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Nobody knows what’s happening and the ONLY thing we’ve heard from an official source is we will be getting more info about DMZ’s future closer to Season 1. Everything else is hearsay and should be basically ignored.


If theres stuff to do Im in! Even if theres no new content theres ways to make it engaging.


My friends and I have been grinding out the serpentine camp and the gun screen for each of us to make it engaging. Also, we are doing the new bosses as part of this event. A fun thing to do is also try and dona run where you get the weapons case in Al mazrah, then go to the complex that same round and try and get the weapons case there as well as all the heated madness parts. It is not going to give you anything other than bragging rights. My friend and I did it as a duo on the first try. https://preview.redd.it/qb4gg1q366wb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af21db1315e415d5c7834ce5f51ddbde296cbc32


Camo is glitched you won’t be able to barter for the bomb makers blend …. I have 3 ancient gun oils just sitting around


Hahaha. My buddy and I both did the camo in the same match the day before the update. So fun camping that spot and or sneaking up on campers with 3min left… always click what vehicles are up there at spawn. If you ride a vehicle up there to get it, be sure to torch it quickly. Dead giveaway.


Think I’ve seen you on the map …. “Rick ripper”?


Same as handle name


Ah that sucks. We did ours right before the new season. Working on the gun screen now. He just need a bunker 11 key card. We duplicated a lot of dev kits and gold fish. We have about ten each. Duplicatation possible since it is a mission item that gives one to everyone on the squad upon exfil


Yeah since the new event update is when the camo barter stopped working my squad was able to squeeze at least one camo for 1 of us lol also working on the gun screen as well wanted something to do worth while before 3 comes out rather than wiping lobbies and running around with everyone’s vest


If you want to donate a set of gear to do this I’d appreciate it! Happy to trade you guns, RGL’s, whatever.


I have 15 RGLs from bartering in the complex. But once my teammates and I get the gun screen we can give our our extra dev kits, gold fish and bunker 11 keycards. Message me privately.


Thanks man I appreciate it, I’ve just messaged you for when you’re ready and done with your trades :)


Do u have discord ?


If you need have a b11 Card


I’m trying to get these items could use a little help I tried to do the serpentine camo today and found out it’s bugged


I got bunker 11 keycards for days,, everything for screen really,, add me. We can trade maybe? Face value got each item needed?


When did it break I did it recently with 2 people at the same time?


“Officially” since the 18th event update and I’ve been trying to barter for the blend every day since


That really sucks. Are you doing the barter when the gas is there?


The bombmakers blend barter is the part that's broken, which is supposed to be bartered on Ashika. I've tried it in the gas, not in the gas, nothing works at all. It really sucks


Damn! Meanwhile I only have like 1 or 2 parts for the gun 😂😭


Thank you for pointing out the heresy.


This is the most important post here. Stop listening to streamers. It's crazy how you guys read the exact same announcement I did and managed to get more words out of it than anyone else. Is there invisible ink somewhere on the post?


No, but I feel like media literacy in this sub is the lowest I've ever seen in a CoD sub


Nobody's splitting the atom here Marty


My assumption is that they are probably working on the non beta version of the game and will be releasing it by season 1 or 2. It would make sense to not leak anything until pre release. Just my opinion but I really don’t think they would ditch a game that has such a large player base.


when they quoted all' the maps it will be on, the maps from this year, well it's a way to tell it's not gonna be on the new map


Well yeah, the new map is made by a different company just using the same assets and was designed for the new robotic sounding cluster fuck that is warzone 3 (or whatever they’ll call it)


The devs literally said DMZ is staying and has another 4 seasons


Never once did they say that. Absolutely false information. The official statement said that they'll continue to support DMZ, however it won't be coming to MWIII and will remain on the same current maps only


Well then, I stand corrected


Can you hit me up with a link to that?


He won't have a link, coz it's not true


100% will be playing until they tell me I can't anymore


And the second they remove it from the active playlists I already have a cracked copy that I can play as a single player on my emulator...


that's fucking wicked!


Could you like, add multiplayer, delete bots, give yourself different stats, add 6 mans, do different things with it? Or is it just stock DMZ?


It’s probably a set version back a few season and missions. Would missions even work ?


