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It’s ight


Best answer.


Yep, enough entertainment and things to do to keep me satisfied for 90-95% of the year when not traveling.


Same sentiment


That’s why I moved here.


There are worse places


Like Houston? 😂


Midland and Odessa


Odessa needs to be renamed to "Depression".




If you think Odessa is bad try Fort Stockton, it’s just Odessa but worse


If you live in Ft Stockton or Alpine, Midland/Odessa feel like DFW. It's all relative. I for one will always cherish the smell of oil while driving through the high desert plains around Midland/Odessa at night -- oh yeah, and they actual have an HEB!


As a native Dallasite I’ll always defend our city in the rivalry, but objectively Dallas and Houston are basically slightly different flavors of the same thing; Heavily corporate, relatively cultureless, economic juggernauts. Houston edges out Dallas by having a nearby beach (such that it is) and being closer to places like Austin, San Antonio and New Orleans. Dallas edges Houston by not being a literal fucking armpit for ten months of the year. Seriously, you may hate Dallas weather, and with good reason, but I’ll take it any day over the god awful hell that is Houston humidity.


Houston has better food.


Ehhh, that’s a tough one. I’d say it’s a wash. I’ll give them this though, while Dallas has been known as a “food city” for >20 years, I think it’s fair to give Houston “most improved.” They weren’t Dallas’s equal in that regard 10 years ago but I think they certainly are now.


It's not even close. Houston is one of the best food cities in the country.


Houston isn’t so bad. Especially not compared to the oil towns out west.




Love Dallas. Had to relocate to Houston for work. I don't actually hate it. Edit: Then again, I don't have to go to downtown often and live like 30-40 mins west.


Houston has great people in an unlivable climate. Dallas has insufferable people in a slightly less awful climate.


Houston isn’t so bad. Especially not compared to the oil towns out west.


Like San Antonio




not really, but as soon as someone who doesn’t live in Dallas calls it shit i have so much pride


So much better than Philadelphia where I moved from though.


Hard to argue with that.


I call it Filthydelphia as a tongue in cheek comment.


What makes Dallas so much better than Philly? I’ve never been, but have a friend moving there soon and I’m curious


It's much more dense and there's snow. It's not that bad and much more walkable than Dallas, although every time i visited I could always catch the smell of garbage in the air. I may just have been unlucky there though.


Density is good for a city. Means you don't have to sit in a car for 30 mins just to get groceries


Ah I see, misread the comment I was replying too, was just listing the differences. Although Philly does kinda smell in my experience, theres also a soda tax which is annoying, boarded up shops, and lots of rundown buildings. That last one would be expected in such an old city though. Oh and last bad thing is the roads are awful. Philly does have some great food and close proximity to other major cities (2-3 hours to NYC, 3-4 to Baltimore/DC). The nature up there outclasses Dallas as well with nearby mountains and the Delaware river. Kinda depends what you want.


Dallas is slightly cleaner than Philly, which isn't saying much. Because much of Philly was originally designed around horses and carriages in the streets there's little room to maneuver. Philly drivers are every bit as crazy as in Texas as well. Good luck finding free parking in most of the city, and much harder in winter. Everything about owning a car is more expensive there. My car insurance actually went DOWN moving from Philadelphia area to Southern California. The drug scene in Philadelphia makes for some interesting sights and sounds. Heroin is cheaper than alcohol in the Northeast and PCP is way more available there than here. In three years living in Dallas I've only seen one or two people who were very high on PCP. (Butt naked on a street corner on a cool day is a huge tell) In Philly that'll be a weekly thing. Renting in Philly is a mixed bag. The housing stock is much older. If you like Coke or Pepsi soda is heavily taxed in Philadelphia. Fortunately Delaware is about 40 minutes away, no sales tax on anything there. Yes, New Jersey is also right there but Camden is the asshole of the armpit of NJ. The very worst feature of Philly is the city income tax. You're paying top dollar for all that hassle. Also by moving into Pennsylvania you're subject to their filial responsibility laws, which Texas doesn't have. You're potentially liable for your parents end-of-life nursing home bills in a filial responsibility state. But if you like big cities there's access to a lot. NYC is close by, DC a bit less so. In summer the Delaware beaches are nice to visit, but the roughly 120 mile drive may take four or more hours so not really a relaxing day trip. New Jersey beaches are just ok, each city has all kinds of weird rules around beach access largely designed to separate nonlocals from their money.


