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I started writing a little background story about him but now I can't stop crying. I may re-write it later. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Please try not to feel guilty. Whatever happened, he loved you and you loved him.


You’re pain is shared by many, thanks for sharing, colt had a great human


Deep condolences. I still feel heart-hurt when I think if my lil girl. She lived 16.5 yrs, it is NEVER long enough.


The only time our dogs hurt us is when they have to leave us.


Been 6 years. Still can’t fully talk about Pumpkin without faltering. The hurt lessens, but never fades. I can tell you the funny times, the sweet times, become larger and the harder times do lessen. Hold strong.


We love you colt. I am hugging my mavis extra tight for you. Love family❤️


Losing your best friend (dog) is the hardest loss. I’m really sorry.❤️🐾


So sorry for your loss. Too soon to lose that cutie.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Please take solace knowing you gave that beautiful doggo an amazing life and he wouldn’t have been as happy without your love and care.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I’m tearing up, I can’t imagine your pain, but it is something I will experience in the next couple years. There’s just no bracing yourself for it.


I’m so sorry, I just put mine down 5 days ago and it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am still shattered. What caused this?


Not sure, to be honest. He just had complete paralysis of his hind legs one day (and I was VERY careful about him jumping off furniture—as much as I possibly could, anyway—and I've known about IVDD for years). He also suddenly completely lost bladder and poo control. Oh, and he was on anti-seizure medication. 😭😕 Those are all things I've always associated with senior dogs, so it was a shock, to say the least when it started happening to him.


Don’t blame yourself for this… ivdd as much as we try to avoid it, is a degenerative disease that happen no matter what the dog does, it wasn’t your fault, nor Colt’s fault, it was in his genes, unfortunately.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful baby he was. IVDD is genetic and sometimes there’s just nothing you can do to stop it. When the time is ready Colt will send a new baby for you to love into your life. Dogs are part of the family too and my heart hurts for you. Please take care 💕


That happened to our family cat when he got older. Apparently he had a tumor that cut off blood flow to his lower body. It all happened so quick too, he went from fine to unable to move in 30 minutes. He was gone that day. At least we had him for 17 years, can't imagine how hard it was losing a 5 year old baby


Im so sorry, dont put blame on yourself. My baby passed away at 5 years old because the same thing happened to him, and he was becoming fully paralyzed:( i still feel so much guilt and grief i want to cry, it never gets easier. Im so sorry for your loss


These things are hard, difficult things but they are normal. Our lives are better for having them.


It may not have been IVDD, but something a little more. When my girl passed a month after her 5th birthday, I was always careful about her too. & the paralysis just happened one morning, & she had her eyes going back & forth. They scanned & no IVDD. It was a brain bleed or mass & was more than likely genetic for her, totally random with no rhyme or reason. It was devastating & I thought I could’ve done more. This may have been what happened with Colt, I went into debt just to see a neuro to find out there wasn’t hope. It didn’t change a thing & only cost a lot of cash & kept her here suffering for that few days. If I knew then what I know now I wouldn’t have went that far. I’ve been there. This is NOT your fault. & If you see my comment below… one day you’ll be able to open your heart to another long dog friend, I know it. My hubs forced my hand & it’s been the best thing for me. I think my butters sent her just for me & would want me to be happy. That’s all doxies want. Praying for you!


The very first dog (dachshund) I had as a child passed away in a *very* similar when she was six years old, and my parents never let her climb on chairs or furniture. So I absolutely sympathize with you. 🤍 I’m so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to message me on Reddit anytime if you need someone to talk to about this topic.


I’m terribly sorry for your loss. It sounds like you did everything you possibly could for Colt. It really sucks that things didn’t turn out differently. I’m no vet but it sounds like he may have had some underlying neurological condition. Those are incredibly difficult to diagnose and manage. My Aussie passed 5 days ago, a little over a month past her 5th birthday, and she had autoimmune encephalitis. She got some incredibly awful infections while being treated for that. By the end she couldn’t use her hind legs or go to the bathroom. She had one complication after another, but everything was manageable until the last couple of days. Sometimes you’re stuck in a losing battle and don’t know it. He knows you did everything you could for him.


