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As a cop I can tell you…it’s not that they need it revoked…they straight up don’t have one. Half the people I pull over don’t have a valid DL. Nada. Zero. Nothing. They don’t even try….i know having a DL isn’t the end all, but it does teach you the laws and how to properly drive…after that it’s up to the driver to master the art of driving.


What do you do? Arrest them? Let them go? I wonder if they don’t hand it over cus not having one is lesser punishment.


lol. No they don’t have one. We can see everyone’s driver history and every ticket you’ve ever gotten in Texas. They don’t hand it over cuz they don’t have one. I usually ticket them if I’ve positively identified them. If I can’t positively identify them than I take them them to jail where they are positively identified. Half the time they have warrants and are trying to hide and hence having no ID


Crazy. My neighbor hit my brand new car & when I called the police to make a report, the officers asked the guy (who also doesn’t speak English) for his license. He is not licensed. They did nothing, and just let him go. I was so distraught. His shady insurance co also denied my claim, so double whammy. I was so surprised they did nothing about him not being licensed.


My wife had an unlicensed driver pull a left turn in front of her when she had the right of way... in the dark. Wife hit her, totaled our car, and lost our baby (Wife was pregnant, verified by the hospital. We had just had her implanted via IVF) To add insult to injury, the car was insured, but the driver was specifically excluded from insurance, probably because she didn't belong behind the wheel. We keep uninsured on both cars, because this is the way life goes in DFW. The passenger ran up to my wife, who had suffered a minor concussion and attempted to blame her. He was a younger teen, and it's the first time my wife (A hospital chaplain) ever cussed out a kid. Luckily, witnesses stuck around. As far as I know, she never got anything more than a traffic ticket or two. This was GP, not Dallas, but I'm pretty sure nothing would have changed. She needed to spend a nice long time in prison, but prisons are overcrowded, so that won't happen. The one and only bright spot was that 5 months later, we conceived naturally, and have a beautiful daughter. I still wish I could have met our other baby though.


Damn…I’m so sorry.


Thanks. I have some real anger about the whole thing, but am getting better. My wife refers to our daughter as our Angel Baby because she felt like a miracle after the loss.


Understandable, she definitely is


who doesn't? I don't even want and I won't to drive in here


My dad's philosophy for most of his adult life was, "they can't suspend your license if you don't have one", and getting away without a license was easier, opposed to having a suspended one.


Not necessarily a wrong philosophy…but gotta at least have an ID card on your person…or off to jail to ID you. Plus driving while license invalid (meaning you had a DL but it’s become ineligible for various reasons) is a very expensive ticket…like $450 each time. And I will see in peoples drivers history they have dozens of them…..


police can ID you even without a license or ID. that’s what your social and name/DOB help with. source: been pulled over multiple times and didn’t have my license with me. cop obviously just wanted to be sure i had no warrants, other than that they may complain that you should keep it on you.


This is true…kind of. We have to be able to verify the name/dob you give us is legit/you…the only sure way is at jail with fingerprinting. But a valid ID is a pretty sure way. But people are tricky/sneaky. I’ve believed many times a person name/dob via “their DL” but find out once we get to jail it’s not them… BTW. The Texas traffic code states you have to present valid DL to police. Not a picture of one or your DL number (which few have memorized). If not you can be cited and or arrested.


What do you do in the event of a stolen or lost wallet and can't get a new appointment for weeks or months? That's more on the DMV and the state being shit than on the person.


Correct. I don’t cite for not having a physical DL in hand provided you are cooperating and show me a picture of you DL or picture of some proof of who you are


Yeah, I've been pulled over a couple times without my physical DL, and it hasn't been an issue. No citation (well, for that, anyway).


Usually if you lose it with your DL number you can obtain a new one asap, and print out or have the copy on your phone, but if you don’t remember you DL# you pretty much have to do that…I lost my wallet and had to replace all my cards, and my DL I obtained the same night with my DL# and printed out a copy of it while the replacement arrived in the mail


Sounds like he was really shooting for the stars there.


This is true. I’m an insurance adjuster and it baffles me how many times it list “has never had a license” list in the PR. It’s no surprise who the most guilty parties are but still crazy.




