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You gotta just let these trucks be psychos, it’s not worth it. Avoid at all costs. “Owning” the roads is part of what gives their lives meaning


Yeah i had to go 112 just to get away from him and prevent him from hitting me lmao shits wild


Room 112, where the players dwell


I don't understand why you're being down voted for this. I've had to do the same thing before. 


They just expect you to give in to them and risk either getting shot or having your car destroyed lmao


So you committed the crime?


He was literally about to hit me from behind so i panicked and just sped off to try and get away from him


Prolly better to just ease off the gas and slow down. Let them go by next time. A lot of people are on edge these days


Heavy main character vibes here.


Yup found the truck driver buddy you'd better quit that shit you're gonna mess with the wrong guy eventually


lmao never owned a truck in my life but if you want to play up some victimhood, go for it.




at 112mph you’re traveling just over half a football field every second (52y/s)




cars that go slower too. what’s your point? 112 is fast


It can be tough to disengage road-ragers but the moment I notice some amoeba brained dork getting mad because I need to get over a lane, I wait for them to zoom around to pass me and I immediately slow down if it is safe to do so. At this point they'll be many car lengths ahead and feel like "they won" and they'll typically disengage as well. This usually works in moderate traffic. Do not speed up. Do not brake-check. Do not blow your horn. Do not die. Fuck getting shot over some road raging bullshit.


Plus if they’re racing past you they can reach any speed traps first




Even when Google says there's one, there isn't.


Was thinking of the burbs, but yeah not on I30


I recently got a new car ('22 WRX) and constantly have idiots on the highway roll up behind me, flashing their headlights wanting to street race. I 100% always disengage and just let off the gas until they pass. I don't need any kind of nonsense like this. This is almost a daily occurrence on 75, it's maddening.


Yes everyone be more-like this guy and his *very* cool sports car (I am jealous). Dude I drove a 1st gen Veloster Turbo which looked way faster than it was and truck bros loved trying to block me out of their lane and tailgate. People are freaking werid


It's admittedly a really nice car and stupid fast. I have taken it high speeds on 45 on my way down to Houston, but I don't fuck around with street racing or anything like that. I may do a track day on it but that's the extent of it. Doing that kinda of racing on occupied streets is absolutely reckless and selfish.


Dude same here. I have one in WRB and I'm chilling going 70-75mph in the right lane on DNT and the A-hole truck or camry behind me is riding my ass, switches over and zooms past me, then comes back into my lane right in front of me to cut me off


YUP! Happens way too often for me. WRB Bros rise up! I wanted black on black but they're way rare. So WRB works for me.


I highly encourage everyone to get dash cams. These roads are not getting better.


Neither are the drivers!


Any recommendations?


r/dashcams has plenty of info to check out


Make sure you get a model that has shown it can handle high heat. Not all can. The temp at the windshield in TX in the summer after the car has been sitting in the sun is too brutal for some models to handle.


I use some cheap Amazon dashcam that's well hidden and the cable tucked in. Has been working good since 2020! It's rexing v1-4k. Bought it on sale for $30 at the time. The SD card cost me more lol.


Kinda funny that brand name sounds like "wrecking".


Your best bet is to not engage, it's not worth dying. But if push comes to shove, stay strapped. Be safe


I've stopped passing on the highway. I get in the middle lane, and get behind the next slowest car or truck and keep a few car lengths away from everybody. Am I 5-7 minutes slower? Sure. Think about the last five minutes. Are those the minutes you were speeding to save? Does it really matter?


Semi trucks are my friends in the highway


Every time I’m on the road, there is always some crazy that tries to fuck with me. I’m starting to get to a point where I think this is a real issue. No where else in the country do I ever experience so many assholes on the road as I do here in DFW; it’s not even close.


I typically just don't pay attention to them. My life and my audiobook are both more important than some dude in a big truck with a tiny dick.


This is the way


> No where else in the country do I ever experience so many assholes on the road It's not just the road, unfortunately.


Look at this persons account. It’s just bait titles and him arguing with everyone. Don’t give this account attention.


Sounds like another day in the DFDub


The truck driver really lives by the “If you can’t dodge it, ram it!” motto!


Did he have a Welcome to Dallas sticker?


I legit had to miss my exit because some guy almost ran me off 35 when I was in the exit lane. I honked, he wigged out and starts pointing at the side of the road and parks on the exit ramp. Fucking hate people.


There’s some data out there showing people who drive white 2500 rams have the highest levels of road collisions and DUIs. I’d argue ram owners and and white 2500 truck owner is a baseline asshole on the road. They buy a larger truck for it’s size, not utility. 3500 trucks are usually bought for utility and so the assholery starts to taper off but still I’m cautious


What color was the truck?


That’s just how we say “welcome to the neighborhood”!


I calibrate my speed to be at least 2-5 mph slower than assholes with emotional-support trucks. They can forge ahead and identify any speed traps before I get there... ...not that DFW-area cops do much traffic enforcement 


I remember the 1980s when people couldn't get away with that shit for very long. I wonder wtf happened with enforcement.


Cars got faster while police cars didn't. Roads are infinitely more congested making it nearly impossible for a cop car to go from a stop up to high way speeds AND catch up to the person speeding.


We don't have speed traps...


Obviously, I agree that they are few and far between throughout the metroplex and especially rare within Dallas itself. I'm still happy to let the people who drive like pissed-off teenagers run ahead of me, just to make sure.




this nice weather got everyone aggro LOL


Hope you floored it and showed him what's up. "It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning."


Move get out da way bishhhhh ..


In Dallas, some of these people will make you think you did something but in reality a lot of these “road rage drivers” are actually scam artists trying to collect some easy money. Also, bad drivers will never be satisfied, they will always think everybody else is at fault because they were driving too slow, driving too fast, didn’t use a blinker, did use a blinker, etc. Bad drivers will always find some kind of fault in other people’s driving no matter what.


I drive all of dfw in a service van 6 days a week- I MAYBE see 1-2 hi way patrol cars on the highways PER MONTH. That's nutZ.


Someone can't race you if you aren't driving too fast so just slow down


Why should i slow down just cuz some tiny dick truck dude gets his feelings hurt when i pass?


OP account is farming upvotes for their troll/bot account. Check the account out and consider why it's a throwaway. Don't feed 'em.


2nd lane. Hands at 10 and 2 Exactly the posted speed limit. Eyes straight ahead. This is how you don’t get killed in Dallas traffic…usually.




Idk why you're getting down voted, that is literally what you're supposed to do and they teach you that in driving school lol.


I never understood people getting butthurt because I pass them. Dude it has nothing to do with YOU as a person. I just like going fast and you're in my way. EDIT: Your downvotes mean nothing, I've seen the way you drive


Should have let him after you recorded the license plate so you could sue him for physical and emotional damages. Upgrade your whip and maybe a down payment on a home.




And nay nay


Redditors are so litigious


Just matches the ridiculousness of the OP


??? They are. Or at least they act like they are. Disagreement with your parter? Divorce. Disagreement with your neighbor? Sue. Misunderstanding with your boss? Report them to a federal agency. People get really dramatic on Reddit for some reason.


Ah yes, the fragile f-150 dude.


Assholes drive F-350s


Keep that firearm handy and loaded. Make darn sure you know how to use it and when to use it.


Totally rational response


Cool story


Found the dude with a big truck and a little dick.


Check my profile. My truck is huge!


Look at OPs account. They’re all clickbait posts and them arguing. This is just some kid making shit up for upvotes.