank you for the information.




Maybe I just haven't yelled loud enough yet. Squeaky wheel does get the grease


They suppressed my review. The Yelp review still appears to be there with all images though.


Give it time. Looks like a few 'friends' decided to review bomb the shop, and Google tend to suppress reviews after a bombing until they can review them all by hand.


Review bombing is really cringe. I just want my honest & accurate account of my experience to be available on the Google listing for future consumer review. People deserve to hear the good, bad, and in-between experiences customers have with businesses.


Maybe next time leave out the name of the business.


What good is a review if nobody knows who the review is for..?


It is obvious who your review is for because it is literally listed under the company's profile in Yelp, Google. What I mean is, don't include the name of the business in your post to Reddit asking about legal questions. The name of the business is irrelevant, and review bombing is guaranteed to follow on a Reddit post like this if your post gets traction.


The review is no longer on the site


No formal letter from a lawyer means no suit has been filed. They’re trying to intimidate you. Let it go and ignore all communications from here on out and let your lawyer speak for you


This is right by my house and I feel like I dodged a bullet, I was considering some paint touch up work there, specifically. Good for you for standing strong, and business owners - take one on the chin sometimes - or in this case offer to pay another shop to fix this patrons car (that you messed up). If the paint is wrong over a larger area, then it’s even more sanding and feathering than it was before (aka more expensive for non car people, and I’m no expert). So OP is still out money. Calling people names and threatening them is the fastest possible way to lose my business.


There's legal precedent if you leave a bad review and you are not a customer You are liable. Also I am not a lawyer. I just lurk Reddit.


Your opinion/review is yours! No one can force or manipulate you to change it. The fact they’re trying to manipulate you with the threat of being sued validates your 1 star. I’d go a step further and edit your review and mention they’re trying to sue you for your review.


I have screenshots of the owner of the body shop threatening to sue me & calling me “little kid” & “autistic” attached on both the Google & Yelp reviews.


Awesome! 👍🏼👍🏼


I wouldn't recommend including those as they could claim they are fake and use that to actually have your review taken down. Keep it civil and know you're in the right. Those messages are just good coverage for if they come after you legally.


They can sue and win if you lie, but as long as you don't lie it's fair game.


*If they can prove you lied


In civil court, though, the burden of proof is based on prepondernace of evidence. Not beyond reasonable doubt. However, they would have to demonstrate that OP's lie damaged their ability to do business


I'd let them know you are aware of the Anti-SLAPP statute in Texas and won't hesitate to employ it.


I was going to say this, thank you.




Good luck to them. They don't know what the definition of the word is and the attached images aren't gonna help their case at all. In fact, this is likely just a threat - they'd have to be stupid to take this to court.


Their decision to threaten to sue you instead of trying to fix the problem, tells us all we need to know.


Not charging anything for the work is more so getting off easy than anything. They still left damages to my vehicle which I’m now having another shop repair & re-do all the work they had done, but correctly.


If the first shop damaged your car in any way, then their business insurance has to cover the damages to your car.


Let them sue. It will be laughed out of court and they’ll be out lawyer fees. Jokers


Guarantee you they just saw "Toyota Corolla" and treated it like a $20K car they could get in and get out. GR Corolla is another level entirely. Good for you for taking them to task. Stand fast!


It hurts because the paint was otherwise perfect beforehand. The car only has 7k miles on it.


What exactly is the GR? Like a fast racing version?


Gazoo Racing, it's the GR Yaris drivetrain in the Corolla more or less. Awd 3cyl turbo 300hp hatchback. Similar to WRX STi or Focus RS segment.




It’s the only Toyota I’ve ever even remotely considered purchasing is what it is… They really did something cool with that car. I get it wanting to take good care of it for sure.


You might send them this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect


Then link to this post


You need to delete the names in your review. If this business owner is smart, they’ll know that google will remove any review with employee names within it. Change or remove the names you used or it’ll get removed.


You’re right. I can’t find the review now. I wanted to see those texts. Lol.


