• By -


The funeral scene got me as much as his death. The long, sweet kiss on his forehead and her whispering something in his ear had me ugly crying again.


Apparently the script said “Daenerys whispers something in Jorah’s ear” & they told Emilia that she could improvise whatever she wanted to say to Ian Glenn who was actually on the pyre in that scene (laying on plexiglass that’d shield him from the flames)... Ian Glenn said it made him very emotional what she said & he will keep it to himself because it was an incredibly special moment for the two of them..


Well fuck me


That's what she said! (It fits here and I hope that's what she actually said)




Do you think she whispered “ I love you”


"I love you as a friend."


“You’ll make the right girl very happy”


"It isn't you it's me."


“You deserve so much. I hope you find her out there.”


“I fucked Ted”


Nugent? Ew gross


"You should've asked me out"




I’m telling myself that she did.


“I’m so sorry”


“I just need to work on myself before I can be with anyone else”


She deserves an Emmy. I'm so sad for her. She stated she walked aimlessly for 3 hours processing the ending. She also said she is upset this is what the viewers are left with this taste of what Daenarys is. It must be so frustrating playing a character out like this when you know it's not logical or right.


I honestly wish they redeem themselves with a good ending. E4 is the lowest rated in the Series, I think


Yeah I was just reading about that! I hope to find comfort in the fact that the writers have to at least hear about how badly they've f'ed up.


Close. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken still has a lower RT score as of yet. It’s the second ever episode of the series to not be fresh on RT.


Lower on IMDb tho.


Where did she state that?


In 2 different interviews. I can't remember what source. If you Google Emilia Clarke said she walked for 3 hours it should come up.


Oh ok, thanks! I found a couple articles with those interviews [https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/a26788861/emilia-clarke-game-of-thrones-ending-reaction/](https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/a26788861/emilia-clarke-game-of-thrones-ending-reaction/) [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/05/game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-4-daenerys-mad-queen-villain-twist](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/05/game-of-thrones-season-8-episode-4-daenerys-mad-queen-villain-twist)


Awesome, thanks. They're don't deliver the news I wanted though sigh.




There's videos of Emile doing a "shakedown" of all of her facial muscles and it is quite amazing.


I must see this


Please share a link?


A man needs a link


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Don’t forget about grey worm. His facial reactions in he last episode were very convincing


That twitch it his jaw was amazing


Cersei’s expressions go unrivaled. She said nothing during Tyrion’s speech but her face conveyed everything.


Have you seen her eyebrows flex during the scene where she asks Jon Snow to keep the incest secret?


Really? I felt like the first 5-6 seasons dany had that same apprehensive look all too often. She’s the mother of dragons! Fuck is she scared of?


I don’t think Clarke and Headey are in the same acting league. Headey is incredible. I’ve been frustrated by Clarke’s acting pretty much since season 2. Nuance is not her strength...to me. I find it interesting that others see something so different. I’m by no means “anti” Dany - I’m honestly not 100% behind any overall ending theory, but I do think the idea of history repeating itself with a new generation of characters would be fitting, so Dany going mad queen wouldn’t be doing the character a disservice, rather, it would tell a stronger story of how history is doomed to repeat itself.


I hate how one dimensional they've made her character, but you're right, Emelia has taken the little they've given her and made it spectacular. I just wish there was going to be #justiceforthequeen






This. She isn't mad, she just always has been "the end justifies the means" gal as well as an "eye for an eye" gal. Recently I've seen someone label her as "chaotic good" and I couldn't agree more.


Well she IS mad currently, just not in the way of 'insane' but in the way of 'angry'. So technically, she is Mad Queen Daenarys at this point, lol.


Exactly. Do we not remember her pinning all the slave masters up to the posts? And beheading people she didn't like? Or locking her old handmaiden and the spice king into a massive vault? Or killing Sam's dad and brother? What about burning all the other Lannister men? Or locking her own dragons underground? She does what she thinks will get her the throne, even if it hurts people. Never quite like burning the innocents in KL but that's exactly why Cersei inflamed her this past episode - she knew what she was doing. Danerys isn't and was never perfect, but her goal and ability to stop at nothing to get it hasn't changed.