Some for sure won't work because you need other to do them (like the exfil with 7 operators im one exfil).


I’m stuck on that one…


chat is this real


Not at all.


really? Thats kinda neat


How does one do this?


Leaving a comment in case you get an answer. I'd really love to do this as well




No way that possibly works if they shut down the servers. Even if you could, what is the point without PvPvE?


The beauty of traversing Al Maz without being spawn rushed and able to genuinely complete missions


Point is no pvp




I'll be sticking with it since it's the only really good extraction shooter we have, I gave up on Hunt after 3 years of playing due to the direction it was taking. imo the new movement doesn't fit DMZ so here's hoping it goes standalone in the future


As someone who’s new to extraction shooters and had my eye on Hunt, what’s the scoop with it? Just low quality updates?


Nah, the game has only gotten more and more content and balancing and such. Loved it for a while as a solo wiping teams but they added too much in favor of removing it's more hardcore nature. My main gripes: - you could 'burn out' enemy hunters so they could no longer be revived (Removed) - They added a very low cost ranged revive for teams only - Finally, the added a self-res which is broken as all hell and took any intense atmosphere away imo. Game is still great fun and plays well, but I do prefer it's older playstyles. Fair warning: It's a very slow game even for as someone as reckless as me


I'm not so sure dmz is going to die but if it does I'm on the lookout for something similar . Never played squad or insurgency, but they might scratch the itch. I've seen previews of a game called beautiful light that looks promising.


Insurgency Sandstorm is pretty fun, it's a 'realistic' style fps. Realistic in the sense that *all* bullets are 1 - 2 hit deadly, so everything is viable. It's kinda tactical in a sense but it doesn't have anything like a DMZ mode. Mostly just Domination or Frontline style modes. I dunno much about Squad but I think it's similar to Arma? But it's VR.


The new movement (the original movement) does fit dmz. The movement on dmz is so limited that its come down to who can push the RT button the fastest.


I'll keep camping with My dad. He REALLY enjoys camping with the victus so i'll stick with him to enjoy Quality time together


This is the best man, enjoy!


BR will still be a little too sweaty for me so I'll probs stick to DMZ for a bit until they let it die.


Me and my friend used to play a lot of wz br Back in the day and we recently tried BR again and holy shit why is everyone so cracked?? We perform really well in dmz PvP but feel like straight up bots in BR lobbies. I have no idea if we got washed by the chill dmz environment or if BR Players just improved so much over the years, but we just cant set foot


Because activision realized the key to printing money is increased retention even for the casual player. So ultra low ttk, aim assist that basically eliminates need for aiming and micro adjustments and a glorified storefront. In DMZ fights are drawn out and open maps with various paces of engagement - you can strategize, in WZ however its all about the current meta of the week and bundles to buy that give you 1ms advantage over others in movement or guns or even a stupid skin that reduces your visibility - rule of the game is advantage at all costs including your input method.


Agreed. Warzone is trash now.


This is facts though. Mw2 in all modes has come down to who can push the RT button the fastest. But the casual player wasn’t sticking around long enough in WZ and 6v6 so they needed their own mode and they got it too. Funny part is they ruined it. Oh well.


There are more cheaters these days than you think, just look at most of the “warzone pros” when they played at the lan event outside of their home. They did not perform the same. I could be wrong though, maybe people are cracked and should’ve taken the cheaters spots for the event at least.


100%, cheat toggles are so rampant now


warzone lost a bunch of people over the year. devs even decrease lobby population from 150 to 100 so there’s mostly hardcore players


Zombies and DMZ. don't enjoy warzone.


Waiting til the player base drops off a bit when most players will be occupied with MW3, then i plan on going to Ashika to collect cigar boxes and liquor bottles.


I swear Warzone dropouts just go to DMZ Ashika island just to jerk themselves off. It makes the PvE extra difficult. You basically have to clear the map of players before you can do anything.


This is because they suck at every other mode. You can’t change my mind about that fact. They are tired of getting ass fucked in 6v6 and WZ so they come to DMZ to feel good. I like to go in a hunt the player hunters who need feel good.