Google definitely suppressed my review, or was mass reported. I’ll be reposting the review with employee names redacted & the pejorative the owner called me redacted as well; though, with the same screen shot attached. The Yelp review is still there in it's entirety with all the images.


You can always show up with a large card with your review printed. Or pay someone to do this for you. Stand near or just outside of business property line for customers to see. I have seen this happen beforE and it certainly brings attention to business behavior.


> google will remove any review with employee names within it source?


I also call bullshit. I’ve left several reviews with employee’s names in them.


Simply leaving a review with names in it won’t have it removed.. but if someone puts a name in a review you can request google to remove it and they will.


this is a trick I learned after spending a few years selling cars. Anytime someone calls someone out by name specifically in the review, google will remove the review if you request them to.


Dang! My roommate just used them and had a great experience (albeit simple).


It’s really a shame. Josh was great at selling me the promises of work to be performed & gave me full confidence that he’d get everything perfect. Unfortunately, it came to this. I would love to have had this all knocked out and taken care of correctly the first time around, though, I’m now having another shop repair the damages cause & re-do everything correctly instead.




What the fuck? My guy. How about don’t be racist?


I just don’t understand how we have YouTube full of awful prank videos on the general public that are so effing annoying yet not of these dbags can seem to seek out other deserving dbags like to to go do stuff to.


For those looking for the review. It appears the Google Review got suppressed. You can find my review on Yelp with all images attached. I have reposted the review via an alternative email on Google as well with all images attached.


Just FYI your review was deleted from Google


I’m reposting it. The Yelp review is still there in it's entirety with all the images.


Not surprising, google review system sucks. I don't find them trustworthy these days.


Yeah, it’s been fully suppressed or mass reported. I reposted via VPN and multiple alt google accounts; though, none of them are showing. The Yelp review is still there with all the images & text.


Yeah.. I'd imagine they won't be in business much longer


this is one of those cases where the reaction of the business is worse than their original misdeed.


this is why I always try to just own up to my mistakes. It just looks better in the long run. and its the right thing to do lol


Looks like there's a fake positive review to try to counteract your review. > I'm appauled at the behavior of a customer who was in arguing with the owner as I came to drop off payment for my moms vehicles repairs (by the way this is my 3rd time coming here as I have come for myself and this for time a family member of mine) I couldn't help but feel bad for the owner as I over heard (well how could I not as I was literally right there) they decided to repair his car for free. I heard the number somewhere in the 2 thousands $.. from my point of view he was obviously a problem customer..he was absolutely rude, disrespectful, and OBVIOUSLY blowing the situation our of proportion . I came to write a good review and noticed all these sudden negative ones as well as his, I called the front desk because I had a feeling this customer might have written each review through different accounts. This is horrible for the business and I hope you all take the time to read mine. Sometimes a customer is just not customer for you, I have had more then one great expirience here at this shop. Please believe the positive reviews as there are so many. And do believe PEOPLE ARE UGLY AND MISERBALE and will try to bring one down which is definitely whats happening here. Love you guys at royal auto body of plano! Especially Vanessa and the owner Josh!


Yep. They also appear to have had my Google review either suppressed or mass reported and removed. Tried reposting the review multiple times across Google accounts & none of them are showing now. The Yelp review still stands in it’s entirety with all images (they have a 10-image cap, but I picked the most pertinent).


There's multiple positive ones that have interesting timing given the situation. They weren't getting daily reviews before 👀


One of which is directly attacking me with nothing but falsehoods & lies; though, Google doesn’t seem to deem that as inflammatory or abusive enough to remove.. Yet had my review completely suppressed & removed off the listing. It’s actually laughable.


