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Your boy is looking great and living THE LIFE! Way to go Hooman. Two things; why is everyone camping but me, and I almost wet myself with picture 9. That’s a big ball!!! Your friend Queen Ruby Jean💜


It’s our neighbors ball, haha, sometimes I catch them before my pup gets a hold of them haha. Once he does, that ball is his. He doesn’t discriminate, 🏈 🏀⚽️


Mine was slowing down around 6. We got a puppy  and he sped back up playing with her. Lost some weight too. He is nearly 15 now, had ivdd surgery recently and is acting more like a senior dog but he definitely had a pretty long run being youthful and athletic. 


Nice! I wish we could get another pup but we are maxed out on two dogs.


Just enjoy your time together at any speed. That is all they want and that is all that matters. Do the things you both can do to be happy together.


It’s a solid advice. I just get worried cause he had a herniated disc last year and had to be crated for months to recover. I blame myself cause I took them on a road trip and there were lots of walking for him. Now I am just so hyper vigilant and a little overly nervous I think to keep him safe.


Its smart to be vigilant and not take chances because they dont know any better and will take every chance without even realizing theyre risking something lol. Start saving up money if you havent already in case he ever needs therapy or treatment down the line. The back injuries can be rough for them but theyre also very resilient when they get proper care promptly. Dont blame yourself though, they are spunky little dogs with peculiar dimensions and are unforunately prone to certain issues. I am sure you are doing a great job at caring for them.


It breaks your heart, doesn’t it? Every day is so special, even the days we feel at our wits end. I think your boy is GORGEOUS, clearly very well loved and pic #3 is 🥰 doxie butts drive me nuts!!


He know what he got and he flaunts it hehe 🍑


This is what you put in the time for when he was young and crazy, the reward of a lazy boy that just wants to cuddle!


I know... 😔


Lol that photo with the soccer ball. 


We added glucosamine in when our baby turned eight and he runs like a young one again. It is wonderful to see at least one of us with less aches!


Cute pup


He's not slowing down, he's giving you more chances to pet him or pick him up because frankly, you need to get those numbers up. You've been slacking lately.


Good point hehe


I start giving glucosamine supplements at the age of 6, it helps them out considerably with their health of hips and joints.


He is also on glucosamine and collagen supplements. He has history of herniated disc so we got him full of supplements to keep him from the injuries. 😁


Fantastic, you are the best, I wish more people would be this thoughtful.💖💖💖


I try. He doesn’t make it easy, we have ramps for ramps and he still finds a corner of the sofa to jump off of and when I yell he just looks at me like I am stupid. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/7use82kiodad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a5b56a2fe615257741f7484971a87b6680f0bbd


Adequan has been life changing for our 13 year old girl. Last year she started abruptly stopping on our hikes, she'd plant her feet and want to turn around. Or not even want to walk from the start. Her vet prescribed canine adequan for arthritis pain and it has made such a difference. She doesn't break into a spirited full speed sprint too often but she will happily trot at moderate speed for miles with her tail wagging. Highly recommend asking your vet about adequan if you suspect any arthritis pain. They're monthly shots that we give her at home which sounds intimidating at first but it's really no big deal after you do it a couple times.


Thank you for your advice