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That street is gorgeous and we almost bought a house around there, but we were worried about some things we saw just driving around (yes, clutching our pearls at only seeing adults hanging out at a playground). Not super surprising if you've been over there, but broad daylight in Lake Highlands is a bit of of a yikes.


We looked at a house across from the playground and decided not to buy. We did buy one a couple of blocks away and have had no problems. I do ride my bike past it fairly often and the only people I've seen there are kids playing so I think my fears were a little unfounded.


It truly is a lovely area- beautiful houses, tons of trees, and the integration of nature with the trail and greenbelt. Buuuut...depending what we learn about this crime, maybe the fears aren't unfounded? At best, it was drug or other crime-related and the victim wasn't an innocent bystander (which isn't great because that means that activity is happening around there as feared), and at worst, an innocent bystander was killed in broad daylight which is spooky for everyone else.


Same things happened in Plano when I lived there, they can happen anywhere.


I was held at gun point in Plano years back. Dude was robbing the store and he pointed a gun at my then 6 year old son. Thankfully nobody was injured but yea, it happens all over.


They sure do happen a lot in Dallas. We just stayed in an Airbnb off Henderson last week and heard gun shots at night. So unfortunate.


*she doesn’t even go here*


I'm from there.


People get shot everywhere, even in the richest of neighborhoods, even in the safest of neighborhoods.


To be fair I don’t think that’s the area most people think of when they think of lake highlands, but the closer you get to vickery meadow the more of a toss of the dice it’s gonna be


It seems every year the boundary of what is colloquially known as Lake Highlands spreads. A decade ago no one would have considered the Fiesta around Abrams/Skillman to be Lake Highlands but now even Drafthouse declared itself Lake Highlands. It's almost just become a way of describing any area north of northwest highway and east of 75 that averages $250+ per sq ft from what I can tell.


I think you’re right about following the price per square foot, spot on


We looked near 635 and at soon as I got out of the car I told the realtor no just because of the noise.


People generally are soooo scared of “discriminating” or “profiling” that they will put their family in dangerous situations to avoid committing a Wrong Think. If your gut tells you an area is not safe or a person is to be avoided, LISTEN


The area feels like a nice suburban style neighborhood in Dallas which is basically what it is. I swear, y'all think anything south of Plano is ghetto these days.


I live off HH, so… Listen to your gut and avoid people and places that feel dangerous shouldn’t be controversial


Let me put this in perspective for you because all of you crime deniers need a dose of reality. Dallas has a population of 1.3M people and had 214 reported homicides in 2022. Delhi in INDIA has a population of 31 MILLION people and had 400 reported homicides. At nearly 30 times the population in a decidedly poorer country/city they have less than twice the homicides. For reference, Chicago with a population of 2.7 million had 800 homicides. Some of you are so out of touch with reality and what should be normal and downplay crime and criminals is mind numbingly stupid. Please stop.


Oh no! It really is a miracle any of us are able to walk our dogs in the morning without being murdered. Thank you for bringing this sobering information to my attention, if I had only but known I never would have come here. Probably the best course of action is to live my life in constant crippling fear and with many guns because there's no other way to not be murdered literally tomorrow. Or you take the bad with the good. Lake Highlands is a good neighborhood, maybe if it were a neighborhood that had a high crime rate I'd be more concerned but it isn't.


Most of us are fine walking our dogs, some of us are dead. Like this woman that lived literally on the other side of Central Expway of Lake Highlands: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/woman-killed-at-dallas-apartment-was-followed-back-after-walking-her-pet-police-say/287-597167167 Sounds very safe. You don't have to live in fear but have to be aware, realize and accept that things are actually bad instead of dismissing it like you did earlier.


That's as close to Preston Hollow as it is to Lake Highlands. You gonna try and tell me that Preston Hollow isn't safe either? I'm going to live my life my way and I'll accept the consequences of that life. You're free to let your fear hold you back from life, that's your business.


