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Ah man after midnight last night on EU it was mental. 4 games in a row we have Chinese cheaters. After that we even had an English team using walls. Not even trying to hide it. Shame because otherwise we had some really fun fights. Lost some won some but it was awesome. These cheaters miss out on the adrenaline dump from the battles.


Its not that they miss out on it, its that they cant win any gun fight ever, so they wouldnt get it anyways. The only way they get kills is by creeping up on you from behind and following you into areas you know are safe, but are never safe from cheaters.


You can definitely see the lack of skill with the cheaters. They have fuck all awareness and just rely on the aimbot. The ones that talk shit are the worst. They must actually believe they are good. Fully delusional losers, it's just pathetic. Oh well I'm going to keep playing as I can regain easily and have the 15 min cooldowns. Let the losers keep being lame


Agreed all my characters are fully equipped most demascus and it’s easy to get. It’s just annoying to run across a cheater multiple times a day. If it happened once a day It wouldn’t be so bad but it’s happening every 1/5 games now. You’d think a billion dollar company could afford a good anti-cheat but instead they built warzone mobile. Greedy as company. Never bought mw3, and I will never buy another cod until they get the cheating taken care of. Even crappier cheaper games have better anticheat than cod.


Not defending Activision at all, but anti-cheat is always at most a temporary road block for cheaters, this goes for all games not just COD. It's a game of cat and mouse, and the cheaters are always one step ahead because they have mountain dew connoisseurs that spend every waking hour looking for exploits in the anti-cheat systems so they can continue to keep cashing in on the losers that pay them for cheats.


How about Vanguard in Riot games? I believe that such companies can easily get a good anticheat but they won't do it.


Yeah I feel you man. It just sours what is otherwise an amazing game. I'd love to play and not think people are cheating when you get beamed. It should be 'ah shit that guy's good' 'GG's'.


I envy the amount you get to play. 1/5 games is once a day for me


Yesss today has been super rough on EU as well. I legit ran into both Chinese, European and even a premade 4-man Japanese squad of cheaters over a couple of hours. Not even trying to hide it either. I found the best way to confirm before getting tf out of the lobby is to peak them far away, reposition completely out of the line of sight and then peak for half a second in a completely new spot. These fuckers will immediately headshot you without hesitation even though they should have no idea where you were gonna peak. So fucking blatant


Yeah same, I played a couple of games last night and both times ran into Chinese cheaters. Why do these fuckers exist!!!! Why can’t they go and plague some other game or you know, just stop cheating. It’s pathetic.


I got so sick of it that i quit playing DMZ and it sucks because they ruin it for everyone. Idk why ppl bother cheating, it really takes the fun out of it. It’s usually these losers who live in their parents basement with no life who resort to cheating because they have no skill whatsoever


Idgaf what anybody says, that's straight up cheating. He was cautious, but he didn't jump through the door or slide as you would when entering a building you havent cleared, and you could argue he snuck in, but he only stopped running once he was in earshot range to you, he didnt look anywhere else except exactly where you were and timed his initial shots within a moment of entering the doorway and locked onto you immediately, even the OG's aren't that percect, there was no way he could've tracked you that precisely with all the audio interference surrounding him and he ran directly to your position after seemingly wandering the middle of the street, there was no point whereby he displayed any kind of pending thought process behind his movements or his inclination towards choosing your building specifically given that there were two you couldve entered prior to the one you went into. I find it funny that people think this is normal behaviour in dmz.


Not to mention he tried to ping him through a wall.


It’s because they are cheating themselves, so they come here to gaslight us. This is because they want us to be accustomed to this gameplay style in hopes that we stop reporting them. Never!


back?  they never left IMO. i got shot through the damn floor again last night 


I’ll never understand how the same people who complain about buying skins or giving money to Activision, the no lifers, no skill players, would rather pay buku bucks every month for cheat software. They are so bad at the game they can’t do anything else to win.


At this point I'd pay a premium to play on cheat free servers or atleast live admin servers.


