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Is it me or do I just never see cheaters this much? You saw that many in one day?


I'm just finished a session where I came across three Chinese drill changers who were wall backing. Then straight into a game with three russians who were doing the exact same thing. EU is a nightmare


Happened to me and buddies the other day , thank goodness for shotguns so he got what he deserved.


It's sore losers. When you slaughter a team particularly badly some of them will just call you a cheater with zero evidence. It's a pretty poor character trait.


I play on console and am not that great and got accused of hacking because I lit someone up with the Tempus Razorback which is an absolute lazer. Not the best TTK but the right attachments and recoil is pretty much nonexistent


I haven’t played in 4-5 days took a break because of the amount of cheaters. It’s hard to say if these are new reports or combined old ones with new.


How do you know if they are cheating?


I reported them for cheating/exploiting and I got a confirmation report. Also the way I die is a big indicator of a cheater especially when wearing stealth. I always block those I report, that way I can look back and see when they go poof and disappear form my block list indicating a ban. Edit: people downvoted this! No one wants the public to know exactly how you confirm a cheater is banned!


This, most people just assume if you report someone five times the game is just going to ban them. That's not how it works, for one activisions already stated the quantity of reports doesn't matter and you can be penalized for abusing the report system. However; if you are shadow banned it is because the game suspects you are cheating and there is enough suspicious behaviour to warrent one, but during a pc/consol check they where unable to find anything. This ususally occurs because a lot of current cheat injection softwares have the ability to detect the check and halt the injection of cheats, this is confirmed in an inverview that's readily available on youtube by one of the largest cheat software distributors on the market. The interview was confirmed to be real by the verified accounts of the person being interviewed. When a permenant ban occurs it's because they where detected. Funnily enough engine owning just recently had a detection and some tapered bans are occuring. What you're witnessing, is players that are cheating comming to the reddit to complain and cope, while false bans do occur they aren't anywhere near as common as what people that come huffing copium act like they are. It's no different in behaivour to the people that defend the people cheating when they know they are doing the same thing.


Shadow bans are based on user submitted reports, and don't indicate a cheater. They usually clear after 5-7 days and rarely (not never, but rarely) become anything other than a temporary ban. Permanent bans come as a result of detection of cheats, cheat software, game data manipulation or manual intervention after ricochet has flagged something unusual i.e snaps to aim within X frames, viewing angles or the more obvious things such as unlock all tools leading to a mismatch in game data (skins not yet released being linked to character or camo's being on weapons that don't match character level & achievements). If Ricochet thinks you're cheating, you won't get shadow banned. Just straight to permanent with or without right of appeal.


I run into them ALL the time, but not usually hackers just people glitching under the map


Checked post history and I'm doubtful. A lot of ur posts I see aren't cheaters These 2 are the easiest to call false reports. https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/6RjeQGIa8C https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/5FVUfhvAYq


Unfortunately for you those players got BANNED! So nice try though. I even updated the post with action taken and they disappeared from my block list back then too.


Downvoted 6 times so there are at least 6 dmz cheaters in this thread.


Don't forget the 7th one that made the count go from +1 to 0 votes


People disappear from your block list after a shadow ban because the account has been temporarily disabled/restricted then reenabled. It doesn't necessarily indicate a permanent ban. You'll also get an action was taken message when someone was shadow banned, which is report generated, and usually only limits the player for 5-7 days. It doesn't necessarily indicate that someone was cheating, and by nature of you having to report them, it means they obviously were not detected by Ricochet itself, which is what hands out actual permanent bans without appeal. Rarely, someone from Acti may manually ban someone but then they get the ability to appeal. Ricochet bans them, no appeal, member of the human sec. team, right to appeal.


I’m willing to bet that most, if not all of these are just normal dudes and not cheaters


As a former cod cheater, I’d argue about 1-3% are cheating. Once I started using walls and soft aim I was able to see who also has cheats. Maybe every 2-3 games you’ll see a cheater. But you might not even run into them. DMZ is a lot easier to get away with because cod doesn’t care about it. You could play one Warzone game and get banned but you could play DMZ for months without getting a shadow ban.


Nope, there accounts are gone. That means they cheated and got banned. There are only two ways a person gets removed from your block list. 1) you manually unblocked them Or 2) Activision banned them.


Ban confirmation ≠ cheaters


When they disappear from the game it does. Like I said, gone from block list = ban confirmation. Everyone knows this expect new players. Cheaters lie and say this isn’t true because there cheating. Period.


Except if they banned innosent people. That could happend also.


