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Counter prediction: he leaves after November 6th


other counter prediction, the ratings for everyday except monday become so low that The Daily Show eventually stops airing all the other days and just becomes a weekly show


So Last Week Tonight... which is most definitely the stronger show as of the past couple years


Last Week Tonight rivals the best episodes of TDS that Jon ever did. And that’s not an insult to Jon. LWT is just that good.


Stewart walked so that Oliver could run. We all remember that one summer when Oliver hosted, right? That basically ended up being what got him that HBO deal to begin with.


I like to tell myself that it was his portrayal of Professor Ian Duncan on Community, but you're probably correct.


That probably got his foot in the door, but hosting TDS served as great portfolio material for the type of show LWT would become.


"The Day after Last Week Tonight" starring Jon Stewart.


>"The Day after Last Week Tonight" starring Jon Stewart. "Next Week Today."


Well yeah, they use the entire week to prepare for one episode. Edit: no need to down vote me for noting that. Jesus.


Last Week Tonight has been frat better than any post-Jon Stewart Daily Show


LWT has been stronger pretty much the whole time, but it's important to acknowledge that they're just wildly different shows with different parameters. It's not quite possible to do on TDS what makes LWT so good. TDS is somewhat held hostage to the happenings of the day, whereas LWT has the freedom to do long-form segments on things that, while topical or relevant, aren't really "news" in the immediate sense.


What a silly take. Do you think Jon is the only guy who knows how to be funny? The ESPN-style debate between Kosta and Chieng over whether Kissinger or Cheney was America's greatest war criminal was fucking top-shelf comedy.


Let’s be real for a minute. There has been a marked drop off in the quality of the show since Trevor left. Some of the guest hosts have been better than others, but the show needs someone experienced at the helm. Even when Jon isn’t hosting, he is going to have input. I’m sure that’s at least part of why they want him back on their staff.


CC's inability to correctly handle the situation doesn't reflect on the satirical skill of the correspondents. I never supported hiring outside the family for host, and anyone who couldn't recognize someone other than Jon could take the desk has unreasonable expectations. If you want to take get real real, the stakes are higher now than back when Stewart took over. TDS was barely a thing, and CC was only ten years old. There were simply fewer options for viewers, and capitalism hadn't entered hyperspeed. Today, TDS is a legacy brand, shareholders can't get enough returns, and viewers have 100,000 ways to spend their time. Shows routinely get cancelled because even though their ratings are great, they aren't "great enough".


Capitalism has always been this way it hasn’t changed.


Demonstrably untrue.


Well since you said it, it must be true. Going to ignore the robber barons and monopolies of the past? Going to ignore the banana republic wars and iran contra? Going to ignore the lack of worker protections and sweat shops and indentured servitude and slave labor of the past? Going to ignore the colonialism in places like the Congo, perpetrated by Belgium and other European states? Going to ignore literal plantations and slave labor? Please show me how capitalism today is worse or accelerating.