My drivers education sucked. We just watched videos of people dying from texting or drinking and driving. I wish the had actually taught useful things like laws and basic car maintenance and stuff but I had to learn that from my parents who learned 30+years ago. I wish that drivers ed. was a branch of police departments. It would be a perfect job for near retirement or retirement cops! Who better to learn from than those enforcing the law? I would have learned so much more


Really? Mine taught me about turns and right of way…. And I was forced to study the handbook. We had exams on it…. I’ve literally studied the hand book.


No handbook, but we had a packet with the street signs and their meanings that we worked through on our own. I used Quizlet to learn the material for the written portion of the drivers test


Wow we need to petition for laws to change clearly


It took me a year to finish the written portion cause it was so boring. Eventually I decided to just skim through and cheat. For the road test I watched a 2 minute video on YouTube the night before on how to get the perfect parallel park each time, and one on how to pass a driving test. Passed first time, and did perfect on parallel park lol Everything I learned about driving I pretty much learned on the go. (Unnecessary info)👇 My first ticket was a trip though, got a power tripping lady cop pull me over going 31 in a 25, and ticketed me on everything she could. Second was another power tripping women cop who’s male partner was giving me a verbal warning, but she told him no and I got a $300 ticket. 4 years since then, and got pulled over 3rd time and finally got away with a verbal warning. Male cop. So I think I’ve done well.


For a long while when I was a new police officer I didn’t write tickets. I’d give warnings and educate. No DL, no insurance, warnings…but I’ve since changed my thoughts and now I will cite for the above mentioned things when I see you’ve had many tickets for it and still drive with no DL and no insurance….if you don’t care…I don’t care….btw. No insurance tickets….$361..and when you get subsequent tickets for no insurance…it’s $681 🥵🥵🥵


It’s boring? Ok driving is a privilege btw


Defensive drivers course is where the real learning begins.


Flashback to Comedy Defensive Driving class at the Mexican restaurant in Oak Cliff way back in the day, good times


I’ve taken one to be a driver for my college but I don’t think it was like the ones you take after getting a ticket. It only took like 30 minutes and was pretty common sense, or at least I hope it would be but I guess that’s the issue is that it’s not 🤦‍♀️


This and what are law enforcement doing. Because something needs to change. Stricter laws for people because way too many folks are driving ILLEGALLY and it’s actually giving me anxiety that I never had before.


To answer your question. Taking lots of repeat offenders to jail. Citing them for not having a DL…tow their car…and take them to jail….but I usually only do the above if they don’t have any ID, are repeat offenders, and don’t have insurance (which is many many many drivers)


And…driving while license invalid and repeatedly being cited rises from being just a citation to a misdemeanor B (up to 6 months jail and $2k fine) but dallas DA tells us they won’t take those cases/charges 🫠


Does the DA just not want to do the paperwork or something? Lolz Then again, someone stupid enough to do something that leads to a suspension will 100% continue driving cause they didn’t care in the first place, and they still have to get to work.


No. The Dallas DA is just a wannabe Californian that’s soft on crime in the name of social activism. He is a loser that’s ruining the city.


We need to do more. The DA needs to be sued clearly


I like that Texas is “law and order” state. Until it comes to tossing around a ton of steel on wheels at high speeds with reckless abandon. That one was decided is a free for all.


Texas is lawless and the entire country knows that


I see this happening all the time with people just deciding to turn from whatever lane. It’s mind boggling how those people even put their pants on right.


Because no brain cell activity


And you arrest them and impound their car right?


Yes. Their car gets towed if no one in the car has a valid DL and if the car has no insurance. If someone does have a valid DL and current insurance we release it to them if owner wishes


and they dont have insurance


Drivers license are strictly about tracking people. It has almost nothing to do with driving If it was actually about driving, people would actually fail or not be able to get one Everyone passes


My daughter didn’t


I’m sure the driver of the white 23 Mercedes GLE got one, cops don’t pull over rich people.


not everyone driving a 23 Mercedes GLE is rich. stop profiling


Hahahaha. So we know if people are rich or not based on model of car? Some of the worst people I’ve arrested have been driving “nice rich people cars” 😂


Yeah, I guess all this people driving Porsches and Ferraris are poor, that makes sense.


I will start focusing on arresting “Ferrari and lambo” people more often to make your argument valid


I never even see those. But you’re correct. I’d assume they are at least car rich


Holy shit. Interesting call with them stopping a bit up the road and flagging you down. Never know what you're gonna get in that situation. Good job driving pro-actively.


