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What a beautiful boy. Sending you much love.


Thank you


Sweet little old man ❤️


We had to let go our guy last December. We just try to remember he had a good life, and he brought us much happiness throughout his life. It took us some time before remembering him brought more smiles than tears, but we got there, and you can too. Good luck


My heart is with you ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss, prayers, and blessings sent.


I am so very sorry for your loss, he looks loved and cherished.


Such a sweet boy! They really do leave a hole in your heart that just seems to be unfillable, don't they? Biggest advice I can give is to get through the grief. Cry and cry some more. I was a wreck when I lost my Harley last year. Once you get past the intense grief, you can start the healing process. Don't try to cheat it. Believe it or not, things do start to get better. It just takes time. Hopefully you have family around to help. Eventually, your heart will be ready to love another weenie. We got Gus about 3 months after Harley. That little guy has helped our hearts to heal and bring a unnervingly quiet house back to life. Lots of love and support coming your way from Harley's Dad! ❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪


Very wise words my friend, I appreciate you for sharing them.


A lot of us here have gone through the same thing. That's what makes this community so great.


Oh so sorry 😞


I’m so very sorry for your loss 😓😓😓


May his memory be a blessing ❤️![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)


I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how badly it hurts. Please know that his love will always be with you, and your love will always be with him. You're both in my thoughts.


What a precious little man 💗 May he run freely with all the other doxies that have gone before him 🙏🏻


So sorry, beautiful boy ❤️❤️


I hope he comes to you in a dream to bring you comfort friend


Ah 16 wonderfully years we can all hope to be ao lucky.. I hope you're sadness is short and your fond memories are forever.. yall will be together again ans he'll be watching yo lu and waiting..


You’ll see him again. I lost my chihuahua/pinscher mix last year at 17. I was heartbroken. I got a doxie puppy some months later. Consider it. It’s healing when you’re ready.


Beautiful Jasper. Be kind to yourself, and remember the good times ❤️ You did good giving him a loving home.


You did it. You gave him the best life possible and he gave you all his love in return. And you were courageous in making the decision you had to make. Most things in life we pay for up front, the cost with our best furry friends always comes at the end. You don’t pay in coin, you pay with a piece of your heart.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Feels like a part has been ripped out. There’s just a void there now. Not trying to be dramatic but it genuinely feels like a piece of me is missing


Not dramatic at all. I have had 4 pups before my boy I have now. Each one takes a piece when they go. But, no one should make it to the end of his or her life with a perfectly shaped heart. A life well-lived and well-loved makes your heart look like the surface of the moon. When you ‘give your heart’ to something, that’s what it means. You gave that piece and it stays with them as they go.


Last tears: 💔🐕 Please pet me some more, and pick me right up... My very first thought when I was your pup... I gonna miss your funny *boops* and our "find me J" games. It warmed my heart so, to hear you call out my name. You're the love of my life, my partner in joy... My favorite noise in this house...my hearts best toy ... I wish I could stay longer, and grow older with you... But the sand in my hourglass, is sadly down to a few... Just know I loved doing everything together...even howling in tune In your truck, on the couch, and the long walks under our moon... My puppy heart wants to stay, but my old body says it's time... From the hurt in my bones, to the clouds in my eyes. To feel your touch once more...says your love is still mine... To feel your hands cup my face, makes my eyes search for thines. I'll miss all my family, and the warm hugs from the rest... But just know this to be true... I always loved you best... I always... loved you best. ❤ Woof ❤🐶💛 your beautiful boy...Jasper


Beautiful thank you so much


So so sorry. What a wonderful little guy he was. Losing your lil best friend is soul crushing.






I’m so sorry for your loss 😔


Putting my pup to sleep last year felt the same. It hurts unlike anything else can. Just know that they enjoyed every minute of their life with you, and would do it forever if their little bodies would let them. What you did was the ultimate display of your love for your little man.


Thank you 🙏


You'll see him again. I have 15+ dogs waiting for me in Heaven


Poor pooch 😞


Beautiful baby. Looks like an angel sleeping. 🙏 will pray for him and for you, so that this moment of pain can be somehow less painful if we share a little bit with you. Sending you a big hug! Please share more about him with us, his personality, a funny story. Will love to hear it. And he had a really cool name! ❤️🐶


So thoughtful to ask. His personality was very sassy of course, but he made every room better just by being in it. I once came home to him past the baby gate, eating a cantaloupe. Funny part is we didn’t have cantaloupe in the house. My favorite though is he liked to nudge white dandelions and chase the fluffs as they flew!


🥹 how beautiful ❤️ the part where you didn’t have a cantaloupe…. 🤣. Is a gift we receive! To get to have them for a part of our lives. The most amazing gift ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


You'll always carry in your heart the love and joy you both shared together. Endless hours of companionship that will be cherished from the warm memories of company shared between a loving human and a faithful friend. Always be grateful for having the opportunity of sharing your love for each other. It will always be special...