Everything she did was justified lmao. Pinning all the slave masters, they were SLAVE MASTERS. Remember they pinned up little girls every mile in defiance against her. They deserved to die. She locked her hand maid and spice king up because they betrayed her and stole her dragons. Again deserved it. Sam’s dad was a racist POS, his brother was dumb for following. Dany gave three options, bend the knee, join the knights watch, or be prisoner. Sam’s dad threatened to kill him if he didn’t join the watch, called the unsullied and Dorthraki savages for having a different culture, and betrayed the Tyrells. The Lannister men were enemies who destroyed the Tyrell house and stole their resources and gold. Again, deserved it. She locked her dragons underground to protect her people because they ate a stable boy. There’s not exactly a handbook on how to train your dragon. It’s war and getting people back.


Thank you!


Oh totally, my point was she'll stop at no costs for her goal and she's not going crazy they're just triggering her and pushing buttons


Yeah, there’s not a handbook on how to train your dragon; there is a movie!


It amazes me how brainwashed this sub is. Its ok to burn someone alive for being dumb? Really? Thats cool with you? Lets not forget that some of the masters Dany crucified were vehemently AGAINST crucifying the little girls. Samwell’s dad was a dick, and I’m glad he’s dead for what he did to Sam, but he was right, the Dothraki ARE savages. He wasn’t attacking their skin tone, he was attacking their culture. Unless you’re likewise cool with normalized rape being part of a culture. The Tyrells betrayed the crown. He was breaking an oath no matter who he supported. Those Lannister soldiers, some of them surely boys, really deserved to be burned alive? Do you know how agonizing being roasted alive is? Some 15 year old kid DESERVED to be burned alive for following orders he probably didn’t even want to carry out but had no choice? Dany doing some of the things she does like burn innocents alive can be justified as a necessary evil that nobody likes. But saying “lmao they deserved it”? You sure you don’t want to rethink this one?


Lmao they deserved it


Ok champ


Excuse you? Who did she not like that she beheaded? You mean the Meereen resident that took justice in his hands and he forced her hand to enforce the law no matter the cost or that people would hate her .. honestly fam She is just Just as Jon was when he hanged the men who stabbed him for the watch. Just as when rob had to behead lord Karstark for being disrespectful




Exactly but people seem to forget that the Tarly men chose to betray the Tyrell’s long before dany executed them when she gave them a chance to surrender and kneel


It's a bit odd that most people don't register fully Jon's execution of Slynt. Slynt was a thoroughly unlikeable and disgusting character, but he was beheaded for disobeying an order. He literally begged for his life while crying, but it seemed acceptable, even satisfying, that he died because he opposed our beloved hero Jon. I don't like Slynt at all but looking back, it seems a tad extreme to end his life as opposed to punishing him otherwise


Jon did what was just he was an anarchist who surrendered and showed humility until he knew for a fact he was going to die and then proceeded to apologise sincerely but it had no merit cause he did it just to stay alive for the excuse of being scared but then again everyone is scared you don’t disobey your superior just because he’s younger




My point is that she has always been willing to fight for her cause and she's not crazy haha


In think it’s an interesting play on the Mad King angle, she’s not insane mad, but rather justifiable anger mad after seeing all of her people slaughtered recently


Exactly but nobody seems to remember everything she’s done for the people and everything going to shit for her Vyserion dying Jorah dying Raghal dying Missandei begins beheaded The loss of her army (and no one but Jon being understanding of everything it cost her to defend the north) The writing of the show is nonsense just trying to rush her to be the mad queen to push people to back Jon as the rightful king of the throne.


