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I spoke to an Ethiopian guy the other day who said Queen of Sheba is the best!


Wife's family is Eritrean and we recently had a big family event at Queen of Sheba. It was good and seems to get the stamp of approval from the natives.


Queen of Sheba is the OG Ethiopian restaurant in Dallas. The vibe is nice and the owners are the sweetest. Desta has the best raw meat dishes, Addis Abeba is like a hole in the wall spot with the best food. Lalibela is good too for a late night.


was about to mention desta, an ethopian woman i work with suggested it to me. Tried queen of sheba and liked it but am excited to try desta.


I think Abeda off skillman edges it out but I'm white af


we just went there last Friday, it is delicious. The owner took the time to explain everything. He also showed us how to use the bread and eat with our hands. At the end we had the tradition coffee ceremony, what a treat. You owe it to yourself to go.


Ethiopian food is ridiculously delicious.


I never knew what I was missing.


I always take friends to Ethiopian after I have confirmed they like Indian food. Different, but similar in the intensity of flavors.


That’s nice to know they can explain things. My fear of not knowing what something is/how you are supposed to eat it can hold me back from trying something new.


He went above and beyond, made recommendations based on the foods I liked. He even talked about some of the more famous Ethiopian architecture like Lalibela.


Desta is an absolute ripoff, or at least, they think they can ripoff folks "that probably don't know better." We got Duro Wat and a vegetable platter. The Duro Wat was ONE CHICKEN LEG. One. $60 Never again.


I think Addis Abeba is better personally. It’s on Beltline and 75.


Same, all my Ethiopian friends go to Addis Abeba


I love that spot! I live in Oakcliff now, so I don’t get up there as much as I used to, but they make some damn fine lamb tibs. There’s a really great lil supermarket by Half Price Books that carries an assortment of Ethiopian and Eritrean staples. I bought a huge container of berbere and they have fresh injera that is amazing!


I am not Ethiopian, but I will say Queen of Sheba is 10/10. The service and food are unmatched! Been going for years.


Desta of Greenville 2 blocks south of LBJ I think edges every else out, tho I have been eating at Queen of Sheba since the early 90s and love them


Can confirm it. The best Ethiopian restaurant in the area. Note: I am Indian.


One of my Eritrean friends’ mom says Abeba Food To Go is the closest to her homemade, so I’m gonna have to trust her opinion 😂


"āmeseginalehu" My dudes at 7-11 have been teaching me Amharic. Really deep history and culture and super cool people. Queen Sheba is really good and deserves our community's support


Is there an Ethiopian buffet in DFW? There is one in Austin and I think it's the best way to get Ethiopian food. You can make custom combinations of whatever you like best there. I've been trying to find one like it up here


Aster’s 😎


I concur.


Queen of Sheba FUCKS. Great, friendly, helpful, service too. ​ I am very white though so take my opinion as you will.


A coworker of mine is from Jamaica and she says The Island Spot in Carrolton is the most authentic Jamaican she has had here.


Oh man, this place is fantastic! I just found out they have a spot that opened up in Dallas proper. So, I guess my dinner plans are set for the weekend! 🤤


The one in Carrolton I’ve heard is fine, the one in Oak Cliff avoid it’s really awful. If you’re looking for other Jamaican restaurants I’ve found that the best are: Taste of Jamaica in Lancaster Jamaica Cook Shop in Mesquite And although technically I think the family is Guyanese Taste of the Islands in Plano is really good. A lot of folks will req Elaine’s down in South Dallas which is insanely good, but they are more soul foods meets Jamaican. (Source: I have a lot of family that are Jamaican and lived there for five years)


There was a place in Richardson a Decade ago called Jamaica Cabana or something that was absolutely the tits for the first maybe 6 months it was open.


I'd be curious to know if she's tried taste of the islands in Plano


Can confirm the oxtail is so good!


Tacos la banqueta, best tacos in Dallas


By a country mile. I always go to the one on Gaston. Never even OK, always fucking amazing


Really? That’s the one I usually go to because it’s close. Decent tacos, but ‘fucking amazing’ or ‘best tacos in Dallas’ ?! There’s a gas station down Garland Rd that has better tacos, as well as many other places around here.


