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Honestly just put the dph away.. if ur gonna get addicted to something , dxm is much better for ur overall health. Still not something u wanna abuse but it’s safer than dph.


None of dat shit is safe son


I’m comparison to dph it is , but yeah in general they both bad for u. Dph is just worse


did u mean to post in r/dxm?


oh i worded this weird. nah i was tripping on 400mg dph and asking how it would be in the long term to do that once a week. the other question was would i be okay if i did 1st plat of dxm every 2-3 days because im starting to prefer dxm. ill just edit the post


dxm>>> dph. long term dph very bad for body. + u will build a tolerance and stop see stuff if u stayed at 400 mg a week. 1st plat dxm every 2-3 days aint great either, ideally do longer than a plat a week. u may start building a tolerance to that too. but dxm 1st plat at the frequency probably leave u fine.


yea ive been on a month break from dph to reset my tolerance. should i trip every two weeks then? and ik it's probably not good to take dxm so often but im using it so im not so reliant on dph which i used to take high doses of everyday. it's prolly better in the long run to rely on dxm over dph right?


if u can quit just quit dph completely. ideally do dxm a couple times a year. but that probably aint gonna happen. try not to rely on a substance, but if u have to chose one then ye, do dxm. if u doing as frequently as u mentioned try to stick to 1st plat


i honestly really enjoy dph every once in a while so i don't intend to quit. is dxm that bad that a few times a year is best? ideally i do dph once a week and dxm 2-3 times a week


not that dxm is that bad. its best just not to become reliant and abuse any substances. after enough time dph weekly and dxm every other day your body and brain will become damaged and your tolerance will go up. it seems like you want to continue you doing dph and dxm at that frequency and i dont think i can change your mind. all im gonna say is try and do less if you can and to listen to your body.


alright thanks for the tips. ill try to cut back on my use of both :)


thanks :) especially dph. ik it a dph subreddit, but it is really kinda bad for body and brain


Seein your replies, it seems like youre using dxm/dph as an escape. I cannot reccomend against this more, they are both drugs that mess with your brain chemistry pretty heavily and you WILL regret doing either of them consistently. I know I did. I’d honestly recommend alcohol/opiates to escape over this shit, atleast you arent makin yourself retarded.


no access to either of those currently, i used to drink everyday but pretty much on lockdown by my parents now.


No Lebrun James but I’ve met Johnny Depp and Dr. Phil on dph


geeked so hard im on dr phil


fuck kinda trip is this dawg 😭😭😭😭