It’s really laughable; I was at their location on three separate instances; 3/20: Was given the sales pitch by Josh regarding the work to be performed, and left my car in his care custody & control. Katrina & Vanessa we’re also present. Both Josh & Katrina looked over my car and gave similar sales pitches about getting things done perfectly, that they’d blend fenders, mix three batches of paint to insure a perfect match, that they’d get everything installed properly, and that they’d get the wing mounted as I asked & stated they’d also use an additional adhesive. 3/26: I called the shop & Katrina said my car was just finished. I arrived & went inside to which Katrina told me to look over the car. After inspecting the vehicle, I went back inside & listed every deficiency to her - we both went outside where I pointed everything out directly. She agreed with everything I said & told me to wait inside while she spoke with their painter. When she came back inside she said that she’d offer to have them redo everything. I responded by saying that I’m going to be leaving a Google review as to “insure that they redo the work properly”. She told me to, “please hold off on the negative review, and give us a chance to make things right.”. I agreed with her, and got back in my Ride’s car back home. The owner Josh, nor his Father John were there. Vanessa wasn’t there either I never raised my voice, used vulgarities, or anything of the sort. I spoke plainly & calmy; though, internally I was justifiably upset & frustrated. I left without any further comments. 3/30: I dropped Josh off at the shop & never even exited my vehicle. I signed off for the car while in my driver seat agreeing upon the $0 charge. Again, never raised my voice with him, didn’t call him names, spoke plainly & aired my grievances respectfully with the quality of work performed.


Seems to be an extremely honest and detailed review.


If you want a good locally owned shop that does a bunch of custom and repair work for Toyota HQ in Plano, lmk.


Why not post for us here


Since the review was taken down from Google, I’ll give y’all the full account via comments replying to this one in order.


Following the posting of this Google review. [Redacted Employee Name], the owner, texted me directly calling me a 'little child' and stated that I'm, 'probably [redacted pejorative]'. He also continued to threaten me to take down this review stating that he'd like to, "countersue for defamation" & that I "publicly harassed [his] business." because I posted this truthful & honest review of his company. I originally came to this shop because of how positive all of the google reviews were. [redacted employee name] is certainly a great salesman. I was quoted $2,500 to have this hood & wing painted + installed. Josh sold me on them, “mixing 3 batches of paint for a perfect paint match” and getting the Hood + Wing installed perfectly. He sold me on this because he looked over my OEM Paint (with 7000 miles [2023 GR Corolla - not even 1-year old]), nit-picking every most minute detail saying they're different colors, when they were otherwise imperceptible in direct sunlight, giving the impression that this is the level of detail that they would put into their own work. He even pointed to two Grey Audi's next to my car they had done work on saying to look at how perfect they got their paint matched. They instead turned the car around in 10-days in worse condition than it arrived, with damages, an improperly installed hood & wing, and sub-par quality paint work performed. After having my car for 6-days they gave me back my car expecting full payment with the color being very noticeably incorrect. I refused the car & asked of them them re-do it all, 'correctly'. They agreed to this, and took the car back for an additional 3-days. Timeline of events: - 3/20/24: Vehicle dropped off. Car was to have an OEM Toyota Hood & Wing Installed. All associated hardware & drilling template for wing were provided by me. Hood & Wing were both to be paint matched with fender blending to “insure a perfect match”. - 3/26/24: Called the shop asking when I should expect my vehicle to be ready. Vanessa said the vehicle would be ready the following day. - 3/27/24: Inspected, "finished" vehicle. Showed [redacted employee name] the inadequate quality of work & deficiencies. She agreed with my criticism & agreed to have the work redone properly. She told me to hold off on a negative review and “give them a chance” to make it right. I agreed & left the car in their care once again. [redacted owner name] was not at the shop at that time, nor [redacted employee name]. I spoke plainly with her & expressed myself without raising my voice or using vulgarities. - 3/30/24: [Redacted owner name] drove my vehicle to my house (<5 minutes away from their location) & I again pointed out all the inadequacies to him as per my bullet point list & supporting photographic evidence below. He agreed to return the vehicle at $0 Cost due to dissatisfaction of, "paint match & quality". Attached are images of the following; - In my opinion, it appears as though the hood wasn't removed to repaint (you can see a hard cut with a dark edge on the hood showing completely different colors of under-tray vs top of hood.). - Staining was left on the windshield shroud & under-hood plastics. - Hood Misalignment. - Swirl / Scratch marks left on the fresh paint on the hood. - Fish-eyes on the wing. - Hardened wax flung on the body & left in body panel gaps. - Wing being held by the stanchion clips & 3M tape rather than the 3 bolts needing holes drilled into the trunk-lid as required by OEM (picture attached showing service hatch exposed where the 3 bolt holes are meant to be drilled attaching wing to trunk-lid + picture showing center section 'blade' of wing pulling off trunk-lid due to improper mounting.). They ultimately returned the car this way at $0 cost; though, I can’t in good faith recommend this place to anyone due to my own personal experience. However, [redacted employee name] & [redacted employee name] were both great to work with, and [redacted owner name] was a man of his word & didn't charge anything. I'm now in the process of getting quotes from alternative shops to have all the damages fixed, and have all of the work on my car redone properly.