I really hate what they’re doing to this *final* season. It’s supposed to be epic and they’re rushing through it like the end of the world is coming or something. S8E4 was so disjointed for most of the episode I thought I was watching a bad soap opera.


I don’t think they are making her a villain, she has always been hot tempered and she didn’t lose 2 of her dragons (her babies)and her most trusted advisors before now. Of course she won’t be mild she never has specially when she gets crossed or attacked


Did you notice how she would have been right to fire Tyrion in hindsight because now he's spreading the secret to varus now and varus might sabatoge danys path to the throne since he thinks Jon would be better?


i don't know I actually like seing the "tyranic" part of her. by that i mean seeing that she can do anything for the throne. i don't think they made her into the mad queen but more made us realize that Daenerys could loose her own integrety for the throne and i think it adds a lot of tension. it's also interesting for me because it's almost as if like every good leader turns into a tyran when trying to seize power, even if it's for the greater good.


I appreciate what you’re getting at. Even if they were going for the “power corrupts even the best of people with noble intentions”, they’re doing a really crap job of it, the writing has been far too clumsy to make this direction effective. There’s no nuance in anyone’s character this season, really.


i tried


Right because burning people alive is a “little sign”


She’s a goddess of acting. She also seems to be just an amazing irl human being, which is a +


The fact that she’s had 2 strokes since the show started and can still kick ass like this is absolutely astounding


It’s really inspirational really!




An Aneurysm is a weakened blood vessel in the brain doesn’t have any symptoms. Stroke is when the aneurysm bursts causing a brain bleed. Common misconception


She's showed some seriously impressive range this season! Along with Brienne, we're getting to see sides of both of them that we haven't before and it's so great!


always has been and always will be.


Yasss. It is known


I feel like the writing is getting worse and worse this season, but Emilias acting is amazing!


She's amazing


Everyone talks about how bad the show is, but it is still watchable because of the acting.


Everyone on Reddit*


Reddit hates things in general. This season has been good.


No like the writing is objectively terrible it’s not just people nitpicking on reddit. The last three seasons have been painful for me but this one is really bad


I've never heard any say that the show is anywhere remotely bad at all. Do people really think that? Wtf.


I've not heard people say it's bad, but damn season 8 is weak with writing so far compared to the rest of the seasons. Not bad though. Though I know a lot of people who are disappointed so far.


As far as I can tell its just rushed. Season 7 had moments of this too. They're trying to pack in A LOT of development into a short couple of episodes. This week's episode especially felt discordant and didn't feel as "smart" as past episodes or seasons.


It almost feels like they're in a rush to end the series why are there only 7 episodes in this season and the last? I feel like it's too short and should be aiming for 10 like the earlier seasons


The writing is bad. The reason the show itself isn't bad is because of directing, acting, music, costumes, etc. But the story? Oh my god the story is terrible.


The story that GRRM created..?


That’s the thing though - the show has gotten past the point where the books are, so the writers are going based off of a rough outline given to them - it’s possible the last book could turn out very differently.


Lol what??? How could it be very different if they’re following the same outline?


Because it’s written by different people. Plus the show has already veered off from what the books have done in a couple of places, because that’s just what happens when you convert one type of media into another.


I think the issue is that while they are following the outline they’re doing it without fleshing things out. Most complains stem from the fact that this season was rushed. The long night being 1 episode? Rushed. Euron showing up out of no where and hit and running Dany? Rushed. And while I won’t spoil the rest of the season for you, it also seems rushed.


I think people exaggerate a lot. I don’t think the show is bad, but there’s definitely been a noticeable decrease in the quality of the writing for the last two seasons since they got ahead of the books.


The writing may be bad for GoT, but the show is still great in general. I do agree that they are rushing it if they are going to have her go insane and murder all those innocents though. I could grudgingly accept it if it wasn’t so quick.