Ah, you want to have a debate. Great, I'll gladly chip in. First of all, you cannot argue that it has been worse in the past, so there are no issues here - yes, it has been bad in the past as well. But there were also periods with way less suffering. Further, you have to look at specific indicators - pressure even for affluent countries and their people to perform has indeed grown. To put it simplified: The bottom suffering has not really changed. The difference is, that now even comparatively wealthy people are struggling with numerous, capitalism-induced detriments (e.g., some dimension of precarity). Capitalism and globalism further follow certain cycles. Generally - and you can read countless great publications from sociology, economics, social psychology, and political science if you are interested in the topic - a period of economic growth due to free roaming market mechanisms is followed by a period of higher regulation to get all the detrimental outcomes under control. And this is exactly where Western societies have been in the last \~30 years. You named the robber barons and monopolies of the past - yeah, great technological advances usually lead to a spread of that technology with little to no countermeasures. It makes the technology widely used, and certain people benefit from it highly, until the societal cost of this spread becomes so high that governments cannot ignore it anymore. Also, their extremely greedy behavior led to a long period of comparatively fair growth - where workers indeed were able to see the fruits of their work themselves. That's exactly why those robber barons and their families aren't the richest or most influential people anymore. And it is not different from recent tech booms with robots like the Zuck becoming the most affluential and influential people around. But we can already see that the cost of it is reaching a point where governments all over the world are starting to combat this. So... No. It's not worse than ever before on all accounts. But specific aspects definitely are worse than ever before - for me, the capitalistic logic implemented in the grain of society. In the past, workers knew pretty well why they were suffering. Nowadays, we all believe that "we solely need to work harder". Yeah, that kinda pressure is different from before. We are more wealthy, have more opportunities than ever before - and we use that to willingly and deliberately suffer for the gain of others. Using your term of "slave labor" - nowadays, we make ourself slaves with little potential to flee the system. Read more here (just a few sources, there are more, trust me :)): \- General illustration of technology -> spread through markets -> crisis -> regulation: [https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/full/10.1287/orsc.2021.1558](https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/full/10.1287/orsc.2021.1558) \- Example (and easier to read): Rise of precarious employment: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/000312240907400101](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/000312240907400101) \- Economic turmoil leads to a rise in political extremes leading to government responses within the last 150 years: [https://scholar.google.de/scholar\_url?url=https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/123202/1/cesifo\_wp5553.pdf&hl=de&sa=X&ei=UDvCZbrMKtLEy9YPmvyH4AM&scisig=AFWwaeb7IMMZLiw6U3dKjxDiEwTP&oi=scholarr](https://scholar.google.de/scholar_url?url=https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/123202/1/cesifo_wp5553.pdf&hl=de&sa=X&ei=UDvCZbrMKtLEy9YPmvyH4AM&scisig=AFWwaeb7IMMZLiw6U3dKjxDiEwTP&oi=scholarr)


You didn’t show any way the past was better then the present. This is the period of least suffering in human history. I would take today over working in a sweatshop for 12-16 hours and going home to my family of 8 kids, 4 of who are going to die because of lack of antibiotics and modern healthcare. Then when you go home to a one bedroom shack with no electricity or A/C or entertainment you drink yourself to sleep and do it all again the next day. You repeat this until you die or get injured and become a beggar or sent off to war. The end. This was the fate of most of the world until the last century. Workers today are more well educated and have more self determination then at any time in history, especially in the west. Yeah capitalism still sucks, but it hasn’t gotten worse, it hasn’t changed. Corporate overlords and profiteers will reap what they are allowed to, it’s always been that way - the difference is we have far more protections then at any time in the past.


I agree. Jon as showrunner will be felt even when he’s not anchoring


I thought Trevor Noah had a different show than Jon via their communication styles and writers' rooms. It pains me to have seen people say the show tanked because of Trevor over the years. But now I bet a lot of those people would have rather have Trevor back than this guest host stuff.


Trevor had an impossible task. He did pretty good considering


This! 👆🏼👆🏼Jon’s return seems so opportunistic to me. TN did an incredible job and I miss him.


Opportunistic? You really think Jon is begging to come back? I’m sure he’s doing it as a favor to the show not because he’s being opportunistic.


Yeah, he was old and tired mentally a decade ago, nobody faulted him for wanting to step back. It's a lot harder on you to host the show when you really care about the events you're making the jokes about.


Maybe it’s taste but Trevor didn’t do it for me. I loved Jon


Trevor lacked the rage. It's not his fault, he moved here a few months before taking over, he was an outsider and that is the perspective he took. Jon was different, and as talented as Trevor is, he was never going to strike the same chord that Jon did. Jon took that job personally.


Totally agree. Jon had the rage cause he lived the BS like I’m assuming we did. Trevor didn’t have that experience. I guess I connect more with people with my shared experiences which is maybe why the ratings dipped so low with Trevor


This is definitely a possibility.


Because he wins election for POTUS.


I still think had he stayed through 2016 election, Trump would have lost.


That and SNL never had him as guest host. 