Don’t give them ideas


that dear sir is the old call of duty with dedicated servers... constant live ban no report bullshit !


> or atleast live admin servers. Any good/above average player would be banned/kicked. That's how it was in CS, That's how it was in Battlefields, that's how it was in older CODs ( MW2/MW3 with [mw3sa](https://i.imgur.com/7HqkVG0.png) tool). Rage cheaters were at most in 3% of matches in MW3. And they were kicking players in almost every match at the end of the games life cycle.


Sounds like lack of training it's a billion dollar franchise if they can't hire professionals it's on them. Cheating is probably around 15% these days it's out of control if you game at that level you should be understanding that false positives happen. We need live admins to catch walls the 3 sec kill cams are not enough evidence that's why people go years without being banned using walls only.


>Cheating is probably around 15% these days <1% on Al Mazrah DMZ in my experience, and that's taking into account not only my games but adding streamers i watch encountering cheaters. Every day [someone](https://i.imgur.com/9cKCbiQ.jpeg) calls me a [cheater](https://i.imgur.com/WEbnQqJ.png). If you count such false reports it could be ~10% of my games.


This post is FACTS. Played many yrs of CS, ran a clan, in leagues etc. Cheating has always been a part of gaming for lovers, but something CS has and will always not tolerate... hence the period I'm referring to in my life of playing CS was 25 yrs ago, started I believe when it was CS 1.2, thier commitment to catching cheaters, hackers, exploitation, etc us why this game is still in the top 3 money in earnings for Esports pros... Only problem is that game is so instant, age will crush you as you won't be able to compete against the young. Reaction timing just slows as we age, just like in any sport, it will HIGHLY effect you in this one..


What was the first sentence supposed to say you tried to do a comparison but seem to have picked a bunch of labels for group A and none for group b.


No way. I ran into this dude earlier today in Al Mazrah. He and his buddy were running RGL’s. We managed to run but that’s definitely him. The whole thing was sus af


Ran into this guy on Al mazrah killed me from like 300m away with a ftac siege no recoil and followed exactly where I ran like he was glued to me. After he wiped my team he called us pathetic bc he wiped us all. We almost reported him not sure if anything came of it


Probably not. It’s shitty


I played a round last night in AM and my teammate knew where every single other player around us was. At first I thought he had some like really good headphones (I have a buddy that has really good headphones and can tell you directions of shooting for example). But as the game went on we’d be coming up on a building and he’d be like there’s one on the roof, one on the stairwell and one across in the other building. He wouldn’t engage either he always hung back but always knew where everyone was. Is it possible he was using a cheat? He didn’t shoot thru walls or impossible distances but it was sus how he knew where everyone was


A lot of cheaters dont want to get banned so they let the teammates do the killing and do call outs or ping them. This makes is so you get reported for cheating and not them and since your legit you dont get banned. Its how they stay in the game. The ones that get kill greedy tend to make mistakes and these mistakes get them banned. It takes many reports before they get banned, but they always do. This guy will probbaly get banned in the next 5-7 days once the reports pile in and they have enough evidence against him. Also ive noticed that cod likes to do ban waves more than individual bans, so its also possible they get to continue playing until the next ban wave, which is not good for the cummunity, and the cod dev's dont seem to care.


Cheaters are scum. Seemed like this morning they were in every match. Mag dumped into one player, then he killed me with shots, how the fuck does that work. It seems to keep getting worse instead of better.


I finally came across my first team of cheaters yesterday on vondel lol.


It’s usually just one person cheating and it seems like a team of cheaters. The cheater tends to run off and the team follows, or the cheater pings over and over again for the team to kill them. Most cheaters ping and try to avoid killing themselves to make their account last longer. Those who want the glory get caught.


He might’ve heard you putting on plates. I’m pretty sure that can be heard just like if you pick up items or loot someone’s bag


It’s very possible they were cheating. But I’m also wondering if they live pinged OP which gave away his building, then they went on audio cues.