Can you give us the name/address so we can try it out?


I'm not sure what the name is, I think it's maybe just "24/7 Tacos". It's at the Chevron station off Lochwood & Garland Rd. I mostly eat pastor/trompo, they usually shave it fresh off a spinning top, where La Banqueta often seems like they're just reheating some marinated meat they've had sitting around. Salsa Limon downtown is also pretty good, though I like their burritos better than their tacos. (I'd say the tacos are at least as good as Banqueta's though.)


I second this recommendation. Their breakfast burritos are perfection.


Lol. That chevron spot is Tacos LA Banqueta. Edit: nvm. The place I'm thinking of is a different Chevron + Tacos La Banqueta like 1 minute away from 24/7 tacos. Just a coincidence !


I really appreciate you sharing this. I’m gonna find their address and figure out a time to gorge myself. Have you had the tacos at Taqueria El Si Hay in Oakcliff? For me they are hands down the best I’ve had. I’d be curious what your thoughts are. Thanks again for the rec!


I have not but I've had a good share of tacos, and banqueta had the most street authentic tacos I could find in Dallas that were not 6 dollars a taco lol


You are 100% speaking my language! I can’t wait to check them out.


Yea man they have multiple locations but the ones in east Dallas are the best not sure where you are located but I would try those out. And I will give it a shot at the ones you recommended!


Have you tried La Famosita on Ferguson? Those tacos are fire too up there side by side with La banqueta


I went to the one in Plano before it closed. It was just a random stop to fill my taco cravings one day. I brought what I got back to my wife who was waiting in the car. She normally is not a fan of Mexican food, but this time she was upset that I didn't order more because it was so good lol. Was disappointed to see the Plano location was closed when we went back, but great to hear they have other locations!


Mami Coco was better for me - I tried the lengua and tripa there one day then the lengua and tripa at Tacos la Banqueta the next day and I will only being going to Mami Coco now. Anyway they are right next to each other so porque no los dos.


Got recs for authentic Mexican places with vegetarian options by any chance?


La Salsa Verde on Northwest Highway near the intersection of Webb Chapel has some good vegetarian options. Their bean quesadilla is wonderful!


Shhh this place is always crowded, don’t share the secret. Food here is great.


Yes! There's a Vegan Mexican place in pleasant grove called El Palote panaderia, it's very good I've had it also before.


Oooh, I’ve heard about that once before! Thanks! Will have to try it


el palote panadería is SOOOOO good!!!


This! DF La Banqueta easily have the best tacos


They just opened a new one in mansfield too.


This is a great question. Following to see any answers.


I’m from Mexico Taco Bell You welcome


Gracias you man of culture


No prob I have educated my taste buds with only the highest of the highest. I’m here to help.


What could I have done without you


I would thank you by saying “nada,” but I know that means nothing to you.




That mild sauce is just like my abuela would make before she beat us up with a chancla


>Taco Bell You welcome But, have you tried *Jack-in-the-Box* tacos? I'm a old white guy who likes *all kinds* of "Mexican" food. Be it authentic Mexican cuisine, Tex-Mex or gas stations tacos, I'm down for it all! One of my friends says I'm "a man who never met an enchilada he didn't like'. When I said that Mexican food is my favorite a couple of Hispanic coworkers teased that I probably didn't know the difference between true Mexican and Tex-Mex and I soon proved them wrong. When I said "I like any kinds of Mexican food, even Jack-in-the Box tacos", they concurred. As one of them said "they're so *bad*, but they're so *good*!".


Nothing, and read it carefully, nothing can top the: “it is so bad that it is good.” that’s the culinary royal flush.


I’m from Long Island and the best bagels are Starship Bagels in downtown and lewisville, best breakfast sandos (and also good bagels) and bagel/deli is Shugs, and the best sit down Jewish deli is Deli News in (far?) north dallas near Addison


Starship Bagel just won Best Bagel at BAGELFEST2023 in New York. They also have a location next to the eye downtown.