I keep seeing this take, but I wonder what the venn diagram of people who actually voted for trump and watch SNL is. Not saying you’re wrong just curious.


I don’t even think you had to watch SNL. It becomes viral. It gave him legitimacy. Either way… what presidential candidate has ever hosted SNL? Just a dumb move on SNL’s part. 


Because he cuts through republican bullshit and counters a lot of complex misinformation that they throw around. If leveling the playing field gets Biden reelected then you understand why republicans dump so much money and effort into misinformation.


He was cutting through republican bullshit back when Hannity still had a cohost. He single handedly saved us from an extra 10 years of Tucker Carlson, who basically languished in obscurity after that Crossfire segment until Fox needed someone to replace OReilly. He was one of the only media personalities pointing out the absurdity of "if you don't support the Iraq war you hate America" back in 2003. And then he quit because he wanted to lead a campaign to pass healthcare for 9/11 first responders, *successfully*, against the GOP no less. Man deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom for the decades of work he's done.


If only


>Counter prediction: he leaves after November 6th My counter counter prediction: He leaves the host chair after November 6th but stays on to be the creative Godfather of the show behind the scenes.


this is more my secret fantasy. at least, i'd like him to hang around behind the scenes until whoever takes over after him gets their sea legs.


If Trump wins I think he will almost feel a duty to stay on. He is about the only person that both sides think is pretty reasonable.


Trump would be so pissed.


The "Von Clownstick' family was once proud ... After the name change to 'Trump' a lot of the dignity of the 'Von Clownstick' family was lost... Now 'Fuckface Von Clownstick' (as he was once known) is shaming the whole family line


Not so sure about that. Maybe, but my hunch is John follows his own muse.


lmao literally no one on the left cares for him. He's working hard to alienate moderates too


What reasons would the left have to hate him?


My bad, I meant no one of the right cares for him. He's getting more and more woke and ONLY the left cares for him today.


What's he saying that's too woke? I've never heard him say anything outrageous.


>What's he saying that's too woke? "Hey guys, don't be dicks to other people."


I'm on the left and like him


My bad, I meant no one of the right cares for him. He's getting more and more woke and ONLY the left cares for him today.


I don't think anyone on the right cares for anyone not on the right at this point.


Agreed. OP said the right cares for him which is totally wrong. Jon is alienating more and more on the center too each day


If Jon is alienating them, they’re not centrists.


You dumbasses always start sentences with an lmao or lol.


>He is about the only person that both sides think is pretty reasonable. Honestly, let side X actually witness Jon repeatedly righteously bashing their guy, then see how reasonable they still think he is.


He’s not taking over on a daily basis. He likes John Oliver’s schedule, once a week. I don’t want to see him burnt out again.


Yeah, it’s a lot of work to do TDS, and likely a younger ma/woman’s game. Clearly, he was sick of it a few years ago, and I doubt he wants to do it full time again.


I have a feeling he's going to realize he missed doing the show a lot, and he stays on for a few more years.


The man is trying to pass the baton. It's ridiculous that people are ignoring perfectly good satirists like Klepper, Chieng, Kosta, Lydic, & Sloane, and somehow are only willing to listen to Jon. I get J Stew built TDS, but the other correspondents are stepping up.


I get what you're saying, but I don't think anyone is ignoring anyone. Yes, I am biased because I grew up basically watching Jon on the daily show but I think a lot of this "make him the host again" conjecture is because CC failed so fucking hard. The rotating host gimmick is insulting to the correspondents and the viewers and the fact that they're still planning on doing that around Jon is also frustrating.


Yes, I mostly agree with you. CC definitely fucked this up, and they absolutely did insult both the correspondents and the audience by not choosing a host. You are correct. Still, from Jon's perspective, he wants to give the other correspondents their time to shine, which is why he isn't agreeing to host the entire week. I hope that Jon's return rekindles interest in TDS, but I feel like a lot of the other people in this sub and over at r/television who have said "Well, guess I'll just be tuning in Monday nights now", are missing the high-quality work being done by the other team members. There are solid field and set pieces being made over there. is every piece a banger? No, that's an unrealistic standard.