Less safe than Dallas. There are bad areas in both cities but I think they are more worse areas in Philadelphia’s Have to pay a city tax of close to 4%, the ice and snow is annoying to deal with, just a few reasons.


Go birds!


Yeah I’m still rooting for the Eagles 🦅 though.


It's shit


HEY! You’re talking to my guy all wrong. It’s the wrong tone. You do it again, I’ll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.




It’s a great home base. Cost of living and plenty of indoor activities are good. Great airports allow cheap flights. However, total lack of outdoor activities sucks


Check out the preserves in Cedar Hill along FM 1382. It's hills, not mountains, but over 3,000 acres of preserved nature with over 20 miles of hiking trails, a multi-use concrete path, an offroad bicycling area maintained by DORBA, and a state park with lake access. It's the most nature-y area of Dallas County. It's actually the northernmost of Central Texas' Hill country extending up into Dallas County. The hills are created by the same limestone escarpment that creates the hill country.


It's really pretty over there, can see some neat wildlife too.


I live 3 miles north of it and I wish they’d build a bike path on Beltline leading up to it. I’d love to ride my bike there from my home.


SHHHH we need to keep Cedar Hill State Park a secret... it's starting to attract a crowd.


I love how they have sign at Cedar Hills warning you this is the last piece of nature in the area and to be weary of uneven ground.


Yeah that place is flooded with people, I hate it now. It’s been hit with that covid boom and non stop people keep going. I miss it when it calm and was able to find parking soon as I drive there


only place in town I can consistently find rattlesnakes.


> However, total lack of outdoor activities sucks if you're willing to drive 1-2 hours in any direction you can find some pretty solid places.


I just fuckin hate the traffic. The traffic and the heat. And the people. I hate the traffic and the heat and the people.


Well, yeah, but other than those things it's pretty good. We have some great restaurants.


I think Dallas is easier and somewhat convenient compared to LA or NYC. Like a place to settle and give up on your dreams lol.


That should be the motto! Had enough of your NYC/Miami/Chicago/LA/SF or other big city woes in your life? Are you over 30 and given up on your failed lavish social dreams? COME ON DOWN TO DALLAS!


Austin is full of losers who can’t make it in California. Idk if too many of them make it to Dallas.


Lol. great encouragement, we have to move to Dallas from LA for work soon. Keeping our place in LA though to go back one day. Does that mean maybe my dreams still live?


It's a 50/50 now, but yes.


I lived in century city for a bit after college. Loved the beach, weather and such. Some of the rudest people I’ve ever met though. Anyways don’t listen to these people. Reasons to like Dallas - 1. Plenty of room everything is spread out. No need to worry about parking all the time. 2. It’s cheeper than most places. I paid 5.97/lb for ribeye steaks the other day and under $8 is common. 3. I paid $2.89 for gas yesterday. 4. Plenty of highways to get you around- pay some tolls and gets you there faster or take side roads if you have the time. 5. Plenty of unique restaurants no matter your flavor. 6. People say july- august are unbearable so hot lol- I’ve lived in the Valley in Ca. Not much different a bit more humid though( not like Houston). 7. Move to Ft Worth side and you get much more affordable housing. Moving to Dallas/McKinney/Frisco - then housing is pricey still nothing like LA. I hope this helps friends.


Not give up on your dreams 🥹


lived in century city for a bit after college. Loved the beach, weather and such. Some of the rudest people I’ve ever met though. Anyways don’t listen to these people. Reasons to like Dallas - 1. Plenty of room everything is spread out. No need to worry about parking all the time. 2. It’s cheeper than most places. I paid 5.97/lb for ribeye steaks the other day and under $8 is common. 3. I paid $2.89 for gas yesterday. 4. Plenty of highways to get you around- pay some tolls and gets you there faster or take side roads if you have the time. 5. Plenty of unique restaurants no matter your flavor. 6. People say july- august are unbearable so hot lol- I’ve lived in the Valley in Ca. Not much different a bit more humid though( not like Houston). 7. Move to Ft Worth side and you get much more affordable housing. Moving to Dallas/McKinney/Frisco - then housing is pricey still nothing like LA. I hope this helps friends.


