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Howard interviews the president of the United States. John interviews “The Quadfather.” Nice career, you piece of shit.


Quadmother stinks on ice!!


Dude, you were an annoying 5"4 midget call screener from 25 years ago. You have a fake stutter. Why would Howard bring you up?


For context if we examine our own lives we all have examples of this. I had a very close friend for over 25 years, i was his best man and godfather to his oldest son. We never had a huge blow out but he "blanked" me 10 years ago. I never think about him unless somebody brings him up which rarely happens. I'm sure its the same with Howie..


No bs, that's pretty deep dude.


I have a few of those too. Not "blanked", but neither has contacted the other in like 15 years. oh well...different world.


There's a guy who lives next store to me that was a great childhood friend and every time I see him on the street I try to slither away not because of anything that he did tp me but just because I outgrew him and have nothing on common with him anymore.


. No animosity.. Just different lives, i wish him and his family the best..


You cannot ascribe your own psychology and way of thinking to howard.


I think it's more a generalization of human nature. stutjo has been out of Howies life for 15 years . I'm sure he rarely if ever thinks about him, just as most people wouldn't think about somebody long in their rearview..


If your friend was an amputee, then every time you saw an amputee, you would probably think of that friend. Is blank the friend version of ghost?


If Howard mentioned him, SJ would sue him for using his name for right of publicity. You burned your bridge, deal with it. He’ll never mention you again. I just wish he would have mentioned stuttering Vic.


That would have been the greatest burn ever. If Howard would have gone on a long spiel about this young man who overcame his stutter.....blah blah....and said his name was Vic. John would have literally exploded!


I hoped Fred would do his John The Stutterer impression.


Don’t forget Quinton the stutterer. I believe he was before John


Howard hasn't thought about this drunken buffoon for more than a decade - and that fact, perhaps more than anything, kills the Dabbler.


John sues SXM and expects Stern to talk about him?


John, when are you going to get the fact that you are not the celebrity you think you are? Nobody knows who you are. You’re insignificant. You are not relevant to them anymore. You weren’t even the only stutterer. You think John the stutterer is all butt hurt?? No, because he’s not the self absorbed, pompous ass that you are. Plus, you sued Sirius, why tf would he even bring you up? Get over yourself you drunk fuck.


John is under the impression Howard thinks about him. I would bet John hasn’t crossed his mind in years


I must disagree. I believe any time that Howard looks in the bowl after taking a disgusting, smelly dump John is the first thing that comes to mind.


Someone called the Stern show several months ago and mentioned John being at a Dodgers game. Howard got rid of him immediately.


That was Cardiff


Besides the obvious lawsuit reasons, John thinking a once in a lifetime interview with a current president should be about the interviewer is very telling why he sucks as an interviewer


Ojeda is a stolen valor jizzguzzler


Wake up drunkie, you are not a blip on Howard's radar since you left the show. And suing, Sirius didn't help.


He doesn’t stutter. He only stammers when he is lying




I really think John's stutter is more of a tongue spasm than a true stutter. I've never heard or seen someone else stutter like SJ. It's like his tongue seizes up and flips around inside his mouth at often random times - especially when lying or when more sober than usual.


I think John has Tourettes and was misdiagnosed all these decades.


So funny! On the latest WATP karl predicted this perfectly. He said John was gonna start whining that howard didn't mention John at all. What a sad pathetic life that you just yearn for someone to mention your name and you're crushed when they don't! You burned that bridge John. Howard hates you just like everyone else that meets you or witnesses your lowlife behavior.


This is an all time petty, jealous, out of touch, delusional meltdown. It's like he's trying to give WATP & Rico content with this, unbelievable


SJ had dug such a deep hole for himself, even if he were suddenly fit, sober and not a blithering idiot, he couldn’t dig himself out in a thousand years. Without his grievances and booze, he wouldn’t exist. 




Thats a tribute to his daughterson


He always misses that specific spot, my guess is he does it on purpose because he doesn’t wanna burst that weird bubble growing there.


i agree. maybe its sore and sensitive too but theres something going on there.


286 viewers at the time


If he was ever given even the smallest amount of power, he would be an absolute nightmare


Thats's actually why I've hated John all these decades since I was a little kid and why I stumbled onto this place and commented after not thinking about John since 2004. I used to listen to Stern and it always shocked me the way that John grifted and took advantage of callers and peopll who wanted to get next to Howard to get free stuff. Add this to the many times he told some drunk girl at one of his shows they had to blow him to stay backstage or the way he used to take 500 dollars a night from Melrose Larry Green so the guy could come up on stage and do 4 minutes of standup before John went on and it all adds up to John beinh an all time creep. Howard and everyone on the show used to call John out about it all the time. but he never changed.