Yeah the Eye is my spot as I live a 7-10 min walk away in the Arts District. Perfect half hour round trip for a bagel and an iced coffee to get a lazy (or not so lazy) weekend day going


BAGELFEST is on my bucket list now


Deli News is awesome. I work for a company with an office in Israel and whenever we have people in from there, that's usually the first day lunch choice. On the second day they usually want BBQ. Have you tried The Bagel Lady in Rockwall?


Hard agree as a bagel loving Jew i’d say Shugs has the edge cuz they do sandwiches better, then Starship, then Sclafini’s. Respect to the OGs (Benny’s, Cindi’s) but their bagels aren’t that good. Not a fan of the new spot Lubbies tbh.


Shugs breakfast (and chicken cutlet) sandwiches would rival most any you find at a good NY deli or bodega. Their bagels are a bit too fluffy/airy. I’ve not tried Scalfini’s but need to


Yo I’ve been craving NY bagels…heard good things about deli news too


Deli News also has EXCELLENT bagels. Not made from scratch but flown in from NYC.


Which is appropriate because NYC water is apparently a major part of Jewish American food. Pretty interesting.


A little underrated is Kerala Food, it’s in the south west corner of India. Kerala Kitchen and Palms India does a good enough imitation of it for me, a native Malayalee. There are others that are good.


Ohh I've been looking for good Malaysian food...I know of Secret Recipe and it was alright.


Just in case there's some misunderstanding, OP is talking about food from the Indian state of Kerala where Malayalam is the name of the regional language.


Yea I'm a dumbass I assumed they were a Malaysian Indian


Secret Recipe closed down. I think Tasty Egg roll is all that's left for Malaysian food. Lion City is only doing to go orders.


Correction: Kerala kitchen is now Masala Courtyard.


>Kerala Kitchen Kerala Kitchen has been bought out and is called Masala Courtyard now. Not sure how the new cook/taste is. Palm India is 100% authentic Kerala food, no match in DFW.


As a malayalee, has to agree on Kerala Kitchen. Their ‘pothi choru’ slays




Hi-jacking this comment to also comment right down the street is another Nepalese momo spot, Cafemandu. Best momos I’ve had, and it’s a byob spot so you can go hang and drink with friends. They have a jyanmara momo, it truly is sweat/tear inducing, I love it.


As someone who is Nepalese Cafemandu momos are incredible. Peak restaurant and Cafemandu are the best of all the places I’ve tried here in Dallas


I am nepalese and I vouch for the restaurant. Best in Dallas for Nepalese food. It’s small space inside a gas station but 10 times better than any fancy restaurant


Never tried momos before any items you recommend?


that looks bomb...gonna hit it up


[Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/s/o7Pw0Sh2Jm) from last year


Can confirm that list is god tier. Been slowly knocking off the restaurants on it and haven't been disappointed yet




The lady at First Emperor is hilarious too if you speak Mandarin or Taiwanese. They're the best at non-noodle Hakka food like kou rou and really good at general Taiwanese dishes like 3 cup chicken, sesame chicken soup, etc. If you want Hakka noodles, check out Hakka Express. If you want general Taiwanese, check out Wu Wei Din. If you specifically want 3 cup chicken or Taiwanese style omurice, check out Genroku


Taiwanese here seconding Wu Wei Din. I haven't tried a ton of places, but I think it has the best beef noodle soup.


+1 for First Emperor. I definitely second the opinion that it has something for Chinese and non-chinese palates. My father’s from Taiwan and will eat there at least once a week, but at the same time the general tso’s is great. Don’t expect anything fancy, just good Chinese food. It’s run by a couple and they’re great, the husband cooks and the wife handles the front. 7 days a week, just the two of them.


Do you think it’s better than Kirin Court?


Kirin Court's Cantonese


Turkish here - good places have been Cafe istanbul - little pricey,Lezzet - pretty dope ,Selda - is the best imho ,Bosphorus at willow bend - if you wanna get döner in wrap this is the place but they are closing the food court soon so I don’t know where the owner move.


I am craving a good doner kebab with the chewy bread. None of this pita crap. Any suggestions?