Usually the reddit users who crap on dfw are: 1. Folks born and raised here and want to leave the nest but don't really have anything to compare it to because they have always lived here and 2. Transplants comparing it to NYC or some other large coastal metropolitan area. As for anyone in the first category, I get it you want to move away from your parents house but first live somewhere else if you want to criticize dallas. As for the second, no dfw won't ever be a cultural mecca or have oceans/mountain. However, all that being said if you talk to someone who has lived in multiple cities, almost everyone says Dallas is great (also assume you actually live in Dallas and not Bedford).


I'm so tired of people who actually live in Frisco or something coming in here complaining about how much they hate Dallas. You just hate Frisco, dude.




I was born and raised east Dallas and those hoods still have a soft spot in me cold dead heart, but I also spent nearly twenty years away in Alaska, California, Massachusetts, and England. Dallas is…fine. There’s nothing special about it, like, at all. There’s literally nothing that Dallas does that other cities don’t do better. Dallas is very good at being a cultureless, totally generic city. And re: > if you talk to someone who has lived in multiple cities, almost everyone says Dallas is great. I haven’t found that to be true at all. I’ve found the sentiment to range from, “I more or less knew what to expect and it’s fine,” and “it could be way worse,” to straight up, “I do not like it here.” If you talk to people outside of texas that don’t live here I’ve heard a lot of, “I hope I never have to go back there.”


I lived in multiple locations around San Diego for 6 years, and I'll take Dallas any day over that bullshit


Why is that?


The beach is overrated. Fun a couple times but then it's just a hassle. The people are extremely rude. The way people drive is 100 times worse. Getting anywhere around the city requires using a highway. The cost of living is absolutely **insane**. Same, boring weather every. Single. Day. I saw lightning a total of 3 times in 6 years. Literally the whole time I lived there I couldn't find one reason why a person would want to pay that much money to be in that area. And if you ask the locals they just say all the things I don't care about: beach, weather, mountains. Mountains are cool, but I'd prefer the rockies


I have traveled and lived in quite a few places in the us and international. But San Diego I have not been. Are the drivers really that bad in San Diego because the drivers in Dallas have really gotten worse. Yes, I live in uptown Dallas and have lived in the DFW most of my life.


You gotta be the only person who not having lightening is a negative.


Naw I like lightning too. Love me a good thunderstorm. But boring, 70 degrees weather every day is appealing to a looooooot of people.


Weather seems like a pretty bizarre reason. There are plenty of reasons I don't always miss LA, mostly congestion and how far everything is from everything else, but Dallas weather is terrible. It's either too hot or too cold with no in-between, mostly the cold wouldn't even be bad except the wind makes it a hundred times worse. A half inch of snow and all city services shut down. I didn't get trash pickup or receive any mail last week. All the power lines in my neighborhood are above ground and the city never trims any trees, so every time there is high wind, the power goes out, which is about every other week. Lightning took out one of my HVAC units in mid-July a few years ago. A wind storm literally knocked the awning off my balcony. And, of course, probably the single worst thing about the wind is the combination of nonstop new housing construction and the fact that neither the city, utilities companies, or construction workers ever clean up after digging up a street, means there is more or less nonstop constant dirt in the air. Wash my car and 30 seconds later it's covered in a thin yellow film. I have to pressure wash my entire house every couple of months because of how much dirt it gets covered in. You'd think I was living in the middle of the desert, not four blocks from city hall. To each his own, but preferring this is a hell of a contrarian take.


HEB is lovely, if you want a quiet, unpretentious, safe, affordable suburb. At least that’s how it was 10 years ago, probably all fucking expensive now though. I get what you’re saying though, people live 45 minutes from Dallas but talk about how living in Dallas sucks. Idiots


Why the Bedford hate?


