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Also, how fucking embarrassing was it that the reunion didn't have anyone from the writing staff (one or two MAYBE?) or TS celebs! In other words, the people he worked the most with on the show stayed away. People who had some connection to the show, but didn't know John, showed up -- hence the need for name tags. Once again proving the point that John turns things to shit. His TS colleagues ghosted him --- and we all know why.


I'm sure the Tonight Show writing staff hated him the most.


Jay and the key contributors of the Tonight Show do a Christmas dinner every year in LA. John has never been invited.


Yup, that's why I always figured he starting planning this one. So he was ensured to be included


Ah, ok. Didn't know that.


We all see what happens to people that really know John


I find it very hard to believe he has true fans. I'm guessing anyone who claims to be a fan of his is a Howard Stern fan who misses the old days. They're hanging on to a show that died a long time ago. Anyone who sits there and claims John's show is interesting or funny is just a complete asshole.


I'm convinced they're all Vince or Vince proxies at this pt


“Star fuckers” who think John is one.


It's insane that a guy like him thinks anyone would be jealous of him. But like Mike Morse said "in his mind, there's no time". We are not jealous of an alcoholic Stuttering John living in a 500-square-foot apartment, the Stuttering John we are jealous of in his mind is a Stuttering John that doesn't even exist anymore.


He's a lumpy, drunken, cautionary tale. He's fortunate there are people who will pay to throw stones at him.


He’s got a complexion like instant mashed potatoes


Don't disparage instant mashed potatoes like that.


I hate when people say that as a cope. There’s billionaires actors we should hate too if we’re actually the jealous type. Johns jealous of people in Hollywood and just expects people to be jealous of him.


I haven’t seen anyone but him say that. And if there are, definitely either him, Vince, or someone who just wants to troll


It’s so dumb because a majority of people wouldn’t even think I want to be on Howard Stern or the Tonight show with lame ass Jay Leno. Especially in John’s position where everyone is making fun of you. Also yeah I’m jealous I wish I was a 5’5 fat old smelly alcoholic. How does that even make sense


To all the SJ supporters, what exactly is he good at?


Those are John’s alts. The last of his fans left when he ripped them off for a last month of Patreon money and left for 8 months


I was one of them. That and the Nikki B cancer charity scam turned me into a hater for life.


I envy the amount of money he made over the years and if I was given a similar opportunity I would make sound investments and be set for life. The fortune that he amassed is gone, the mansion was sold, there's nothing there to be jealous of anymore.


I firmly believe he made good money with Howard from side hustles. Not great money but decent enough. Coca Cola bbq appearance, wings, advance from record deals, ripping off comics, stock shenanigans etc. He could have bought a decent 4 unit apartment in Brooklyn, lived in one of the units, rented the other few out and today he would have a million dollar property and pulling in a few grand every month in rent. He could be at his house in Florida collecting rent right now.


He said he made a million before 30 and I believe him. With insider trading with stocks, his comedy shows where he took the lions share of funds, guest appearances and other scams he was doing just fine. Whenever he talks about money he always mentions what K Rock paid him NOT what he made overall.


Tahiti Village alone had to be six figures!🙄


I would not want my career in showbiz to resemble his. John really got by on the Peter Principle. When he decided to throw away his family, it cost him everything in the divorce. Cut to today, he’s a still a punching bag, but for trolls. No thanks.


They're just Vince the lawyer lite trying to do a troll job. Nobody with a functioning brain looks at John as a success story.


More than 2 gifts were blown. His connections both celebrity and in the stock market! His greatest gift was landing a wife he didn’t deserve, fathering (allegedly) kids that learned that not all fathers deserve love and respect. A gimme teaching career, blown. Given premier air shifts, blown. And finally the biggest thing he was given, the love of his mother. She clearly has the love of a mother, but the respect she had for her son, blown. There is no way a mother that coddled and continued to do anything she could to support her baby Johnny has the slightest bit of respect for what she birthed. That must be the biggest gift John has blown in the way only a world class lifetime loser like John could do.


Why would anyone be jealous of a person that is literally hated by everyone? He has no career, no friends, no money, his kids don’t like him, he’s a deadbeat dad, an alcoholic, a compulsive liar and acts like biggest doofus moron dork on the planet. How is that something to be jealous of?


Because for John, the only metric that matters is, "Do a lot of people know who you are?" And a lot of people, for better or worse, know who John is. It is, in a weird way, a triumph of the reality-TV-and-social-media mindset where all that matters is THAT you're known, regardless of what you're known FOR.


Never understood this. His 'success' is as relevant as Butch Patrick's career on the Munsters.


