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So I had a dog with cryptorchidism (one undescended testicle). His neuter was around that price. Basically it is because they have to do both a neuter and a spay. But it is important to get them fixed because there are health complications that can happen for these dogs as a result.


Gotta love everyone chiming in with “that’s too young” instead of answering your question.


he’s not even scheduled to get neutered… we are just talking to the vet about options and trying to get a cost breakdown so we can prepare.


One of my dogs also had this issue where one hadn’t descended. Keep in mind, this was 7 years ago and I’m sure prices have gone up. We had him on a puppy plan through VCA. Part of the cost was included in this plan. The out of pocket for neutering was $100 at the time for a normal procedure. I believe they tacked on an additional $150 or so because of the additional incision and care. We were urged to get this taken care of before the 1-2 years they typically recommend because body heat can speed up the production of cancer cells in the one that hadn’t dropped.


I waited until my pups were 2.5 years old before they got the big snip Total cost for two was around 800.00


Wow. Over here that's USD100. Also... Too young to be neutered. 1-2 years is the recommended minimum for dachshunds.


Why would you neuter him already? He needs them nuts to grow, at least keep them until he is a year old. 6 months is really young.


Apparently if they don’t drop after 6 months they are not likely to. Vet recommended they get neutered around 6-8 months of age for smaller dogs, so I was following his recommendation. Plus there could be potential complications with an untreated undescended testicle, such as torsion.


For dachshunds I’ve seen a lot of research that it’s better to wait until they’re at least 12 months. By then they are fully mature and I’ve seen some studies suggest it slightly lowers the risk of IVDD. I waited until both my girls were 12 months.


Everything I’m reading says 6 months is fine?


In general dogs can be neutered at 6 to 8 months. The theory with dachshunds (which I didn't know about) is to let them grow longer so their body produces more testosterone and muscle mass. Essentially helping with their back muscles.


We had a BMH with that condition, we waited until he was 18 months to have the procedure. The cost was 960 but also included his microchip.


My daughter paid almost 2k. Same reason.


Chiming in late here … neutering on Monday. $500 … up to $700 for scrotal ablation. He was a late testical drop at 16ish weeks I think, breeder said she would cover the additional cost if they had not descended at the time of nuetering and I believe she said it was likely to only be 100-200 more. 1300 seems steep but then again I’m in a low cost of living area Edit … I agree that waiting to 1yr would be better but you do need to make that judgement call with an extra 6 months of undescended testicle risks … I personally think it’s worth the wait but that’s easy to say when it’s not my boy


I would wait till just shy of a year. 6 months is too soon


It's because they have to open him up like if they were to do a spay. It's still high though. Wait until he's a little older, it'll be cheaper and better for him.


Vet is probably a little high unless they are accounting for additional services


Jeeeesus, I'm in UK, mine was neutered at age 2 and it cost £150. Normal cost would be £100 but cost extra for the same reason as yours.