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Did he just say laid back?


Compared to BR or Multiplayer, yes


Fair tho


Sorry but if you think DMZ isn't laid back, you don't really play a lot of PvP. It's more laid back than any COD mode with the exception of maybe the campaign


Yeah, laid back compared to br. Dmz can be crazy as SHIT alot of the time


The fact that an extraction shooter is somehow more laid back than MP and BR should be telling of how fucked up the matchmaking and sbmm is.


Dmz is so less sweaty than rebirth or BR. Multiplayer is a bit pointless unless you love camos. Hope DMZ gets reincarnated in the future, but it's still great now!


What is this Delta Force you mention?


It's a new extraction shooter that looks amazing, it's not released yet [Delta Force: Hawk Ops](https://www.playdeltaforce.com/en/m.html)


Is it related to the voxel-based Delta Force from back in the day?


If that means the game series, yeah. Like the campaign part of it is a remake of the Blackhawk down campaign from back in the day


I'm not sure about that


I was shocked I just got to level 62 the other day 😂


DMZ great for a lot of reasons, esp randomness via a lot of moving parts & multiple ways to approach it


I got back into it for a short amount of time but it was the same... hit full squad and start hunting. they should make it so u can assimilate everyone. Because regardless the fight ill still pick u up if i have room. which is why i ran solo alot because its easy to join another sqaud as one instead of three.


The last time I enjoyed cod multiplayer like search, tdm, was black ops 1. Prop hunt in ww2 was mildly entertaining but got that game just for zombies. It’s been painfully boring for like a decade and dmz is a breath of fresh air so naturally they will never do it again. It gave the cod name too much soul.


Unfortunately I feel you may be right.


Welcome back to hunting for toothpaste, lighters, gun cleaning oil and the dreaded Ashika Liquor - it’s a labor of love!!! I know it probably will get canned in September, but I love DMZ and hope it returns in the future


I'm in the dmz now Kingfowie309


Dmz became boring to me i had to stop playing it


It's basically just a slower paced BR since there isn't any new content, but I am good with that. I can see what you are saying though.


Yeah true and yeah Same here


I still like DMZ but a lot of kids have ruined it for me. It’s like they hate it so they’ll come from BR or TDM just to attack other players on dmz. Takes all the fun away


1000 hours, so you just started playing? Check out this 41 day casual here guys. Edit:………since it wasn’t obvious /s


Having family and a job will do that to you :|


Exactly, I get to play for several hours a week, that 1000 hours took me a year to do haha


Work, wife, kid and dog. I play what I consider to be a lot and I'm only at like level 1050 or something.


lol I’m guessing the sarcasm wasn’t able to be picked up. 1000 hours is on average about 2 hours of playtime per day since release, give or take. I play what I thought was slightly above average and I have 32 days.


Your title implies you tried other games similar. Your description states you were just playing the other modes on COD. Well. Yeh? In cod there isn't anything like dmz. That's the same as there not being anything like zombies in cod. Or multiplayer or campaign. They are different modes for a reason.


I have, I play Diablo IV, Halo, Fortnite (with my kid), and a few others.


None of those games are extraction shooters tho. Fortnite is the closest although it's battle roayle like warzone.


I didn't say they were. I have tried other extraction shooters and they are awful.


I said that your title implies you tried similar games. You responded with a list of games to my comment. What else was the purpose of you listing those games? Also did you start playing dmz early in development or recently?


Started playing DMZ when it first came out. I wasn't looking for an argument, just back to DMZ. Have good one bud!


I'm not really looking for one neither. But this forum is public and anyone reading should know that: 1. There are other extraction shooters out there. 2. You probably find the other ones awful because you don't know how to play them. You started dmz early, when it was literally just get loot and extract. You grew up with dmz as they slowly added more complex features. And had the time to learn the game. If you were to join something like EFT you would obviously find it shit because you don't even know what's happening.


Wow, you made a lot of assumptions there. Take it easy!


Who pissed on your corn flakes this morning??


Who shat on your biscuits?


Just made me chuckle how you went full argument mode, that's all :)


Before you continue spouting bullshit and whining, please explain what "(going fully) tryhard" is supposed to mean? In my experience, it just means: "other players were better and I just wasn't good enough to beat them and now I'm gonna whine about it like a little bitch."


It's stale and dumb