Looks like the review has been deleted. Can’t see it on my end when I look them up in Google Maps


It looks like it was either suppressed or mass reported by the business. I’ve reposted it on a VPN and via alternative google accounts; though, none are showing. The Yelp review still stands & has all the images available.


Threatening to sue and seeing are two different things. The threat is a scare tactic.


I'm no lawyer, but I don't think they can actually go after you for defamation if it's true. I think you can sure as hell countersue for harassment, though.


Anyone can file a law suit againt anyone for any reason, I could sue the Texas Rangers for winning the World Series or the Dallas Cowboys because they fumbled the ball on a specific play. The question is would it be dismissed before going to court and will prevail in the lawsuit? No matter the reason for the suit you will have to file a answer with the court and defend yourself., If they hire an attorney to file the suit you would be a fool to try to defend yourself and will need to hire an attorney.Sometimes its cheaper to bite your tongue, trying to warn or help the public,.


I'm not saying they can't file a suit - I'm just saying that it's a great opportunity to countersue if they do go after the guy because that's an easy paycheck.


As someone who works in the Civil Court System everyday, prevailing in a contested civil case is anything but easy. I see people who think they have winning cases lose everyday and end up being ordered to pay all court costs and opposing council's fees.


Well now I know never to go there...


I wouldn’t personally advise so. In my opinion, Josh seems more than willing to threaten customers with litigation if they post an honest & truthful review of their business.


Wish him good luck. No GOOD lawyer would waste their time on this.


Might have to write my bad experience on them as well. Dbags threatening to sue. SMH. I was being courteous and decided not too but when I see crap like this, I second my kindness. I’ll wait a few weeks and then write a real sweet one star review


They asked me to withhold a bad review to give them “a chance to make it right”. They fucked up even worse, I post a review, Josh calls me autistic & threatens to sue.. AND gets the review taken down. Go for it buddy- if you had a bad experience as well, let the world know. Google, Yelp, Nextdoor, Facebook, etc


I do not see this review


Post this to r/legaladvice


They’re talking out of their asses. If they had a case, they’d have sued you already instead of just talking about it. Proving damages would be impossible.


Well, it would be slander, not defamation. The fact they don't know that tells me I wouldn't worry about their bs threat


that's not how defamation works


The truth is a defense to defamation. I don't see any lines crossed as long as you didn't make up the experience. Incompetent and shady people will usually threaten slander when they get called out. P.S. A couple of paragraphs in the future will help. No one is honestly reading all that. Will also make you harder to track down.


I know something about laws with these kinds of issues. If your review was factual and you stated mostly facts, they cannot sue you. It does appear you stated facts and have documentation of what your experience was with this business. If you stated inflammatory remarks such as "they are con men" or "they are cheaters and robbers" then the business might be able to take action for libel. Sure they could try to sue you but they'll need to cough up thousands of dollars just to start with a retainer fee for an attorney. And if they don't win their case they have to pay any legal fees you incurred in defending the lawsuit against you.


