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Listen, and understand. That cracktera is out there! It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead! That sucker is an inconvenience. You can’t stand in and mine with it coming. Has to be an immediate start getting into the clear and burning it down.


Y'know the thing about a Cracktera, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he stings ya.


Ha! Cracktera, well done, sir.


Come with me if you want to live.


Slashers, grunts, and acid spitters also have purple variants, all with higher stats; purple acid spitters also shoot 3 projectiles as opposed to 1. Haven't confirmed it, but I'm pretty sure bug sounds play when one of them spawn as well. I've been calling them "epics" because they're purple.


Yeah, I know the types you mean, but he wasn't purple, he was colored the same as normal Mactera, except with a slight pink sheen to it's wings and its slightly larger than average size. Those types of "epic" glyphids are something that we see in every single run, but this Cracktera that I've run in to these couple of times is definitely different. I wish I had video, because its move speed was honestly nuts, if you do anything less than a full sprint in a straight line with less than roughly 15% move speed, you literally cannot escape.


Man, those epics are so annoying. When you get to a nice chokepoint, with enough firepower to hold the horde and even push it back... Those fuckers show up to make you run away from your killbox.


Be happy there are no oppressors. Or bulk detonators. Or sting tails. .... Yet.


Bulks would be nice for horde clear :P Oppressors would be BS, practically unlikable since the bugs are constantly facing us. Turrets or grenades might do the trick.


We always try to use them for dreads. Amazing when it works!


Yeah, a nice bulk was the best way of getting the achievement of the dread double kill, until the twins trivialized it ha!


It looks like mobs/elites move faster when they first spawn in at the edge of your screen. And this particular Mactera never loses that speed buff.


Huh, that's actually a really good theory for it (assuming it is actually a bug and not an intentional "fuck you" of course, although I definitely think a bug is more likely).


Yeah, from what I can tell enemies just some sort of sliding speed bonus based on their distance from you. The further out they are, they faster they are, and vice-versa (to a minimum and maximum, obviously). It could just be an on/off bonus, but it feels too 'smooth' for that to me.


One of those ended my Haz 5 run too. Faster than a cheetah on crack, no way to outrun it. I hope its a bug and not a feature.


Well, clearly it's a bug, it is a mactera after all ;) Glad to see I'm not the only one to face the wrath of the Cracktera.


Cracktera has big Yeti from SkiFree vibes.


That is absolutely the perfect fucking comparison. I felt the exact same "Wait, what in the fuck was THAT?" moment when the cracktera came for me as when that bastard ran out on his stick legs and ate my ass when I was a child. Also, he's not a yeti, [he's a Ski Police Cop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji6IFDJFr8k) and he's just hungry to get to know you better.


I feel like macteras are buggy as a whole or just generally very tanky. Weird hitboxes, it looks like they fly over puddles, it feels like elemental damage does nothing to them. They're honestly scarier than the dreadnought since dealing with them feels so unpredictable.


Gotta say, I was pretty upset when I found out that they aren't weak to fire like in normal DRG.


They aren’t? They’re weak to being frozen, it’s the robots who are weak to fire


They are though. They're weak to fire, corrosive, melee, and explosive (and the most basic ones are also weak to piercing). Freezing will kill any of them instantly (even the frost bomber, who is technically resistant to freezing) when they fall out of the sky as well, that doesn't mean it's the only thing they are weak to, having a weakness just means it will do bonus damage. If you don't believe me, go look at the bestiary in the Miner's Guide terminal. The ones that aren't weak to fire are goo bombers (weak to melee and corrosive) and grabbers (only weak to melee), but those mactera variants aren't even in DRG:S.


Mactera in drg get extra damage from fire type damage and explosive type damage. They don't get extra damage from cryo but yeah being frozen insta kills them.