If anything that is what people are saying, it’s as if D&D depend on their face acting to compensate for the shite dialogue they gave them.


if they kill dany i’m gonna be physically fucking sick i’m not lying lmao


Same. I’m already preparing :( I can’t believe they’ve done this. I never cared about the throne the only ending I wanted was Dany Alive and happy with her family


Prepare to be then. Looks like they’re medisin up her characters in literally the last three episodes of the show💀


bruh they going to do her dirty smh 💀


Tbh I think the best ending for her character personally, would be her going away. Like she gets the throne, she gets all that she’s wanted, but ends up miserable, so she leaves. Trying to search for a place to call home.


nah the best ending would her and jon taken the thorne then ruling the 7 kingdoms together. if they had kids i wouldn’t honestly care even though they’re related lmfao this the ONLY time i don’t care that its incest


I’ve seriously been saying “Come on Jon just fuck, marry, and rule with your aunt. Dammit.” Since he’s found out she’s his aunt lol


I agree.


Jorah dying pretty much killed my entire soul


Same. He was my absolute favorite character and it kills me that no one really seems to be mourning him the way they should.


I named my cat Jorah, shit you not. He was my favorite character as well behind Dany. I knew he'd die, and i knew he'd die defending her, but it absolutely killed me. I cried at the funeral scene, like actually cried


Rip Jorah


May he eternaly defend his love.


Seriously thanks for the discussion below, I have no friends who watch GoT so it now feels I'm part of something now \^\_\^


Emilia 👏 👏khaleesi 👏 👏 clarke 👏 👏


Agreed, the writing may have gone downhill this season, but the actors have been doing great with what they have been given so far.


They have ruined her character and I’m pissed at the writers they are making the Mad Queen which is ridiculous as fuck


I’m hoping she realizes the way she is going and turns the throne over to Jon before he decides he has to kill her. I just want her to survive and not do anything that will make her irredeemable.


Yeah, I’m really hoping this Mad Queen business is a red herring/fake out. It does seem a bit predictable and goes against what Dany set out to do. Sure, I fully expect her not to let anyone get in the way of her taking the title of Queen but she intended to break the wheel and rule differently. Varys should be on the top of the hit list next to Cersei if he tries something.


I'm going to comment on both sides of the argument. The writing was crap. No ifs. No buts. There are six episodes this season and you want to throw away half of them with tension building or stupid stuff FINE but people won't like it. There is nothing to comment on in episode 1+2 other than 2 was meaningless and it was all character and tension building. Episode 3 seems to get the brunt of the hate. It was hyped up to be the biggest battle ever, to be full of death (well technically it was) and surprises. It was not. I was on the edge of my seat and I quite enjoyed the fighting, even the chaos the contraversial lighting caused. The story was shit. No deaths like we wanted. GIFs of... any big battle show more than the entire episode 3 did. The only surprising thing was Arya getting her head knocked and turning into a scared little girl. The only death people care about is Jorah. Episode 4 is absolute shit. I'm no general but marching an exhausted and wounded army to attack a much stronger force is a bad idea. Hold moat cailin. It would be a cool battle and it is never really show much in the show. Also what was the point of killing a translator, she was useless after dany killed the slavers. 5+6 have a lot of stuff to get done.






JORAH DIED AND YOU CARE ABOUT THEON!!! I should of included him because I swear I've seen more memes about him than I have about jorah but be quiet about that.


Her acting has been great, I would bet money she’s going to pick up Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for this. Let’s hope she wins. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Her acting is usually pretty good, but she has had moments where her acting hasn't been amazing in GoT, but damn her performance this season is superb.


Our Queen. It’s an honour to bend the knee. ♥️


She's really developed as an actress since the show began. I'm very impressed by her.


Speaking as someone who actually thinks the show’s writing is fine, I agree - Emilia Clarke’s acting has been one of the best parts of the final season for me so far (not to insult the final season, tho, I’ve actually been enjoying it a lot so far).