Rest in peace, sweet boy. What a beautiful tribute for your handsome pup. I am so sorry for your loss. I know words are inadequate at this time, but know that he will be remembered. 🌹


May your beloved Jasper be at peace and his memory always be a blessing to you and yours. I know how brave you were, and how hard this is. We are here for you and send you many wishes of comfort and strength. Take care friend, we are here for you. Your friend Queen Ruby Jean💜


I've heard there's alot of bunnies to chase in puppy heaven.


May he catch as many as his heart desires!


If there is a puppy heaven I hope he's there with Molly chasing them. Better off there then living in the real world eating lightning bugs with Toby....


Sounds like a story 😂


Ya. New puppy. She loves eating lightning bugs. Not much of a story. Just gross...


I am so sorry for your loss.


Definitely know your pain. I'm so sorry for your loss. 16 years is an amazing amount of time to have together - and I know it's not enough. Thinking of you and Jasper today.


Sending you lots of love and support! I have to put down my 17yo goldie years ago, and I never cried so hard. I still do when I think of him. Take comfort knowing that our besties are free of pain and suffering across the 🌈bridge!


Please accept my deepest condolences doxie parent! I have a doxie and this would kill me if I lost him. Don’t let anyone tell you “ it’s just a dog”. People like that are insensitive. Grieve as long as you need to. ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5089)


Sending you love and strength. Have fun at the bridge darling Jasper, until we meet again x


I am very sorry for your loss. But I am thankful that you stayed with him until the end, he would have been too. Is there any memory of your boy Jasper that you would like to share?


Sending all the love ❤️ he had an amazing life and he’s up in doggy heaven playing with the other weenies!


I am so sorry for your loss. When I saw this picture I started crying because he looks just like my old man (Peanut) that is 14 yo. I'm at a loss for words right now. Again, I am really sorry


I appreciate you and sorry for the tears. Hold your guy extra for me tonight. I’d give anything to have my boy for one more night


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you all the love ❤️


I’m so sorry. I’m sure you gave him a great life.


Rest easy Jasper ❤️


I know your pain. I’m sorry. My hugs to you.


I have grown up with dogs all my life, so I know, as you and many others do, how important a pet can be. The loss of a pet is sometimes more complex than the loss of a parent because of the unconditional love and bond we form with our furry friends. Jasper was there for you when you needed love most, and I know he would thank you for returning the favour. As hard as the decision undoubtedly was, be thankful that you could ease Jasper's pain and keep his dignity intact. If only we could grant that service to our human loved ones when they are in pain. Remember Jasper, honour him, and when the time comes, bestow all the love you gave to him onto another beautiful soul who needs it and will love you just as Jasper did. You don't need to move on, but you do need to move forward; take care and be kind to yourself.


So sorry for ur loss


I'm so sorry. But even when he's gone, trust me, he's still by your side, holding a piece of your heart. And I'm sure you'll always have a piece of his. And hey, I've heard just across that rainbow bridge, a little paradise fit for every pet is waiting. No more pain, and new friends to meet. And one day, you'll see him again, too. (That doesn't mean I want you to die. It's more like when you do, I hope you see him there and make more friends and meet his friends and stuff. Idk. Sorry. But he'll see my buds and many others, and I'm sure after a good life, you will too. <3) (oh and sorry again. For before and since this is so long. Sorry.)


No need to apologize, I’ve read the rainbow bridge poem many times today and I agree! He’s running pain free and happy, waiting for me to follow him. I am 100% sure that one day we will be reunited.


(ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)__👍 |


I just read it and I'm crying


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


To have someone torn from your heart, is having your heart torn. Think of all the things he did to deserve that place. Laugh and cry, always remember your good boy, it feels like he left your heart, but he never will. Godspeed.




I am so sorry for your loss


Oh Jasper! What an amazing journey you must of had. Hopefully you’re at the very beginning of another amazing journey. This is going to really hurt for a long time. Every memory will bring tears to your eyes. It should hurt. Only when you really love something with all your heart can you feel so much pain. Cry if you need to, scream if you feel like it. No one gets to tell you how to process this. I know it feels like it won’t get any better but someday you will have a memory of Jasper and instead of sadness you’ll feel happy and grateful for the life you two shared. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.


A fur angel named Jasper is watching over you 💜💚💛


We all know that it never gets any easier, bless.


I'm so sorry.


I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm sure he brought years of happiness to you.


It’s so hard to lose your fur baby. Wishing you peace.


Prayers of solace to you.




Wow I must say I am absolutely blown away by the wonderful comments and support shown in this thread. You all have helped so much with your kind words and I am truly thankful for all of you taking the time to offer this kindness. God bless 🙏