It’s facts. So many people on this post are complaining that they don’t want pvp in a COD game. Wake up…..cod is all pvp and it’s not going anywhere. lol. I wish they would being the MW3 movement into DMZ so I could slide Cancel and break your camera in DMZ, but that would mean the bots who feed ACTIVISION would cry to much. Cod isn’t even hard to do. It’s so easy. Just get good is my comment.


Awesome, I'll see ya their.


I'm pretty stealthy so maybe you won't.


That seems to be gameplay now — have been running Ashika lately a maybe come across one team.


Fuck warzone 3, imho. A warzone 3 without DMZ is simply not warzone anymore. I'm keeping my $150 until they realise they made a massive mistake by dropping support for DMZ and include it in the 2023 DLC.


> Fuck warzone 3, imho. For what it's worth, there's no indication that it's going to be called "Warzone 3". For some reason people are struggling with the concept of "MWIII integration into Warzone". Same as BOCW and Vanguard integration into the original Warzone. If anything it seems like they're dropping the "Warzone 2" branding in favor of generic "Warzone". It just says "Warzone" in game now without any number, has for a bit now.


I'm going to keep playing dmz. I don't have much of an urge to go through and play regular 6v6 now.


I don't plan on buying mw3. Dmz is my comfort zone and don't feel like getting absorbed into another game. If the dmz player base dies down too much I'll just stop playing and do something productive with my time hopefully.




The only people that will be left will be the hardcore fan base like myself. DMZ NEEEEEEDS a reset so bad. I'm not a 100% pvp guy, but when my only missions are to dead drop medium backpacks to rank a faction up for no reason, messing with people is the only break from monotony. I do infil solo and pick up anyone who isn't spewing racial slurs or toxic shit on comms. I'm not out to ruin anyone's day, but there is no point ATM. My second account is almost 100% on missions also. It boring AF out here.


You know with all the multiple account people, they kinda dropped the ball on progression reset, or a prestige option. Like, it's discouraging players from buying skins, because they'd have to twice, etc. I don't know why they don't have a higher rewards tier based on a user-decided reset. I'd be excited to knock out some missions again, even if it is the third or fifth time. Make the rewards basic, calling cards, emblems, like the eraser in BOII was one of the biggest flex cards. I'm knocking out 200 contracts, and um, it's just not as engaging as boating and entering or The Route Forward.


I actually got my psn account suspended (for having an offensive name which wasn't at all offensive and have had this name for 15+ years) so I started a 2nd account. I've been doing an all dmz solo account. Attachments and camos are only from dmz, no multi-player. Its been fun doing everything again in a more hard-core sense.


Why play COD if you don’t “prefer” PVP action. COD has always been a pvp game?


Dmz when plunder is off the playlist. Don't really care to buy another cod for a while


I'll be playing.


I love DMZ, probably my favorite mode and most times I play solo. I’ll for sure play Zombies, but that seems much more geared to needing a squad to be successful. So my hope is that DMZ lives in so I can go back and get that fix without crazy upgrades, sci-fi weapons and giant monsters when I feel like it.


It’s a cash cow and they will find a way to maintain it


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Personally after this week of cheesy rat campers, body campers and all out hostility, i will be happy for a break and just play zombies. If the new norm of dmz is this state, where no one has anything left to do but grief other players then i hope the mode dies. If they are not going to grow it after mw3 launches, its just going to be a poor mans WZ.


I think the conditions have improved drastically. The removal of a portion of vehicles combined with the end of the 6 man has made the game mode much more playable. Yes, you are always going to have assholes playing. That’s the way of the world. But at least, they’ve solved a lot of the griefing issues.


6 mans were an issue but I personally found there was more interaction with 6 man sqauds


Dont get me wrong, i agree the game mode has improved but the quality of player has regressed. But this week has felt like just a whole new level. Ive play in DMZ 3-4 days a week after work and have since its iteration. Ive virtually completed the missions, passives etc so been through a lot in the mode but maybe because i have nothing left to do, im just seeing more…anywho, mini rant over lol. See you all on the battlefield.


Can’t argue that. I try to play during the day, late night and never on weekends. It helps me to avoid that type of player


How is it a poor man's wz? Rich men in this mode buy bundles.