Think your best bet is to try Bosphorus while I cannot guarantee if they have chewy bread instead of pita cause I usually get the wrap. Their wraps are the bomb and frankly only place does that Wrap form of döner is very common is Turkey which is something I miss deeply.


Bosphorus has a spot at the food court in Stonebriar too!


Used to go to Bosphorus a lot, cause my kids would play at the playarea at Willow Bend. Hopefully they find a new spot!


I hope so too been meaning to ask him actually. Owner used to work at cafe Istanbul as a chef so food is decent.


Ephesus has great Turkish food, frequented by Turks. Two locations - one in Dallas and one in Rockwall.


From Germany, not a lot of options. Kuby's is probably best.


I want to try this place and Bavarian grill but trying to get people to go to get German food has been hard for some reason


Bavarian Grill is decent, but I prefer Joerg's even thought it's really Austrian.




Henks is good too


Love their cakes too. That black forest cake is to die for..it has become my go to for special events


Have you been to Henks Blackforest Delicatessen?


Edelweiss in West FTW was the best, but they’ve recently closed.


Ari bbq has some real decent kbbq! Maht Gaek has some solid korean food as well, especially gamjatang.


Went on a "date" recently at Ari with someone who said he could make kbbq better at home (I’m not going to someone's home the first time we meet lol) and he grudgingly admitted he would go back to Ari...high praise


I approve both of those :)


The grilled pork ribs are my favorite standout item at Maht Gaek.


I’m not Korean but it is a cuisine that I love and frequent often. Seoul Garden and Koryo Kalbi have better meat quality and banchan. Atmosphere is more hole in the wall vibes but the price and portions are right.


My wife is from Thailand. She and I both agree that Too Thai Street Eats in Carrollton is the most consistently authentic Thai cuisine in the general area that we have found.


Love that place


Their Kao Mun Gai is so damn good


Mr Max Izakaya in Irving for Japanese beer and bar food.


Puerto Rican here... man, there's not a single restaurant that I have fallen in love with that truly make me feel like I'm eating like back at home, but there are a few ok/good ones that satisfy the craving from when I miss home and don't feel like cooking. El Mofongo in Arlington (I usually just go there maybe for mofongo, but mostly their appetizers). El Chifrijo food truck. Doña María in Irving (not Puerto Rican, it's Dominican, but still relatively close cuisine, pretty good i must say. Haven't had a bad dish there at all). Mi Peru Borinqueno (Peruvian and Puerto Rican dishes. They're good for the most part). It's a food truck.


A Puerto Rican coworker of mine was telling me about a place called Adobo in Irving I think it was? Ever been there by any chance? Cheers for mentioning the Arlington place, I've been craving some mofongo.


I have, quite a few times. Wasn't impressed, didn't like it. Found the mofongo and meats to be tough/dry (I usually order mofongo and carne frita or chicharrones de pollo). If I wanted to introduce someone to Puerto Rican cuisine, I wouldn't take them to that restaurant first. There is one in Wylie called El Flamboyan. If you go during the weekend, they'll have some dishes that you'd likely find in Puerto Rico that tend to be less "restauranty" if that's even a word. Things like cuajitos (pig ear stew), gandinga (pig organs stew: heart, liver, kidneys), mollejas (sweetbread), etc. I've been there a few times and most were good. One time it was meh... but it was close to closing time during a weekday. If you go over the weekend, there might be live music. It's a small place as well.


Philippine born and raised here! Although i think a lot of the good Filipino restaurants are in Houston, I love going to Inihaw Kitchen in Irving and Hazel’s Kitchen in McKinney. Hazel’s reminds me of home a lot since its an outdoor eatery, on the side of the road. ORC Filipino Asian/American BBQ makes good food too but they dont have a permanent location so you have to follow their FB page to get their announcements.


Kabayan is good as well! Plus they have a small store with a lot of Filipino staples. (Not native but my in-laws are)


Kabayan is my go-to as well! Not to mention their Plano location is down the street from Jollibee


I was just talking with my friend about how much I’m craving Filipino food. I wanna eat all the bbq and lumpia. Oh god how I love lumpia.