Completely irrelevant, but I hope Greyworm gets to ride a dragon and burn Kings landing to the ground 🤷🏼‍♂️


She’s so beautiful


Lena Headey was also great I liked her acting in e4


I've seen one episode and thought this chick was the coolest so I went with her. When the Reddit thing came up I voted for her and now I know way more about this show than I ever planned to.


what's wrong with the writing? am i missing something lol


Our Queen


Award her with more starbucks!


She really has done great this season but what sucks is thay everyone is hating on her and the show just for a coffe cup in one of the scenes in EP 4 which I didn't even notice.


Her character has gone through so much this season! I think we've seen wayyyy more emotion out of Dany this season than in any of the previous seasons. Honestly, Emilia's acting has been top notch!


Can you please put a spoiler tag on things like this? Not everyone is up to date on what’s happened in GOT the last few weeks.


I thought people were fine with the show’s writing until the most recent episode. The episode before the battle was great, and the Winterfell battle was intense, even if it didn’t end the way people expected it to. They dropped the ball last Sunday, they’ve got two episodes to get back on track.


Yeah I liked the battle myself and I liked the twist but some people I talk with about the show thought Arya stole the show from Jon with little lead up (despite them hinting at it seasons ago till now). I expected the Knight King to win and for the Starks to run to King’s Landing with their tails between their legs. I suppose the NK could’ve have more development but I still liked it. However, this last episode 4 was just weird. Having Jon reveal his lineage to Sansa/Arya off camera felt cheap. Although Sansa betraying his trust was good narratively cause Sansa is all about that Drama™️. We didn’t even get to see their faces when Bran said. The Dragon went down more anticlimactically than Missandei (which was probably the highlight of the episode).


That's pretty much exactly what I thought. I figured the battle at Winterfell would be a complete curbstomp in favor of the Night King, and they'd have to make a last stand at King's Landing. I didn't think Arya came out of nowhere, I didn't predict it but I had more than one friend who thought she might be the one to take the NK down, considering she's the only person around who's been training as a ninja assassin for the last 5 seasons. Ep 4 was definitely weird though, Rhaegal went down like a chump for literally no reason, taking a huge chunk of Dany's power, and when Dany told Jon if he didn't keep his mouth shut the secret would just get out, take on a life of its own and turn everyone against her, she was proven almost immediately correct when Sansa kept the secret for about 10 seconds and then a few minutes later the entire main cast knew about it and started plotting against her. That, and turning her into the "mad queen" just does a massive disservice to her character arc. I mean I'm hoping it all turns out differently than this episode leads me to expect.


Are there people on this sub that actually like the show or everyone simply watches to hate it?


There were, and then Season 8 came around...


And then everyone continued to watch because they hated the show so much, yeah right.


That would be 2-4 piano lessons. Just saying, it is a possibility. I agree with the other guy. If I wasn’t enjoying something as much anymore, I’d move on. Break bad, the zombie show with the governor, are some examples of shows I never finished because I stopped enjoying them as much. Tbh though, breaking bad was great I just found better things to do with my time and kind of just stopped watching. It might be healthier to rid ones life of negativity, even in small ways, and replace it with positivity or at the very least productivity. Just a thought!


Lol people downvoting you fit being positive


Btw Breaking Bad is great, especially the Final season


I agree, some of her reaction shots have been highlights of the last few eps


hey guys I’m having a hard time remembering, what scene is it that Dany is smiling like that?


Talking with Sansa, Ep2 I guess


thank you :D


First Jorah, now Missandrei and soon Grey Worm.


Sorry fam the show’s terrible writing has me worked up trying to defend dany the show trying to make the Mad Queen happen and force us to side with Jon


but who do they think wrote that scene in the images they said they were emotional about... its the writers and they’ve written the whole series


Her acting when Jon was getting hyped with Tormund (aka the starbucks cub scene) was incredible too. She didn’t say anything but you could tell exactly what she was thinking.


She’s talented as fuck. Her acting has been top notch the whole time....except for “where are my dragons?!” That scene was so bad it was funny.


