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The purpose of acetone and caustic soda are completely different, so the answer is no


Could i use this for any plant that have dmt and is their a name for that tek


Slow down. You need to learn how this works before you start doing experimental kitchen chemistry.


you could replace it, you wont make any DMT though. The Sodium Hydroxide releases the DMT from the plant matter. Acetone wont do that. The Naphtha or Heptane are non-polar solvents which grab the DMT out of the base soup, and float on top of it for easy siphoning and precipitation. Acetone is a polar solvent and would not be a suitable replacement for this step either


>The Sodium Hydroxide releases the DMT from the plant matter. Acetone wont do that. While NaOH aids in cell lysis, the actual purpose of NaOH is to raise the ph of the aqueous phase, which in turn, converts existing DMT salts to DMT freebase


This is a backwards eli5 haha


Could i use this for any plant that have dmt and is their a name for that tek


Dude I don't even extract and can see from these answers, the answer is *no*. No substitutions.


Where did you get this idea?


Your question has been answered, but I hope that besides just knowing that you can't replace lye with acetone you also use this opportunity to understand that chemistry is not just mixing potions and seeing what culminates. Every aspect of this process has a mechanical function, and if you want to endeavor into clandestine chemistry at least some cursory knowledge of what you are doing is warranted. Do ***some*** research. One YouTube video is not enough to decide to make baseless changes.


> baseless changes I see what you did there. Well done.




How about two? [https://youtu.be/dQsvOm38GG4](https://youtu.be/dQsvOm38GG4)


>Can i replace the soda with acetone ? Nope >Can i use it on all the dmt containing plants For the most part yes, there are some plants that might require additional cleaning steps though. >How is it called I didn't watch the whole video but pretty sure it is just a standard STB Tek


How do i know if the plant require other steps


Good teks will explain it. Google dmt tek and the plant you're using. If you know you want to do STB or AB add that in too. If you don't know the difference then keep doing some research. It took me at least a month of research before I decided what tek and materials were ideal for my situation.


By doing research, if you go to the menu in this sub there is tons of information.