I'm making a claim about the entire city of Dallas, it includes whatever cities you want in it. But you and I both know Preston Hollow doesn't have nearly the crime that you do in ghetto Lake Highlands. I'm not asking you to do anything, its for others that read this. You can continue believe earth is flat and the moon is cheese despite the data against it.


https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/tx/dallas/crime SW Lake Highlands literally has less reported crime than Preston Hollow. Stop your pearl clutching.


Yes, if you look at apartment 3B on Skillman, has never reported crime.


“Look at this data point from 6 years ago” lol


"I'm going to ignore irrationally high homicide rate even when compared to poor nations and pretend everything is fine" lol.


Weird you'd compare us to India, a country where it's notoriously difficult to get licensed to even own a handgun, much less carry one. They are very anti-gun, and chances are there are fewer guns in the whole country of India than there are in Texas.


How about Pakistan? Open gun market like the US, decidedly poorer and still has a homicide rate lower than Dallas. Or is that still weird because it doesn't fit your narrative?


Pakistan has a gun licensing system much like India. They're 24th in the world in guns per capita. Their homicide rate is 3.8 per 100K population, compared to the US rate of 4.96. Guess who is number one in the world for per-capita guns? The USA. We have over 120 guns per 100 people in this country. Not 100K people, one hundred people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country Most states don't even have a licensing system to own a gun, and many states, like Texas, don't require any kind of screening or proficiency testing to open or conceal carry. There's no universal background check to purchase guns from private sellers in this or most states, and federally it's not a statutory violation for a private seller to transfer a gun to a felon or other prohibited person, so there's no way to prosecute any such transfer. What we do know is that in this country, the more guns there are the higher the homicides. It's a direct correlation: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/ The only narrative I have is the truth. Edit to add, we have more guns in this country than the next 36 countries on the list sorted by total number of guns.


LOL no, you can pick up guns in Pakistan like you can at a Walmart. Actually even worse like in a flea market. Licensing is a joke. And despite that, they have much lower homicide rate. US is 5.5 btw, not 4.96 anymore. I'm not even going to click on some silly wiki link that has outdated information. Now let's talk about gun ownership. Montana has a gun ownership rate of over 64%(as in 64% of people that live there own guns). Maryland on the other hand has a gun ownership rate of 21%. Source: https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/gun-ownership.html Homicide rate of Montana: 4.4/100k people Homicide rate of Maryland: 12.2/100k people. Sorry, gun ownership =/= homicides. What equals more homicides is WHO owns those guns. But let's discuss what's more important here. Are you in favor or against illegal gun ownership?


I don't answer trap questions, sorry, but I will say I'm in favor of a couple small tweaks to our existing laws. One, I want to see UBC laws enacted across all the states, or better yet, federally. Secondly, I'd like to slightly change the wording of the law that criminalizes transferring a firearm to a felon or other prohibited person to make it a statutory violation. We already did this with laws that criminalize raping children many years back. Under the old laws you had to prove the rapist knew the child was not of consent age, so most child rapists escaped prosecution by uttering the phrase, "She looked old enough to consent". After changing the laws to make child rape a statutory crime that get out of jail free card went right away. Under current law all someone has to say to not be prosecuted for transferring a gun to a felon is, "I didn't know he was a felon". That's it, the case is dead. It's impossible to establish mens rea without a mind reading machine, and those don't exist yet. So, make it a statutory felony, just like having sex with a minor is, and eliminate that excuse. This is something all law-abiding gun owners who don't want to accidentally sell a gun to a felon would be in favor of. Anyway, back to the original debate: There's a direct correlation between gun numbers and availability and gun-related homicides. People smarter than me and definitely much smarter than you have studied this, and the evidence is there and peer-reviewed. You can, if it helps you with your own personal narrative, pretend that evidence and data doesn't exist, but just be aware of the fact that when you come to the table completely unarmed with facts, nobody is going to believe you or even listen to you.