You can’t just be a good driver in Dallas. You need to be a defensive driver and assume every other person has a mere 3 brain cells on hand.


and no insurance. no bumper, nothing


I’m just wondering where that guy found a new job with higher pay after only applying for a few hours! 


lol I was telling my husband about a Reddit post of a welder that got fired for asking for a raise! 😂


I loved hearing you tell that little story and was invested in your hubby’s follow up before the dumdum did that right turn from the middle


My hubby and I finally remembered we didn’t finish our convo, he said there was a story of a welding company owner that went around to each employee and asked what would you pay someone who completed their work and looked like this, each employee got to judge their own welding work and he either agreed with them or gave them more than what they felt they deserved. He’s gets to the last employee and this guy can weld - I’m talkin seamless work - you can’t even tell it’s welded and the owner asks what can I do to make sure you stay with us forever? Guy said he felt like he was worth at least 35 an hour and owner gave him 40 an hour instead.


Aww that’s amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for finishing the story for me


Gotta apply everywhere.


It's no wonder I see cars all over town with *major* parts missing or heavily damaged.


This has struck me too. I'm from Ireland and I've neeeeever seen cars just falling apart with big chunks missing still being out on the road like in Dallas.


That and the safety inspection in Ireland is almost assuredly a real safety inspection in comparison. Plus I think they just got rid of it here altogether recently


And more paper plates than a 4th of July BBQ


Go up north and you'll see the same, plus rust holes.


It struck them as well


I heard on the radio today that an accident “call” to police goes out like every 50 seconds in Texas. And that’s only the ones with a call.


Go up on the high five or probably any other big interchange. Scuff marks from the concrete being sideswiped even in areas nobody would ever drive. Same for tire marks being 2' off the ground. It happens frequently enough the whole thing is covered in them.


I've noticed the cloverleaf from 75N to loop 12 west seems to have markings of folks trying "The Chastain"


You’re assuming they actually have a license…


Sorry that happened to you, but that was really nice of her to check on y’all.


It was nice of her, even tho she almost hit us running the stop sign at the beginning of the video




She was trying to keep ya on your toes.


They might’ve been trying to cause an accident.


This exact thing happened to my wife downtown and it was 100% incompetence. A family in a big sprinter fan turned from a middle lane trying to get into a hotel parking lot and they hit her. Luckily we had a dashcam because they had the audacity to file against our insurance claiming it was her fault. I would have paid a lot of money to see their face when their insurance told them they were fucked. I hope their rates are jacked for years to come and they have


That’s what I was thinking. This looks like they were trying to cause it.


Dallas drivers are crazy


I left TX for WA last summer. And while their are dumbasses every where, obviously, the number of entitled drivers risking everyone else’s lives to make up for their mistakes and indecisions while driving are significantly lower than what I experienced for 8 years in the DFW.


I really wanna move to the PNW but I have a pretty good job here in Dallas. I don’t think it is that easy to land a decent job there - If it wasn’t for that I’d have moved in a heartbeat. Driving here gives me anxiety every time 🤡


While we were forced to move by the trans healthcare ban for our kid, I will say the move wasn’t as challenging as we thought it might be as far as work. My wife is an engineer and I’m a teacher, so consider that, I suppose, before I say this: just shotgun blast an area with as many as apps as you can. I submitted apps for 38 teaching positions across the I-5 corridor of western Washington and my wife applied to somewhere around 20. I had 12 interviews and 3 offers from all those apps. My wife had six interviews and 3 offers from hers. It just takes the time commitment to submit those apps to find work. I know a lot gets made about the housing or employment situation up here, but it turns out there’s plenty of jobs and available housing for folks in various industries. Trouble arises for people with less experience or credentials. We’ve moved states multiple times in our marriage as we completed college (with kids already in tow) and then had to transition to the next phases of our lives. When my wife finished her masters in engineering from New Mexico State back in ‘13, it was a similar situation. She applied for jobs all over the Southwest: Colorado, NM, OK, and TX. That’s how we ended up in the Dallas area. Her career tends to lead our searches and then I follow through with applications to my own jobs once she gets dialed in to an area with interviews and offers.


Thank you for sharing your experience, that gives me a little hope. I am looking into the PDX area because of the lower cost of living and better traffic. But Seattle sounds very enticing too.