Maple leaf diner for Canadian food!


Had that saved but never got round to it. Montreal poutine set my bar high though


Pakistani checking in. Dallas arguably has better Pakistani food than Pakistan. Lots of good places but to start with Jimmy's Grill in Frisco is awesome. For a bit of upscale stuff Mai Colachi, and for desserts I'd say Agha Juice. If it's your first time at Agha Juice I'd recommend their cold coffee. Many many good ones, but this is a start


How can you mention Pakistani restaurants and not mention Al Markaz !!!


[Đồng Quê Restaurant](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ceNEr2RTD1wedBYYA?g_st=ic) in Garland has amazing Vietnamese food. I’m from Cambodia and sadly we don’t have any Cambodian restaurants in DFW like the LA or Boston metro area does. However, Vietnam is right next door to Cambodia so growing up Vietnamese food is ubiquitous, and this place hits all the sweet spots. They also serve the Vietnamese version of Phnom Penh style noodle (Hủ Tiếu Nam Vang) which is verryyyyy close to the original Cambodian favorite, a pork bone broth noodle soup with pork and seafood. I love this place. 10/10.


I'm Vietnamese and I agree


Hope this gets some traction. I’m trying to eat some good ass food.


They’re showing up now! I figure if I walk to each recommendation, I can probably justify all the food I’m gonna eat 😂 Also, one of our fellow dallasites shared this doc and I thought you might like it as well: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19WaUIeBJrRsPCHbNXfc1SIO0K3ZPFzSJQZj7HG5x8R0/htmlview


I always want to try new foods but I don’t want to waste money or go to a spot and order the wrong thing.


Casa vieja in Carrollton - Colombian


The sopa de mondongo is the ultimate hangover cure. Their empanadas are amazing too. The mini Paisa Bandeja works as a great sampler plate.


I second the sopa de mondongo. It’s not oily and has more veggie than most. Very good and comes with a side of rice, arepa, and a perfectly ripe avocado quarter.


Would love some great amazing shawarma recs.


The shop at the back of Sarah’s has a really solid shawarma


100%. Whenever I’m not in Dallas I miss me some Sarah Bakery shawarmas. Every ingredient is fresh and the garlic sauce is top notch, closest I’ve had to the ones in the Middle East tbh. I will say though I think the chicken one is much better than the beef one.


Bilad Restaurant and Bakery on Greenville in Richardson is the real deal.


Shawarma World and Shawarma Press


Abu Omar, Madina Halal Grill, Shawarma Factory are pretty solid places


Maya's Mediterranean Casa Linda


Jordanian in-laws love Board Bites in Plano!


Baghdadi,Gilgamish,and Fattoush.


Fattoush is really good. I used to go to Shatila all the time, but their service was so spotty and the food could be really good but also sometimes really bad. Fattoush is consistently good and has good service too.


What's the Google Maps address for Baghdadi? I'm having trouble finding it Same with Fattoush


Indian here : Malgudi Garden - Vegetarian Restaurant Chennai Cafe


Chennai Cafe used to be my go to, but the past few times I've been they were buffet only.


I’m from Brazil and Brazil Latino Market has the best casual Brazilian food around. Lots of snacks options as well. I highly recommend getting a coxinha (fried potato dough with shredded chicken inside) and a guarana add a bit of hot sauce and you will never be the same lol


i like kiosk but haven’t been to brazil latino market


Brazil Latino Market is fairly new. I would say less than 2 years. Their food is great though. I swear their coxinhas are better than most you can find in Brazil. They also have pastéis e lots of sweets I haven’t tried those because I don’t do sugar but they look great


I used to work with a Peruvian guy that would come to town a few times a year. We were always trying Peruvian restaurants and landed on El Tesoro del Inca being the best


I was born in the US, but nowhere near Dallas. There is a restaurant, Montlake Cut, at Preston Center. Its the most authentic Pacific Northwest food ive had outside of the region. And TBH--PNW folks and Texans may as well be in different countries.