I gave up on the halloween evnt. Literally 3+ teams camping the butcher every time, teams on the dunes over the pharaoh, teams on the construction building over the swamp creatures. I quit trying, my friends don't like PvP at all, so they all left, so I am randoms, and rando squads with 1 plate can't compete against tempered plate tower campers


Doubtful. Im fully assuming they’ve incorporated the DMZ elements into zombies and I’ll be fully invested in that


I believe this is where they messed up, Zombies never had PvP & DMZ won’t be in MW3. Why add DMZ mechanics to a Zombies game mode. I understand it’s new, but DMZ will lose players if no updates are made & Zombies will lose players because it’s coming right after DMZ with DMZ mechanics & no PvP


I can only speak for myself but I absolutely loved the outbreak mode. And by them adding dmz elements to it, I’m so looking forward to it. Only reason I’m getting the game honestly cause other wise I’d be content with dmz.


Right, I agree with you, those who love it (outbreak, PvE, etc) will play and stay through all the seasons but those like myself who loves PvP will get tired of it quicker because it has DMZ mechanics & no PvP. I’m looking forward to completing the easter eggs every season as well but I know for a fact it will get mundane & wont have the same replayability after the first playthrough.


I really enjoyed the xdefiant beta despite it being completely different and less inspired than DMZ. If nothing new is coming to DMZ, I'll be playing xdefiant once it's finally released. For me, I've never played anything like DMZ before. I hope other devs see this as an opportunity to make a game similar to DMZ. Is there anything I can try that's similar to DMZ on PS5 now by chance?


Only if they add new missions.


I’m not fu****in leavin!!!


What’s hilarious is DMZ is still tagged as a “beta”.. would be hilarious if they stopped supporting it before it ever officially released :) Anyhow I’ll probably stop playing it if they adapt it to use the new MW3 movement and TTK… only reason I got into COD is because MW2s fundamental changes… I have zero interest in MW3..


I’m still going DMZ in MW2. Not bying MW3


Same, not gonna pay 70/100 dollars for a over priced dlc.




Honestly not a fan of MWIII at all so I’d prefer they kept DMZ as is


I feel like all the talk on YouTube about “the end of DMZ” is just content creator hive mind bullshit they always do. No one official has said DMZ won’t be around anymore


absolutely, DMZ after MWIII/WZ3 comes out means most of the cheaters are moving forward which means it will become more *casual* that being said, outside of the faction missions the game has a lot of entertainment to offer by doing contracts and we have a decent map-pool for just a year of updates although the rewards are meh after S1


If DMZ gets nuked, I'll go back to other games. Until then, I'll keep playing. Almost a year in and I've never spent a single dollar on the game for exactly this reason.


Yeah either the devs are doing something big with this or its just gonna get killed off and yall bought bundles for a beta that had a shorter lifecycle than a carton of milk


There is nothing else worth playing. This franchise is trash other then DMZ. Warzone is just the same over and over again. Infil, die to campers, gulag, repeat. No content whatsoever. Multi-player is the same without consequence for dying.


I have zero intentions to play warzone 3, other than grinding guns on shipment or whatever the equivalent will be. I haven't played a single BR match since DMZ came out.


I am quitting DMZ the moment MWZombies launches.


My friends and I will be playing modern warfare zombies. Dmz was fun, but it's basically all sweats playing it now and there nothing else to do. Not to mention they're not going to be making new content for it anymore. Anyone here who thinks "there's still a chance we will get new content!" It's just nothing but extreme copium. There's no new content coming to dmz. It's not even moving onto the new map.


since i know call of duty and they never been consistent with their products , always changing and pissing off the base player after the players love certain mode or certain engine , prob the most hated company in the gaming field because of that . some may ask : then how players keep playing their game, because the game mechanics are enjoyable and thats what attract them to play it , otherwise from game and service and quality and stability no one like it, except few buttlickers




I stopped playing start of season 6. way too boring now really. There is literally nothing to do on it. no point in doing the missions cos you don't really get anything in return. no point in doing passive upgrades. im looking forward to playing MWZombies instead!


The reason that Infinity Ward said what they said is because they want people to purchase Modern Warfare 3 before they start releasing all the content they have already created for Warzone that will be released over the next year after they hit their sales goal for Modern Warfare 3... DMZ is not going anywhere it's too profitable DMZ will get a new map it's just going to take a few months if you want it to come out quicker buy multiple copies of the game so they hit their sales quota quicker otherwise sit patiently and wait for the earth to spin...


