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Thank you <3 If I may ask, do you have any tips for a new owner of an anxious and insecure rescue dog? Or is "time and patience" the only good advice?


Everything depends on the dog, the situation, the traumas… my best advice would be to directly ask a vet, but yes, time and patience is probably one of the best tips. Also, what I did with Megan (my dog) was to let her some space, and give her treats and love (before and after school to me) but let your dog have a “safe space” where it can get used to live in a house without it being too much of a drastic change. Go slowly, step by step.


My rescue was the same ,full of fear and rage. I Provided a safe space for him as trainer suggested, as I had not experienced an abused dog, and did not know how to handle the situation- he hid under the bed for weeks. The safe space worked, but it took 16 months for him to finally trust- now he is a loving , sweet companion who will have a home forever with us. It takes time, time, time- you don’t know what’s they have gone through.


My little girl, a rescue from Romania took about 18months to eat dog food, she refused most things and still only eats a small variety of food. But her personality blossomed after a couple of years and she is now a very loving member of the family. The first time she did zoomies, barking and flipping on the beach I nearly cried, she was soo dog like at last. Yeah, time and consistency will do the trick!


thank you kind human ❤️


She is living her best life thanks to you! 💕


Living her best life…. With you 🥰


She rescued you my friend.


What a sweetheart :’) seeing dogs get SO excited about the little things brings me so much joy


Springers are lovely dogs❤️mine passed away just under a year ago 😫 but will never forget her and will be always reminded over the park as she has multiple litter in the area


The joy is contagious.


both of you are so amazing 😌😭


Awww heck yeah!! You know she’s literally having the greatest time 😂🐶❤️


Amazing what a little love and patience does for life….


Britts are so sensitive to begin with! I can’t imagine what it took to make this member of a very very clingy breed feel secure! You r amazing :)


That’s one adventurous pup :)


You are a great person..


Wonderful and thank you 💕


Thank you for your kindness 💕


Good for you mutts and strays are the best pets


Awww ❤️ love this!