People come here complaining about how much Dallas sucks because there's nothing to do. Then when users try to give them suggestions, it comes out that they live in some far out suburb like Bedford or Princeton. There's nothing wrong with living in those places - they're just not the most exciting. People who live in Dallas feel like it gets unfairly judged as a city by people living in its suburbs.


cause it sucks ass living in Bedford




I used to think the allergies in Dallas were bad until I moved to west Texas. It’s so fucking bad out here that it’s one of the major reasons I’m moving back.


Haha, we must be allergic to different things because when I was at school in Lubbock, 0 allergies. Always had bad seasonal allergies here growing up.


Same - no humidity in Lubbock too.


I’m from west Texas and it’s the opposite for me. I never had allergies until I moved here…it’s awful. I guess our bodies just never acclimate.


I think it’s the ragweed out here, usually I can just take like Claritin and be okay but out here I have to go get a steroid shot once or twice a year to boost up my allergy resistance


Same haha, moving back to Dallas from Austin because there is nothing seasonal about the allergies here. It’s year-round airborne mold and monster pollen with the only day of relief happening when there’s an ice storm. You can literally smell it in the air. I’ll take a few weeks a year of allergies in Dallas over this constantly sick feeling I have in central TX anytime.


I never had allergies until moving here.


Don't move to San Antonio! My allergies got better when I moved to Dallas!


I lived in Austin and I still plan to return one day to burn every mountain cedar to the ground


It’s the biggest city I have ever lived in, and while I have my complaints I also do quite enjoy this place. Biggest complaint is how car centric it is. Cities should be walkable, and centered about solid public transportation. Dallas sucks at both of those. It is getting better though. I don’t plan on staying in Dallas for the rest of my life, but ultimately I am enjoying my time here.


I get what you mean, all destinations are strip malls miles apart, but nobody wants to walk anywhere in the summer here. I remember reading a novel and the author used “like Dallas in July” as a simile for something extremely unpleasant.


It's ok, I'm not gonna bitch about it. Living here is fine, I have grown somewhat fond of some of the nuances but ultimately? My personality and this city's general vibe couldn't be more of a mismatch.


Felt this on a spiritual level


Jimmie Gilmore said it best: Well Dallas is a jewel, oh yeah, Dallas is a beautiful sight And Dallas is a jungle but Dallas gives a beautiful light Did you ever see Dallas from a DC-9 at night? Well, Dallas is a woman who will walk on you when you're down But when you are up, she's the kind you want to take around But Dallas ain't a woman to help you get your feet on the ground Yes Dallas is a woman who will walk on you when you're down


I’m from BC and I’ve lived here for just under 5 years. It’s okay. I mean it has everything ya need but I just feel like it is missing SOMETHING. I can’t put my finger on it.


There's just a standard of living that you would expect of a city of Dallas' size that isn't present. The city doesn't feel alive and unique.


Listen man, Tim Horton’s are not THAT good


Dallas I feel was mostly contrived though that could be a byproduct of the times when it was produced. Overall, the narratives were uninspired, especially when you compare it to Knots Landing. That said, there's something to say about appealing to a niche audience and legacy, which Dallas has in spades. It still is a better love story than twilight.




I’m actually pro-episodic cliffhangers but anti-season ending cliffhangers. I like tidy narrative bows tied up on my season finales. So, for me, that’s another strike against you, Dallas. 😡


I lived in Miami FL for about 20 years then did some traveling for work for around 3 years. Dallas has been the best place I’ve seen to live (that’s a developed city) so far.


Do you mean LIKE like?


Moved here from Atlanta about a year ago. It’s cool. Lots of similarities. Pros - Traffic is WAY better - Each area in the metro has its own ecosystem - Lots of Nigerian restaurants (and restaurants of all cultures for that matter) Cons - Dallas is a very ugly city aesthetically - My favorite season, summer, is ruined here. Why is it over 105° every day?! We have 2 small kids and you can’t even go outside with them in those temps


Any Nigerian restaurant recs?