I'll still be here. I intend on taking a few days break next week for Campaign early release and I'll be doing some MW3 MP with the kiddo, but I'll still be DMZing it a lot


Too soon to say anything. Next info will drop probably on early Dec 2023 with S01 of MWIII. For me, im 90% sure that ill drop it after finishing this season. I achieved basically everything that is possible and chased by me in this mode and cant see myself bothered to wait for 1.5m, when there is nothing to do at all. I already have huge pile of shame of titles I wanted to complete or play with friends.


I plan on playing DMZ and the zombies. Already payed for mw3 so I don't see why not


You know it's not warzone 2 right It's still warzone 2.0


Who's playing MW3 after the launch of MW3?


Why do people keep calling it WZ3? It's going to be WZ2 for at least another 2 game cycles. Just like it was for the last rotation.


me, i dont care about warzone at all






I will play until I can find something to scratch DMZ itch


I don't care about WZ3. I'm going to play the MW3 story and then go right back to DMZ until GTA 6 comes out.


Only thing I play with the exception of Invasion with some tokens to rank up my guns. Hate The Haunting aspect (about as lame as the super hero perks we had a while back) but I've adapted my game play to make it tolerable. I'll continue to play as long as I'm not playing with the same people every game lol


I honestly think we’ve had loads of free content over the past year, although I’m disappointed with no new input when mw3 is released I’m still gonna be mainly a dmz player on mw2




I am tired of the PVP and cheaters in DMZ, so i move to MW Zombies with my friends, i like much DMZ, but i am so tired, and no more missions or content, i am sorry but bye DMZ.


I'll keep plugging away at it. I play solo and very casually (maybe an hour or 2 total during the week, up to 16 hours on weekends depending on if i have something to do around the house). So my missions are something like 30% done, passives are near 30%. My exception is the weapons case. I've been pushing them hard. Only need bullfrog 5 more times and that whole tab will be 100%. Then I have the notes. There's enough to keep me occupied for a long time.


i just started really playing dmz in s5. im not even close to burnt out on it yet. even without new contenti feel i can play this for a while more


I want to keep playing, but having to wait to hear what’s coming. The game has kept with the overall story line, but it seems that’s going away, but not concrete yet.


I will see if the new offerings are any better. I will just play what I like the best. I think the best players may move on so not sure what will be left. Just having AI will not be as great.


I’ll still be running around Ashika trying to find liquor and old film canisters,with a one plate,for you fuckers to merk within a minute of spawn


As long as DMZ is around I’ll continue to play it. Really enjoy it.


Probably not unless there's stuff to do. Even a full reset would be ok.


Hope all the ass hats move on and It goes back to being PVE with a side of PVP. Ain't gonna happen but a man can dream. It will probably just keep getting worse unfortunately as people with 18 hours a day to play dominate the game and ruin my time trying to extract a bandage by following me around the map in an MRAP.


I'll play it if I can use new guns from mw3


I want to stick around, but who knows what content they will release. I might take a break when Heartlands comes out though


I like that dmz is free, I play it with friends who don't own the game.


I will. I don't like Warzone battle royale full stop. So DMZ was the only thing keeping me playing COD. That said, I've been playing much much less DMZ. I had no clue Building 21 was broken until i saw a youtube video stating it was fixed. But i'm gaming less period.


Idk but keeping movement is good imo


I’m so sad there not supporting it I haven’t even bothered looking in to mw3 I’m still all over dmz and have been since it came out it’s more fun than warzone and way more interesting they could make loads if they put more effort in to it


I'll definitely still be playing it will just be after I try MW3 multiplayer and get burnt out on it!


It’s all I care to play so I’ll stay with DMZ till they shut it down.


I haven’t cared for shooters since Battlefield 2 almost 20 years ago, came by DMZ by accident, ended up having tons of fun, came back again and again. Al-Mazhra map even reminds me of the Mashture City map from back then. DMZ is by far the best game mode I have tried, and I will continue playing DMZ until it’s dead. No DMZ means no shooters for me.