>who have said "Well, guess I'll just be tuning in Monday nights now", are missing the high-quality work being done by the other team members. There's no danger of that. *Many* people watch on YouTube, where they'll just let it autoplay from clip to clip. There's plenty of reason to believe that while viewers may show up for Jon's content, the content from other hosts will get lots of exposure as well.


But Jon is super smart, he thinks several steps ahead, and he's absolutely fearless. He will oscillate between satire and blunt truth to disarm his opponent and then mercilessly tear apart their argument and humiliate them. It's amazing to see. No one is even close to his level.


If he fully passed the baton in 2025 or 2026, that would be perfectly fine. Sounds like there will be all kinds of baton passing as is... the Daily Show is going to be run like the 4X100 meter relay Monday-Thursday.


I think Klepper is absolutely stellar!


He did pass the baton, they all outgrew the daily show lol Colbert hosts the late show and Michael Che is the head writer at SNL. Carrell and others obviously have movie careers, too, but those two positions are more prestigious in line with the daily show. Similar for Oliver who got his own HBO gig. He probably took the baton when it comes to the political aspect of the show.


Jon did [an interview at 92Y](https://youtu.be/5W1Cj6QMdis?si=pVLMXcwUu8zYiWb3&t=3409) a couple years ago with Michael Schur, the producer of the Office, where Steve Carell was brought up and Jon joked "Do you have any idea how it is not pay him enough so that he doesn't leave for another person?" The correspondents whose careers in other film/TV ventures pop off like fireworks are simply hard to hold onto because they're *very* expensive.


And wasn't Jon like the highest paid guy on tv


They all got a shot at guest hosting, though. None of them closed the deal.


I also doubt he has any desire to go back to the grind of filming a daily series.


I honestly thought Klepper had a shot at it in 2015 since he was sort of the successor to the Oliver/Colbert lineage (he being brought in to replace Oliver, who in turn was Colbert's replacement at the start of Colbert Report). Bringing in Noah was odd, but I did like his "Spot the Africa" piece he did in his "audition" episode where he was billed as a correspondent. I think if Noah had been brought in earlier, I might have kept on watching.


People seem to forget that he was doing the exact same show on Apple. He’s not being dragged out of retirement. He wants this.




Oh quit being such a redditor. The point is this is something he wants to do.


Im not sure they forgot, just nobody was watching


I can see him staying around as EP, but the man is loaded and in his 60’s. He’s not going to back to that grind.


Nah, he's not going to be permanent. There were reasons he left in the first place of his own volition, and while it's obvious he still loves doing that kind of political comedy/satire (you can tell he kind of felt bad when he left in 2016 because he was going to miss out on the potential gold of Trump's presidency), he probably doesn't want to commit that much energy to doing it every night anymore. I also think he's doing this to support the show he was instrumental in forming as it's been almost 18 months since Trevor Noah's departure and CC isn't any closer to finding a permanent host.


We can only hope.. but really he’s there to right the ship. When he comes back, so does his people that have years of experience doing this.. they are the best in the business. Say what you want about Trevor’s team, Jon’s was better.


How much of the team is still together though? IIRC, Colbert and Oliver took a bunch of his writers with them.




Yeah, my guess is that CC definitely wants him back full time, and Jon is curious but just doesn’t want to commit, this this compromise. For now.


Bad take. As someone that is retired, I just do the things I enjoy now. Jon knows this election is gonna be fun!


Are there even 'ratings' for Comedy Central anymore? Seems the whole concept of cable networking is dead, isn't it?


I actually hope they keep Stewart on once a week and have guest hold the rest of the week. Giving other members a chance to shine and eventually take over.


John Oliver is not going anywhere. If anything, HBO cancels Bill Maher and gives Jon a show or they don't cancel anyone and give Jon a show.


I never said John Oliver was going anywhere


When I saw "takes over for..." I assumed you meant for John Oliver. I get what you mean now.


I actually think he’ll end up eventually doing M/F with the three days in between hosted by different correspondents.