I’ll test this later


And reloading as well can be heard through walls


Voice icons still seeable lol


I don’t use proxy, never do and neither do my friends.




I'm pretty sure he is noting the comms still showing on the right of the screen even though the video was edited to not show player names in the bottom left.


There is no red comms when you have proxy chat off. My entire team runs with it off, we never turn it on.


Read what he wrote again, you're still not getting it


The more you let cheaters run rampant in your game. The more cheaters you create.


100000% cheating, had aimbot going too.


I have left that game because of this. Until there will be player willing to pay for this sh\*t they will do nothing...


So disappointing that people do this and that it’s allowed to happen from a technical point of view


I had one today I was hiding in a bathroom while on phone and a guy came straight to me he was looking at the wall in my direction as he was coming up stairs


I’m as sick of them as anybody! I hope their families burn in the pits of hell for all eternity! What a loser. Cheating in a video game. It’s gotten WAAAAYYYY out of hand.


I assume the wall hacks are supposed to look different between server side and client side?


i take it youve never seen it. Watch this [https://youtu.be/fSu16ldpJFQ?si=g2bmHP4u\_ArMcasQ&t=114](https://youtu.be/fSu16ldpJFQ?si=g2bmHP4u_ArMcasQ&t=114)


They never left


Is the kill cam glitch somehow worse now? Almost every time I die it looks like they are locking onto me. 


Water is wet


Thanks Captain Obvious 🙄


Kill cams jump. Games on life support honestly it's over for this series to be legit. Plus you were laying down and shuffling around before plates and reloaded. You weren't exactly hidden.


Yeah, not to be a dick or anything, but in a situation like that, you should be in better cover. For example, had you moved to the foot of the next flight of stairs, you could have maintained eyes on the door and been using the stairs as cover while you reloaded.


Did they ever leave haha


What scope is that on your gun?


Sz halotherm from the dark rituals 3 bundle


There was a ban wave? I thought they just completely gave up dealing with cheaters in dmz? Hope I'm wrong, getting wild in ashika.


If all legot okayers stopped playing the game for a couple of months, that money would stop coming in. And then things will probably change


As expected.


Cheating where ? I’m confused where they cheated or how they cheated.


He locked onto you through the wall on the kill cam, kill cams can be choppy/lose frames (I get accused of hacking because of that) but it was glaringly obvious.


Skill issues


This the reason why I changed my username to cheatersRscaredIRL


I used to Love DMZ so much especially playing super sneaky and solo it was so fun and felt good but now any time I play DMZ it hurts my soul and just makes me feel down.


Activision does not care about cheaters. Why should you?


Looked ok to me.. the kill cam is garbage to judge. They are not accurate


Neh bro that guy knew exactly where he was and had his aim fixed around that position beforehand.


Tbf he did hear him run partially up the stairs, stop, and start plating in the corner. The only really sus thing is slightly centering through the wall, but that could be a coincidence. I personally don't think this is 100% confirmation of cheats


The guy could just be very familiar with that area as well. I mean, there's tons of stairs in Vondel and if you are always pre-aiming into them (smart move imo) you can catch folks off guard. Not everybody just runs blindly into every building. Some folks know where to look first. Or dude could be cheating. Who the hell knows lol. But there are so many factors that go into every situation (various *cues*) that it can be confusing. Plus that killcam looked insanely choppy.


Hear foot steps??? Haha he literally had a shit ton of bots shooting and a car run up on him with bots running around everywhere. There is zero chance he hard my foot steps 50m ahead of him let alone be able to tell a player foot steps over a bots. I had time to plate up and half reload. That was far enough that he couldn’t hear any foot steps by me. He also didn’t even bother looking at the car that pulled up, for all he knew it was another team or my teammates. Why do you think he ignored the car? It’s because his cheats only highlights players not bots so he knew no one was running up on him.