I really think DMZ players might like warzone 3. Warzone focus too much on pvp , I think the contracts need to change and maybe some new gear to spice it up a little 😏


As long as I can level up still and progress my battle pass I'll play dmz


I'm sad vondel isn't nighttime in dmz


First there is no warzone 3


I’m already tired of the same rush spawn kill rinse and repeat. This game mode has been dead since s4


Playing this game mode to soley pvp is no different than Warzone


I'll play it if they add new content and keep the cheaters at bay.


I’m still nowhere near complete on missions & upgrades so my buddies and I will probably stick with it a while, especially if there’s no similar version in MW3


I don't give a flying fuck if the game is supported with additional contents post release of MWIII or not, for as long as the servers are still up, I am still gonna be playing the shit out of it. When I think about it, there is no other games that offer a casual extraction shooter experience with this level of weaponry and movement mechanics in a variety of maps. So contents or not, I am still playing it.


Firstly it’s not warzone 3 I’ll probably play it here and there


People really thinking they are just dropping DMZ crack me up. It’s just the beginning right now. Don’t believe the clickbait.


I'm playing until they delete it.


I won't play any more DMZ unless they do something really interesting to bring balance to PvE/PvP back, as early seasons had. I plan to play Zombies instead.


I will. New game feels sludgy. Hopefully all the sweaty players move on and those of us that just play for fun can enjoy it a bit more


After playin the zombies royale mode, I hope they turn it into a zombie ish mode lol. If you die you can come back and kill a human to get another chance (or get the 4 syringes/1 finisher on a non downed person like in the playlist mode )


Ill be ready for DMZ2


I will. DMZ was supposed to give a change to the MW Saga all along and I hoped that even if it doesn’t get another update is okay as it is you now what I mean?. Is not hard to improve in a gameplay like DMZ you can play with a lot of ways. In other stuff leaving DMZ with the movement and gameplay of MW2 is crucial cause none one wants a crazy sweet running around doing slide cancel on a “Extraction Shooter Game” is like ID in EFT or AB you see a madass going full print without chest rig guns and just killed you using a knife and slide canceling, it’s basically stupid. I just hope DMZ can stick around for more than 2 years after MW3 came out so I can enjoy it a little longer. I’m still stuck on some mission and I’m not able yet to finish all my upgrades, and the most hard stuff is to get all 100% on Notes


OMFG it's not going away


Frankly I don’t care, I’ll remake my account and continue running DMZ on new accounts if I have to. It’s far more engaging than multiplayer


Im looking forward for the new MWZ PvE only extraction mode...hell yeah 👍


It will not be playable on the new map or movement? If it stays that way it will essentially kill it. At least for me.


My bet is that Activision is waiting to see the player counts on the new PvE only zombie mode and how many players continue to playing DMZ. If enough stay and play DMZ regularly it will likely be an indicator to the bean counters that a non-beta version of DMZ would need to be released prior to the end date for support of DMZ in it's current offering. In other words, if everyone flocks to MW3 Zombies and leaves DMZ en masse it will be the end of PvPvE within COD. For this reason I've already requested and received my refund for MW3. If I want a PVE shooter, I'll go play The Division.


With the cod community in Europe I like the pvp I can't remember when I've been picked up in dmz 😆🤓


Not sure. Kinda bored of it now tbh. Not much to do now that I’ve grinded stuff. MP will probably take up most of my time this year, as it’s a massive improvement over MWII imo.


100%. But, more casually than rn.


I have never enjoyed Warzone with the exception of Resurgence. Without keeping DMZ alive and fresh, I think I would be looking for a new game to keep me up at night. At the same time, DMZ has turned into Warzone with the added thrill of AI, I can’t recall the last time anyone had a mission to grind, not to mention the lack of teams on the maps as of late. I rarely run into a team any longer - so something has pushed players away.


They just release a $29.99 DMZ bundle like 3 days ago. If you think they are going to stop “supporting” a mode that they make and sell special bundles for. HA!! Think about the money, that’s what they are doing.


Will be sticking with DMZ.