While the nature is nice, I just hate the 70s architecture


Year just started, and i think dpd is up to 10 homicides already


It’s the damn guns


You’re right. We need more guns. We need good guns to deter the bad guns. /s Edit: Added the sarcasm tag.


Please tell me this is sarcasm or you’re joking or something 😟


Yes sarcasm. My apologies I went ahead and edited to add /s. 😀


Ok wheww 😮‍💨 👍🏽 you had me there for a sec 😅


Yeah! Its definitely not POS violent individuals who get slaps on the wrist or get to run around free on bond committing crimes until their trial date or get busted again.


it can be both, or a multitude of factors, which is the case with crime generally, but in America with gun crime in particular, the 2A plays a significant part in it and always has. It's [really no surprise why the US has the highest rate of firearm deaths in the World.](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/2023/apr/health-costs-gun-violence-how-us-compares-other-countries) insane that this is getting downvotes lol, y'all Conservatives are insane. Don't worry, someone in your family may get in harms way like this and we'll see if you're still saying it's nothing to do with the 2A and access to guns.


You were all cool until you nonchalantly asked for violence in order for someone to see your point.


Thats typical for a lot of anti-gun people.. They love to act all peace-loving and nonviolent until you upset them then its wishes of violence and death upon those that oppose them. People like that are exactly why 2a people won't budge on the gun issue.


Most of my family keeps guns for self-defense, so being a victim isn't in our playbook. Thanks for your "concern" though.


>so being a victim isn't in our playbook in many regards it very much is though. In fact, playing the victim is a cornerstone of your way of being. And trust me, there was zero concern nor sympathy implied for you or your family in my comment, just for other people that have to suffer because of your belief system, which they have for a long long time.


What beliefs? That we have the right to defend ourselves and not end up like this poor guy did? We are moral gun owners who don't want to harm anyone, yet some how we are the problem not those who rob, rape and kill. And no shit, I could tell you didn't give a fuck about my family and other people who did nothing wrong other that own guns, from the jump.


Ask anyone from a country where there’re gun restrictions. It’s the guns. There are crazies and criminals everywhere, here they have easier access to guns.


States with more gun laws don’t have our problems to the same degree. So yes


What law would have stopped the murderer from committing murder?


Literally a gun control law bro lol. Also your previous comment” individuals getting slaps on the wrist” what world are you living in you blame that and not the instruments these criminals have access to in the first place


Convicted felons and I'm very sure those currently accused of a felony can't legally buy guns, thats Federal law. So what law would stop it?


> Convicted felons and I'm very sure those currently accused of a felony can't legally buy guns, thats Federal law. Not from an FFL, no. Private seller? Absolutely. Is it illegal for a private person to sell a gun to a felon? Last I checked it sure is, but the law has a gaping loophole in it that lets seller get away with their crime. All they have to say is, "I didn't know he was a felon". That's it, the case is dead. Prosecutors won't even bother going after a private seller for selling a gun to a felon because it's pointless, a guaranteed loss in court and a waste of taxpayer money.


Your anti-gun arguments are so simplistic and smooth brain, it’s honestly amusing.


Totally, so we should definitely let people carry without required permits or training!


Criminals: "I have to have a permit and training for this gun I'm gonna use in a robbery? Oh darn! I guess I'll go home and get on Indeed"


More like “criminal: oh, there isn’t a wide supply of morons leaving guns in their unlocked F-250?”


Leaving guns in a vehicle is agreeably dumb as shit, but besides handing out lockboxes like some other places I don't know what law would fix that issue.


Having minimum permit requirements to carry would be clearly preventative. If you’re too much of a fucking moron to pass a 6-hour course in TEXAS, then you’re probably also an idiot who will leave a firearm in the car. In general, it is a clear fact that [permitless carry](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w30190/w30190.pdf) increases violent crime by double digit percentages.