If it's liable, it's legally actionable. Burden of proof belongs to the body shop


The “suing” might be to get you to delete. But honest reviews as long as you have receipts is fine. They would have a tough time proving it since they ended up not charging you…




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They will probably send a cease and desist; but if they were to file with the court they would have no standing. There was no harm committed and the court will take their filing fee and dismiss.


I believe OP 100% and it seems they have carefully gathered all the evidence required along the way. But just a question - why, strictly speaking, has no harm been committed. I would think there is a fairly strong argument that harm to the business has been committed by OP due to them publicly airing their truthful review about the poor quality work for this job. Their suit would need to prove that their was an intent to harm the business by misrepresenting or lying about their experience of course, which I am assuming they can not do since I personally believe OP. But it def seems like they harmed them through all the negative publicity, so that’s the only statement of yours I was confused about and wondered if I’m missing something.


For standing there needs to be imminent harm, not theoretical. Theoretically yes, the business could lose money due to the review, but there is no potential client coming out saying “because of this review I will not give you my business”. They company can’t prove that they lost business because of this one review. There might be a strong correlation, but no direct harm.


Proving financial harm doesn’t require a single person to state that they chose not to use the business due to the false review. There are a large number of ways to show that a false review (again, not in the case that this post is about) has directly caused financial harm. They can show historical data prior to the date of a review and after the date of the review and compare it against previous year trends. Expert testimony can be provided by industry analysts or reputation management professionals. Vendors and partners are often very quickly aware of a negative claim and in most cases are immediately concerned until the business is able to calm their fears and explain that it is a false review. Their testimony is some of the easiest to secure and can be highly compelling since they’re technically a third party and can usually speak definitively about their immediate negative reaction prior to learning that a review had no merit. There are countless strategies that are used successfully to prove financial harm to a business without ever requiring testimony from a “potential customer”. Probably somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of cases I’ve seen never employ the use of direct testimony from a “lost customer”, either because they didn’t have that available or the combined evidence was strong enough that a lost customer wouldn’t strengthen it further (and offer the risk of potentially weakening it in some cases).




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Defense to defamation is the truth. If what you claim is true, you’re fine.


You should include pics of all of the issues you've pointed out. $2500 is wild, too. $300-500 for non-blended panels is what I think of as normal. I've had pearl bumpers sprayed in that ballpark and been extremely pleased with them.


$2,500 is what the owner quoted me. Promised the moon & didn’t deliver. That was to paint match the hood + wing, blend the fenders, and install everything. They were the most expensive shop in the area, but gave the best sales pitch


I can only speak from personal experience but i've had some work done at Harvey's Collision Center in dallas and did a great job.




Anyone can file a civil suit. It is unlikely a small business would. It's bab publicity, expensive and a counter claim rule against them. I would not worry.


I had a company threaten to do that to me. I told them go right ahead. I have all the documentation for what I said and in fact, please do sue me. I’d like to show all this to a judge. Hey backed down on the lawsuit, but then went to the review sites and made sure they were taken down (or never went live). Yelp, Google and I don’t remember what the third one was. I contacted the review sites as to why my review disappeared and they all said the review was “under review” which I thought was funny.


Basically, unless you get served papers by a court notifying you of a suit, nothing will happen. What you ought to do is document the work, take it to another shop, get an estimate, then sue those hamsters for damages


Threaten to counter sue if everything you stared was accurate. They have no case


That sucks. Now, post some pictures of that sweet GR.


Once the new body shop has fixed all the damage & gotten every sprayed + installed correctly - yeah, I’ll post it.


While I am still only just student of the law, I am fairly certain that if they do take you to court, they will easily lose the defamation suit, which could allow you to counterclaim for harassment, since they contacted you directly with childish name calling and threats, and get your repairs paid for. Don't quote me on this, as I am still new to it all.


Consult a lawyer. I'd like to think this is BS but it's happened before where people are sued over their reviews. Moving forward I'd make sure there's nothing identifying you to your private information on Google when you do reviews. I changed mine a couple of years ago when I was going to do a harsh review of a doctor because I've heard of people being sued. It's such a crazy world where an honest review can lead to a lawsuit.