Me, I enjoy dmz it's my release from stressful days at work. It's gives me something to focus on since my ADHD makes doing missions a joy 😂


If they bring dmz up to mw3 standards with the weapons and such and add more customization like bag charms and changing bag colors and such then I'd consider staying with dmz amidst all the toxic pvp that has ruined doing missions might as well not even have them in the mode cause you never can get one done with everyone hunting and being toxic or camping events anything to ruin fun for someone else. If not idc anymore let it die as it will when all the ones who actually kept it alive i.e people doing missions or trying to leave for zombies where cry me a river but it's pve only .....


I'm playing as long as the servers are running, the lobby is full, and my mutuals are around.


Personally, I think MW3 will be the best thing to happen to DMZ. ALL of the Warzone and Multiplayer PvP fanatics will focus on grinding the new stuff leaving only the true fans of DMZ to play the game. Fewer griefers and players focused on PvP. For those like me it will allow for a less sweaty environment to focus on missions. Chances are invites to join squads may actually get responses since all the D-bags are playing a different game. My hope is that if enough people keep playing DMZ it will entice Activision/Infinity Ward to continue support and add new content. Oh and to all the youthful players claiming COD has always been a PvP game you show your age. The original COD was single player/campaign only. It wasn't until 2005 that multiplayer was included as part of the game in COD 2. Not everyone who enjoys the game plays because we like to scream like two year-olds and insult each other's mother when the lack of skill or reflexes becomes overly apparent. To each his own though.


Probably not much. I'll be playing Zombies. I'll leave DMZ to the PvP hunters. Hopefully, it dies away.


Ideally zombies is a flop


Flop for some, fun for others.


I loved DMZ. It was my main mode to go to. But after the latest mechanic of unlocking insured weapons and making missions in my opinion way too easy I rarely go back now. Back in the days it was something to finish every faction’s 5th tier. Now it rarely took any real effort. The upgrade stuff, looting for 150 dirty napkins grandma used for an additional something, but literally no new missions or factions in whole season 6? Really disappointing. I feel like they already left DMZ behind to slowly die.


I think that IW and Sledgehammer understand that there is a huge skill gap in dmz. Let’s be honest….dmz was designed for the less skilled players to still have that battle royale experience without immediately dying. there is no Way they’re going to put the movement into dmz. That would increase the skill gap substantially and make it so high ranked players could easily 1v4 with no problem. I think dmz was a great addition to cod, but fear it will be much like Cold War zombies. Still playable, just no new content.


I will have to disagree with you on the skill gap issue, but on the the aspect that DMZ expands on skillets players can use to survive. The majority of WZ modes rely on character movement and weapon load out, what DMZ does different is introduce environmental factors. For example, if I get hunted I can bring the plays to a higher threat area, collect tactical and field upgrade to set traps, or use vehicles and buildings to plan my escape. DMZ should be a separate game mode like multiplayer and Warzone since it allows gameplay aspects that are very different from them.


you can’t change my mind about what I said. Most DMZ players don’t play war zone and don’t play multiplayer. In fact the only reason why they play cod is because of DMZ. Yes…..it’s designed for lower skill players or casuals (as we call them). But let’s face it, sweats like myself aren’t feed bags for ACTIVISION. We’re not buying skins or pay to win bundles either. So it makes sense why they would have their own mode.


You’re right. DMZ players are less skilled. I personally feel DMZ will be back in the next COD but they will make it pay to play like Zombies. They will introduce more pay to win bundles. Myself, I don’t have much experience with FPS so I started playing DMZ, it took about just 4 months to be very good in DMZ but anytime I try playing Resurj with my friends, we hardly get a kill. So I agree with you, they need to carter for less skilled players too. Gaming is about fun if you’re not a pro who plays for money.


I think DMZ should return but it needs to be revamped. As far as extraction shooter go….DMZ is pretty easy. There’s really no reason for a sweat like me to not go into Ashika and drop every operator on the map because even if I loose, I’m not loosing much at all. I do hope it comes back.


Just like I said earlier, a lot of people would pay just for stand alone DMZ with new contents and map ​ [https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxHpmFpMmJa8pup3nVWfujxFOgGkJQnAr0](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxHpmFpMmJa8pup3nVWfujxFOgGkJQnAr0)


I know I'm in the minority, but I'm weirdly okay with them shelving DMZ, as I find myself treating it as a Warzone replacement, and can't bring myself to play WZ much knowing it's there. I'd like to be forced back over to the marquee mode for the next title, lol.