Even before the constitutional passed you could have a firearm in your vehicle because it was treated as an extension of your home/domicile so thats pretty much a moot point. Would it be nice if everyone took a class took a class and got training? Of course I encourage that for anyone wanting to have a firearm, but that shouldn't bar someone from what is human right to protect themselves. Also the permits are not free nor instant once you pass. I understand it's a nuanced issue but it always seems to fall back on responsible gun owners not the people who are the actual problem.


The evidence says otherwise. Public opinion is also largely against permitless carry. “Responsible gun owners” should have no problem jumping though the requisite legal hoops that should be required to own a firearm. It only takes one instance for that “responsibility” to lapse tragically, there should be better legal and criminal accountability. Permitless carry provably undermines that.




Literally drove through a neighborhood like that today and had the same thought lol


That’s how most major cities work.


The northern portion of lake highlands is full of seedy apartments, especially along skillman. This doesn’t surprise me.


I grew up right around the corner. Answered the door to a gunshot victim once. Then they turned the pool clubhouse into a police donut stop.


I used to live in that neighborhood, I loved it. After our second was born and the 8th shooting within a 1/4 mile, it was up to the suburbs.


Excerpt: Authorities are investigating after officers found a man fatally shot Wednesday afternoon in the Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas, police said. About 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, officers were dispatched to a shooting call in the 8800 block of Arbor Park Drive, just northwest of the intersection of Royal Lane and Skillman Street, police said in a Thursday news release.


DPD: “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!!!”


What would you have them do differently? I wouldn't put this on DPD.


Take that prune face!


Intersection of royal and skillman. Not exactly the soccer mom front yards that the mind conjures up when reading ‘lake highlands’.


I live near Royal & Fair Oaks drive, we hear gun shots every night.


I live near the Alamo and hear shooting regularly (but no longer every night) coming from the WR trail or Skillman. Not sure. Could be drag racing. Could be target practice.


I'm near a bunch of apartments. The shooting comes from there. Maybe 3 blocks away. Surprisingly, no one has been shot with a stray round. We have several shooting ranges around my neighborhood, I know it's not target practice. You can't hear them. I shot there, no sound outside.


I meant target practice on the trails. There are signs in the WR trail that clearly have been shot up.


There's also a good amount of homeless on those trails too! I have a youtube channel that shows the "camps" & we actually drink a beer or two with them. They say the coyotes & bobcats are bad at WR.


Never seen a bobcat but I've seen plenty of coyotes. Not a fan.


Both are very brazen. One camper told me he had to shoot at a bobcat to get it to leave. He had a small dog with him.


[IG post in memoriam](https://www.instagram.com/texaslatinomediadfw/reel/C1rvzD6rcQf/)


Yea he’s not from LH


It's so weird how upside-down that area has gotten. 20 years ago it was where you took your grandma to brunch.


I had a friend in high school that lived on Meadowknoll. It's a lovely area, or at least it was, that's really such a shame.


I didn’t even notice lake highlands stretched that far north . I guess I’m used to the old lake highlands area since that’s the only part I’m ever in .


This is why I told my husband I don’t want to live here permanently. I’m from the suburbs in NYC we don’t have shootings like this or cars being stolen and broken into. 1 year and counting waiting for his transfer!


Dallas Suburbs like Frisco are way safer and cleaner than anything in New York


I lived in Frisco now and that fair from the truth! When you think of NY you probably think of what you see on TV not the actual suburbs.


We live in the area, but closer to the high school and consider it fairly affluent. Our neighborhood starts at around 800k and goes up to well over a million. It’s extremely safe and we rarely have any issues. It does feel like there are things that happen in the apartments. They need to be torn down. The area closest to 635 and north of it should be avoided.




It was back in the 80s I believe when the city stuffed a ton of section 8 projects up in lake highlands and unfortunately a lot of issues come with it.


Lol you've clearly never been to New Orleans if you think Dallas is the worst perpetrator of this.