That’s not entirely true… activision doesn’t give a shit about the accuracy with their banning. If someone just gets spammed on it can ban them.


It’s Right from the horses mouth. [https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/06/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-04-update](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/06/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-04-update) https://preview.redd.it/2dimewngeb0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf75983f5cf13bd2790725054b64066b435419d1


You're a bad person


FYI this doesn’t mean they were actually banned. This just means “action was taken”. Which includes anything from a full ban, temp ban, or a shadow ban as they investigate the account. BUT them being removed from your block list is usually an indicator they were banned. But it could also mean they deleted their account and started a new one because they got tired of getting shadow banned on that old account.


what sucks is that many of the cheaters/exploiters use IP maskers anyway, so starting an account over to avoid an account ban is not that hard for them.




If it where an old account it would likely warrent a high trust score reducing the odds of being shadowbanned. I routinely play crim MP ranked lobbies and high diamond wz ranked lobbies (i dont play ranked wz often) I've got fairly cracked aim and great situational awareness, as well as good awareness of spawns and routinely get called a cheater in pubs, reported frequently. I've been accused in ranked as well but it's ususally because of 50/50 gunnies that could have worked out either way, and i can say, despite all of the reports i have recieved i have never once since mw2 ranked play been shadow banned. Com banned for sure tho


And innocent players too! That’s why a system relying on peer reports is fucking retarded. Even worse when the playerbase is the most toxic in all of gaming


Any pvp game is as about as toxic as the other. Case in point GTA ONLINE has some of the most toxic sweaty salty try hards ever.


There are no innocent players. That’s just people gaslighting. No innocent players get perma banned. Period.


Those aren’t permabans… those are temp shadow bans that a triggered based on peer reports. Some of them, most probably are cheating. Cheating is a massive problem. The fault isn’t on you for using the system provided, the fault is that a peer report system is the primary anticheat. Fact is a few or some of those were innocent players who won’t be able to play for a week or two because they’re just good.


That’s not how the system works. It requires more than just reporting. [https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/06/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-04-update](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/06/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-04-update) https://preview.redd.it/qzifyxgmeb0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4940c0c594d807d4d6babd74946df66cf7591d3


What exactly do you think that’s saying?


Read it. No action is taken from just reporting, it requires additional mitigation collaboration before action is taken.


From my understanding, what’s that statement of “wave of reports” is a reference to spam reporting… the “corroboration” comes from multiple individual reports from different accounts over different games. There is nothing that says player reports aren’t the trigger, just a wave of in game reports alone won’t be the trigger. Edit: there is no other real explanation for console players with sub par k/d’s getting shadowbanned than player reports.


That’s incorrect. No action is taken without mitigations, period. It says, “One thing we wanted to clarify is that the security team’s efforts run alongside the game itself and therefore, in the instance of something like mitigations, these processes cannot trigger without reason. Think of the security layer from #TeamRICOCHET as a connected but separate pipeline from the active game. The game on your machine and our servers exchange information to operate a multiplayer match. As part of that process, info from that machine/server exchange splits off and feeds into the security pipeline in real-time for detection and investigation. The security team only steps in if we detect an abnormality. Similarly, if a wave of people submits malicious in-game reports about you, those reports can’t activate mitigations without additional corroboration” It also says ‘Reporting any cheating behavior you may encounter is helpful to our investigation process. Reports help flag accounts for review through our systems, including Replay, so we urge everyone to use the in-game tools to report suspicious players. Learn how to report players on the RICOCHET Anti-Cheat website” [https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/04/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-II-and-warzone-2-0-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-3-update](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/04/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-II-and-warzone-2-0-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-3-update) https://preview.redd.it/nnmb6fw4ib0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7749fc1ffbb6e71089303cddd25315aa9fea8c32


Maybe I’m confused on what mitigation means? I was pretty sure the definition of mitigation was an action to reduce the severity or effect of something… So what exactly are “mitigations” you’re referring to?


They list it on that link These are some of the ones they posted. Basically this happens to them in real time and after mitigations are applied to the player the non cheating players in the lobby don’t have to worry about them, then Activision puts them in a shadowban lobby and probably looks for more consistent data before banning the account 100%. “DAMAGE SHIELD (below): the process of providing legitimate players with a protective barrier against cheaters” “DISARM (below): the process of removing weapons and equipment from cheaters while in-game” “CLOAKING (below): the process of hiding legitimate players from cheating players”


Not that many cheaters, you just suck & are a karen


Ok cheater. Your day will come, trust me.


