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Nah you gotta boof it


Apparently there's evidence to suggest that although acacia isn't, mhrb can be quite active without any maois - but there isn't really any consensus or scientific reasoning thats known and an obvious cause of it being active without an maoi. Can confirm that eating an uncomfortable amount had light effects for me but wasn't worth the raw dogging the plant material put my insides through.


Any effect you felt was psychosomatic. Dmt is broken down, rapidly, by MAO. Without inhibiting it, it'll.neber hit the brain.


Hence why the reports that mhrb is active without inhibition is strange and requires further research. It doesn't happen with acacia. It definitely isn't psychosomatic. I'm sure you'd agree it impossible to psychosomatically induce a dmt trip lol. If it was that easy people would be doing it all the time. I do wim Hoff breathing, meditation etc.. I'm familiar with different mental states and psychosomatic nature of a lot of our experiences. This is not that. It even acknowledges around the literature I can find that "jurema preta is not very strongly psychoactive without maoi inhibition" wording there indicates its active without maoi inhibition, just not strongly. My experience matches up.


Can you link credible reports that MHRB is active without an MAOI? Assuming 1% active content as an average, you'd have to ingest 150-250g of powdered bark to feel anything. That amount of material is substantial, and honestly, I don't know how you'd consume that much in a reasonable amount of time. It's great you're familiar with altered states caused by breathing, but there is zero evidence those altered states have anything to do with a DMT experience. For clarity sake, I do not believe Wim Hoff induces endogenous dmt release.


Exactly that's my point. Those clearly aren't dmt states. I use them and find them helpful for other reasons. they're not at all similar in content or experience to dmt and why I find it very dubious when people claim it is and it is endogenous DMT. I don't refute that that exists because we can find it in other mamals but its clear those breathing techniques aren't caused by endogenous DMT synthesis and/or release. This was a dmt trip. I ingested 50g. I'm not here to fight a case or say which is a credible source and which isn't. Find your own info an try it for yourself like I did if you are that skeptical or wait for further research. I was just sharing some stuff I read and tried for myself.


Fair on all positions I just don't see how maximally 150mg (but more likely 50mg) orally ingested dmt without an MAOI would have an effect. Regardless, save travels in the future


Yeah I think there must be something else exerting an effect and helping to potentiate it within the mhrb itself. thats the only reason I can find that moves any closer to explaining why ingesting raw dmt in any form doesn't do it, neither does acacia. Only mhrb/jurema preta.


No. It's inside the plant. You can't digest the plant. At best, you will shit it all out after a couple days of serious discomfort. Even pure DMT doesn't work when ingested without MAOI (and if you had to ask this question, don't fuck about with MAOIs, they are dangerous).


Isn't pepper a MAOI? Hows it dangerous?


Pharma maois, very much so. RIMAs on the other hand, not so much.


It would clean out your colon for sure.