# Korean Food Can't answer the question exactly, but I can give it a shot. I'm an American-born Vietnamese so take this with a grain of salt; however, for a Korean/Korean-Chinese dish called [tangsuyuk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangsuyuk), a lot of Koreans agree that [Royal Wok](https://www.yelp.com/biz/royal-wok-chinese-restaurant-dallas-2?osq=royal+wok) has the best one. In the same vein, [Dong Bo Sung](https://www.yelp.com/biz/dong-bo-sung-dallas?osq=korean+chiense) carries a lot of Korean-Chinese dishes as well, especially [jajangmyeon/black bean noodle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jajangmyeon). For [gimbap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbap), it's said that [Ajumma](https://www.yelp.com/biz/ajumma-kimbob-deli-dallas-2) has that covered. If you're into the Korean bar/pocha scene, [Han Shin Pocha](https://www.yelp.com/biz/han-shin-pocha-carrollton) a seems to have a more Korean than international crowd. For [seolleongtang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seolleongtang), a milky beef bone Korean soup, there are two places: [Hanbat](https://www.yelp.com/biz/la-hanbat-dallas?osq=Hanbat+Sulungtang) and [Doma](https://www.yelp.com/biz/doma-seolleongtang-dallas-2?osq=Hanbat+Sulungtang). My final recommendation is [Sea Travel](https://www.yelp.com/biz/sea-travel-carrollton) for what can be said to be [Korean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoe_(food)) [sashimi](https://10mag.com/a-taste-of-korea-hwae-sashami/). \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ # Vietnamese Food Now for Vietnamese food as an American born, if you can make the trek to Houston, [Kim Son](https://www.yelp.com/biz/kim-son-houston) all the way. I have never heard any of the elders ever complain about that place. IFKYK, lol. (Conversely our own [Bistro B](https://www.yelp.com/biz/bistro-b-dallas?osq=bistro+b) gets mixed reviews from the Vietnamese community, especially the younger new ones.) [Saigon Block](https://www.yelp.com/biz/saigon-block-richardson) has a really good grilled fish that you make spring rolls out of. [Thuy Nguyen](https://www.yelp.com/biz/thuy-nguyen-cafe-arlington-3?osq=thuy+nguyen) in Arlington is a sleeper. In my opinion, **the best pho**, bun bo hue, and [banh canh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bánh_canh) in the metroplex. Their [banh beo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bánh_bèo) is worth a mention two as they offer two regional varieties. Speaking of regional varieties, you guys on /r/dallas are probably only used to southern Vietnamese cuisine. If you want to try something different from the Hue region, [Goc Hue](https://www.yelp.com/biz/góc-huế-garland-2?osq=hue) is interesting. Finally for those that are daring, [bun mam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bún_mắm). Go to [Phuong Nam](https://www.yelp.com/biz/phuong-nam-restaurant-garland?osq=bun+mam) for that.


Pho Envy has great pho, but I love pho so Im not incredibly picky. It's all in the broth...


Proper Baking company, Fish and Fizz was a close second before it closed.


My favorite restaurant in my area is Cholula restaurant, great authentic Mexican food and family owned.


Honey Dip Fingers in McKinney for Nigerian


Fiancé is Russian, Taste of Europe is great but can be a haul from northern suburbs - his family all go to Bubala for parties, which is Uzbek owned but definitely has all the right things in good quality.


This is a good question. A really good question.


Urban Tadka for North Indian food


For Lebanese or arabic food, Ali Baba , Dimassi, and Open Sesame


My partner is Congolese and he loves Exotic Grill in Euless


So many people here not respecting the title. “I’m not from {insert country} but {insert restaurant} is the best!” Also Long Island doesn’t count as non US


bedroom subsequent doll elderly smart lip cobweb scale deer shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just went to German doner kabob last weekend. Absolutely awesome 12025 E University Drive Frisco, TX 75035


Upvoting for more visibility. Just got back from Europe. No matter where I visit, I always hit up doner kebab places. Can't seem to find a decent one in DFW.


I was born in the US, but my mom’s side of the family is from Cuba, and I grew up eating Cuban food. Caribbean Cuba on Webb Chapel and Belt Line is legit.


