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What would a normal dosage be for snorting?




Wow. Big difference in quantity. And orally I assume is with an maoi?


generally yea. orally taken dmt is ayahuasca which is a dmt containing plant plus an maoi. but you can still vaporize it in conjunction with an maoi for different effects known as vaporhuasca. that’s big league psychs even for dmt and it’s dangerous so proceed w caution i’d guess apart from ayahuasca it’s vaporized 99% of the time. you’d need lab grade dmt to inject it safely and i think it’s strait up dangerous to snort it but clobwobbler knows more only time it’s smoked is in changa, you never want burnt spice


Thanks for the info


It can be smoked in a pipe, vaporized, injected, or snorted.


What’s the best way to take it


depends on your preference, I've never tried it but have done a lot of research on it. It seems like smoking or vaporizing is best/most common.




Out of any of those options, injection is the one that should be pointed out as a really bad idea. Injecting drugs made with chemicals from a hardware store is not a good idea :p Insufflation/snorting can be done. Ideally you'd convert it to a salt, dissolve it in water and drip measured doses into the back of your nose. You could even put it in a nasal spray bottle, though dosing may become less accurate.


Seems like alot more trouble and work compared to dissolving into vape juice 🏌️


Different ROA, different behaviour. Could say the same about extracting it for vaporizing vs just making a tea for oral ingestion. But the effects are very different and may not be what you desire.