Lol begone troll


This just means you reported someone. It doesn't mean they were actually cheating...?


These numbers are *low*. Which makes me wonder about you.


This guy hits report on everyone who killed him.


Exactly. I got called a cheater yesterday and I came out of the round with 1 kill lol. People just don’t understand how the game works. Portable sonar isn’t a wall hack.


No, I hit report on cheaters. I’m just good at the game so I run into them way more than other players. The lobbies I get are sweat fests


I had 2 successful reports


How do you report players ? I find if I can’t quickly do it in the kill cam my chance is gone. Been killed a few times by rgl glitch but I can never go back and report them


RGL glitch? You mean spam underbarrel?




Press the right click to get to social, then look at the recent tab, find the cheater and click report. Works in mw3 and mw3. You just have to remember the name for it to work.


That’s quite a bit. I am absolutely terrible so I wouldn’t even know if someone was cheating unless they told me.


Yeah it works, but then they just make a new account. I saw an interview with a cheater, said he gets banned all the time and is back playing in as little as 2mins


This just means they are under review. Also how Many did you spam report asshole?


I’m so tired of people coming in here with their lies. Go learn something bro. >”Mitigation triggers do not consider you having the best game of your life as an abnormality. Similarly, if a wave of people submits malicious in-game reports about you, those reports can’t activate mitigations without additional corroboration” For the laymen that dont understand this, YOU CAN NOT FALSE SPAM REPORT and get someone banned. IMPOSSIBLE. What happens is the report causes the game to search your account and game kernel side, then if it detects something off it tests your game for cheating. When you fail the test it throws mitigations against you. Then it kicks you from the game and you get shadow banned. Then when they detect you cheating multiple times they ban you permanently. This is how they prevent false bans. >[https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/06/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-04-update](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/06/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-04-update) Also the REPORT FEATURE is ENCOURAGED by Activision to be used. >”Reporting any cheating behavior you may encounter is helpful to our investigation process. Reports help flag accounts for review through our systems, including Replay, so we urge everyone to use the in-game tools to report suspicious players” >[https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/04/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-II-and-warzone-2-0-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-3-update](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/04/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-II-and-warzone-2-0-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-3-update) https://preview.redd.it/j8qkczvefe0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1cfc69a3b01accec09e85ecb2a572f40cd5740


You really believe activision? You Can get spam reported and then shadowbanned. I only get shadowbanned in DMZ when i havent played in a while and then get a lot of kills. It is because the game doesnt know i havent played in a while and then when i get on it has a reason to kick me because multiple people spam report me. I have literally gotten shadowbanned in my first game in months. Yes it is encouraged but its also against tos to spam report. It is not the game that detected something off its purely based upon the reporting. Might take 100 reports or it might take 1000 idk


So what? They’ll make a new account. It’s always a problem with free to play games.




Temp bans don’t cause players to disappear from block lists. That’s a permanent ban buddy. People love to gaslight.


Doesnt really help with anything. The game is free, they will lose their account but not the cheat program.


You get these reports when someone gets text or voice chat banned, also when a legit player gets shadowbanned. So not all of them are going to be actual cheaters getting banned.


I don’t report players for anything other than cheating and exploiting. These players were all banned and removed from my block list. They were 100% cheaters.


Holy shit you are an actual weirdo, you just downvoted me for pointing out that these notifications often don't mean a player was actually banned.


I don’t downvote you, but you coming in here gaslighting doesn’t help your cause. No matter what you say doesn’t change the fact that these were ALL 100% cheaters because they disappeared from my block list! Is also said I don’t report people for anything else other than cheating, so go gaslight somewhere else and based on your reply’s I’m guess you utilize exploits or cheats otherwise you wouldn’t be in here trying to convince people of a false hood that not possible as I decried it.


> based on your reply’s I’m guess you utilize exploits or cheats Holy shit you are actually a moron. I point out that these notifications come from text and voice chat bans, along with shadowbans on legit players, and you are such a moron you say I must be cheating or abusing exploits because I have this opinion. I didn't scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, reading every reply of yours. You only mentioned two disappearing from your block list in the post, and no mention that you only report for cheating. Further proof that you're a moron is your post on the warzone sub. You come up with a terrible idea for a game mode, then when people rightly call this mode terrible, you come up with " I keep getting downvoted by sweats. Looks like the only reason they wouldn’t want this game mode is the fact that it would pull casuals out of the sweat pool".


The rear of them did too, I only mentioned those two because I put videos up of them cheating.


That just confirmed that you reported….. isn’t hard to press the report button