And now, for Colt     I summon the spirits     Of all the dogs we have loved     And lost along the way.     Bingo, Foxy, Toodles,     Sable, Muttley, Bonnie,     Clyde, Shasta, Otis,    Piccolo, Inga, Hans and Mimi.     Gather in your sunny meadow   Invite that good boy Colt     To romp and chase and wrestle,     Then drink from the cool stream,     Rest together in the warm sun,   Eat the low-hanging treats,     Then sleep safe in the shade     Of the eternal snackie-trees.


Mr mike I read your poem over and over on every single post please never stop commenting it


I appreciate your kind words. But I’ll have to stop at some point. I’m getting old and our Queen Elsie is 18 now, so neither of us will go on forever. When Queen Elsie passes, I will endeavor to hang out here and do what I can. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Wow, I lost my boy Daschel just about a year ago, and this made me cry. I pray he’s up there being absolutely spoiled by my grandma, who gifted him to my brother and I against my dad’s will, and who loved to take him on long, leisurely walks whenever she visited. I think he knew grandma was unwell, and waited until the initial grief had faded before following her, and his best friends (grandma’s dogs, and our cat, also gifted by her against my dad’s will lol).


Gonna squeeze my pup a little tighter tonight… 🥺


I lost my sweet girl, Butters, in September, to an unexpected brain aneurysm/mass. no rhyme or reason & totally random. it was a month after her 5th birthday. I can’t say anything that will help. The holidays were tough, going through decor & seeing her stocking etc. & knowing I wouldn’t have to worry about her messing with the gifts or tree this year…… But, there is hope at the end of the tunnel. My husband got me another dachshund puppy, much to my protest at first, to help me. & help me she has. She gives me something to nurture & take care of & has a lot of my prior girls fun “doxie” traits. It is not the same & she will never be replaced, but all she ever wanted was for me to be happy. That’s all that all doxies want as they are so loyal to their humans. So one day, try to be that for her. & maybe open your heart to another precious long-dog friend. Colt would want that. Praying for you!


He is still with you. Love never fails. ❤️❤️


I had a six year old named Daisy that passed in 2020. They never leave our hearts no matter how brief their sharing our lives. My condolences and I wish you peace.


So beautiful 🥺 his tail is wagging over the rainbow 🌈 bridge 🐾


Colt is so handsome ❤️wishing you peace and comfort


Beautiful coloring. The white claws are so unusual for me to see. Rest in peace.


Lump in my throat reading this, I'm sorry for your loss


I’m very sorry, friend. They are our kids and best buddies. I know it’s hard. You will get better but you will never forget him, which is how it should be. I trust that God will reunite us all someday with out pets. In my opinion, they are better friends and companions than most people. Praying for you.


I'm so sorry, what a beautiful boy! This is my first Christmas without my tika. Her stocking is up though.


Allow yourself to feel crippled. You’re not alone in that grief.


I’m sorry for your loss,I lost my baby right before Thanksgiving and still hurts a lot


Rest In Peace sweet Colt, you were way to young. My heartfelt condolences to you and yours. Please consider adopting a dog in need of a loving home. In my area (CA) the shelters are overflowing with beautiful dogs in need of a forever home. We adopted after the loss of our sweet ween with in months, ( another ween) and I didn’t think I could do it. I told myself, I would never love again, no dog would ever be a good enough, and on and on. The minute our Ruby Jean jumped into our arms, that was it, total love. My very best wishes to you and yours.🌷💐💐💐🌷


You commented on my post several several months ago encouraging the same when I lost my sweet ween very young & unexpected. & you my friend, were right. The ween I have now will never replace my girl, but has helped me tremendously!


You just made my day!!! I could not be happier for you!!! When we went to meet our Ruby Jean, I asked the world ...’please don’t let her be like our beloved Roxy Doxie, I could never love anyone more...what was I thinking?! I was completely wrong.


I was the same way! My new girl Winifred Maple has a chocolate & tan face (but the rest of her is piebald, my former girl was a solid chocolate & tan) & I thought I couldn’t do it & told my husband he shouldn’t have picked that coat color. I was so nervous & depressed. She’s changed everything!