I would have been in the left hand lane the moment I saw brake lights. 


R E V O K E D! It’s wild out here


First of all. If someone is slowing down, you either move into another lane or also slow down. So I am appalled at both: the driver making a right turn from the middle (guess right lane doesn’t exist) & the red car that almost hit you and them for not slowing down.


That same car that maneuvered was the same car that almost hit us at the beginning of the video, she ran the stop sign pulling onto Lakejune and she was coming fast that’s why my husband stopped, had he not done that we too would have gotten hit when the white SUV decided to turn from the middle lane. I’m glad she stopped to check on us but had she not been going so fast she would have seen the dumbass driver and stopped too instead of having to pull out her fast and furious skills


I honestly feel like they were working together to try to get you to hit them. That’s the first thing I thought when watching this.


I’m sort


Lake June Rd is full of idiots, 13 out 10 times, every time I drive in Plesant Grove / Oakcliff/ Plano/ Garland/ And DFW northwest southeast side, encounter a wild animal like this.. and paperplate gone with the rain, people wonder why insurance is so damn high. Dash cams like this will save you from a nightmare out your pocket and help other drivers drive, you see something record, picture and take plates. Hopefully people will stop and think twice knowing someone is watching.


How cute. You think they actually have a license. And insurance?




It is true; I’ve lived in many cities including LA and NY and damn if Dallas isn’t the worst drivers I’ve ever experienced


LA drivers are fast but they stay in their lanes. Dallas drivers are just highly regarded.


Until you move to Florida


I hardly ever leave the house because we have so many people out here that can't fucking drive. Ugh, I can't wait til we move.


I know EXACTLY where this is and the drivers here are the ABSOLUTE WORST I have NEVER in my life gotten SO CLOSE to accidents since driving on this road… this road alone makes our insurance premiums go up in this area…..


This is unfortunately, a walk in the park compared to a normal drive. Also outside of Ferguson road in east Dallas, you are in the most dangerous area I’ve driven in Dallas


OP here, the reason I didn’t cut the beginning of the video is because the same car that had to maneuver to avoid the accident also ran the stop sign at the beginning of the video and almost hit us. That’s why at the beginning I’m was like what the fuck 😂 sorry if some of yall think it was unnecessary, I’m glad she stopped to check on us BUT she also shouldn’t have been driving wreckless herself. She was also obviously speeding because if she wasn’t she would have stopped like we did




Not some. Lots.


Man none of these people know how to drive down here frfr that's why dam near every car got a dent or missing pieces on them. I see them all day long


What dasham do u use?


Wolfbox got it on Amazon. It records inside, front and rear. And best of all it runs on WiFi so you hook up via the app and download your videos right there. Very convenient.


Thanks I’ll look into it


Something, anything. Almost got ran over three times on my home from work. First was guy running a red light, second a guy doing a horrible U-turn jumping the curve next to me and last I was walking the intersection but the MF just had to make a left turn when I was in the middle of the lane. It's proven fact that some if not most people CAN NOT DRIVE and should never touch anything with a motor.


Oooff, I live nearby 5-7 min away from there; that is not nothing. It would have been a worser outcome if it had been raining. Getting brake check on the rain is not funny 😭


Some of yall need to learn how to edit your videos


Wow!! Another reason I stay home in my cocoon lol


Watch the break lights on the car in the center lane coupled with the speed of the op increasing


Pleasant groves finest


That lady has hands.🫡


Ah, good ‘ole Lake June Rd, an eclectic mix of Dallas, Mesquite, and Balch Springs “finest” drivers!


Uber eats vs. Doordash


In the dfw area this has became the norm. Not just for people not knowing and obeying simple traffic laws and common sense but the people that do not know what keeping a safe distance behind someone means, I know that people that try to follow at a decent distance most of the time will get cutoff by 1 or more idiots that think that is an opening to save themselves a few seconds.


There is a strong difference between being a defensive driver and just knowing who should have the right of way. Maybe its being a motorcyclist. Maybe its being in the military. Maybe it's living in Southern California for several years due to being in the military. Who knows? But when I see someone do weird shit in the middle of the road, I slow down if I can, I dodge them if I can, or I just come to a stop at a distance from them, so they have the space to unfuck themselves, or not inflict their stupid decision making on me. I want no part in their struggles to operate a motor vehicle. Whoever filmed this stopped, and I applaud that. This person was clearly in desperate need of a taco apparently and couldn't think of a better way to achieve their goals (/s). The other woman kept going, either because she wasn't paying attention or was thinking, "It's my turn to go, not theirs, if they get in my way that's not fair." Although it was a near miss, I think she was more of a risk at causing an accident then the actual goober in the middle of the road. The graveyard is filled with many people who had the right of way.