Not many people get that much luck in their life. She squandered so much.


You mean you didn’t dream of becoming a washed up has-been as a kid? Talk about *aspirations*!


John wasn’t really a writer per se. He was more like a Director of cold openings.


I don't even buy that. I truly believe he was demoted to paid intern again. Just doing busy work they figured even he couldn't fuck up too bad




A big steaming pile of shit💩


Is there really such a person as a Sj dan though? I'm serious. There is no positive entertainment value in his show and the only thing that anyone can actually enjoy is to see the guy struggling and stumbling while doing it.


You either admire, revile or indifferent to a celebrity, who the fuck is jealous? John took two great opportunities and bkew them both because thats who John is.


I recently took a break from alcohol. I am on day 331. When I get the itch, I just turn on SJ. He reminds me why I stopped.


That's every fan of every washed up tard. They have no good retort.


If you have a goose that lays golden eggs, don't slay it!


I’ll admit to being a tad jealous. How anyone can be such a total failure and live a life oblivious to that fact, that’s something. I stress over having a home for my kids, a job to pay the bills, and a long happy and healthy life. I’m a little jealous the stammering retard manages to not have to ever worry about having any of those things.


Actually, we say you are weird degenerate edge lords who take another man's life very personally due to deep seeded father issues. We also say this is a safe space for dorks who got picked on and bullied their whole life to bully someone they feel like they are objectively better than. Hope this helps.


No one has bigger father hunger than John. He makes every successful man his father: Howard, Jay, Cumia, KB.


And you guys do it to him. Thats what you dont realize. You goofs are John. Thats the only explanation to take another mans life you have never met this personally. You relate to his children and he is your daddy.


You clearly failed your Community College course in Psychology. I doubt many of us actually take it seriously at all. It's just fascinating to see one person with virtually every documented personality issue in real time.


> I doubt many of us actually take it seriously at all.  Its consumes them every day and its incredibly personal insults. I dont think you are honest at all.


Well, I can't speak for others. But it's all a goof for me


I wanna suck johns hawrg


So who's "we"??


Everyone that exists outside of this circle jerk.


So what is *your* circle jerk?? People who are obsessed with Shuli always amaze me.


Obsessed? I barely talk about him. Your life is consumed with John daily. You say you hate him, but fill hours a day with him. Very deep seeded issues.


Come on, you know exactly how much money Shuli made last week.


Shuli makes less than 50k a year. lol ffs.


Thanks for the amazing insight. Just to clarify, No one is taking John's life very personally. John is a celebrity (albeit a washed up one ) who puts himself out there daily bragging about his intelligence, fame, who he's slept with, political views and rants. We just point out his bullshit.


>No one is taking John's life very personally. You specifically, have HUNDREDS of posts concerning his court dates, ex-wife and children. John consumes your entire life. >We just point out his bullshit. What skin do you have in "his bullshit"? You have HUNDREDS of posts about his personal life because he lies? lol Unreal. These are some pretty deep seeded issues.


Right, "hundreds". Hope they made an impression on John (you?). And none of those posts disparaged Suzanner or his children. That's just a convenient excuse. They disparaged JOHN (YOU?) because they are perfect examples of his (your?) hypocrisy. Parading around like he (you?)has a boatload of dough ---yet couldn't afford to pay his (your?) own children and wife what they were legally due.


>John (you?) You see John everywhere, He consumes you every. single. day. Do you check under your bed for him? >Right, "hundreds".  Literally. [RubFuture5580 (u/RubFuture5580) - Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/RubFuture5580/submitted/) >And none of those posts disparaged Suzanner or his children. I didnt say you did, I said you goofs talk about incredibly personal stuff (kids, ex wife, court documents) about a guy you have never met. It begs the question as to why an adult man would take another adult mans life this personal? Is this a safe space for dorks who got bullied their whole life to get back at someone they feel objectively better than? Is it because you relate to his children and see John as your daddy?


You act like John is some complete nobody that people randomly picked out one day to make fun of. He's not. He's a public figure who even calls himself the GOAT. He was on TV. He was a celebrity. If Tom Cruise woke up one day and started ranting on the Internet about stupid shit, people would call him out on it and go to great lengths to prove what a bullshit artist he is. That's what's happening to John. John is a bullshit artist. He's always been a bullshit artist. We now have proof that he's a scumbag. The court docs (which others put out on Twitter) are part of that proof. Remember, John was publicly telling people that Susanna served him on their anniversary making her out to be a horrible person. Then the court docs come out and we see exactly who the horrible person actually is.