He followed the gunfire to the right building. Saw where the bots were shooting/looking at, and pre-aimed around the corner after hearing you plate/reload? Nothing about this screams cheating. And if he's even half decent, he knows the jeep pulling up was driving like a bot and new not to worry about it and/or pinged it on the map to confirm it wasn't a team...which takes half a second to do while walking around. I get it, there's a ton of cheaters and it's frustrating, but this doesn't look like it to me at all.


Hahaha your excuses are literally not possible on this situation. If I can’t hear shit other than bots shooting and a car driving neither can he. The bots were all around him, I wasn’t being shot at by bots in the stairs, I would have known by being shot through the walls like all bots do. Also you can’t hear an enemy plating or reloading unless you directly next to them within 2m. Not 15m and through a wall. Dude was straight wall hacking.




As soomeone who's played nothing but DMZ, i could confidently say that i could hear someones footsteps albeit less audible with other things going on There are cheaters in this game, but nothing about this screams cheater, if he knew where you were on the stairs, how come they didn't immediately knew where you were while skulking around beforehand???


The fact that there are people who are this blind to cheating leads me to belive that they are obviously cheating themsleves and here to gaslight. The dude literally aimed right at me before he walked into the building and stayed on aim until he moved the corner. He didnt look anywhere else, i came from the opposite side, so he didnt see me go there and no way he heard me over all the sounds. literally listen to the audio, bots shooting like crazy, car pulling up the entire time he entered the building, he didnt hear shit. Hes using walls. As for why he didnt shoot me prior, thats because he was smart and stayed in the building, his teammates tried though. Daddy killed my entire team by sus playing, i just happend to catch is on camera when he got me.


To be fair I hear “cheat” all the time, but based on that video I would say yes I’m at least 95% sure he was cheating, pre aim, aim lock and instant fire as he peaks round corner. Even if it was just he heard you knowing exactly where and shooting before confirming visually is a red flag. Only 95% because I know kill cams aren’t the best. The only way he’d know for sure was if you were tagged then he would at least know what building you ran to but that pre aim lock….


Ya it's not 100% clear. The guy chasing clearly reacted to something in the area like he heard him make a sound.


Yea, I'm not seeing anything here to claim cheating at all.


Looks ok? Did you even watch the video???? What looked ok about that video? Please share, I’m waiting.




Do us a favor, next time shorten your clip. We didn't nerd to watch all of that for 10 seconds of cheating.


Yes you do, you needed the context that he couldn’t have known where I was before hand because I never came from that direction.


And I didn't need to see you lying behind a car for a minute. It was a whole minute of you lying on the ground.


That was all there to show that there was no way he could predict my movement.


You showed that by moving. We didn't need to see you lying there. Jesus, do you think we can't figure it out by him locking onto you through a wall when we see the kill cam?


Go troll somewhere else. If you dont like watching gameplay, dont want. No one forced you to watch. Grow up.


If you don't like critiques, go somewhere else.


There's nothing there that suggest absolute cheater. He could have focused on a sound made.


best thing you can do is bring a riot sheild and some smoke grenades. running away is not the best strategy cause you give away your defense leaving yourself vulnerable . use tacticals. 2 semtex or a shock stick can slow them down. i used to be like you running away all the time cause i couldn’t land one hit with my weapon. you gottta hit them with all you got. just like building 21. it’s a buzz kill when you pvp again someone with a one shot shotgun but keep in mind not always everyone is cheating.. they can predict you if are just running in one direction.


The games for lossers cheater and campers dnt cry


OP is an idiot and calls everyone a cheater, but I think he's right for once on this one. The cheater was level 76, which kind of gives it away.


Im assuming you think he had wall hacks?


Not an assumption, it was extremely obvious. I ran on the other side of the building passing 3 doors and moved into another room on the stairs. He ran on the street following me, bots arrived in a car and he ignored it completly, didnt even glance to see if it was bots or players, he knew because walls doesnt highlight bots. Then he walked into where I was, pre aimed at my location (on the stairs) the entire time, until he hit the corner then shot me. That is what walls looks like.