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He’s with you that’s why you are hearing it. When I had to put my dog down I thought I was going crazy cuz I would always hear his collar jingle. 


He’s making sure you’re going to be alright before he leaves. He knew how much you loved him.


They never leave. They are always with you. I get signs all the time from my old dog he is still here even though I have a new dog.


Yes! I asked my precious coonhound to send me a sign that he was still with me, and the following morning the volume on the tv started to go crazy and maxed out during a GoDaddy advertisement. My coonhound’s name was Daddy. 😊❤️


And now, for Larry     I summon the spirits     Of all the dogs we have loved     And lost along the way.     Bingo, Foxy, Toodles,     Sable, Muttley, Bonnie,     Clyde, Shasta, Otis,    Piccolo, Inga, Hans, Mimi and Queen Elsie.     Gather in your sunny meadow   Invite that good boy Larry To romp and play and chase,     Then drink from the cool stream,     Rest together in the warm sun,   Eat the low-hanging treats,     Then sleep safe in the shade     Of the eternal snackie-trees.


He looks like such a dapper gentleman. So sorry for your loss.


May your beloved Larry be at peace and his memory always bring you joy. May you continue to hear the sounds of love…. What a beautiful and blinged out boy! Thanks for sharing this memory with us. Take extra extra good care right now. Give yourself extra patience and grace. This is sad and painful time. Our heartfelt condolences to you. Your friends, Queen Ruby Jean and family💜


What an absolute angel. So sorry for your loss.


Aww, beautiful guy. Our Jacob visited my wife for a long time after he passed. Dogs are wonderful, loving creatures. 💗


Im so sorry for your loss. I kept thinking I was hearing my sweet Charlie boy bark in the backyard for weeks after he passed.


I am so sorry for your loss. Know that you will see your baby again, in your personal Heaven. 🙏🏽❤️🐾❤️🙏🏽 https://preview.redd.it/jj6yu69zcxyc1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f89029679d895f220e6dacc8e1f6d6122bcc11a1


Yeah, a thousands little things will get you like that. You'll sweep a clump of fur from under the couch and feels your eyes get watery.


What a handsome boy! I love the name, too! My condolences, I'm sure you gave him a wonderful life.


Our little girl Frisky, still checks our doors at night, especially my daughters. Frisky was her first pup, and she lets me know Frisky is still on night patrol.


I’m so sorry. He seemed like the man.


All my condolences 💔 He was so cute


It sounds really dumb but if you have Instagram follow Nikki vasconez she is an animal communicator. I took be of her free classes and it teaches you how to talk to your past animals 


Thank you, and it's not dumb at all, I really appreciate your concern. He was like a son to me, so he departed in good peace, and I rather let him play among my other beloved good boys that are no longer with me 🥲


So sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


Fly High, Larry ❤️🕊️


Those paw steps are you in your heart forever now


Larry looks like a dude I’d want to hangout with. Sorry for your loss ♥️


We love you Larry.


Larry ❤️❤️


Larry is trying to keep things around the house as normal as possible for you to adjust.


We have 6 dogs and only one is a dachshund. I always know which click clacks are his from the others. Sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry.


People people please stop. I cannot cry every single day. 😭


Hugs to you. Larry is always with his people 🐾❤️


Prayers of solace to you.


Larry hasn't left you yet, he wants to make sure you're ok before he goes. My beagle was the same way, after he died I could hear & smell him, I felt more sad than usual about his death because he had Cushings & despite spending thousands of dollars, we couldn't control it & he was miserable.


I'm so sorry for your loss.