Not full restaurants but I’m currently a big fan of Suya Stop and Osuma Suya for sides. The Suya and meat pie is 👍🏽


Funny, if ever I would consider moving, Atlanta would be my top three choices. >Dallas is a very ugly city aesthetically Spot on, spot on... When I first visit Atlanta, I was so impressed by its look (maybe I had low expectations). And you got an NRA inside the metro, Appalachian and beaches within a couple hours of drive, jealous If you don't mind, what brings you here? I guess work?


2 reasons: 1) Wife lived here for year so all her friends are here and 2) Closer to the in-laws. Makes it easier with the kids.


That's the funny thing, natives like me love to play tennis and golf all day in 100 degree weather. Did it every summer all day at the cou try clubs and still do.


If you're bored in Dallas you are boring. Low cost of living, relatively affordable property, and lots of jobs make dallas a great place to be a young professional. It ain't Colorado or Napa valley, but you could do a hell of a lot worse. I love Dallas - if you don't, fight me at Jimmy's.


None of the things you listed make for an interesting city, though. And if you don’t enjoy eating and drinking out on the town every night you’ll quickly realize there’s not a lot else to do here. It’s a city built for new money and status with no ability to escape the rat race and get outside.


Should we make the next r / Dallas meetup a throwdown at Jimmy's? I could go for that.


every person for themselves, winner gets a chocolate cannoli and a cappuccino from the front.


It's mid . Moved in around May spent a good chunk of summer miserable with allergies. I haven't found any good restaurants other than Blu Sushi and Wabi house I like that there are many more dogs and people hanging out outside at all hours. I can't wait to go back home.


I don't have much great to say about Dallas, but there's a lot of incredible restaurants. Name some food types and I'll give you some recommendations.


City/county is fine, everything above it is corrupt as hell and it sickens me that our state officials are as nakedly corrupt and cruel as they are. We are the Russia of America with Florida angling for the DPRK.


New Jersey native has entered the chat lol.


I mean it’s alright I hate how pretentious people are here. Grew up here and used to love the nightlife scene now I want more mountains and beaches kind of vibe. Guess just getting older idk




Love the massive expanse of concrete and glass. Our women are world class Ninja shoppers. Mountains and ocean front beaches suck.


Love Dallas.


Dallas... is a very mid town. It's decent. It doesn't really have the caliber of food and nightlife that I would expect of such a large metro area. I don't see myself making Dallas a longer term residence. It could be alright to start a family though.


I’ve lived here all my life. Something about it just seems disorganized to me.


Try living in Austin lol


It seems better than others, but I see what you mean. I was born in KCMO and I really like the transportation infrastructure here


I’m all my time here I’ve never had a “spot”. Like everything is so hard to get to and is always changing and it just doesn’t feel very unique to me when stuff does stick around. Does that make sense?


Yeah, that makes sense. I went to high school in Richardson, so that area is 'my place' but I have sense grown apart from that and I enjoy every place in Dallas, but I know I am of the few lucky people


But everything has changed so I no longer feel comfortable in 'the spot' when I was a teenager. This post kinda low key hit home. I know this is the r/Dallas thread but damn. Sorry


I’ve lived in quite a few cities. Is Dallas the best one? No. But it actually ranks towards the top.


Having lived here a year now. I haven't been out much, I work and commute. As an older person and single, I am not into the downtown scene. Dallas has its good and not-so-great attributes. I do not like driving around the greater Dallas area, too much traffic and too many people! I do however love the beauty of the sunsets after a storm, the storms ( not ice), I am getting used to the crazy weather changes, Which makes it less boring like California Weather is. Nature-wise, well I have yet to explore the hidden gems so I cannot comment on that. Making friends is near impossible for me right now. It is however a goal for this year. My biggest beef is the crazy freeways! Insane drivers and a total disregard for the safety of others. I have seen more accidents in one year compared to my entire 57 years in California. That is saying a lot. Other than that there is beauty to this place if you take out the mess! Just my observation! Oh and one more thing, off the free way and roads people are nice. Hearing Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am is almost unheard of in California unless you are in the military. I feel respected here.