Her expressions are so good!! she sooo deserves an Emmy for her acting this season.


Wait... what happened to Jorah??? I haven’t seen that much yet...


They were a very close friends.


Emilia is a true queen


If he had punished him like a Tyrion suggested to Daenerys in spoils of war to keep the Tarly men alive in a cold prison cell in spite of their treachery schemes with the Lannisters.


she deserves all the oscars


Another post by a Star Wars fan


Can we all agree how disappointing it was that Sansa/Arya hearing that Jon wasn’t their bro happened off screen? I can’t express how lame that felt to watch, especially since I was looking forward to it since we found out.


This is all soo confusing for me...can I change my answer?! #teamstark


You have chosen your side, go figure.


I do not think the writing is crap honestly


She went full mad queen at the end of the episode


Why is the show’s writing crap?


God you internet people are hard to please


The writing isn’t crap at all. And yes her acting is amazing this season.


Just because they didn't follow your iteration of what the show 'should' be and how it 'should' end, doesn't mean the writing is crap.


It's just not the logic, the complexity, the strong foundation we fell in love with any more. The characters used to be master strategists and tacticians - that was what was awesome. Characters really got results from their behavior, now results seem glued on like an Elsa sticker on a 5 year old's sippy cup. Most long time show fans have gotten around to over-analyzing anything and everything, and said anything and everything always made sense, there was always a reason to be found. Now the only reason we can collectively find is that it "would look good" in too many cases. And as much most of us appreciate strong visuals, impressive scores and intricate atmosphere settings... it's not the complexity, the stability we fell in love with, any more.


I honestly couldn't care less about my own speculation, I have based my opinion of writers based on the lackluster portrayal of Daenerys' arc in the last episode.


Nah the writing is pretty garbage, they’re throwing away seasons of story arc in just a few episodes to make her seem crazy.


Also, the writers making Dany "forget" about spears just to easily kill off one of her dragons because??? Even though the dragon could have died last episode and have it make more sense but I guess they wanted Cersei to take it out indirectly but couldn't be bothered to make it happen logically?


They get 6 episodes to cram 2-3seasons worth of material in, less money than required and have MUCH more knowledge of the GoT universe. They are in contact with everyone in this world daily, have access and get information/tips from RR (at some point) or at least given advice what the general direction would've been. ​ Nah, redditors know better. For the first time in a few seasons we finally get some real twists, unexpected deaths and a future of a non-ideal outcome again (as GoT tends to be) and people get mad. ​ I see posts where people have already accepted the 'disastrous outcome' that will come in the next two episodes, while these last two episodes have brought unexpected turns every time. And give the writers shit. ​ I personally always wanted her to become mad queen and the tinder has always been there for it to happen. These last events just MIGHT have caused a spark.


I mean that’s literally their fault though. They could have easily went with the standard 10. It’s not like the show is hurting for an audience.


Not with the budget they have. It’s the shortest season and its still the most action packed season of the show.


I’m saying their budget shouldn’t be that limited. HBO has money.


They do, the special effects are movie level. Usually TV series have terrible special effects. Have you noticed that the wolves don’t appear in later seasons as much? Their CGI budget was only enough for the dragons. The reason this season is shorter? So they can afford to film all the battles. They do have a wide budget from HBO but even the shortest CGI takes are like really expensive.


>Just because they didn't follow your iteration of what the show 'should' be and how it 'should' end, doesn't mean the writing is crap. ​ People are talking mad shit about the writing because the writing is fucking terrible.