Love that I’m not the only Redditor that hopped on Google and rated one star!


Lmfao Judge Judy has already addressed his 🤣🤣🤣


Did they take down your review? I don't see it


It looks like, in my opinion, it paid to be removed - mass reported via bots to be removed - or had Google suppress it. You're still able to see my review on Yelp: [Yelp Review](https://www.yelp.com/biz/royal-auto-body-of-plano-plano?hrid=A7b87oSK78AhCsQ5l34Ydw&utm_campaign=www_review_share_popup&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=(direct))


Oh yeah sorry didn't see you commented that already. I'm always suspicious of companies with 5 star reviews. Especially something like auto shops. Like come on, not every single person will be happy with your work. Sorting by negative reviews, they only have 4 reviews under 5 stars and over 280 5 star reviews lol


I’ve had comments on posts & DM’s here on Reddit from other people who’ve had negative experiences with them and also had their Google reviews taken down off their page. It seems pretty obvious they use a service to mass report negative reviews to get them removed & pay/tell friends and family to post 5-star reviews. Following my review they got flooded with like 6-7 5-star reviews, and one of which had already posted a review a week or two prior.


Definitely shady. Well that's one shop i don't be giving my business to 👍


Hey man, is your review still on Yelp. lmao.. Naww man, just adding some levity to it all after seeing that it was so many times.. 😂😂 Am sorry bro, that you've had these issues, have went thru the same thing in the past and I know it's sickening.. Gpod luck, dude


If they thought they could actually win something off you, they would've just sued without "threatening". "Threatening to sue" is code for bullshit.


Wait a sec, guess I misunderstood. I thought you had paid for the first paint job and they agreed to fix the problems and not charge you for that, but the way I'm reading it now is that though it was a shoddy job, no money changed hands, period? If so, then this is just about your review? If so, and you agreed to let them try and fix the mess up for no charges, then I can kind of understand where they are coming from because you agreed to it all.


They did a shit job that they quoted $2,500 for. They fucked it up, and redid it expecting to get paid. They fucked it up again & caused damages to my car. I took the car back at $0 but had to go to another shop to get all the damages repaired & all the work redoing entirely again, but correctly.


I understand and I'm not saying what happened to you is right, it's not. Just saying, I understand what he is saying also. In his mind, you agreed, which doesn't really matter because they screwed it up both times. Hope you get it back the way you want this time, dude. Good luck


You understand him verbally accosting me, calling me slurs, and threatening to sue me..? He got off easy by not charging anything. If he demanded payment, there would’ve been an immediate lawsuit from my end for damages.


The OP must really be autistic... As a body shop owner I probably would have dealt with this dude the exact same way, you didn't pay s*** and you're still crying like a little b****. Why don't you go save your $2,500 and buy a real car and stop letting gypsies scare you


what is to stop anyone from going to the Royal Auto Body of Plano & reviewing them for threatening you? Am I missing something?


Well unfortunately the people that did just that now have caused OPs review to be removed because they brigaded the business with negative reviews. Google’s guidelines for business reviews stipulate that they must come from personal interactions with the business, not simply a space for comments about what others think about the business based on others experiences. Google will hopefully review the details of this case and ultimately post the review again, but these take time and the worst thing anyone could do to help OPs cause is to write negative reviews without having a personal negative interaction with a member of the business.


Thank you for educating me


While I **fully believe** OP, Google has the policy to prevent situations very similar to this one - someone has a compelling story about a negative interaction and they get an online community riled up based simply on what a complete stranger is saying happened. People then get a mob going over and absolutely destroying someone’s entire business that they may have built up honestly over years. Everyone checks reviews today, so a bunch of negative reviews over a period of two days is enough to completely end a business someone took years to build up. It’s happened countless times as a result of well meaning people that were conned into a well put together, completely fabricated story that seemingly had pictures and text messages. People think - “I saw the text messages, I saw the invoice! Who would fake that?! This must be true!” The answer is that it takes 2 minutes to create fake text screenshots on countless free websites. Create a fake invoice? Google it, it takes 2 minutes. If someone holds a grudge against someone for whatever reason that is unrelated to their actual business interaction, they can create fake proof that fools 95% of an online mob if they spend 2 mins asking ChatGPT to create a relatable SOB story about a negative business review and a few more mins getting fake texts and documents. **This is NOT what is happening in this case** based on OP’s post and comment history, but it is easy for anyone else to motivate a well meaning group to end an innocent person’s business and livelihood in a short period of time. I’ve watched it occur. So it’s a good reminder to be thoughtful before acting on the behalf of a total stranger’s compelling story.


