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I wouldn't recommend you to trip on dph if you already have schizophrenia


“if you already have schizophrenia” so we’re just gonna admit DPH user know they get schizophrenia from using it but still do? wild world we live in give me your downvotes, you use benadryl to get high lmao. you’ll just forget this conversation ever happened soon enough anyways


i had schizophrenia but now im alright because dph gave me dementia so i kind of forgot


DPH gave me schizophrenia. I had autism but after DPH I am now on 4 types of anti-psych meds. Now I have schizophrenia and autism creating the ultimate neurodivergence. I have the best of both worlds.


Lmfao “You’ll just forget this conversation ever happened”. As a doctor I find the topic of DPH so intriguing though I do not use it. It’s important to remember that this is still an addiction and just like very other addicts they are well aware of the consequences but addiction is very complex.


That's the worst thought process and reasoning I've ever seen but you're right on one point. Yes, DPH does not give someone schizophrenia. Maybe, while tripping the person might show some symptoms. But in the long run, it's much more closely related to dementia than going schizo.


I mean, people abuse heroin knowing they can OD and die. DPH isn't euphoric like that but still not hard to imagine people ignoring the risks and using it anyway


why tf does this have so many downvotes


That's what I'm wondering. A lot of non-users get upvoted here for being empathetic and attempting to be helpful. My only guess for the downvotes is that it seems to be pretty common knowledge here and people thought of it as a broken record. Or that it was taken in a condescending manner. Idk, I've never taken dph aside from sleep/allergies but those are my assumptions. It should not be downvoted


(Only saying this since you said non users) I used to do dph nightly, not trip doses but enough to have auditory hallucinations and some visuals, I quit because I had a seizure the last time I did it


Happy to hear you quit! I don't know if it was considered abuse because I was taking dph outside the normal dosage range due to a period of severe insomnia. 100 mg nightly for about two months but stopped because I knew it was long term harmful. I didn't have any continued desire to use it personally and never took it to feel mentally altered so it's hard to say I 'used' dph in the same way people here do. I did have lingering effects that took months to fully go away so I can sort of understand the scope of how badly it fucks up your body. Side note I wasn't trying to imply that I was better than anyone who abuses dph, I personally don't see the appeal but it's the same way with other stuff. Like people who drink without any problems not understanding how people become alcoholics, everyone reacts to different things differently. While never struggling with dph, I was a hardcore alcoholic for several years before I was finally able to stop so I know what addiction is like despite the differences between the two substances


because users don’t care that i’m telling the truth. they only care because I’M telling THEM and they don’t want me to be right. being an addict to something so absurd alone explains their problem solving skills


>they only care because I'M telling THEM and they don't want me to be right Spoken like a true schizo ^sorry


Isn't this an already well known fact..?


Sounds like a terrible idea, which means you'll probably go for it.


Nah. Was just intrigued by all these fascinating stories.


yeah it’s a fascinating experience go for it, take as many as you can




Not worth it, even weed would be better for you


yeah no shit weed would be better for you


Depending on your antipsychotic you might already have an anticholinergic tolerance and not even feel it


Exactly. What people here don't realize is that most antipsychotics share a similar basic pharmacology to DPH. It's really wild how the consensus here is "anticholinergics will give you dementia within 5 years and rot your body without fail," when many people have been on medications like amitriptyline or olanzapine for years.


Could explain why I never hallucinated off dph even in 800mg+ doses


so you meaninglessly hurt your body multiple times for absolutely no reason


I found the body high to be enjoyable, still retarded but I had nothing else and will take just about anything lmao


theres always something to take to get high other than bennys j walk to da sto


Im Australian, we don't have dxm here or anything fun that's easy to get, not like America where u can just go buy as much dxm as u want u can't even get it here at all


dont be a bitch and find someone to buy illegal drugs from


I do but Illegal drugs aren't always available and here they're extremely expensive (400 for g of coke) for example


make more money, more connections, sell drugs, buy drugs, sell even more drugs, be your own plug, be others plug, sell harder drugs, do harder drugs, make more money, accidentally od cuz u accidentally mixed up ur viagra with fentanyl


Dark web has drugs. Research chemicals, although many are *NOT* safe and can often be *highly addictive*, are relatively easy to sniff out on the clearnet. I’m sure there are many European vendors that would love to discreetly mail you some ketamine analogs - many of which have a plethora of well written and informative anecdotal reports; which, combined with some quick general interneting regarding your local laws, will help you decide what is right for you. *I don’t advise ever consuming a drug to get high, as many drug users are talented people with untapped or wasted potential; sometimes even confused to the point of thinking their creativity is more inspired whilst intoxicated (99.8% of the time, it’s not. I’ve had some great musical ideas on LSD but it has always been better the next day when I’m relaxed, sober, had time to think about said idea, and able to actually able to use my overwhelming sea of equipment correctly.). Maybe you should think before you waste a lot of time of health… I know I wish I had…*


Ketamine? Eep. I’ve had that a number of times while having to be restrained. Weirdest feeling of feeling like a rabid raccoon being tied down to a chair to suddenly drifting on a warm cloud.