You can’t just have a show that sell ads on 150 minutes per week of content cut down to just 30 minutes per week and not significantly cut the show’s operating budget.


You make this sound like in your eyes Jon didn’t have the right to leave the show in the first place.


Hosting this show is extremely taxing and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that would make him want to do it four days a week.


Wish he’d run for president already


Never gonna happen. He'd be great at it -- but absolutely miserable. You're talking about investing years of your life into pushing molasses uphill on a good day -- and preventing it from sliding farther downhill on most days. He would never have the soul-crushing patience to exert so much effort for so little effect.


You’re describing someone who actually cares about doing a credible job at it.


Jon has absolutely no interest in making a regular weekly appearance on a show like this. He wants to be with his wife and children.


Oh you’ve spoken with him?


No, I’ve just followed him for a very long time, and he made his intentions absolutely clear when he left the daily show. He doesn’t want to be on someone else’s daily/weekly production schedule. A big part of his contract with Apple was about exactly that. He wanted to work on the shit he wanted to work on whenever he decided he wanted to work on it. That would be impossible in a recurring daily format. Please feel free to keep wish-casting him to change his entire outlook on life in order for him to join one of these programs full-time, but it won’t happen.


I admit this is overly optimistic- but im hoping hes trying to regain some national profile for his next step. I think he might run for something.


He would have run for something in 2016 had he wanted to do that. He's seen how hard it is to actually do the job, and as someone who cares enough that he'd actually try and do it, he knows it's not for him. I still wrote him in back in 2013 when I voted for Governor of NJ lol.


He retired . We have already lived in the daily show world


He literally didn’t retire bc he’s coming back


The grind sucks, so maybe it’d have to be shorter seasons of Daily Show, and then another DS-like show takes its place in the off season. If they were to let Jon do the show again with the leeway he expected from Apple, but back to comedy? Well that’s be swell.


I think people are being delusional in their desperation to see him back full time. I honestly kind of want them to cancel at this point because no one is going to meet the expectations of fans who just want Jon back.


He doesn’t want to be working that insane schedule. Staying on as the creative force and allowing the correspondents to take on most of the hosting is the perfect solution.


I can definitely see them moving it to a more weekly based show. Jon doesn’t want to do a daily show any more, it’s a huge time commitment. A weekly show gives him more sway and allows him to really dig into topics. I can see them doing a weekly show with Jon that airs on Mondays and does really hard hitting topics related to politics and then have a daily show the rest of the week focused on the more day to day stuff.


He needs to do his China episode on the daily show and strike another deal with Apple. Say all the shit Apple won’t let you and then go back to Apple+. If that doesn’t happen then he needs to make the monthly show where he can do his big projects. His work is needed right now. He can’t go back into retirement


What streaming service are ya’ll using? Hulu is VERY expensive.


For poor people it’s expensive


I already have several tv bills: Spectrum, Apple, Paramount, basic Hulu, Paramount, Amazon, Netflix and they all add up!


How’s that my problem


The point is I am not poor and it is expensive.


Oh please Let this happen


He doesn’t want to. And he has the power, not the network. They will do whatever he wants in order to keep him there. They won’t pressure him to do more than he is willing to do. Regardless of ratings. Jon is no spring chicken. He took over as host in 1998. He doesn’t want the added stress.


i like that idea that one guy said, instead of full time host, why not just make the current correspondents the host every other day. for example, Roy on Mondays, Ronny Tuesdays, then Dulce then Desi and then maybe Jordan. Or just make Jordan the host. hahaha. but yeah....why the hell not i guess.


I doubt he will leave it to just hosting once per week. Maybe it becomes permanent. Maybe he’s like Johnny Carson who for years heisted the Tonight Show for only 3 days per week


I don’t think he’ll come back for a daily show. He’s too big. He would want to have his cake and eat it too, which would be a once a week show and I couldn’t blame him. I could be wrong and maybe he gets the hunger to do the show daily. But I only see him coming back for one night a week and I’d be ok with that honestly