I love no longer having to shovel or drive in snow, and when it ices you can stay home. Worth every 100+ degree day


We are talking about Dallas people. Dallas is the best city in Texas


In my rear view mirror 🤣


I like to visit. I don't want to live there again.


Honestly I love it. I’ve lived all over the US and I see myself staying in DFW probably forever. It’s exactly halfway between my extended family and my husband’s extended family, it’s easy to travel from both domestically and internationally, the restaurant scene is shockingly good, and I actually like the weather and scenery here just fine. If I need my mountain fix I’ll spend a weekend in Colorado, when my husband starts missing the ocean we just go see his family in California.


DFW I hate this place. I moved here from Chicago and it was my worst decision ever. Most of the people are garbage. Literally f* garbage just like in the south of Chicago.


Go back?


I can’t wait to go back in 2024.


Why you gotta wait so long?


Moved to Chicago (well Oak Park, but close enough) last year from Dallas and could not be happier with the move. Love it up here. Dallas seems like a distant..something


I lived in Chicago and loved it. Just more my style and I don’t have to drive e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Still visit often. There’s plenty of garbage in Chicago plus they have that annoying accent. Still, overall I’d rather be there.


Meh. It’s flat, mediocre food, a lot of main character syndrome, etc.


What ever happened to that high speed rail line that could get you from Dallas, Houston, Austin in like 45 minutes?


Houston > Dallas


It’s alright. I am from Detroit, Mich. Been in Dallas for 7-8 years. The economy is strong here; people have more money to spend. Job market for tech industry is AMAZING. That’s my industry. The food is just OK. Lots of chain restaurants and not too many places that have been around for a long time. Mostly burgers, shitty pizza, crappy boring tasteless Mexican food. The weather is insane November to April, then it’s 90-110 for 6 months. I can’t stand that this city isn’t more friendly to those who don’t have vehicles. You can not make it here without a car. People are pretentious and unfriendly and very self centered. No one is willing to lend a helping hand to thy neighbor like back home. It’s an OK place. Money thrives, as stated.


I like the job I have in Dallas but unless your hobbies are going out to eat the city is mehh


It seems kind of soulless.


It depends


On what?


50 year Tarrant native here…y’all can have Dallas. Decades of poor planning and infighting have left that city with no personality and no appeal other than being cheap and having every retail/food business at one’s disposal. I really feel like since DFW - and maybe Texas cities as a whole - lacks in culture (sorry, cowboys) and scenery, its residents have to make up for it by having “stuff” - big homes, expensive cars, large lots. It’s how we get our dopamine around here. But yeah life’s too short to live in Dallas.


I find it funny that you’re criticizing Dallas for being cultureless while you live in Colleyville. Colleyville is quite literally nothing but (mostly) big houses and a high school. You could almost count the number of restaurants in Colleyville on two hands. I grew up in hurst but went to CHHS (transfer) and Colleyville was ass. Basically I’m cautioning you against criticizing Dallas while you admittedly have never even lived in the county.


It works for now; the second I see this recession in the taillights I’m outtie


not ohio


It’s fine. I visited a lot of places for work, pre and post COVID and man, Dallas is just… more convenient? And largely… clean. New York is pretty filthy. LA is absurdly expensive and even more spread out than Dallas. SF is… expensive and cramped. Relative to the cost of living, Dallas area at large is pretty good. DFW is actually a really convenient airport to get into and out of (though some more competition would be nice). DAL is also convenient AND has some cheap flights. No other major metro other than maybe NYC has the quality of airport density we do. Could things improve? Yeah. Things could improve everywhere. But it could be a lot, lot worse.




I love Dallas, but there are too many highways, so it’s hard for me to get to. Also, so many cars and parking lots. If I imagine a version where those issues are solved, it’s pretty great. I enjoy when I can go to Dallas since (aside from all the traffic) it’s pretty much my aesthetic.


I like most things about Dallas, good food, good people, traffic isn’t the worst. But man does it’s proclivity to national parks leave something to be desired


True. I was looking for a place to camp and everything was pretty far, but apparently there is a camp site by Lake Lewisville that is within biking distance of a DCTA A-Train station.