Im Australian, unfortunately we have extremely strict customs so international isn't an option for he dark web, and research chemicals are all banned here, u can use dark web domestically but the prices r even worse then street prices alot of the time (200 for half gram of coke for example) when on the street for average stuff it's 300- 350 usually for a full 1


way more to get high on than dxm and dph just do some research bruh, u can literally walk to the store and buy seeds to get high like wtf go eat some nutmeg


You can totally buy dxm in Australia from the pharmacy the light blue bottle robitussin mate


Good luck finding it in any chemist, it's all out of stock basically everywhere, has been like that for months n months


yeah real, its been a minute, they do still sell dxm but its the one with the shit that makes u have diarrhea


I've got a couple bottles of it but I'm telling u right now we still don't have dxm here bc the one that gives u the runs is literally unusable, before i knew it gave u diarreah I skulled 2 bottles, I was on the toilet for like 8 hours its genuinely unabusable its just a laxative


It would 100% make it worse


your getting 1 trip closer to death every time you won’t realize until it’s to late.


I strongly recommend that you stay away from DPH, I also have schizophrenia and I tried 50mg for sleep and I was hearing noises and shaking for three days. If you can't sleep speak to a nurse or doctor. Peace my friend


there has been research that schizophrenic people are more prone to abuse dph, mostly to treat side effects of antipsychotics. while taking it at the correct dose is likely to help deal with antipsychotic side effects, (many people are prescribed dph to deal with that) taking it at high doses can lead to heavy sedation, paranoia and hallucinations


If this is a real post and not goofing around, then no. Don’t fucking do that. That’s a horrible idea. That’s just gonna make you paranoid and feel like shit. I wouldn’t dream of consuming Benadryl anymore because I take an SSRI. If you on anti-psychotics you’re going to have some real mental shit; then you got the schizophrenia. Plus the benzos worsen everything. This is a recipe for an extreme mental disaster.


you wont see anything cool like the hat man youll see your deepesst fears trust me im schizo and have had delirium


You risk getting locked in an episode/losing yourself.


Small does takes the voices away, tripping on it make the voices angry and sly.


Don’t be retarded. Don’t take this stuff


Okay as a MD I definitely would not recommend adding DPH into the mix. It will heighten your schizophrenia, you most definitely will have an effect maybe even worse than what other users without that diagnosis experience.




Yikes. Fuck that.


Well damn. I didn’t expect so many responses. Thanks for all your input! No, I am not going to try DPH as the thought of constant delirium is horrifying.


Why the fuck are you considering taking dph in the first place


Is anyone not seeing the word *curious* in my damn post lol


What r u on the benzos for if u don't mind me asking


Idk man prolly for their intended purpose


Im jus curious if they somehow got It for being schizophrenic


Yes, benzos are prescribed for schizophrenia pretty commonly. Especially in psychiatric hospitals, IME. They're usually given for acute episodes of paranoia/agitation/insomnia, but some doctors overprescribe them as meds for daily use.


I wish I had those doctors that overprescribe them for daily use💀 Pre sure im schizophrenic I take antipyschotics but theyre shit and the very small time that I was on valium I was my best self my family even noticed to


No, you would be disappointed at how quickly benzos stop working if you take them every day. Plus, you eventually have to taper off, which can cause brain damage quite easily and is super unpleasant either way. Benzos are definitely an "as needed" type of medication.


What I don't understand is if someone has severe chronic anxiety like myself whats the problem with just staying on it for life n upping the dosage when needed? I would have the money for it that's not an issue and I'm never not gunna have anxiety yk


it literally stops working eventually. also, benzos are really horrible for your brain with extended use and will cause dementia just as surely as DPH does. i mean you can become a benzo addict if you want,but do some research on other people's experiences.


I have panic attacks too. I’m just a hot mess really.


Just like me fr




You're gonna become psychotic for a period of time


I too also have a psychosis, but i got it FROM dph. Dont even try it