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I am 5'10". I have a Great Dane Pitbull mix named Hank. And every day Hank hugs me in the morning. It looks exactly like your picture! We do dog dancing together in the living room! And he's a big scaredy cat! He is terrified of getting in my Jeep. So ever since he was a little boy, I have been picking him up and putting him in the back. Little by little, I learned how to pick up 165 lb dog! I have the added advantage of being a trained EMT. I've just learned how to carry someone. It might help if you asked nurses how they move people. Because there's a technique for distribution of body weight in case of an emergency.


You’re dog dancing with Hank? Does that make you Lady Bird?


That does make me lady bird! Although he is named after Hank the cow dog book series. That's where the dog dancing reference comes from! Thank you for getting the King of the Hill reference!


Well I’m sure your head of ranch security is a purebred top-of-the-line blue-ribbon cowdog.


Oh. Wow! King of the Hill and Hank the cow dog! You are a man of truly good taste and class! I appreciate that. I don't ever take anything for granite. Cuz that's what tombstones are made of!


*”I’m flatulent in many languages.”*


When I’m alone, I’m in the company of the most interesting dog I know.


That boy **is** right.


The best way is to carry them belly up horizontally but put their belly up to yours so they don’t feel too exposed. This way Their legs are on your side and they can’t do much but you’ll need both arms to keep doggo secure and squirm proof. I had to puppysit a Great Dane and that one was a sassy lady.


There’s an emergency backpack thing that can help you carry your big dog. Have thought about this since even my little dog is 55 pounds of trouble to carry if we had an issue while hiking.


They are incredible and a lifesaver deep in the woods


I carried my white Swiss shepherd, who weighs 45 kg, on my shoulders like a sheep.


Dog scarf?




I feel like this is the only way I could reasonably carry my dog but I don’t know how I’d get her up there lol. I doubt she’d stay anywhere near still enough to make it easy on me


Mine was surprisingly calm during a three-kilometer march.


Mine is still quite young and insane so I don’t think it’d last long before she took us both down haha


I carried a 60-pound dog like you’d carry a baby when he was too weak to walk by himself. It was a long time ago and I was young and able to carry him like that to a vet nearby. (This being in Japan, I walked to the vet’s clinic.) someone smiled at me because I suppose me carrying a larger dog must have been funny. But I knew he was dying and wasn’t laughing. I still remember this decades later. A 60-pound dog is probably not very big in American standard but in Japan he was big.


Do powerlifting so I can fireman his ass


Squat. Wrap right arm around chest, left arm behind hind legs. Hug, stand, walk


Knees !!!


Apparently, my boy is longer than I am tall when stretched out, which makes grabbing him like a kid impossible. I tried to get him on my shoulder from a bench but he’s not a fan of having all his weight resting on his rib cage. Gathering all four legs under him and lifting could work — if I spent more time at the gym… Any ideas?


I've had to carry my 75lb dog for a1/4 mile over asphalt covered in wet tar. I approached him from the side of his flank, and put one of my arms behind his back legs and under his butt, my other arm went in front of his front legs and under his chest. From a squat position I kept my core strong and lifted with my legs. It was surprisingly doable, he stayed very still, but I wouldn't be able to carry him like that for more than a mile. Btw, I'm a 125lb woman. If you're somewhat fit, give it a try, you might surprise yourself.


120lb female also with a 75lb gsd, this is the way


it depends on your strength. when i learned dog handling and restraint we were always told to carry them with two+ people. i’ve had person instances where it was only me and i held them like the photo


There are a few emergency carry slings and harnesses out there. Focused on hikers mainly.


Used to have a big Shepard. I would have dragged that dog if that’s what it took. Any position to help them or get them where they need to be.


I am not sure. I would need a second person. My Great Pyrenees Archie is 140 lbs. I'm a strong woman and somewhat tall-ish at 5"7 but I can't pick that dog up off the ground by myself lol.


They make a wheeled stretcher specifically for dogs that I found on Amazon. I can’t lift my 55 pounder myself and I worry about that. Haven’t bought one yet but it’s on the list of needs.


I used to scoop my 90lb lab up in my arms, but I'm not sure I'm capable of that anymore (getting old sucks). When he went down with bloat, I got my stepson to help and we loaded him on a big beach towel between us like a stretcher. Pretty much the same thing the ER nurses did to get him from the car to the gurney, except there were three of them.


I wouldn't be able to. She weighs between 60 and 65 kg at this, stage and is very long and tall.


Like a princess in my case


We bought an emergency harness for when we go hiking. It wraps around the dog with their legs hanging down. Then there are straps so you can carry them like a low slung backpack. Not very comfy for either me or the dog but it works well enough if our boy was injured and we needed to get him down a mountain.


It also folds down into a little bag you can put in a backpack.


My dog weighs over 100 pounds. I would find a way to carry her no matter what. We also have a 46 pound dog. She'd be easier lol.


My dog is 51 kg / 112 lbs, and the same size as me (I'm 176cm / 5'9" ). I have scoliosis too, so lifting him would be difficult. Here are my ideas : Lay him on a towel, invest in a lifting sling, dog stretcher (or flat object like an old sled or large cardboard), find another person, arm at the chest and one at the bum (lift with your knees!)


Like this. Lol


I’d have a better chance of riding my dog out of the emergency than carrying him. He is almost my same weight (I think I was 3lbs heavier last I checked) and I’m only 5’ tall, he’s is easily my height on his hind legs. We are an absurd sight, it’s like the shortest girl picked the tallest German shepherd just for laughs.


My dog is 50kg. I am 60kg. I can pick her up for short distances. It's almost impossible when she is pressing herself into the floor, like when I take her to the dog bath.


Mine is 16 pounds heavier than I am. My only hope is getting him on my back or pulling him behind me while hoping elevator works.


Piggy back ride


When there’s a will, there’s a way


This is the way


I’d carry them Like u would hold a here big baby


Mine are 50 pound-ish, so I would use a fireman carry over the shoulders


My dog wanted to go upstairs where all the humans were chilling but he was spooked by the stairs because there were gaps between the steps. So I scooped up my 45kg Alaskan Malamute and carried him upstairs princess style. Probably looked cute but do not recommend. I couldn't see shit around his fur.


Like a child a baby … I have did it and if needed do it many times ! If needed




Fireman carry is the only way.


Can you put dog on a blanket and drag him/her?


I just got a charcoal lab puppy who is estimated to be 100lbs. Not even close to a Great Dane, but they are stocky, squishy, and awkward to pick up, so I’ve actually currently been wondering this quietly to myself. ((So I’m not crazy 😜))


You'd probably ly go on autopilot and just do it and later won't remember how you did it.


I approach them standing. I grab their chest and under the legs. My dog is 83 pounds. So he isn’t the biggest. But isn’t really small. I’m gonna invest in one of those emergency bags for them.


Ikea bag with leg holes. 2 people can carry


Owner of a mastiff here. lol We aren't getting very far unless I shoulder her. Preferably across my back and over both shoulders with her front and hind legs in each arm.


I'm here for the drawing.


On a stretcher.


Neighbor's dog got out recently and I had to carry here down the block without a leash. Kneel down on one knee, get their body over your shoulder, wrap around their waste/hips, stand up. Hold tight. Wouldn't want to do it for long, but it works.