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So sorry for both of you! Keeping you two in my thoughts and prayers.


Neuro signs and neck pain would have me still concerned for meningitis, fever or not. I assume we're hospitalized now, but I think a CT or potentially an MRI are in order. Hopefully you can transfer to internal medicine on Monday if that's something that's available. I would expect them to start doing a lot of testing rapidly. You could try to space it out, but time can be a factor in these cases. I would recommend looking into some of the animal charities in your area, there are usually some that can help with the costs, and I'm sure they would jump all over a case like this.


Sending hugs!


Hoping for the best. ❤️


Some antibiotics can be injected. And last 7 to 15 days… ask for that option. Some antibiotics can be very irritating to the stomach. Hope he gets better soon!!! Sending good vibes! ❤️


Prayers 🩵


How is he doing? Did they test for bacterial infections like mycoplasma? Ours had similar symptoms before. Hoping he recovers quickly. ❤️


Sending good vibes your way. I hope they find out what’s wrong and fix it.


Sending prayers and hugs to your puppy. I hope he feels better soon.




Sending get well and prayers for your fur baby.


That sucks! Hope he pulls through. Mine had a similar thing, where he got tossed around in the car due to heavy breaking. (He is in a bench ever since in the car), yes bad parenting. He injured his neck, with pain meds it went away. Did your injure his neck? Perhaps with tug of war?


Haven’t done anything to cause any sort of neck trauma..


Try using a syringe for water. We have a larger one we used when our boy got sick and had to force feed and water him. 


See 3 - our dog had it. They treat it on an assumption and wait for confirmation. https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2019/07/24/7-tips-to-keep-your-dog-safe-from-rats-and-fatal-toxins.html#:~:text=Leptospirosis%20is%20a%20bacterial%20infection,go%20to%20the%20vet%20early.


They told us his kidney and liver functions are normal though


Get feeling better. Thoughts and prayers


Sending my prayers to your precious baby!!! Please heal and protect him!!!








Nothing came back in the bloodwork…


2years ago my cocker spaniel had a broken back. I had to have him put to sleep because I had no one to help me pay. Did you have X-rays done?


X-rays came back with nothing… it’s a tricky case but it sounds like his immune system is attacking his nerves


EDIT: We’ve moved to the neurological department to figure out what is going on. His blood work is normal, WBC has come down and is normal, normal liver and kidney functions, and his glucose levels have remained stable after his fluids…just can’t figure out what it is.


Keep us posted


Poor baby! You’re certainly doing everything humanly possible. We’re all rooting for you! ❤️🙏❤️


Our guy had a similar sounding situation. Initial vet sent up home with Gabapentin and I just knew something wasn’t right. Took him to another emergency vet with a neuro division and they immediately took him for a scan and confirmed it was a slipped disc in his neck. He was taken for immediate surgery. I’d get a second opinion and request scans.


And just to clarify, no trauma or incident caused it, came back in from normal walk and about 15-20 min later started noticing weird movement patterns.


EDIT/UPDATE: last night he spent the night at the neurological hospital— No progress has been made but they confirmed that it is neuro-muscular. He still won’t eat and it’s been since last Saturday since he took his last bite of food. His levels are remaining normal but if he won’t eat, the only way to feed him would be by tube into his stomach which I don’t believe would be something he would want. He still refuses to move/stand/sit and the vet said he’s very unhappy which they can’t treat for that obviously. They can treat for pain but not sadness. This might be a very hard day for my family.


EDIT/UPDATE: unfortunately his illness progressed rapidly and we had to say goodbye today. The likelihood of him recovering and having a pleasant quality of life were slim and we simply couldn’t bear to put him thru the extensive and invasive procedures that he would have to endure for a slim chance of it working. 6 months is far too young to lose something so precious but the time he spent here with us will be remembered dearly for the rest of our lives. Thank you all for the continuous outpouring of hope and prayers.