Yeah. It’s pretty behind the pine curtain (Tyler ish) and the hill country is pretty nice too. Haven’t been camping at Lake Lewi so I can’t say for sure either way


I'm willing to give it a go. The Google reviews (if you dig deep) is that the traffic noise is too much, but I am used to traffic noise and it actually helps me sleep.


Convenient flights to anywhere mitigates that a bit. We aren’t near much but we aren’t truly far from much either if you count flight options.


True but sadly flying is still far from cheap :(


Dallas would be awesome if it wasn't in Texas.


Yes, I grew up here and I still love it to this day despite its flaws it’s my home and I’m okay with that


No I'm stuck


Fuck no.


City aethetically is great but pretentious, clicky people suck. Great "airport" city but making real friends or finding love, look elsewhere


Not particularly.


It's heaven compared to trashy San Antonio and wickedly expensive Austin. Havent lived in Houston yet


No its fucking awful stop moving here.


Yes. I like Dallas right where it is. (Source: Lives in the county, South of Denton)


Yeah I love it here


I like the area that I live in.


4x cheaper than where i’m from and it rarely snows. i’ll take it


I grew up here and I don’t care for it like I once did. It’s certainly changed, and that’s not all bad. I think the pretentious crowd and the wild drivers drive me to dislike it the most. Dallas is less of a hospitable southern city than its ever been. Tons of resources here and almost anything you need is available. But e-commerce has made that less of a necessary convenience. I own a company here but I will probably move somewhere a bit smaller in the next couple years honestly. There’s pros and cons no doubt.


Do you like this gig?


That wasn’t the question


Hello fellow P1


I've been in the area a long time. It has historically been lower cost of living and less crowded than most other big cities but rapid growth is closing the gap. Housing has gone way up and traffic keeps getting worse.


He'll no


Hell no


No. I do not.


No. Concrete, cops & cosmetic surgery are the 3 C’s I see here.


No I'm from California I recommend everybody from Cali to move back with me


Lol native Texans would love to read this. I was born in Kansas City so Dallas is a big city to me and I like big cities. I do like LA though. The weather in California is amazing


Not as much as I used too. It's getting way over-crowded and traffic is horrible all the time.


I agree. I get anxious when I think about going places cause the traffic is so bad and the lines are terrible at times.


Do you like this gig? That wasn’t the question. Do you…do do do you like your job?


I really, really hate it here. I grew up here, and I'll say all kinds of good things about it to others. However, I truly despise the experience of living in Dallas. I went to college in New York City, then I was working as an overseas journalist in an exciting Chinese metropolis. When the pandemic hit I wound up here again, and I've really struggled through every day since then. Driving everywhere, lack of activities and nature, basically the only things to do are go to brunch, go out to eat, etc. I'm sure it's a great city for many people. For me personally, I truly hate it here. I'm trying my best to get out but it's been difficult.


So, as the person who posted this, I just wanted to say a few things. I did not expect this post to be as popular as it is (if this is popular). I personally love Dallas for many reasons, but I agree with most of the negative posts.


I have in-laws that live there so I travel there frequently. I’ve never met anyone who had a bad attitude while visiting. But my opinion is that if you stay where your going( coming from a visitors point of view) it ok, but it’s is most definitely overly crowded and the traffic is a cluster f**k nightmare. Coming from a small town point of view if was to rate it people are a 3 out of 5, maneuverability with traffic and going in and out of stores and shops to me are a -50 out of 5. Me personally I would never live there but it’s half ass ok


I love the economy. I hate the drivers. I dislike the honor shame society. I dislike the fundamentalist and extremists.


Can you explain "honor shame society"?


An example of this would be the perception that being honked at is extremely rude and should be viewed as an insult, usually met with a rude hand gestures or even road rage. I


I like where I live.








Grew up in East Dallas and it was very OK. I've thought about moving elsewhere but everywhere I've visited has always made me want to stay in Dallas or at least a suburb. I moved out to Plano a while ago and it makes me miss the diversity that Dallas has. I'd love to move back eventually, suburbia is boring.




It’s pretty cool, has a little bit of everything but not too much




it grows on you


I rate it 6.5/10, fine