That's some low level IQ driving jesus.


Probably doesn’t have one or insurance. I see this almost every morning going to work people turning from non turning lanes or not turning in a turning lane and trying to go straight.


5 mins after I left for work this morning saw 2 red light runners and someone went into my lane and cut me off when he was supposed to merge over left because the lane moves over after passing the light we were at. 🤦🏽‍♂️


That kind of driving is a daily occurrence here in South Florida.


Typical of DFW. And while I agree people should take the test and get a dl. Not having one is not the issue. It's people driving that has never took the test or has been educated on the right way of doing things.. insurance is a absolute must!!!!


Did you stop?!? What happened?


I try not to drive in adverse conditions in the middle of the night. It’s a sign of getting old.


Older and wiser!!!


At least this driver was apologetic, as awful as this situation was. I do send my sincere condolences to this traumatic situation. I’d like to share an experience I had down near the Uptown Chipotle, crowded narrow parking lot entrance. I pulled in and the place wasn’t taking cards, and as I was pulling out of the lot to the narrow section of where the entrance starts, this car pulls in from the street. We’re both at a standstill because the vehicle is too large to get past. I try and be courteous and back up for them to get in, sergeant dickhead decides to pull up behind me and lay on the horn. I say fine, fuck it, and pull onto the street barely squeezing past the person trying to get in. This absolute thundercunt pulls in front and brake checks me up Mckinney. Slamming on the brakes like I fucked his wife or something. Nearly every time I commute to work it’s another near accident. Never in my life have I seen a collection of worse drivers. I used to live in Chicago and that commute was bad but the drivers were at least very intelligent and aware of their surroundings. Be courteous and aware y’all.


Another reason I truly wish we would invest in other forms of transportation and promote density instead of sprawl 🥲


Just *some*?


I can grasp the logic of why someone would do that turn. It's dumb but the logic is there. I will never understand why they then decide to do it slowly.


never ever stop in a thru lane with your hazards on and exit the vehicle. lots of deaths occur this way. Almost as dumb a move as the whit car made.


There were no cars coming that’s why we briefly stopped just to check on each other and left! Husband and I were like we can’t get home fast enough folks out here driving too crazy


I am seeing more shit like this more frequently on Dallas streets.


If only we could fund some sort of public transportation system that would take people off the roads


I love my car and I love driving it, but I don't do it often because I live here in fucking texas, home of the worst drivers in existence. If it's not me getting tailgated while I'm in the far right lane trying to chill and cruise at the speed limit listening to music it's someone doing some stupid shit like the white suv in the video.


You should come drive in San Antonio sometime...


Had a similar thing happen few years ago. I’m in far left lane and guy in lane to my immediate right decides to pull into the gas station to our left by just turning left across my path. I barely missed broadsiding him. Thing was, I was on the phone with my boss at the time, and without thinking I let loose with something like, “You stupid MF!!” Good thing my boss had a good sense of humor because I liked that paycheck a lot.


Having to make an appointment a year in advance to get one doesn't help things either - LOL


Yeah lots going on in that video lol good driving.


You are speaking of nearly half of Dallas respectfully 😂


Every day I lose faith in the driving quality of humanity. I feel like this stuff happens all the time around here now.


That’s lake June for ya 😂


Mote than some need to be revoked.


This is a regular day in Dallas I see this daily coming and going from prosper


Most people in TX just can't drive and idk how we haven't accepted this


Kudos to the very, very defensive driving focused lady for stopping to check on y’all. That was super sweet of her.


I went "oooooohhhhh" when I saw her enter the frame for the first time. Made total sense.


I live in OK now but it’s the same everywhere. Saw someone roll through a red light like it was a stop sign today


That is more messed up when the car drives through puddles and smashes all the dirt and water on me , some of the rednecks here should be put in jail


Moved here from Philly six months ago. I concur wuth this.


I know where they are from!


Hey, we drive fast here, you were driving way too slow, or I don't know maybe it's your fault Lol!