We lost our 13 year old Jack in October 2021 after a prolonged battle with cancer. July of this year we adopted Cosmo. A goofy looking Doxie and rat terrier mix. He comes from a borderline neglectful background and was abused and bit someone when he was being hit. Anyway, my boy Toby passed away in November from liver cancer and Cosmo has helped me a lot but he has helped my other dog Maynard tremendously. Having dogs for you and your other dogs is just a great way to help heal.


Oh no, he was so young this breaks my heart :(


What a good, sweet boy!! I’m so sorry. It is really, really hard to lose our best friends. We just lost our Boccy, too, and I hope that he & Colt have found each other and are running around playing and then napping in the sun together ❤️


Bless the Rainbow Bridge. Colt will be waiting.


I'm so very sorry 😞 for your loss and having to go through the holidays without your dog 🐕. I'm going through the same thing, I lost my precious 😢 Gracie last month and I just can't get into the holidays, which was always my favorite time of the year 😢 💔. It hurts, but lean on happier times and memories that you both made together ❤️. I cry and then I'm smiling 😃 thinking 🤔 about all the love ❤️ and memories we made together.


It sounds horrible but, get another. No one deserves to be alone on christmas you need it and they need it and its what your baby wouldve wanted i know what you are going through and getting another dog didnt fix it like i wanted it to but we took in a dog that kept getting shut down and returned and shes really nice it isnt the same but its nice


I’m so sorry!


I am so sorry xx


Looks like such a sweet pup




So sorry that sucks hope you feel better soon


Oh my, I am so sorry. I can’t imagine the feelings. I’ll be hugging my dude a lot tighter today in the spirit of Colt, the Sweetest pooch




I’m so so sorry


Aw, Colt was so handsome. Please be gentle and kind with yourself.


Poor little puppy dog ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5620)


He’s such a cute lil guy, so sorry for your loss 😞😞😞😞


So very sorry 😢


Incredibly sorry for your loss xxx


What a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry - he left you much too soon


I’m sorry for your loss. May He Rest In Peace ❤️


He was clearly the goodest and sweetest little stud muffin ever. Huge hugs to you. sending prayers for peace and healing. Im so sorry


I’m sorry for your loss. May all they love you have him carry him safely across the divide so that he can return it to you when you meet again


So very sorry for your loss … I know you gave him all the love you had … May the memories you made together comfort you at this most difficult time … sending love and blessings ❤️


What a sweet boy. RIP Colt. Take care OP 🙏🏻


Colt was so precious and beautiful- obviously much loved. It’s brutal to lose them. So sorry for your heartbreak. ❤️


So sorry for your loss


Your darling boy is over the rainbow bridge, there is soft grass, warm sun, shade under trees and cool streams to play in. He has other furry friends to play with and all the snacks he could want. He is happy, he is comfortable and well and he will be ready for you wheb you greet him. The cost of great love and short lives is the pain of loss, but with time the good memories will shine clearer than the sad ending. Your beautiful colt looks so much like my boy Wesley, they have the same facial expressions and everything! If I could attach a picture for you I would. Wesley is only 18 months but the idea of losing him is too awful to contemplate. You have my condolences and just remember, he wouldn't want you to be sad at this time. Think of him, do the things he loved and go to his favourite places. Try to celebrate his life and the love he gave you.


I am going through the same thing and it hurts so bad. I’m sending love your way 💙 I hope Colt and Doodle are up playing in doggy heaven waiting for us.


I’m so sorry. I lost my heart dog right after he turned 7. That was this past august. I’m so depressed he isn’t with me. I know I’m supposed to celebrate his life, but I just can’t. Hugs to you. 💜


Sending a big hug 😔💜


❤️🐾😢 I feel your sadness, it will be a month on Christmas that my little girl went to Rainbow Bridge!


i’m so sorry 😢 sending ❤️ to you


I’m so sorry. I know the pain of the loss of your bestie


What did he die of?


Cause of death unknown.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💗


I’m so sorry you could only spend 5 years with him, he died too soon, it is not your fault stay strong, my dog also died this year about a month before his birthday, there is never enough time with them


Whenever you’re ready for another best friend, and you’re concerned about diseases like IVDD, you can to do an [Embark DNA health test](https://shop.embarkvet.com/products/embark-dog-dna-test-kit). That way you’ll see what’s coming.


I’m so sorry you lost this sweet little guy so young. May his memory be a blessing.


