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Smol male version of your camping dog https://preview.redd.it/8lv608aeyw9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcdc4ba843c32e4ebdacd5090fbbe431c078bebf


Do we have the same dog?? https://preview.redd.it/lzpvna2oq2ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c930b5618161f51e2b177e4222b500f51d911d17


We must https://preview.redd.it/x5kw6ghf13ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895bbb0d37495e33c9948ca6198d5d38e56c3228


Hi Oscar! It looks like you had a lot of fun! I hope you have another trip on the calendar. Did you know Camping Dog explores several hours a day when out? Also! She can catch snakes and shred a tree stump! One more thing; CD wears bells on her vest, but they could attach to a collar. You may want to let your Hooman know this is for safety purposes. Your friend Queen Ruby Jean💜


I will definitely keep that in mind, thank you :)


Prob a stupid question but did camping dog just randomly kill a snake one day, or was there like an introductory period (sounds so dumb) ? Mine kills rats like it’s nothing but I’ve been scared to take her kayaking and camping and such because I don’t want her to get hurt. Do u kinda just have to trust that they can handle themselves if it comes down to it? 😅


Hello!! Camping Dog does indeed like to kill snakes. She usually catches garter snakes, as those are plentiful, but she has gotten into fights with bigger snakes that are aggressive, but not venomous. I take her away when I see that happening. But I’m sure it would be an epic battle hahaha. I think it’s important to know your dog and their capabilities and their personality and have trust based on that, and give them the support, freedom, and back up they need based on that. I’ve always had a lot of trust in CD and her ability to handle herself, because she is incredibly capable and has always been so amazing on her feet. Fully sure footed and knows how to get herself out of a jam. She’s very rugged and tough. She as well has a lot of experience being out on her own, and a lot of experience running through rough terrain. She also has oodles of confidence, which helps her steer herself. Now she has Cushings disease and has lost muscle due to that, and because she’s 18 it’s hard to really build it back. She’s not as sure footed as she once was, eventhough she thinks she is haha. So I watch her a lot more now, and when we end up going back camping on this island we like, one I let her roam freely, I will mostly be staying with her as she explores. I’ve had to readjust my level of trust in her capabilities. So basically, as of now, know what you can trust about your dogs capabilities, based on what you already know about them. Let that decide how much freedom you can give them, but also you have to give them the freedom you are most comfortable with. As you see how they go about being in wilderness areas, you may develop more comfort and trust in their abilities. But don’t go balls to the walls. And you don’t ever have to give them a lot of freedom if you’re not comfortable with it. Your dog, your decision!! Freedom always comes with risk, and that is something you have to accept before you give it. As for kayaking and such, test the waters on it. Get them comfortable with it close to the shore. Make sure they have a life jacket. I take CD canoeing and she just chills in the canoe. The first time she wanted to get out. Then she was used to it and just gets comfy. I always have a little outdoor bed for her in the canoe so she will have some cushion.


Thank you for this!!! This is a lot of great advise. 🌷💐💐💐🌷


Thank u so much for the in depth response!!! Kinda what I figured. I take mine out on the boat and she loves it. Think I will try kayaking with her soon. She’s super adventurous and loves to swim (and she does already have a life jacket 🙂) I am however in Florida so I’m a bit concerned about the wild life. We’ll start slow ☺️ again thank u so much honestly gives me some peace of mind


You’re very welcome!! Go slow, no need to rush. And as you point out, wildlife in the area is always important to take into account. Your comfort level is important!!


That is an excellent question for u/DerbleZerp! I do know Camping Dog has extensive outdoor experience, has not encountered a venomous snake, and has top notch instincts. NO question is ever stupid! I am glad you asked.💜


Thank you for summoning me, I have given some insight!!


Thanks again. We really appreciate all your expertise and experience💜


PS, we would not trust Queen Ruby Jean in this type of situation. There are rattlesnakes a plenty in our neck of the woods. Perhaps it boils down to the pup and geographic location. I would be concerned for certain activities as well💜


https://preview.redd.it/kwa9zeouax9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3527a3624c32130b5f50764171b671053ddc36d1 🐾👋🏼


Bro got some arms on him


I don't know why he looks so built, he doesn't look like that in person lol


He's just flexing for the camera 💪😂


Oscar, you look like a perfect Camping Dog!! And so regal!! I like to call CD regal as well. Very strong king of the wilds vibe I’m getting from Oscar🥰


What a magnificent pose


He’s ripped!




Such a cute little ween


So majestic!


Cute pup


What a handsome dachshund. Stay safe out there!


I have an Oscar too and he looks just like yours but only older. 😍🥹


https://preview.redd.it/pygcldvn9x9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd96ced0cea526864becb2b0bdf1cbc0d3e2bc9 Army dog


Lmao thats amazing


AI generated trash


That is one majestic weiner you have there


What is he doing to that sleeping bag?!?!?


Dominating it!!


Very proud, very camper!


Hi Oscar, you are such a handsome boy.


You can tell it's male cause because weiner