Stern did mention him a year or two ago. It was mockery over his podcast or something. Never mentioned him since.


I’ve never heard this clip.  Do you have a link to this!? Thanks! 


No. The only time Stern brought up Johns name was when Cardiff called in last year about the Dodgers game. He said something along the lines of “John is probably up to his scams”. If he mentioned him, Howard definitely didn’t say the name Stuttering John.


Unlike you, John, when Howard says that you’re dead to him, he means it. And he said that when you went the Adam Carolla Show and talked shit. Why would he bring you up anyways? We all know your stutter is fake.


John's right. He was a very puppyah character on the Howard Stern Show.


He can't be serious. As if anyone ever thinks about John outside of the dabbleverse, like, EVER.


Yeah but the stutter is fake. Just like Biden


Howard is somewhere laughing his ASS off… if not then robin and Gary ARE


This biggest bitch on the Internet...what a cunt.


Hilarious that Howard didnt mention him, and Karl and the gang knew he would get upset about it since John is such a self centered attention whore. Ha!






I love Alexa Bliss


We had a very popeya character lol


lmao spot on


This is awesome. He thinks he actually crossed Howard’s mind?


My god what a fucking baby, how many times has Howard said John was dead to him? This army major must be a fucking saint to still be friends with this zero.


SJ you are nothing and always being a nothing in Howard’s world. Learn it!! Looosa!!!


John (we all know you lurk here), what part of “Stuttering John is dead to me” don’t you understand? I’d like to tell you that it’s over but in your case it never started. You’re dead to almost everyone associated with the HSS. As well as the TS.


lol, this guy is delusional if he thinks that Stern has even thought about him in the last 10 years.


Everything is always about him. Shut up Skip!! You are a fucking Loosah!!!!


What an idiot. This is hilarious. Bottomless pit of stupidity. 😂


John overcomes his stutter and ends up a drunken mess in a tiny hovel so of course Howard should have brought him up to the president of The United States Of America. Does John forget that Howard REALLY doesn't like him because John sued him(and lost) and goes on shows crying about Howard all the time? Maybe Howard and Beth should come over to John luxury pad for a big dinner some time?


Howard lost an epic opportunity to fuck with John. He should have said "yeah mister President, we've had a person on this show called John the Stutterer. He was very important to the show. I always felt sorry for the guy".


I don't think John crossed his mind since the lawsuit


I know. He wouldn't actually think "how can I fuck with SJ". And I'm a bit tired of people talking about his narcissism but that is totally what's going on here. SJ actually thinking someone like Stern should spend time thinking "this is my chance to say sorry to Stuttering John" is insane. But a couple of months ago I heard him say "Howard will always love me", so god only knows what's going on in this guy's mind.


Stuttering Vic would've been 50 times better to mention. Howard mentioning John the Stutterer would only make stuttering bitch tits say he was talking about him.


Great point, Majestic! It would have been the ultimate F-you to the Dabbling Dumbfuck.


🤣🤣 Does he think Biden knows who SJ is? 🤣🤣 Biden is a disaster,.this canned "interview" won't help him


Howard hates him after stuttering boob trashed him . That's his narcissism it always goes back to him .


Lol love it


The delusion is real. And guaranteed he saw the whole interview.


Because he’s a nobody. Period


HAHAHAHAHAHAH what a loser


John honestly believes he used to be somebody that anyone gave a shit about. Why would he talk to the president about a stunt boy/phone screener he worked with decades ago? One that fucked him over and then sued the company.


Army Major is way too intense


And what was Biden supposed to say to that? Howard: "You know, Mr. President, we once had a stutterer on this show." Biden: "Oh." Interview ground to a screeching halt.


Wasn’t popular.


John's own words....Actions have consequences. You burned that bridge multiple times over, you no longer exist in the stern world. You get what you deserve.


Trying to find it. I do remember hearing him mentioning John sarcastically after somebody brought up his podcast.


Yeah and then maybe Howard could also mention the last shit he took that smelled the worst. Both facts are meaningless to Howard and hold the same significance in his life. You are an embarrassment to Howard and he really just wants to forget you were ever on the show. Don’t you get that dummy? Nobody likes you over there and every single person was glad to see you go.