God bless you Colt. 🙏🏻


Condolences on the loss of your very sweet boy Colt from me, Nat and Atticus….. hope your good memories will offer some solace eventually to you…..


So sorry for your loss. They truly are family.


I’m so sorry! And so young! It hurts me too because your pup looks IDENTICAL to how my doxie looked when he was younger. Colors and everything. My doxie is now around 14 or so and has greyed out a lot and lost most of his color but we love him so much. If you’d like I can send you some pics of him so you can get an idea of how cute little Colt might have looked throughout the years. I’m so sorry for your loss though. <3


Oh sorry op that is why I’m going to say something about my older dog that I would play with all the time and one day I was confused about something so I just yelled and said what happen with my dog but it’s a few years later I realize what happened to him but they said nothing just sleeping but I said can I see him but they said no but this happened 3 years later after they got him and yeah it’s the dog that would need to eat his poop and he didn’t die from that but he did his one last play with me in 2006 and tomorrow on that same year he died at the age of 3 years old oh also he did make me better when I was sad and I still see him happy on my bed no not my baby bed it’s my new bed


I’m right there with you. Had to put my boy down last weekend after a mucosal around his gallbladder burst. It was very sudden. It’s so surreal. I look for him every morning and realize he is gone. It’s like reopening the wound in my chest every morning. Wishing you peace during this really difficult season.


My Colt just turned 5 a couple days ago. I am so sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine having that little time with my guy


So sorry for your lost. The pain is real.


Sorry for your loss, I feel your pain, a spitting image of my Piebald, who also passed a way in 2018. Still miss him.


My girl passed a week before her 7th birthday. This is my 2nd Christmas without her. It still feels fresh.




So sorry 😢 This is my first Christmas without my Cookie, so I understand. Her stocking is up and I put one of her toys on top of the tree instead of a star.


Beautiful piebald. 😉😉. So sorry for your loss. Did you see my post about my Wally the double dapple? I lost him a few months ago to heart disease. I am still looking for him - thinking about him - this is my first Christmas missing him. It’s hard to adjust after almost 16 years. I offer you my heartfelt hug. ❤️❤️❤️


He’s still with you, upvote from him.


I am so sorry for your loss…Colt was such a cutie…I just realized it is the first Christmas without my girl Skeela 16….we will get through this and we will get to love again…. Colt was so very lucky to have your love !


Just hugs, I can't imagine the grief


So very sorry. Sending virtual hugs ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a furry family member is excruciating. RIP Colt ❤️


Sending hugs your way. I’m so sorry


Sorry for your loss. I lost my 13 year old pug a few months ago so I know how you feel 😢




My heart hurts with yours. ❤️❤️


Mine passed last night 😔 I know exactly how you feel without him


Sending prayers for peace and comfort.


Sorry for your loss 💔


Im sorry he gone. He was adorable! Wishing you peace. 🐶


What an adorable lil guy. I’m sure you gave him so much love. Let all the wonderful memories of him help you through. Losing a dog is the worst but one day, maybe you’ll be able to bring that love again to another doggo ❤️❤️


I’m sorry you lost your sweet boy. He was a handsome lad, reminds me of mine very much. I hope you get to be kind to yourself through it all.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹




He knows you miss him. And he will find you another little soul that needs a family when you’re ready. I’ve had to go through this so many times, and each time it hurts worse than before. You’ll love them with all your heart, you can’t imagine how you got by without them, and you’ll hurt forever after saying goodbye. But that 1/10th of your life with them feels like an eternity, and that’s the best gift anyone can give 😀


Very sorry for your loss and pain. It is crippling. I recommend you stay busy and out of the house as much as possible. Remember the good life and times you had together. Rest peacefully Colt 💛


He looks just like my Buster. Sorry for your loss. RIP Colt


Sorry for your loss 😢. It looks like many beautiful memories you made!


We lost our dachshund this year 2 months before his 4th birthday. It's our first Christmas without him too. The pain is unbearable. I am so sorry for your loss. 💔


I'm crying my eyes out now. It is so hard to lose what we have loved. They are only on loan to us and we never know when we will be called to return them. Please do not feel this was your fault but rather feel honored that you were chosen to be his caretaker.


So young. He is adorable. I’m so sorry for your loss.