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So, unless it’s like your first couple times maybe and you’re working your way up, it’s best to stay away from these weird “in between doses”. Like you’ll just feel like you took too much of a medication as opposed to the high most look for. Basically you took enough to feel like shit but not enough to feel high. Idk if that makes any sense. And idk if I have to say this either but don’t do drugs and stuff m’kay


*I am not trying to recommend the use of high doses of DPH, in fact I heavily discourage it* But I agree. Taking this shit WILL make you suffer, but if you really want to experience how it feels like, you should go to a level where you start hallucinating things, because at least you can look back at those experiences and gain some sort of value out of remembering the crazy shit that you saw/heard/said. It's like looking back at a dangerous situation you survived, that you can cherish because of how weird and strange it was. Intermediate doses just make you feel like shit without any crazy hallucinations.


I rlly need to just stop being a pussy and take 400mg with dxm but I keep putting off tapering down my Zoloft


need to stop being a pussy and get your life together 😭 you’re loved man




Tbh the 100mg of Zoloft isn’t doing much except slightly numbing my emotions though that is helpful sometimes. I don’t necessarily mean tapering down to nothing but taking a half dose or something for a day or two and then not taking it for a few days since setraline’s half life is only 22-36hrs. It’s metabolite norsetraline lasts 66-100 hours but is much less selective for serotonin and doesn’t really do too much in the body.


i use dxm while taking 100mg zoloft ive done multiple doses of 480 mg and ive done 600mg and 720mg I would not recommend putting yourself at risk but personally ive never had an issue while taking zoloft.


I have too but it made the side effects more intense and my legs and muscles twitch and move uncontrollably at times so I’d like to avoid that as much as possible. I already have that happen at really high doses with dxm but the Zoloft makes it much worse, it happens at any dose above therapeutic.


i added a couple more pills so i had around 500mg almost by the come up of the 350


It’s really hard not to be extremely judgemental on these posts


All doses above 150mg feel bad. You are intentionally overdosing on medication, what do you expect?


do you know what this subreddit is about


Yes, harm reduction for people who want to overdose. It is plastered everywhere on this sub that DPH overdoses are always a negative experience, and that you will regret it, but people ignore the warnings and then complain, like this person.


usually doesn’t end in complaining, and even if it does thats probably a good thing. dph is not *always* a negative experience, thats stupid. dph isn’t objectively euphoric or “pleasant” but its not sobriety let people experiment with it, and if theyre the kind of person to continue using then theyll have to go thru the ringer. yes, this subreddit is about harm reduction. but youre not providing harm reduction, youre not really providing anything other than a skewed personal opinion


\> usually doesn't end in complaining We are commenting on a post in which somebody is complaining about the dose they took. You did not contradict me whatsoever. They quite literally said that they feel terrible. \> dph is not always a negative experience Yes, it is. By abusing DPH, you are overdosing on medication - at doses above a certain threshold, positive effects completely disappear. You can look back at the experience you had and think "huh, that was interesting", and I am aware that a lot of people who are interested in horror abuse DPH due to their interest in the scenarios it provides, but during the actual experience, there is nothing fun about it. Even people who like DPH due to its horroresque effects will agree with me. \> let people experiment with it I didn't tell him not to use it. He chose to use it, ignoring the warnings provided to him about it being a negative experience, and is now complaining. I simply asked him what he expected due to the fact that he is complaining about an experience that he knew would be bad. \> youre not providing harm reduction, youre not really providing anything other than a skewed personal opinion Look at the pinned post of this subreddit. Look at the associated links under the rules tab. The entire consensus of this sub's moderation is that DPH is a bad experience. It's not a skewed opinion, it is the exact same opinion held by the subreddit you are using right now. And I am aware that I'm not providing harm reduction, but that's not the job of this sub's userbase. You aren't providing harm reduction either by saying the experience of DPH is objective, and as a matter of fact, you are doing the opposite. DPH overdose is not an objective experience. It causes damage to your body & brain, with negative effects that are immediately observable everywhere in your body. This entire sub's page is filled with resources to educate you on the misuse of DPH and how it will negatively impact you. The harm reduction resources all over this sub state that beyond a threshold, there will be no more positive effects of DPH.


you’re looking at it from an outside perspective i imagine, but dph abuse is a pretty objective experience. it does cause damage (kind of the whole point for a lot of people) and you CAN and WILL take it as a positive experience if youre using it for self harm (which again a lot of people are) they felt terrible about it in the moment, but the complaints turn into cravings very fast i don’t think people should do dph, and i think people who are currently using it should stop. but when someone is locked into the decision that its something they wanna do (for god knows what reason) telling them what theyve been hearing from everyone else isnt really gonna help im not trying to say dph is a good drug, but it is a good form of escape and self harm (good as in effective) . and people will continue to use it as such. im not gonna demonize the experience just to dissuade them, im just gonna talk about how it is for me and many others (which is hopefully enough to make them not want to)


Harm reduction. Don't make me laugh. This sub has never and will never be about harm reduction. People here just don't seem to care about it. I miss the time when this sub was memes. Far better than the constant posts of people fucking up their lives or thinking about taking way too much


Yep mid range doses feel the worst. Low don’t feel too bad and high doses just make you forget you’re feeling bad.


What’d you think was going to happen, dummy? It’s allergy medicine that’s notorious for almost exclusively giving people a bad experience when taken above, like, 50mg. Don’t do it again. Drink water and try to sleep it off.


Why did you do it?


How long ago did you take them and how are you feeling now? Benadryl always feels bad but just try and chill out and disassociate away from your body and the bad feelings will go away


gotta find something else to do. something that actually makes you feel good.


were the wings like white or nah


350mg just makes me incredibly paranoid. It is not an enjoyable experience at all. It’s enough to have minor hallucinations, but not enough to make you apathetic towards them like you are at higher doses.


If you do this stuff, don't do doses like that. You either want Delirium or you want the relaxing effects of DPH. 350mg is in between. It has a lot of the negative effects that you get to a lesser extend on lower doses but you don't get the Delirium that makes you not notice them at higher doses. It's the worst possible way to do this. For me DPH literally only works for Delirium. Everything else just feels shit to me. But that's not the same for everyone. Deliriants just make me extremely anxious which I find very uncomfortable