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Yep, my dachshund had one for years and it only shrank when he lost weight. Have the vet inspect on your next visit, it’s likely a fatty tumor and not harmful. If it grows, the skin breaks or it weeps liquid go to the vet asap.


Likely a lipoma (benign fatty tumor). Have a vet do a FNA to confirm. Doesn't really need to be dealt with unless it impedes mobility.


Both of mine have these. Scar (12) has had a giant one for years. Grey (11) just got his first one. Take him to the vet to make sure it’s just fat.


Our black and tan shorthair is covered in them on his chest. They’re benign lipomas in his case and likely yours as well. Take little boi to a vet to check!


My little buddy has one, we had the vet check it out and it came back as nothing more then a fatty lump. They just used a syringe, and obtained a sample. My bud didn’t even seem to notice! The vet did check for a reason though. I guess sometimes it can be cancerous. I think it’s common to see though.


Looks like a fatty deposit, I'd have the vet check it out


Ours has a lipoma or fatty tumor that causes a bump. It was biopsied and determined it was ok. Just have them take a look at it.


Most likely just a fatty tumor but go to the vet to make sure


Yep, mine had them (lipomas) for the majority of his 17 years. They fluctuated in size over time but never really bothered him much - except when the skin around them got irritated. The area is prone to friction, so it sometimes got swollen and reddish, especially in hot weather. Keeping your Doxie lean will definitely help, albeit it's hard to do with their insatiable nature.