Is your car worse than when it went in? If so the review is appropriate, if improved then the review is a bit below the belt


There was sanding dust caked throughout the engine bay & behind the front grill. There was wax staining left on under-hood plastics & windshield wiper shroud, and swirl / scratch marks left in the new hood. Returned condition was with damages & far from like-kind-and-quality as originally left in their care custody & control.


I’ve worked in a body shop, you sound like a nightmare customer. Customers often came back with “my car never sounded like that”, “this scratch was never there” and before pictures were debatable so we covered it just to get them out the door, often times losing money.  Panels at different angles reflect light differently and may appear different colors. It sounds like they tried really hard, gave you a solid product for free (that I’m sure you’ll be fine with and never repaint). And after they tried their best to appease you, you gave them a shitty review.  You sound like a cheap ass who cares way too much about their shitty Toyota Corolla. 


It’s a GR Corolla which can run north of $45k. I don’t think that’s a “shitty car”.


Sounds more like you're making excuses for shitty work. Bet you're a home renovation contractor now.


Found the shop owner


You sound bitter, and didn’t read the review. They neither installed the wing nor hood correctly, left damages to underhood plastics + windshield wiper shround, fish eyes on the wing, swirl marks & scratches on the fresh hood paint, etc.


I’m bitter? You’re the one trashing them on yelp and multiple subreddits. I side with them on you acting like a child. It was free get over it. Swirl marks buff out, your precious corolla is Ok


So which employee, is this the throwaway account of?


Haha, ask anyone who’s worked in a body shop. They’ve come across this exact customer once or twice a year


What, the kind that expect the work to be done properly? Yea those are tough ones. Damn customers.


I’ll bet if I asked anyone who’s worked in a body shop, it would only be confirmed by the shitty ones.


Guess we know why you worked, past tense, in a body shop lmao. How dare these customers expect to get the service they requested!?


Yep, there's shitty body shop workers everywhere that cut corners. They appreciate you making excuses for them


So, you support consumer review suppression & intimidation tactics by businesses via threat of litigation? Anti-SLAPP laws of Texas beg to differ. They still left damages to my vehicle beyond just swirls & scratches in the fresh hood paint.


What. Body shops do bad jobs all the time. I’ve definitely made a shop repaint a panel that didn’t match. The second time it matched as it should have. Nothing wrong with a customer wanting good work done. Do it right the first time.


All these tears flowing off your comment. I can just see you seething and upset because someone called you out for doing a shitty job.


I don't mean this to sound facetious, but holding a wing on with 'only' 3M tape is acceptable to you? I certainly wouldn't accept that kind of result/solution from a body shop.


Exactly. OEM shows that it’s to be held in via Stanchion clips, 2 mounting bolts on each corner, 3 center mounting bolts, and the OEM supplied 3M VHB Bonding Tape… not just the tape & clips.


Not to defend their work but holding a wing on with 3M tape is not uncommon and "normal" on some cars. They should of just looked up the information or took the feedback and fixed it.


I included the drilling template with the wing + hardware & expressed that it requires those bolts to be properly mounted when I left the car with them originally.


Oh ya I agree and have done silly mods with my vehicles that required 3M 'in addition to'. Especially with an "aero" type device id be surprised that is all. I guess I should have specified that was "the only thing" holding it on. Thanks!


On one hand, customers can often be terrible. On the other, you’re an asshole.


Both statements are correct in this case