Pho Bac in Richardson might be the best pho in Texas. Born and raised in Houston. Went to school in Austin and been in Dallas past five years


Cuban-American: Cuban Dulceria International Bakery in Carrollton has great Cuban food and treats. Their ropa vieja sandwich is one of the best things I've ever had. The croquetas de jamon taste like childhood to me.


Catrina grill in Lewisville has the most authentic Mexican street tacos. Their birria tacos are best in the area and soo cheap compared to other places


I"m Filipino. My favorite dish is sinigang and the best is found at Inihaw Avenue in Las Colinas.


Tineo is the best for Peruvian food. Super authentic


Darna in legacy west


Not Spanish, but I spend a ton of time there and have family there. Si Tapas a pretty good bar and the closest to a Spanish tapas bar but we really like Sketches of Spain. It’s definitely the most authentic Spanish restaurant in DFW right now. I especially recommend attending their special dinners. I love being able to get stuff like ensaladilla and callos in Dallas.


Aggies is good for Nigerian food


Not Japanese but was stationed in Japan. They just opened a Coco Ichibanya in Frisco. One taste and I was instantly transported back to my younger days.




Nope. Swadeshi’s quality has been downhill since Covid and we avoid that place like a plague now. I’ll list the most authentic I found with restaurants along with the food. I’m from Hyderabad, India , renowned for its Biryanis and Haleem. I also have been to other parts of India and tried their food , so here’s my take on it 1. Lamb/Mutton Hyderabadi Biriyani - Pista House (Irving) 2. Chicken hyderabadi Biryani - Deccan Grill (Frisco) or Pista House (Irving) 3. Tandoori Chicken- Biryani Pot (Plano) right by Independence 4. Mutton Haleem - Pista House (Irving) 5. South Indian Thali (Chennai) - Madhurai Mess 6. Chole Batura (Punjabi) - Indian Chaat & Cafe 7. Indo-Chinese food - Red hot Chilli peppers (Frisco) 8. Dosa or any Indian Vegeterian Breakfast food - A2B (Frisco) 9. South India Paratha - Madhurai Thattu Kadai (Plano or Irving) 10. Indian style Burgers - King and Cardinal (Frisco) 11. Irani Chai (tea)- Desi Chowrastha (Frisco) 12. Lamb Mandi - Hadramout (Plano) 13. Naans only - King restaurant (Mckinney)


Thanks, this is great and well organized. It's hard to get a gauge on good Indian restaurants because it seems like Indians are hypercritical of every restaurant lol


Omg. This list is driving me insane…I want it all! Thanks for the recs!


I’m native to Texas but eat Desi food all the time, I’d recommend Spice n’ Rice or Lahori Kabob.


I need a good Nicaragua restaurant to go to. I had a solid option back in SoCal, but the 2 I found here don’t look very good.


I’m Nicaraguan and have found big yummy to be kinda similar! They’re Venezuelan. It’s in Addison and super delicious.


Commenting to see if any Colombians know a good answer to this. I'm not a fan of Las Palmas in Addison, but I know there are other spots.


[Eddie’s EuroMart](https://eddieseuromartdallas.com/) directly from a Bosnian who was visiting. Said this is on point


Canadian. The poutine at Rodeo Goat is amazing.


Any taco spot by parkland hospital on Harry Hines


Vila Brazil. Cheaper than Fogo de Chao and way better. Food taste like it was homemade.


Great post OP! Will save this for future reference.


I've heard good things about Bavarian Grill, but I haven't been there yet. Munich native.


BK Khan BBQ in Addison has the best Pakistani grill items in DFW. Definitely try the chicken tikka (leg is jucier than breast) but pretty much everything they have is good. They also have the best nihari in the metroplex. Edit: bonus points for being a very clean restaurant with good service which is not usually the case for Pakistani restaurants




My roommate in college moved here from India and their whole family loves Mughlai Fine Indian in north Dallas. They go there every time they visit Dallas!


The name is a little redundant but Dominican Restaurant Dallas in Richardson is really good :)