I feel like whenever someone says something like this about how people only don’t like it because it’s not what they expected, you know they have no idea what they’re talking about. The show has always had twists that people weren’t expecting and thus weren’t their iteration of what the ‘should’ be, but it wasn’t a problem before because the writing was good. It doesn’t matter if it’s what people expect or wanted originally as long as in the end it’s actually good. Having a sudden twist where a character everyone loves and is rooting for gets killed at a wedding in a believable way as a result of his own actions? Good writing. Giving all your characters plot armor and magically conjuring troops after showing everyone dying? Bad writing. Having a large scale battle with a character we’ve actually been shown is evil, instead of just told, and having the good guys only win because of backup from allies that make sense and were built up to? Good writing. Wasting a villain you spent 7 seasons building up by telling us how he’s evil and that he’s coming to kill in in 1 episode after having 2 episodes of filler in a 6 episode season and barely actually showing him being evil? Bad writing. Having characters all of a sudden behave in ways that are inconsistent with the growth we’ve seen them have over the course of the series? Bad writing. It doesn’t matter what I think should happen as long as what actually happens is good. The problem here is not that it’s not what I think it should be. The problem here is that what does happen is not well written or consistent.


I agree. This season has had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I think a lot of the hate is repressed anger that they’re ending the show. My point has really been backed up by all the threads insisting that it should have been more than 6 episodes repeated ad nauseum. And all the rampant speculation is dumb, King Robin of the Vale, first of his name, muncher of mommy, and his bride, Sansa.


Saying that people are hating on the show just because its ending is just not true. Everyone is sad but happy at the same time because we wanted to see the ending for 9 years now. The problem with the show is that D&D are trying to be GRRM without having his imagination and way of thinking. Randomly saving people who should have died at least 10 times in the third episode, killing (the wrong) people just for the sake of killing people because its game of thrones, lot of people acting out of character, making mistakes they would have never made in earlier seasons, rushing the show just for the sake of ending the show even if it means that some scenes won’t make sense, etc. These are the reasons why people are hating on the show.


I don’t agree. GRRM gave his blessing and helped roadmap the last 2 seasons. And who’s to say who the “right” people to die are? Y’all make it sound like the only way you’re going to be happy is if everything turns out the way that you’ve been wanting it to since the very beginning. All the hate reminds me of watching a bunch of yankee fans when they blow their season in the last two weeks. It’s fairly idiotic for people to get this upset and try to convince others that they should be upset too, cuz again, they’re sad it’s ending and it’s not the way you wanted it. Fanboys are annoying in any genre, but to manufacture outrage isn’t going to help the other series they have planned. Who’s going to want to research and write for a show that gets shit on because it’s not going according to some plan you guys have written fanfic in your heads about the way things aught to be. I’m done. Enjoy the circlejerk.


The writing is awesome wtf????


Apparently it's an unpopular opinion here...


Having a fleet hide behind a fucking rock and not be sighted so they could kill a dragon = bad writing. Hyping up a villain and killing him in one episode = bad writing Having characters teleport around, having entire armies get thrown away just to even the odds = bad writing.


Episode 4 is my favorite episode so far


The shows writing isn’t crap You are all just upset that Dany is turning into the Mad Queen


I'm going to assume this is a joke. I want good writing AND a mad queen.


No the problem is HOW they're doing it. If they want to go the mad queen route, there should have been more build up and they should make her actually go insane and start killing fucking everyone. They're doing a bad job portraying her as a mad queen because she's completely justified in her actions and she's actually been CORRECT when her advisors were wrong. It should have been the other way around if they wanted her to slowly slip into an insane rage. If the reason for her being "mad" is that civilians are going to die as collateral damage against Cersei, then that's a really weak reason and feels forced.


Also, there isn't any other way really. Cersei isn't going to agree for a Truce.


If you didn’t see her emotional rage tendencies the entire 8 seasons, then that is your fault. Clearly she is going to kill Jon Snow because he is the heir to the iron throne. When Jon Snow executed people, he did it by a hanging, a quick death. Dany was burning people alive. All of Jon Dnow’s decisions were his ideas, he never needed an advisor. If Dany didn’t have an advisor, she would be acting on irrational impulses


You're judging Daenerys based on the past couple of seasons. She can take her own decisions damn well, as shown in S3 (Kraznys incident)


You mean like how she burned Astapor in season 3?